Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Drugs, or narcotics and illegal drugs are the result of abuse. when it was first discovered these drugs have a function in health and pengombatan but now narboka be a trading market with a tremendous advantage, worldwide drug became the first priority in handling criminal because it can damage the social order, politics and economy of a country.

1. Columbia

Colombian authorities have discovered a submarine carrying narcotics. The ship was able to send drugs from Colombia to the Colombian authorities discovered Meksiko.Pihak submarine was in the interior of a river in the state of Cauca Timbiqui about 440 kilometers southwest of the capital city of Colombia, Bogota.

According to the joint force commander of the Colombian Pacific, General Jairo Antonio Erazo, the capacity of these submarines to eight tons of cocaine. He added that the submarine can dive to a depth of nine meters, making it difficult for authorities to track him down.

Drug transporters submarine is 31 meters and a length of three meters wide. Authorities have not arrested the suspect smugglers. They only confiscated drugs in the submarine. Weapons were also found inside the ship.

Is the world's producers and traffickers of cocaine, 80% of products produced cocaine Colombia circulated in many countries. Illicit circulation of goods has a dedicated network in many countries that can infiltrate into various aspects of life, even in Colombia itself there is a neat organization that infiltrated into various fields such as politics, military, and law. Colombia allegedly corrupt government is also involved in securing the drug business. That is why the mafia in this country is able to escape from the special forces raid though. But in early 2011 was Columbia police confiscated 1.5 tons of cocaine in an operation. Dangerous drug is found in a container containing dog food to be sent to America.

2. China

ince the 19th century China is already a drug distribution channels carried by European nations. China is a victim of drug trafficking would be the place through a network of drug trafficking mafia China. Types of illicit goods that China is a type of distributed shabu-shabu and its circulation has reached extasi even Indonesia, is evidenced by the number of drug cases involving citizens of China. According to data issued by the Jakarta Police in 2010 ago, China was ranked the third in drug trafficking in Indonesia.

3. Brazil

s one of the main countries in the world's biggest drug dealers. Even in the last month of November 2010 police shooting Brazil must compete with hundreds of armed drug gangs. Drug trafficking in Brazil has been spread almost throughout Europe and South America.

4. Iran

n Jakarta is currently dominated by drug distribution network of drug from Iran. The number of Iranian citizens who are caught making Iran a drug-exporting countries most to Jakarta. In Iran the price of shabu-shabu is very low, only 1 kg Rp.100.000.000, - while in Indonesia the price of 1 kg of shabu-shabu can be reached Rp1 billion. From the data obtained Iranian citizen was ranked first as a drug dealer in Jakarta.

5. Mexico

Has now become one of the main countries in the world's biggest drug dealers. Latin American drug trade in this country has been pervasive and destructive to the social, political, cultural and economic. This illegal activity has always been tinged crime that goes beyond the limits of humanity such as murder or mass murder, rape, kidnapping and robbery. The United States alone has pledged USD 1.4 billion allocated over three years to combat drug trafficking in South America. Most of the funds allocated to Mexico, the countries most vulnerable in terms of violence by fighting drug trafficking in the race track.

6. Indonesia

Indonesia is known as the world's No. 1 producer extasi, but as a dealer, Indonesia is known as the world's largest marijuana traffickers. This is possible because of marijuana from Indonesia is the world's no.1-quality marijuana..


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