Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


1. Ahool

Ahool is flying monster shaped like a giant bat, some sources say a Pterodactil who live in the forest on the island of Java, as well as other mysterious monsters, there is no real evidence virgin scientists who can prove the existence of this monster. The creature was first seen by Dr.. Ernest Bartels while exploring the mountain bark is precisely Java West Java. for more details on the version engglish Ahool can click here 

2. Batutut
Batutut or Ujit including one animal that supposedly resemble Bigfoot Cryptozoology, appearance around the Vu Quang Nature Reserve Vietnam, Laos and Borneo, Indonesia. First discovered by French explorers in 1947 and studied by Dr. John MacKinnon in 1970. Several sources say that the population of Homo Erectus Batutut be able to survive. 

3. Dingiso
Dingiso (Dendrolagus mbaiso) Also known as Bondegezou an endemic species of tree kangaroo about West Papua, Indonesia. Sightings in the Sudirman Mountains at an altitude of 3250-4200 meters above sea level. First discovered in 1987, by Dr Tim Flannery of Australia. Dingiso documentary about the first time played in 2009 by BBC South Pacific after searching for 11 days and assisted by the surrounding community. Research and Dingiso classification is still carried out. 

4. Ebu Gogo
Ebu Gogo are as human beings who appear in the mythology of the island of Flores, Indonesia, which has a shape similar to a leprechaun or fairy. "The little guy" is said to have a meter tall, covered with hair, pot-bellied, and with ears that stuck out. They walked a bit clunky and often "whispered" that is said to be their language. Island residents also said that the Ebu Gogo can repeat what they say. 
5. Short people or Yeti
Short People is the most common name given to a cryptid reported to live in the forests of Sumatra island. 
These animals have been seen and documented over the past 100 years by forest dwellers, villagers, Dutch colonists, and Western scientists and rover. Consensus among witnesses is that the animal is moving primates that live in the soil and covered with short fur and has a height of about 80 cm and 150 cm.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

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