Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


PC is very precious to us as it is for men modern planes besides expensive again, if we care ndak thd very disayagkan computer so that the computer was broken until there are some things harmful to your PC.
1. Social Engineering
for the number one security threat to your computer .. yes you! Use logic wrote, not carelessly accept programs from people you do not know. Do not play play to a website that is "suspicious". If warning from security software nonggol ...yes read first sebelom Click2 maen wrote. Thus, at least your computer will be more secure. Curious to open? site is malicious sites that exploit our curiosity in the form and in the open so that the site owner has an opportunity to embed malicious software on your PC. 

2. Identity Theft is ga cuman of computer talaga. But for a computer, you can try diblock with security softwares. Identity theft means the use of credit cards dsini ato carding, until to forward money to pay someone else (the "thief". 

3. Spyware / Trojans From its name, this spyware memata2i what you are doing and 'steal' your personal information 2. while Trojan usually hidden as rich program2 that useful but it can make your computer later because the snails are burdened by spam. could be handled also by software2 that will be called setela 10 threats. 

4. Viruses Hmm what else needs an explanation for that is? Banyakan virus2 limb hiding in your computer and the phase of 'hibernation' until the time for your computer to attack other computers even atao. sure to always update your anti-virus to keep up to date with the latest virus2.

 5. Adware The walkin too ferocious usually appears in the form of a popup. A more Malignant usually be 'imagined 2i' online activities you and Meng generate iklan2 for you. use anti spyware that uptodate. 

6.'s Exploits Sometimes ² no website ² as referred to in number 1 who suspect that exploit the weaknesses of browser ato Operating System that we use. Update keep on your browser to prevent this kind of attack from the website. 

7. Hacker Attack Hacker ga sgitunya usually the same regardless of your computer for a direct attack. Usually hackers Grama possible to release a trojan virus that attacked network ato ato network except maybe that masi mencoba2 and want latian to iseng2 attacking personal computers. 

8. Wireless Attack is more to the users with a wireless broadband router. Otherwise hati2 and protect your network with encryption2 on your router, you file2 bisa2 threatened by danger, well .. at least your bandwidth will be used by the This bandwidth thieves. 

9. Phishing Mailusually comes disguised as an e-mail from ebay, paypal, bank ato anything that has your personal. Phishing here is website2 who made ​​similar false and useless to steal account and password so you melog in. IE 7 and FF 2 has a built-in phishing detection, so it is pretty safe .. 

10. Spam Mail It's actually not a security breach unless it comes in portions of the danger, return to number 1 is also true. But the built-in spam filter for Outlook advanced cukub hal2 ward like this.

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