Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012



Thankful it was because the source of this article is that the Bible has been translated into many languages, including Indonesian language and our native language. People can learn Java in the Java language, can learn it in Sundanese Sundanese people can learn the language Karo Karo etc.. What does he mean? people will more easily learn a doctrine if that doctrine can be understood in everyday language. At least that question does not have to learn a foreign language to learn. From this point of view there are actually a justification because people will more easily learn. Is different if one must learn the language outside of their everyday language to understand the teachings. The main principle is truth seen from any viewpoint remains a truth. Truth even from the perspective of a lie remains a truth. By translating the Bible in many different languages ​​spoken in order that the reader can understand the truth actually is a point to the Bible. Those who study it are people who have a brain to think and care to consider, so that people who study really know what that means. More over this time where everything is easy in the can, the can get anything what you want, as long as she's trying. It is now easy for someone to gain the Bible in the translation of other languages; so that people can study the Bible than any other version. So that really understanding arising from within himself instead he said the A, or he Ustad pack or according to pack Kyai etc..
But from the standpoint of the more proficient language translation, the greater the likelihood of differences in meaning and significance. So it is not uncommon contextual dispute not only because of the translation, but in the same language can also occur differences. Two linguists may have a different opinion on a sentence in the same translation. It naturally occurs, but the most important thing is what the purpose of the sentence. Translate a sentence text would be easier if the text of the sentence is written in the language we use every day. As this article we will be better understood if the reader of this blog means is people who can read the writing Indonesia Indonesia, but our writing will be difficult to understand the point by European or non-Indonesian people because even though there is now Google Translate but nonetheless the European or non Indonesia will be more difficult to understand than people who can read and write Indonesian Indonesian language. So this article is not he understand the A or the B but he understands himself.
Well anyway wide nowhere, let's go back to the "theme". Theme of this article we will tell you about Lineage savior / "The Immanuel." First paper in the New Testament of the Bible as found in Matthew 1: 1-17. Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) gave the title of "Genealogy of Jesus Christ", Matthew 1: 1-17 is similar to Luke 3: 23-38. Early writing is not only a complement but it is precisely the most important information in the story of the Bible story before.
This important event is that the Old Testament of the Bible in ceritakah that God promises a Savior to the previous prophets. The promise of God's promises are forwarded and updated on a continuous basis to people from generation to generasa choice for thousands of years. God promised to Adam and Eve continued to Noah - Abraham - to David and affirmed by the prophets of the coming of the Savior of Man is the Messiah. Matthew in Matthew 1: 1-17 as the opening of the New Testament to explain that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, who should evacuate to Egypt as an infant and baby killings in Judea, and who died on the cross between two criminals on the Mount Calvary was the Messiah that God had promised themselves for thousands of years. Therefore, the New Testament is the book of the New Testament fulfillment. Because God has fulfilled his promise to man in Jesus Christ.
Promises of God for thousands of years was fulfilled with the birth of Jesus Christ, and Matthew wanted to cover it in writing first. God's promises are fulfilled or other terms in the form of God's promises are revealed in Jesus Christ. This is different as in the understanding of the Qur'an. If the Qur'an is a refinement of the earlier books of the book as stated in An-Nisa '47 - Al Qasas 52 - Al Ahqaaf 12 - Az Zukhruf 21 - Al Ahqaaf 4 - Huud 17 and many others. If the Qur'an is a refinement of the previous book of the Book why writing articles in the Qur'an does not elephantiasis and contains a description of the third person! you know what we mean? mean so many verses that show no direct speech but according to the authors, etc.. The author of Al-Qur'an to read a book and retold in the form of the Qur'an so that it looked very much the author's assumptions for teaching / book that the author read. In addition to the text of the Qur'an that the Qur'an is the book of books previously refinement no other evidence. We think the Koran is 70% of the Old Testament, New Testament 10% and 20% are the author's assumptions. This is only our first assumption. Thus the Qur'an more Old Testament and the Book of assumptions of the author of the Qur'an. So what's so improvements? this question we have to ask our fellow colleagues but the answer is based on what is "written in the Qur'an", when we handed them the Bible said, why should not it be enough to learn the Qur'an!.
According to us how it is possible he understood the book the book in advance if that is understood only the Qur'an alone, which is why his faith should be questioned.
Matthew 1: 1-17 and Luke 3: 23-38 as the assertion that through the genealogy of Jesus Christ can be traced that Jesus was a descendant of David and Abraham. Jesus often referred to as the son of David, the birth comes from keturunanDaud. He is also referred to as a branch of Jesse or Jesse shoots which means that birth the offspring of Jesse, the father of David. Matthew gave a statement over and over again that Jesus is the "Son of David" (Matt. 1:1, Mat 9:27; Mat 12:23 ; Mat 15:22; Mat 20:30-31; Mat 21:9,15; Mat 22:41-45)
The Qur'an explicitly also approved as written in al-An'am: 84. which reads "And We bestowed Isaac and Jacob to him. To each of them We guided, and to Noah before that (also) We guided, and the party of the offspring (Noah) David and Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron. thus do We reward those who do good "but did not explain that the Davidic Immanuel.
Background of the writer of the book
of Matthew Background
Related to the Genealogy of Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 1: 1-17 and Luke 3: 23-38 there is a disagreement related to the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew and in Luke. And indeed if we learn is different. Actually, it is considered reasonable by theologians because Matthew and Luke written by different people. It is believed that the book of Matthew was written jointly by Matthew the disciple of Jesus Christ in approximately 60 'TM. Matthew was a Jew and pure and wrote the book to the Jewish people. So the writing style according to the Jewish laws of the original and the source of information comes from Jesus Christ himself. Since Matthew was a Jew writing original so Jewish writings reflect the dependence on the revelation, promise, and the OT prophecies to prove that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah; case traces the lineage of Jesus, starting from Abraham (Matthew 1:1-17) ; typical use of the term Jew as "kingdom of heaven" (the equivalent of the "Kingdom of God") as an expression of respect for the Jewish people so reluctant to mention the name of God directly; instructions to various Jewish customs without giving any explanation (in contrast to the books other Gospels). Nevertheless, the Gospel is not merely for the Jews. As the mandate of Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew in fact addressed to the whole church, and carefully expressed universal scope of the gospel (eg, Matt 2:1-12; Mat 8:11-12; Mat 13:38; Mat 21:43; Mat 28 :18-20). So by looking at the background of the author of the Book of Matthew is more characterized as genuine Jews.
Background Luke
Sedangkankan Kibab Luke was written by Luke was not one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ; Apparently Luke was a Greek convert, the only Gentile who wrote a book in the Bible. Holy Spirit prompted him to write to Theophilus (meaning, "one who loves God ') to meet the needs of the congregation of the Gentiles will complete the story of the beginning of Christianity.
Regarding Luke there is some supporting verses as follows: From the letter- Paul's letters, we know that Luke was a brother "... a beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14), and a fellow worker of Paul's faithful (2 Timothy 4:11; File 1:24; bd. passages in Acts The Apostles, see "Introduction ACTS" 08 177). From the writing of Luke alone we know that he is a highly educated, skilled writer, a meticulous historian and theologian who inspired. When he wrote his gospel, the church seems to have the gospel the Gentiles are not yet complete or widespread about Jesus. Matthew wrote his Gospel first to the Jews, while Mark wrote a short gospel for the church in Rome. Gentile believers of the Grecians did have oral stories about Jesus as told by eyewitnesses, as well as the essence of writing short but not a complete and systematic Gospel (cf. Luke 1:1-4). So, Luke began investigating everything carefully incident "of origin" (Lk 1:3). Maybe he was doing his research in Palestine while Paul was in prison Caesarea (Acts 21:17; Acts 23:23-26:32), and completed his Gospel by the end of the day or soon after he arrived in Rome with Paul (Acts 28:16 ).
Luke is the first book of the two books addressed to a man named Theophilus (Luke 1:1,3; Acts 1:1). Luke wrote to Theophilus (meaning, "one who loves God ') that Luke's writing style is also not a style but a genuine Hebrew Hebrew-Greek style.
There are several opinions about the genealogy of Jesus Christ according to Matthew and Luke which stated that the Book of Matthew to sort the genealogy of the line of Joseph while Luke saw the genealogy of Mary.
Lukas sort MARIA genealogy of the line, his mother and start a genealogy of Jesus rose up to the first man Adam
, while written by Matthew's genealogy, genealogy sort of line YUSUF foster father of Jesus, Joseph was the legal father of Jesus by Jewish law. Matthew writes lineage descending from father Abraham down to David, Solomon and Jesus came to Joseph's father legally. Both Matthew and Luke include the name Joseph (Jesus' legal father Jewish). But Luke records Jesus' name in the sense of Joseph the son of Joseph the husband of Mary, says the genealogy records laws in force in the customs of the Jews.
Indeed, there is a difference here, Matthew might see the Hebrew tradition that Joseph was the official father of Jesus that Matthew saw the genealogy of the line of Joseph. Matthew was a Jew because Jewish tradition genuine pedigree by male lineage, but in contrast to Luke; possibility that Luke was a Jewish-Greek descent wrote of Mary because Mary had conceived of the Holy Spirit before she married Joseph thus see from the lineage of Mary. There are different opinions again linked with the genealogy of Jesus Christ according to Matthew and Luke that because Matthew and Luke have different backgrounds and Matthew is one of the 12 disciples, while he himself is not one of the students, the most accurate information comes from the book of Matthew but Luke also justified because the information associated with the genealogy of Jesus he got from Peter one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, it's just the style of writing and cultural backgrounds distinguishes writer. Matthew and Luke actually leads to the same source; those people listed in the book are both the same person. The intention is for the same person writing the name between Matthew and Luke are different, for example the name of our "Dwi Hartoyo" No one writes Dwi name only and there is a write Hartoyo alone but the naming was written 2 ways but one and the same.
It is up to the reader want to conclude anything but good if in search of a family line of Joseph and Mary family lines that meet at one point David. Joseph and Mary descended from David. Just a note: those who believe that the genealogy of Jesus Christ from Mary's family line they usually their Catholic Christian followers. According to Hebrew tradition, lineage always written by boys and Luke wrote the genealogy of Mary. So Eli is the father of Mary. If if genealogy is traced continues, it turns out Maria was still a descendant of David. 
The word "huios" meaningful masculine type of boy, offspring, if associated with the genitive as the verse above (huios iôsêph) means "Jesus son of Joseph, but in the specific, Luke explained by" the view of the "means" Jesus son of Joseph legally ". 
Furthermore, each of the names in Luke's genealogy according to the Greek text "except Yusuf - preceded by a word that is identical to the tou in English are the definite article (the article definitive) and the genitive case, stating the source or proprietary. Every person who read Greek or Greek text realized that this was written by a line genealogy of Joseph's wife: Mary. 
According to the Jerusalem Talmud Book Hagigah 77:4, Mary was the daughter of Eli, in accordance with paragraph in Luke 3:23-24 And writing "Joseph son of Eli" is in the sense of "in-law ".
Genealogy presented by Luke it is written Jesus bloodline through the names of the men in the line of Mary (also of the seed of David). Writing this way is related to the way / Jewish tradition. Because write the genealogy of Jesus from the maternal line, Luke emphasizes that Jesus is the biological child of Mary. 
While Matthew writes the genealogy of Jesus Christ from the line of Joseph (Jesus' legal father). Thus, the authors assert that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the right to be both legally and biologically. 
Genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Matthew begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ from the lineage of Joseph. The genealogy shows that Jesus was descended from David, and because it is his heir. Gospel also states that Jesus is the Son of God, and he is actually not the biological father of Jesus. However, by law, Joseph was the father of Jesus.
Genealogy of Jesus, according to Matthew's Gospel consists of 14 descendants from Abraham hinggaDaud, 14 from David to the exile to Babylon, and 14 offspring from the deportation to Babylon to Jesus Christ:
From Abraham
to David
From Solomon to
the exile to Babylon
From the time of the deportation to Babylon
to Jesus
  1. Abraham
  2. Isaac
  3. Jacob
  4. Judah (a)
  5. Peres
  6. Hezron
  7. Ram
  8. Amminadab
  9. Nahshon
  10. Salmon (b)
  11. Boas (c)
  12. Obed
  13. Jesse
  14. David (d)
  1. Solomon
  2. Rehoboam
  3. Abia
  4. Hope
  5. Jehoshaphat
  6. Yoram
  7. Uzziah
  8. Yotam
  9. Ahaz
  10. Hezekiah
  11. Manasseh
  12. Amon
  13. Josiah
  14. Jehoiakim (Eliakim) *
  1. Jeconiah (Jehoiachin)
  2. Shealtiel
  3. Zerubbabel
  4. Abihud
  5. Eliakim
  6. Azor
  7. Zadok
  8. Akhim
  9. Eliud
  10. Eleazar
  11. Matan
  12. Jacob
  13. Yusuf (e)
  14. Jesus
* Name Jehoiakim or Eliakim (Jehoiakim name is the name of Pharaoh Neco administration), daughter of Josiah the father of Jeconiah and not listed in the book of Matthew, but is listed in the book of I Chronicles 3:15-17.
The women in the genealogy
  • (A) "of Tamar," a Canaanite, daughter of Judah.
  • (B) "of Rahab", his wife, a Canaanite, helping spies in Jericho.
  • (C) "of Ruth", his wife, a Moab.
  • (D) "of the wife of Uriah", actually named Bathsheba, after her husband's death, diperisteri by David.
  • (E) "the husband of Mary who gave birth to Jesus"
Genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 3: 23-38)
In the Gospel of Luke, Luke 3:23-38, Good News Bible version (NIV) noted: "3:23 When Jesus began His work, He berumurkira- about 30 years. opinion people, He is the son of Joseph, the son of Eli, 3:24 Matthat child, the son of Levi, son of Melchi, the son Yanai, son of Joseph, son 3:25 Mattithiah, son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son Hesli, Nagai child, 3 : 26anak Maat, Mattithiah child, son of Shimei, the son Yosekh, the son of Yoda, (3:27 son of Johanan, the son of Rhesa, son of Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, son of Neri, 3:28 the son of Melchi, the son Adi, the son of Kosam, Elmadam children, children Er , 3:29 son of Jeshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, Matthat children, son Levi, 3:30 the son of Simeon, son of Judah, son of Joseph, the son of Yonam, the son of Eliakim, son 3:31 Melea, the son of Mina, children Matata, son of Nathan, the son of David, 3:32 the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, son of Boaz, the son of Salmon, the son of Nahshon, son of Amminadab 3:33, the son of Admin, son of Arni, the son of Hezron, son of Perez, son of Judah, 3:34 son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, son of Terah, son of Nahor, 3:35 the son of Serug, son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Salmon, 3:36 the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, son of Shem, son of Noah, son of Lamech, 3:37 the son of Methuselah, son of Enoch, son of Jared , the son of Mahalaleel, anakKenan, 3:38 son Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam, son of God. "
According to Luke, Jesus was a descendant of King David through his son named Nathan.
A record in the Talmud says that Eli was the father of Maria, a father-in-law Joseph.
It's a bit confusing but for more details, we give diagrams genealogy according to Matthew and Luke said, as pictured below.

Matthew introduces Jesus as the fulfillment of the hope of Israel is prophesied. Some of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus recorded by Matthew:
  • Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy in terms of: his birth (Matthew 1:22-23)
  • place of birth (Matthew 2:5-6)
  • events returned from Egypt (Matthew 2:15)
  • living in Nazareth (Matthew 2:23)
  • Person preceded by a precursor of the Messiah (Matthew 3:1-3)
The area became the location of his ministry in public, namely Nazareth (Matthew 4:14-16)
  • The healing ministry (Matthew 8:17)
  • The role as a servant of God (Matthew 12:17-21)
  • Teachings in the form of parables (Matthew 13:34-35)
  • Events entering Jerusalem (Matthew 21:4-5)
  • The arrest Him (Matthew 26:56)
Importance of Lineage
Fulfillment of the prophets concerning the Messiah
Some prophets foretold that the Messiah (= Christ, the "Anointed One") will be born from the lineage of King David, among others:
  • The prophet Isaiah: Big power, and will not be endless peace on the throne of David and his kingdom, because he bases and fortified them with justice and righteousness from now until forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. (Isaiah 9:7)
  • Jeremiah the prophet: Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch. He will reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. (Jeremiah 23:5)
  • The Jews claim that the true Messiah must be able to show proof of the lineage of David, as recorded dalamInjil John Chapter 7:
  • The Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was. (John 7:42)

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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