Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


Often the discovery of the discovery of ancient civilization discovered by accident, when a diver was diving activities.Something strange is when finding civilization in the seafloor, but given the shape of the earth is always changing the gaffe was not a mystery anymore. Common cause of natural processes such as earthquakes etc.. Here is a list of past human civilization are found even in the bottom of the sea. Here are excerpts.
1. Cleopatra's Palace in Alexandria (Egypt)
Off the coast of Alexandria, the city of Alexander the Great, lies what is believed to be the ruins of the royal quarters of Cleopatra. A team of marine archaeologists, led by Frenchman Franck Goddio conduct excavations in this ancient city from where Cleopatra, the last queen Ptolemies, ruled Egypt yag. Historians believe the site was submerged by earthquakes and tidal waves more than 1,600 years ago.
excavations concentrated on the submerged island Antirhodus. Cleopatra is said to have had a palace there. Other discoveries include a well-preserved shipwreck and red granite with the inscription discovered Yunani.Juga sphinx said to represent Cleopatra's father, King Ptolemy XII. The artifacts still remain in place initially, because the Egyptian government memnginginkan spot to create an underwater museum.
The historic town that has been found to include a number of the remains of the ruins of the ancient city's historical traces.City of Alexandria was the residence Cleoptra, the famous Egyptian queen. The city was also a witness to the history of Cleopatra relationship with Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and Octavius, all of them are high-ranking Roman Empire crazy by Cleopatra.
Although buried for 1600 years, traces namuna luxury palaces in Alexandria, can still be found by archaeologists.Reportedly, there are about 500,000 homes come immersed in a terrible disaster at the time. It is known from 700,000 rolls ditemukandi library records. Found also 25 sphinxes, statues of gods are also statues of Cleopatra. Excavations focused on underwater island Antirhodus thought is central palace of the queen. Another discovery shipwreck and red granite pillars, statues face Cleopatra's father, King Ptolemy XII. But some relics were asked not brought onto the land because the Egyptian government wants all the island Cleopatra's legacy remains on the sea floor.

 2. Most Despicable city on Earth, Port Royal (Jamaica)

Port Royal was a city that was devastated by an earthquake in Jamaica on June 7, 1692. Formerly Port Royal was known as "City of Most Tragic Earth", because there where the concentration of pirates, prostitutes and rum. In a few minutes the city area of ​​nearly 33 acres, including buildings, roads and houses and its contents disappeared into the sea.Today, staying underwater metropolis leaving about 13 acres, at depths ranging from a few inches to 40 feet.
Trade Center Century 17 (Jamaica) devastating earthquake destroyed a city frenzy, Port Royal, in Jamaica. Not only devastated the city, but also buried all that was there to the seabed. Previously, the port city was very famous as a hotbed of piracy, prostitution, drunkenness.
town is located on the Caribbean Sea was sunk nearly two centuries ago. Bandar was once known as the center of Spain's most famous trade in the Caribbean, even across the country at the time. Towards evening, June 7, 1692, feel the earth beneath Port Royal stretched three times, which was soon followed by a tidal wave.
no more time to evacuate. For a few minutes, 90% of the city's bergedung 2000 - mostly two-and three-story - or collapsed or slid into the sea. More than 2000 people died instantly. Estimated damages were not many. Most records are stored in the archives of Spanish colonial rule.
Guided by the Spanish archives, Jamaica in 1966 the government began its dive operations and large-scale excavation to discover 17th-century port of the sinking. Although the location of the city under-water was not too deep - ranging from 1 to 20 meters - was all locations dived 'only' 140 thousand mÿFD, anyway dives and removal of artifacts Port Royal practical take three years.
In 1981, the Nautical Archaeology Program Texas A & M University, in collaboration with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) and the Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT), began underwater archaeological investigations ranging from the submerged 17th-century town of Port Royal, Jamaica . Current evidence suggests that while the area of Port Royal, located along the edge of the harbor were destroyed when they sank, destroying most of the archaeological context, the area investigated by GUEST / INA, located some distance from the harbor, sank vertically, with minimal horizontal disturbance.

 3. The submerged temples of Mahabalipuram (India)

According to popular belief Mahabalipuram temple is not a temple, but the latest in a series of seven temples, six of which have been sunk. Folklore was later proved by the expedition team of archaeologists off the coast of Mahabalipuram, and found the rest of sisas rocks, walls, etc.. It is said, in the 7th century, the Pallava dynasty ruled the region has made many of them Mahabalipuram and Kanchipuram candidi.
The discovery of the ruins of the main building took place in April 2002 off the coast of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu, South India, at a depth of 5 to 7 meters (15-21 feet) conducted by a joint team from the Dorset Scientific Exploration Society (SES) and India's National Institute of Oceanography (NIO). Investigations at the location of each stone, the remains of the wall, spread, square stone and rectangular blocks and a big platform with the steps leading up to it. All this lay in the middle of a local rock geological formations.
There are 4 figures lions at four sites, the ruins were inferred to be part of a temple complex. Pallava dynasty, who ruled the region during the 7th century AD, is known to have a lot of hard stone buildings such as structural temples in Mahabalipuram and Kanchipuram.

4. Yonaguni-Jima, Building 8000-year-old (Japan)
Located 68 kilometers from the eastern coast of Taiwan, Yonaguni Islands are a remarkable place for rugged coastlines and mountains. The submerged wreckage was located on the southern coast of Yonaguni: 100 × 50x25 meters man-made artifact of upright stone slabs. It is estimated about 8,000 years old, which is very early for this kind of technology has been used for carving it. There are different theories about the possible identity of this structure. while people say this is the remains of the ruins of the lost continent of Mu, archeologists call it the result of geological processes that can not be explained. And when you look at the hallways and stairs finely designed, the idea to say this is a "natural phenomenon" will appear. megalith building was discovered accidentally by a sport diver in 1995 when he had strayed beyond the limit, from the coast of Okinawa. The interesting thing about this building is that the big stone arch made ​​of beautiful stone in the form of block bearings and has similarities with the architectural style of a broad Inca.Perdebatan civilization was associated as a Parent ruins of prehistoric civilization.

5. Pavlopetri (Greece)
Pavlopetri ancient city lies in three to four feet off the coast of southern Laconia in Greece. Ruins date from at least to 2800 BC. Found intact buildings, courtyards, streets, tombs rooms and thirty-seven cist graves which ascribed to the Mycenaean period (1680-1180 BC). This includes the Greek Bronze Age phase of which is included in many Ancient Greek literature and myth, including Homer's Age of Heroes. Mycenaean world offers new knowledge about how to live and work system at that time, given only a little knowledge of it, which he Mycenaean people just expanded their empire towards the sea.

It is estimated, once Pavlopetri is an advanced port city and a place to do business with the locals or with traders around the Mediterranean. The discovery adds to picture where new knowledge, especially about the Bronze Age society.
archaeologist Dr Jon Henderson, from The University of Nottingham, was the first archaeologist to have official access to examine the place. He received special permission from the Greek government to examine the city under the sea.
According to Henderson, the present invention is very rare and important.

 6. PORTt Dwarka (India)

Among the most interesting archaeological discoveries made ​​in India in recent years was made ​​off the coast of Dwarka and Bet Dwarka in Gujarat. Excavations have been going on since 1983. These are two places 30 km apart from each other. Dwarka is on the Arabian sea coast, and Bet Dwarka is in the Gulf of Kutch. Second place is associated with the legend of Krishna is good, There are many temples here, especially those belonging to the medieval period. rated as one of the seven most ancient cities in the country, the legendary city of Dvaraka was the residence of Lord Krishna. It is believed that due to damage and destruction by the sea, Dvaraka has submerged six times. 

7. The Lost Villages (Canada)

"The Lost Village" is located in the province of Ontario, Canada, in the former townships of Cornwall and Osnabruck (now South Stormont) near Cornwall, which are permanently submerged due to the creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1958 ..

8. City of Thira Sunset 3500 Years Ago (location between Greece and Turkey)City of Thira is the capital of Minoan empire, lost nearly 3500 years ago. Diving in the ocean Aegia between Greece and Turkey have found the back of the historic town. It is on the bottom of the sea, the lagoon island of Santorin volcano that used to be as high as 1500 meters above sea level. Atlantis Around the year 1480 BC, ancient Santorin mountain erupted. As well as Ancient Krakatoa eruption, the mountain itself collapsed forming a caldera on the seabed. Sinking of the ancient mountain ejecting 62 billion cubic meters of sea water rushed in waves as high as hundreds of meter.Tsunami is bolted to the outside Aegia Sea to the Mediterranean Sea all directions with a speed of 500 km / h. The natural disaster is thought to be the raw material Greek philosopher Plato's story of the "lost continent of Atlantis." After diving and excavation archaeologists found the Athens University of Thira town that is still intact on the seabed,
As described by George Pararas-Carayannis, Director of International Tsunami Information Center in Honolulu, culture vanished kingdom flood was already quite high. Buildings, there is a storied one, two and three. In it are found many Minoan artifacts and household appliances. But the human skeleton, none were found in situ.
's possible, Minoan city dwellers are familiar with the alarm system before the volcano erupted, so they have enough time to flee the island.

9. City Sinking Island Beach Shihoku 1300 Years Ago (Japan)
thousand years ago, at the beach P. sebuahkota Shihoku now a Tosa Bay, sinking swallowed by a tidal wave and earthquake. There are a thousand people who follow a family of children drowning because no chance to flee from the tsunami attack. That Japanese folklore of the region, almost like a legend lost city of Atlantis in Aegia Sea, Greece. But 15 years ago, the remains of the city at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean was discovered by chance by a few divers.Since then, begin preparation of scientific inquiry to find exactly the lost city 1300 years ago.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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