Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


 Sometimes we often feel ill-prepared for anything that we feel less confident about what we're up against. And not infrequently we think that we are less creative??!! Such apparently think the pattern actually inhibit our creativity.Actually, we can be creative if the conditions and situations of urgency we do not support our original plan, so that creative ideas will only emerge once we memahmi real situation.

Thinking and acting creatively is an attempt to use the right brain (right brain hemisphere) are more active. During this time, most people only use his left brain associated with language, logic, and symbols and directed linear thinking and vertical (from one logical conclusion to a more logical conclusion). Therefore, often times when we are facing a situation that does not endorse and Left Brain guess its more prominent so often we are always haunted by the surrounding text, theory and planning we have collated from the beginning as a result we did not venture out of the situation and their own struggle without any meaningful solution. In order for us creatively, we must venture out of our stressful situations and think creatively find solutions appropriate to the situation on the ground. Generally more balanced, right brain associated with emotional functions, intuitive, and specials as well as works by kaleidoscope and think lateral (considering the issue from all sides and arrive at different things) are part of the brain that plays an important role in creativity.

The right brain will produce ideas that are not conventional, systematic, and unstructured. This does not mean the ideas of the right brain is something arbitrary, but the ideas of the right brain deals with something new, unusual, and different from what existed before. Here are 8 ways you can do to develop the right brain: 

1. Always ask: "Is there any other way ..?" "That way, our brains are encouraged to seek alternative-best alternative!" according to evolving circumstances. Not only static and set to a predetermined plan. In this way we are invited to plan the planning to the plan if the plan can not be carried on the main. 

2. Against habits, routines, and traditions. "Reasonable aja an entrepreneur must have an unusual background and against the tradition". Sometimes routines provide opportunities left brain to work, because of the tradition and the routine is a routine activity that we do every harinya.Bagi people who tend to be more active right brain likes his freedom and often irregular and candid. 

3. Playing the game - the mental game, trying to see the problem from different angles. By looking at the problem from many different angles gives us attempt to be more objective, and truly understand the problem. But it is not uncommon for people who look different from the perspective of more general view, so impressed pinplang. By understanding the problem from the point of view of berbebeda provide tolerance to other parties and also be able to see the world more beautiful and more spacious than it looks. 

4.Recognizing that there is more than one correct answer. "This is what we mean in point 3 that saw the answer with more than one answer is right so it would be seen as a pinplang and not opinionated. Though they actually look at the problem from different angles and angles different situations. They would be wise in making decisions. 

5. Seeing this as a springboard to find new ideas. every person who wants to reach the top of the stairs so he had to go through the bottom of the stairs after that first step into the next higher stage and eventually could solve problems faced. Indeed it tersebutu takes more time, and it is not uncommon though others see it as less work and does not quickly act effectively. But usually those who see this as a stepping stone to be more successful with their dibandigkan hurried solve problems efficiently . 

6. Seeing mistakes and failures as a means to gain success. "There is a saying that the failure of our time is the beginning of success" adage would apply if we are willing to learn and not repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

7. Connecting ideas ideas that are not related to finding new and innovative solutions. "pattern of thinking like this is like a game pazzel, composing problems from the simple to the toughest step by step according to the capacity and location of the problems faced. 

8. Having "keteramplian helicopter" is seen from the top and thorough review of the routine things that happen in everyday life and then take a decision in accordance with the problems faced .. Such thought patterns are characteristic of the wise, they are not bound by the conclusions but can obtain a variety of conclusions that problems can be resolved.

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