Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


Gold is a precious metal with a more stable, so many countries are competing race gold hunting. After surviving for 52 weeks, gold prices fell from U.S. $ 1,918.10 per ounce to U.S. $ 1,672.70 due to the Greek crisis and inflation that hit developing countries. 

Based on data from the World Gold Council (WGC), the central bank gold purchases rose to 439.7 tonnes in 2011, from 77 tonnes in the previous year. Mexico, Russia and South Korea are some of the world's biggest gold buyer.Portugal was the owner of foreign exchange reserves in gold with the largest amount of 90.5 percent.
Who are the world's largest gold owner? Here are the 10 countries with the largest gold reserves according to Business Insider versions:

1. United States 
Total gold holdings: 8133.5 tonnes
of gold reserves in the form of: 74.5 percent Total foreign reserves in U.S. gold departing from 74.8 percent in May 2011, rose again to 75.5 percent in November 2011 before falling more ..

2. German
Total gold holdings: 3396.3 tonnes
of gold reserves in the form of: 71.4 percent since 7 September 2011, Germany had sold 4.7 tonnes of gold under the Central Bank Gold Agreement. In November last year, the IMF said that the German central bank to sell gold, but most are sold on finance ministers to print coins. Rhein Affairs also refused to increase gold holdings EFSF.

3. Italy
Total gold holdings: 2451.8 tons of
reserves in gold: 71 percent of Italian gold reserves amounted to only one-tenth of bailout it needs. In 2011, Italian banks rely on the Bank of Italy for purchase of gold and strengthen their balance sheets ahead of the stress test.

4. French
Total gold holdings: 2435.4 tonnes
in gold reserves: 71.1 percent of France is one of the countries that signed the Central Bank Gold Agreement to limit gold sales of European countries. A total of 19 countries which has signed nearly 10 tons of gold sold in the first year goes by their agreement (September 2009-September 2010)

5. China's
total gold holdings: 1054.1 tonnes
of gold reserves in the form of: 1.6 percent of China reported significant gold purchases in the last months of 2011 as the diverfikasi of their holdings in U.S. Treasury Department. State of the Great Wall to buy gold from its domestic market, but not immediately stored in the backup.

6. Swiss
Total gold holdings: 1040.1 tonnes
in gold reserves: 16.3 percent between 2000-2005, the Swiss National Bank to sell 1,300 tons of gold are still ebrkaitan with the launch of the euro. In 2010, the Foreign gold reserves reached a quarter of its reserves Alps.

7. Russia's
total gold holdings: 883.3 tonnes
of gold reserves in the form of: 9.1 percent of Russia's central bank bought gold from the domestic market and bullion banks. Matryoshka country also purchased 15 tonnes of gold in the third quarter. Earlier this year, the Central Bank of Russia revealed plans to buy more than 100 tonnes of gold to gold and forex reserves.

8. Japan's
total gold holdings: 765.2 tonnes
of gold reserves in the form of: 2.9 percent for 2011, the Bank of Japan to sell gold to reap 20 million yen to calm investors after the devastating tsunami and nuclear leak hit. Meanwhile, gold exports of Sakura, including the private sector, is expected to reach 100 tons yards in 2011.

9. Dutch
Total gold holdings: 612.5 tonnes
of gold reserves in the form of: 59.8 percent since 1991, the Dutch National Bank (DNB) sell 1100 tons of gold.However, based on Zero Hedge, the bank considered gold as the primary backup and other receivables during the financial crisis. Nout Wellink, president of DNB has previously said that the DNB does not intend to sell the gold. 10.India's total gold holdings: 557.7 tonnes of gold reserves in the form of: 9.2 percent higher compared with economies other gold deposits in the central bank of India, RBI, is still lagging behind. RBI known to buy IMF gold and gold considered as a form of investment good, but rarely commented on the gold purchase plan.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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