Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


Reading: Matthew 1: 18 -25

Understand the will of God is the title of our article today, we take the title from Matthew 1: 18-25 where LAI (Indonesian Bible Society) entitled "The Birth of Jesus Christ". Indeed, the title of LAI with what we want to lift different, but the reading is from the same source.
"The birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: At the time of Mary, his mother, was betrothed to Joseph, turns out she conceived of the Holy Spirit, before they lived as husband and wife. Because Joseph her husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a face , he intended to divorce her quietly. "
In this post we try to learn the attitudes and behaviors Yusuf legal father of Jesus Christ. Can we imagine when we become engaged to a woman alone who we love and it turns out she had been contained and not of his handiwork then what will he do?. Normal human emotion would deal with the fact that seed who questioned it? why women we love it wholeheartedly cheating and committing fraud and tainted love nurtured, and others struggle.
Kira guess that's a question that will be posed by men's. And when he heard the answer from the woman he loved that he was not cheating, and in fact her uterus had grown seed of man? then back again to normal males will be more angry with humanity plainly obvious she was pregnant and she said no cheating! This is a tremendous struggle in the person of Joseph.
Mary is a pious and God-fearing woman, it is known by Yusuf. Of course, Joseph and Mary is a private personal to know each other. If the present pair of lovebirds had been dating a long time so they have known each other. So there is another side to Joseph that he believed his fiancee because he has known Mary well and logically and clearly obvious behavioral Mary could not have betrayed her. Joseph believed Mary that her baby is not the result relationships with other men but because the Holy Spirit.
Joseph struggles heightened because there are before the fact that his fiancee is pregnant with her ​​fiance and according to the information because of the Holy Spirit. For me or maybe for you too this will really shake our faith. Something similar may initially perceived by Yusuf, as in the next verse that "Because Joseph her ​​husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily."
Joseph is a good man, dipuncak struggle between the consideration to divorce his wife extraordinary love to his wife's.Because Joseph her ​​love secretly planning to divorce her quietly. Because obviously if the news was known by others then people will think that is not not to Mary.
Here the real test of one's faith, where God and the Holy Spirit which can not be touched and can not feel its presence but its existence can only be recognized by faith. There's the mental side of the back and forth between believing and not.This is a test of one's faith and it will be Joseph was truly a special person in the presence of God because Joseph had been more trusting him not to considerations minds. Because when the angel of the Lord came to Joseph's dreams about Mary and her unborn child. When Joseph woke from sleep he did as the angel of the Lord commanded. Joseph took Mary as his wife and had sex with Mary until Mary gave birth to her son.
Joseph was faithful why? because when the angel of the Lord came to him in a dream and when he woke up from his sleep Joseph did as the Lord commanded. For me and you probably dream of the flower beds; dreams also sometimes a wishful thinking that does not happen because before sleeping person is in the struggle. And the dream is also a revelation of God.
Related to the last dream be the thought! can confirm that in the dream it was the Angel of God. Is it true that last night the angel of God greet Yusuf or it could be no angels or other supernatural beings. Consideration of these considerations surrounding the heart of Joseph when he woke up from his sleep. But the remarkable thing is like verses 24 & 25: "After waking up from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him. He took Mary as his wife, but did not have intercourse with her ​​until she gave birth to his son and give him the name Joseph Jesus. "
For humans are overwhelmed by the many questions questions and minds will think anywhere where. It is the humane thing since God created man with great intellect. Besides sense God also gave careful consideration. Sometimes reasonableness with careful consideration as experienced opposite Joseph in the above explanation. Humans have a tool that is reasonable and careful consideration. When the mind and the heart line is no problem, but if the mind and heart are not in line the more heightened the struggle. That is why when the mind and heart are not in line then there will be a third party to intervene. Third parties could come from God and can also be derived from the tempter (Satan); Here faith is tested.
The highlight is when someone test of reason and careful consideration is inconsistent then how should the attitude of the believer? submit to God or look for other alternatives.
As God as the source of all sources of life then automatically a believer will submit it to the Lord. With the belief and faith that God will intervene and provide the best path. But not infrequently we do not completely give up our struggle to the Lord!; Often times we just give it lip service limited but not on the mind and heart. An illustration when we leave a gift to someone else whether we are still tied to the package? certainly not later after the parcel was handed over to someone else, it's up to the person willing to dikemanakan gift. Did we give gifts in the hope of those who receive reward or other gifts to us?
In this illustration is when we give up our struggle to the Lord and then we expect God to give us another gift? or we hope God gives others struggle? Of course not because when we struggle we leave to God the rest is up to God what to do. But it is clear when we surrender our struggles that we endure the burden will be light.
There are philosophical theology as it is written in the Bible (Matthew 19: 24) Jesus said, "Again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Why should we think is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle when it is not possible sense; than a rich man to enter the "Kingdom of God"!
Related to this we remembered our conversation with some believers in our church who say similar . Because it is impossible for a camel to enter the eye of a needle physically but theologically why Jesus described it easier for a camel to enter a needle? because the camel has no reason and he does not think; different from rich people who are filled with due consideration consideration consideration consideration that he was bound by the world. So if we want to follow God, then we should not think like that camel again. We went along where God calls us, because God is there where we also present so peaceful and the glory of the Lord as we are always together.

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