Senin, 31 Desember 2012


When the kite flying spirit and when the spirit of God that surrounds the meat and down to earth in the form of living things and one of them is in the likeness of the flesh and the spirit of the original close to God now has to face a wave of wave of the world. Spirit who was originally allied with God because the Spirit is the Spirit of God himself is now shackled while in the body. Up will be released when the body is eaten by caterpillars caterpillars hendur ground and the body together in the soil. A question arises! What really live in the world it is a choice or do not live in this world has been determined from the beginning by the Director General.
To answer that question we tried to investigate some of the biblical God as found Matthew 2: 13-23. Indonesian Bible Society gave 3 pieces in 3 perikob the title removal to Egypt - killing children in Bethlehem and the Return from Egypt.Here's a little story
2:13. After the wise men had gone, nampaklah angel to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him . "
2:14 Yusufpun So get up, took the child and his mother that evening, then fled to Egypt,
2:15 and stayed there until Herod died. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."
2:16. When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious. Then he gave orders to kill all the children in Bethlehem and its vicinity, that is, children who were two years old and under, according to the time that can be learned from the wise men.
2:17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:
2: 18 "A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning; Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
2:19. After Herod died, an angel of the Lord nampaklah in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying,
2:20 "Arise and take the young child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child's life are dead."
2:21 Then Yusufpun up, took the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel.
2:22 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there.Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee.
2:23 arrival there he also lived in a city called Nazareth. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene 
Have you read it? you probably wondered why it could explain the verses above question! verses was just a childhood story of Jesus Christ! very true actually a lot of things that can give us wisdom simply by reading the Bible. It is right, as the above verses; most people will assume that only a living, most people just think "it's just a story and no lessons can be learned from the incident" In our opinion it is not appropriate, because if not of wisdom written in the Bible why?
When people are in the world, and when God's voice is no longer heard by the Spirit that has been veiled flesh. So some people will be looking for something she could count on. One is to rely on the ability of the brain. As a result, those people just judge everything based solely on their brain and reasoning alone. Perhaps this is where the loss of the spirit that revealed to the world because of the shift handle; originally held only to God alone, and when the spirit and the flesh covered mengengar voice of God can not hold on to their own body parts. Living creatures in this world really can not hear the voice of God that does not know what will. Humans can only suspect and they and their assumptions about God's will.
The biblical story above proves it. If we read Hosea 11: 1 "When Israel was young, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son's." Then please read Jeremiah 31: 15-17 "Thus says the LORD: Look! Heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter poignant: Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more. 'Thus says the LORD: Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; they will return from the land of the enemy. still there is hope for your future, says the LORD, the children will return to their own border. "By studying the book of Hosea and Jeremiah's prophecy turned out God had already planned events 700 years earlier. Opinions can you learn about the history of the book of Hosea and the History of the Book of Jeremiah. Here history.
History of the Book of Hosea
Book of Hosea was written by Hosea and is expected to be written in 715-710 BC. Hosea, whose name means "salvation", was introduced as the son of Beeri (Hosea 1:1). Nothing else is known about this prophet than a few autobiographical glimpses in the book itself. Hosea is a resident of Israel, not Judah, and he prophesied to his own people.
Hosea was called by God to prophesy to the northern kingdom of Israel was collapsed for about 30 last year, as subsequently carried by Jeremiah told Judah. When Hosea began his ministry at the end of reign of Jeroboam II, Israel was experiencing economic prosperity and political stability for a while that creates a false sense of security. However, soon after the death of Jeroboam II (753 BC), the state of the nation began to deteriorate rapidly and to destruction that occurred in the year 722 BC. In the 15 years after his death, the king of Israel killed four; Samaria in 15 years is smoking debris and residents of Israel exiled to Assyria and then distributed among the various nations. Hosea Marriage tragic and prophetic words combined as God's message to Israel during the last years of chaos to destruction this.
background of Hosea services mentioned as in the government of Jeroboam II of Israel and the four kings of Judah (Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah;
cf. Hos 1:1) - that is, about 755-715 BC - who not only makes his contemporary younger than Amos, but also from Isaiah and Micah. The fact that Hosea set a date of most services with reference to the four kings of Judah and not to the brief reign of the last six kings of Israel, may indicate that he fled to live in the northern kingdom of Judah before the destruction of Samaria by Assyria (in 722 BC);'s where he compiled a book of prophecies called this name.
History of the Book of Jeremiah
Book of Jeremiah written by Jeremiah about + 585-580 BC. Jeremiah's ministry as a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah directed, during the last 40 years of history (626-586 BC). He was alive to witness the invasion of Babylon to Judah, ending with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Since the task of Jeremiah is prophesying unto the people during the later years of decline and fall, it is understandable that, the book is full of gloom and foreboding.
Jeremiah, the son of a priest, born and raised in Anathoth, village priests (6 km to the east northeast of Jerusalem) during the reign of King Manasseh of evil. Jeremiah began His ministry as a prophet in the reign of King Josiah-13 is good, and he is supporting the reform movement Josiah. However, he soon realized that the movement does not produce a genuine change in the hearts of the people, Jeremiah warned that if there is no genuine national repentance, then the punishment and destruction will
come suddenly.
Book of Jeremiah's prophecy shows that, often times called the "prophet of mourners," a man carrying a message of tough but soft-hearted and destroyed (eg, Jer 8:21-9:1). Its soft it makes
misery deepened when the prophetic word of God arrogantly rejected by relatives and friends, priest and king, and most of the nation of Judah. Although lonely and rejected all his life, including the prophet Jeremiah's most decisive and courageous. Although faced with heavy resistance, he faithfully carry out his calling as a prophet to
warn fellow residents of Judah that God's judgment is approaching. When summarizing the life of Jeremiah, the writer says: "No mortal ever gained such a crushing burden. Throughout Jewish history there has never been exemplary sincerity is so profound, unremitting suffering, preaching the message of God without fear, and intercession tirelessly of a prophet like Jeremiah. But the tragedy of life is this: that he was preaching to deaf ears and reaping only hatred in return love to those
countrymen "
Back to our main theme, the event turned out to Egypt exclusion and killing children in Bethlehem and the way back from Egypt a fulfillment of the prophecy of the prophets who lived about 700 years before the event. What can we learn from this?
Indeed, the occurrence of these events is not free from God's hand in the appearance of the angel to the parents of Jesus. For those people who put their minds would argue, his parents (Joseph and Mary) could have gone to another place. Yes very true but you remember the story of the prophet Jonah. When God says that Jonah warned the City of Nineveh and Jonah turns to go somewhere else (Tarsis). The Prophet Jonah in the belly should be advertising for 3 days and removed in the area of Nineveh.
If we want to open our minds and we want to see our own life's journey so far there are three main lines of the past, the present and the future. Please see our past to the present what you can learn. When may we help .... sometimes God is also at work in our lives and often it turns out God's work life choices instead of choices that we choose some time ago.Through the selection of common sense and consideration it turns out that God's choice for our lives.
, and today, what do we do now apparently affect our future. And proven from the past that consideration and the choices we make through our minds in the present (at the moment) it is the will of God. And mingkin if we hear God's Word and learn about ourselves can be the events of today we are designed by God hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Long before we were born into this world. Believe it or not? it's up to you. Evidence in the Bible has been proven.
There is a saying that "Life is a stage real" and the director is God Himself. If we want to learn about God and believes that God is Everything, and nothing is impossible with God. A better world events occur or fail is the work of God. The incident happened is the will of God is clear proof that the event has occurred. An event does not occur (failed case) it is also God's will is proof it did not happen. It depends how man puts God. If man puts God above everything else then this happened, but if people put God under the sense that there will be other opinions.
All up to you! if you want to put God above everything else or you put God under your intellect!.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


The plant is a plant lacking chlorophyll and can produce its own energy from the photosynthesis that occurs in the green part daun.Walaupun, there are several plants that produce a product that turned out to be harmless to humans and other living things. Toxins are removed and the plant is a secondary reaction is the reaction of the defense system of the plant.By removing these toxic plants can continue to exist to this day. The following are the most dangerous species.

1. Nepenthes attenboroughii
Found more than 5000 meters above sea level on Mount Victoria in the Philippines, the giant, meat-eating pitcher plants secrete substances like nectar to lure prey unexpected into the pool of enzymes and acid. A series of sticky, downward ribs makes it nearly impossible for trapped prey to escape. The 30-cm diameter plant large enough to trap pesky rats, but the most common eating insects. Pitcher plants, of which there are about 600 different species, tend to grow in nitrogen-deficient environments, and therefore obtain nutrients from decaying victims.

2. Ricinus communis
Castor-bean plants can be purchased at almost any garden center, despite containing the deadly poison ricin. Amy Stewart, author of Wicked Plants and poisonous plant expert, has an affinity for plants grown in the garden and some poison her. Concerned gardeners can simply pluck the seeds of the plant, Stewart said, which is where the ricin is stored. Although the process to extract enough ricin and process into weapons complex, Las Vegas authorities have discovered the toxin in a hotel room in February 2008, and the KGB used to permanently silence opposition.

3. Cicuta douglasii
Regarded as "poisonous perennials that grow in North America" ​​at the USDA, the water hemlock contains the toxin cicutoxin, which wreaks havoc on the central nervous system, causing grand mal seizures-which include loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions and eventually death, if ingested . Water hemlock is different from poison hemlock, Socrates' notorious killer, in that it contains coniine alkaloids that kill by paralyzing the respiratory system. Both are members of the carrot family.

4. Eupatorium rugosum
Drinking milk from cows that decided to chow down on white snakeroot can cause deadly milk sickness, as well as Abraham Lincoln's mother Nancy Hanks. Every part of this plant contains tremetol, an unsaturated alcohol that can cause muscle tremors in livestock before killing them. "People are trying desperately throughout the 19th century to figure out what is poisoning their animals," said Stewart. It was not understood until the turn of the century, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture quickly pointed the cause and get the word out. Now, white snakeroot still grows wild, but more control in the agricultural industry have helped to prevent cows from eating.

5. Aconitum napellus
Stewart was once asked what the best plants will kill-after dinner guest with much deliberation she landed on monkshood. "You can only cut the roots and make soup," he said. "You do not need a chemical plant to do so." The vibrant purple plant, commonly found in the backyard garden, loaded with poisonous alkaloid aconite, which tends to cause shortness of breath. While Stewart would joke about cooking up a batch of monkshood stew, she urges anyone who has a plant in their gardens to wear gloves when handling it.

6. Utricularia macrorhiza
This aquatic meat eater relies on several submerged bladders to capture prey such as tadpoles and small crustaceans. An unsuspecting passerby will brush against an external trigger hairs, causing the bladders to spring open and capture it.Once inside, the victim died from suffocation or starvation and then decays into a liquid being sucked up by cells in the bladder wall.

7. Dionaea muscipula
With the ability to clamp shut in half a second, Venus flytrap reaction time seems appropriate for the animal kingdom.Insects need to touch the hair flytrap's two in a row in order for the plant to react, but the exact mechanism remains unclear trap shut. Communities United Kingdom notes that early theories suggested that a sudden change in water pressure triggered cell responses, but this theory has since been abandoned. Now it seems that when the plant is touched, altered leaf electric potential, triggering a number of cellular-level events.

8. Brugmansia
The, gloomily beautiful angel trumpet, native to regions of South America, packs a powerful punch of toxins, containing atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. As documented in the 2007 documentary "Colombian Devil's Breath," criminals in Colombia have extracted scopolamine from the plant and used as a tonic that makes the victim unaware of what they are doing but entirely conscious. Scopolamine can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, allowing criminals to simply blow the powder in someone's face. The documentary is filled with scopolamine-related horror stories, including an account of a man moving all his possessions out of his apartment (and into the hands of his robbers) without remembering any of it.

9. Nerium oleander
This evergreen shrub is very common is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. "If I were a parent and includes any electrical outlet in the home to protect the children, I really have to ask myself why I had oleander plants grow," said Stewart. Leaves, flowers and fruits contain cardiac glycosides, which have therapeutic applications but is likely to send someone into cardiac arrest should he eat the plants. Stewart showed that there was a woman in California is currently sentenced to death for trying to poison her husband with plants, and two young boys were found dead after ingesting oleander a few years ago. "People tend to get bored, because the flowers are bright and beautiful, a sort of candy-colored but it's a very poisonous plant that will stop your heart .."

10. Cnidoscolus angustidens
Stewart describes crops more painful than poisonous. Mala Mujer, which translates to "bad woman," can be found in the southwest and Mexico and covered with nasty thorns, which can be converted into makeshift barbwire if needed. The real danger, however, comes from the caustic, milk sap that can leak from the plant. The sap, a common feature among many plants in the genus Euphorbia, can cause painful skin irritations and unsightly discoloration. "I've had several people tell me that they had euphorbia saps in their eyes," said Stewart. "And they were quite surprising long-term eye damage."

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


Strange discovery for Dealing with Global Warming

While limiting emissions is the best way to stop global warming, researchers around the world are trying to find more efficient ways to save our planet from destruction is not far ends if global carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase at the same rate. Awareness of the environment has certainly caused a lot of discovery, consumption of energy-saving technologies and alternative energy sources. Below are 7 of the most amazing discovery for Global Warming.


Global warming is not only the increase in global temperatures but also have taken the coastal areas. Flooding problems and a shortage of housing at the same time has led to the development of a unique houseboat.
Houses like this first coined by the company Dura Vermeer and installed in Maasbommel beach town in 2007. They consist of a hollow cube that gives them upthrust and allow them to float on water. Floating homes can hold up to five meter rise in sea level.

2. Artificial Glaciers
Developing countries such as India-based agriculture is entirely dependent on the rain and the river. The rivers in India, Peru, Chile, etc., and many countries depend glacier with glacier melting is a big problem for States Agriculture. To overcome this problem the concept of creating an artificial glacier has been given by Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Ladakh region of North India. This artificial glaciers provide water in the summer.
Glaciers are created by collecting water into a shallow pool was blocked by a rocky embankment. The water in the pond frozen by lowering the temperature of the ice sheets to form. When summer comes it melts and the water used to grow crops. Largest artificial glacier the size of a meter wide and 45 kilometers.

3. Heat and Drought Resistant Plants
It is not difficult for people to survive in the scorching heat but it is impossible for the plant to survive in such conditions.Researchers using selective plant breeding methods to adapt to the climatic conditions. Behavior and characteristics of drought tolerant species studied carefully and their features added to the crops by genetic engineering.
Researchers have experimented with turnips and corn, and plant samples iklik heat tolerance of 40 per cent better than conventional varieties. Similarly, tests conducted on wheat in Egypt that claimed to use one-eighth of the water used by conventional wheat.

4. Power Skyscraper
A unique building was designed by architect David Fisher in Dubai, in which each floor can rotate on a central axis independent of the other floors of the building. Building form is constantly changing with its floor rotation. The building is equipped with environmentally friendly wind turbines between each floor that generate large amounts of energy to power 10 similar sized buildings. After designing green buildings for Dubai, Fisher is designing a tower similar to London, New York and Moscow.

5. Terraced farming
Producing plants closer to customers and using efficient techniques to reduce water waste and other resources are used for agriculture. Dickson Despommier at Columbia University in New York City revealed that 80 percent of the land available for agriculture is already in use and to feed more people by 2050, we need to produce crops on farms in Skyscraper.
Solar power systems will be used to grow crops, and there will be provision for recycling water and waste in a natural way. The plant will be safe from floods and droughts, and the required amount of irrigation can be given.

6. AC-powered Sun
The increase in high temperatures in Australia have made a very hot summer and unbearable. Similarly there is a huge demand for air conditioning equipment in California. Mike Dennis, an engineer at the Australian National University have found an eco-friendly air conditioning concept that works on solar energy.
This design is highly efficient and provides maximum cooling effect when the sun is at its peak. It also provides hot water that can be used for other household purposes. Compressed air spray cooling with thermal energy out of the jets, and the heat lost in this process as the refrigerant evaporates.

7. Floating City

We have discussed the floating houses, similar to the concept of thinking to put a floating city was created. Cities like Sydney, New York, London, Jakarta (Maybe) to be invested huge amount on flood defense hopes to create cities like floating.
Innovative and ingenious concept has been given by the Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut and is believed to be a long term solution. Ocean city can accommodate up to 50,000 refugees and could generate electricity using a variety of renewable sources, including wind, wave and solar heat.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


Mushrooms or fungi are plants that have no chlorophyll so bersifatheterotrof. There are unicellular fungi and multiseluler.Tubuhnya consists of threads called hifa.Hifa can form that woven branches disebutmiselium.Reproduksi fungi, there is a way there is also a carageneratif vegetative. Mushrooms absorb organic substances from the environment through the hyphae and mycelium to obtain makanannya.Setelah it, store it in the form of glikogen.Jamur a consumer, and therefore depends on the substrate fungus menyediakankarbohidrat, protein, vitamins, and chemicals were obtained substances lainnya.Semua lingkungannya.Sebagai being heterotrophic, obligate parasitic fungi can, facultative parasite, or saprophyte. How to live the other is doing symbiotic fungi that live symbiotically mutualisme.Jamur, in addition to absorbing food from other organisms also produce certain substances that are beneficial to simbionnya.Simbiosis fungus mutualism with plants can be seen in mycorrhiza, the fungus that lives in the roots of legumes or on liken.Jamur berhabitat on bermacammacam environment and associated with many organisme.Meskipun most live on land, there are several fungi that live in water and are associated with air.Jamur organisms that live in water are usually parasite or saprophyte, and most of the class Oomycetes.
Laymen know most of the members of Fungi as mushrooms, molds, yeasts, or yeast, although often in question is outside the visible appearance, not their own species. Difficulties in identifying fungi somewhat due to the rotation of descent that has a completely different appearance (remember metamorphosis in insects or frogs). Fungi reproduce secaraseksual and asexual. Sexual Propagation way: two of fungal hyphae fuse and form a zygote different then the zygote grows into fruiting bodies, whereas asexual reproduction by forming spores, budding or fragmentation of hyphae. Mushrooms have a box called a sporangium spores. Inside there sporangium spores. Examples of fungi that form spores are Rhizopus. An example is the budding yeast Saccharomyces forming. Fungal hyphae can terpurus and each fragment can grow into fruiting bodies. Ilmuyang studied fungi is called mycology 
Clockwise from top left: Amanita muscaria, basidiomycete kind; Sarcoscypha coccinea, similar ascomycete; bread covered with mildew; kind chytrid; Aspergillus, a type of conidiophore.
Clockwise from top left: Amanita muscaria, basidiomycete kind; Sarcoscypha coccinea, similar ascomycete; bread covered with mildew; kind chytrid; Aspergillus, a type of conidiophore.

We have known mushroom in their daily lives although not as good as other plants. That's because the fungus grows only at certain times, on certain conditions that support, and long life are limited. For example, mushrooms are appearing in the rainy season in the rotten wood, litter, and the haystack. however, this fungus die soon after the dry season arrives. Along with the development of science and technology, man has been able to cultivate mushrooms in an artificial medium, such as mushroom, oyster mushrooms, and oyster mushrooms.
Fungi are a group of eukaryotic organisms that make up the world Regnum mushrooms or fungi. Generally multicellular fungi (multicellular). The characteristics of different fungal organisms in terms of eating, body structure, growth, and reproduction.
How to Eat and Habitat Mushroom
All fungi are heterotrophic. However, unlike other organisms, fungi do not eat and digest food. Clntuk obtain food, fungi absorb organic substances from the environment through the hyphae and mycelium, then store it in the form of glycogen.Because mold is a fungus that consumers rely on the substrate that provides carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and other chemical compounds. All substances were obtained from the environment. As being heterotrophic, obligate parasitic fungi can, facultative parasite, or saprophyte. See Figure 5.3.
a. Obligate parasites 
is a fungus that only nature can live in the host, while outside its host can not live. For example, Pneumocystis carinii (yeast that infects the lungs of people with AIDS).
b. Facultative parasites 
are parasitic fungi that if you get a suitable host, but is saprophyte if not get a suitable host.
c. Saprophyte 
is a fungal rot and modifiers composition of dead organic matter. Saprophyte fungi absorb food from dead organisms such as fallen timber and fruit fall. Most fungal saprophyte removed a hydrolase enzyme on the substrate food to decompose complex molecules into simpler molecules that
are easily absorbed by the hyphae. In addition, the hyphae can also directly absorb organic bahanbahan simple form issued by the host.
The way of life is to do other fungal symbiosis mutualism. Fungi that live in symbiosis, in addition to absorbing food from other organisms also produce certain substances that are beneficial to simbionnya. Symbiotic fungus mutualism with plants can be seen padamikoriza, the fungus that lives in the roots of legumes or on the lichen. Mushrooms berhabitat on bermacammacam environment and associated with many organisms. Although most live on land, there are several fungi that live in water and are associated with aquatic organisms. Fungi that live in water are usually parasite or saprophyte, and most of the class Oomycetes.
Growth and Reproduction
Reproduction fungi can sexually (generative) and asexual (vegetative). Asexually, fungi produce spores. Mold spores vary in size and shape and usually unicellular, but those that are multicellular. If suitable habitat conditions, fungi reproduce by producing large numbers of asexual spores. Asexual spores can be carried by water or wind. When you get a match, the spores will germinate and grow into mature mushrooms. Sexual reproduction in fungi through contact gametangiumdan conjugation. Contact gametangium resulted singami, ie the union of cells from two individuals. Singami occurs in two stages, the first stage is plasmogami (cytoplasmic fusion) and the second stage is kariogami (fusion of nuclei). After plasmogami occurs, the cell nucleus from each parent but does not fuse together and form dikarion. Couple nucleus in cells or mycelium dikarion will split within the next few months to several years. Finally cell nuclei fuse to form a diploid cell immediately meiotic division.
Mushroom Role
The role of fungi in human life very much, good role and a favorable adverse. Beneficial fungi include various types are as follows. 
a. Volvariella volvacea (straw mushroom) is useful as a high-protein food.
b. Rhizopus and Mucor useful in the food industry, namely in making tempeh and oncom. 
c. Saccharomyces yeasts in industrial fermenters useful as cheese, bread, and beer. 
d. Penicillium notatum is useful for producing antibiotics. 
e. Higroporus and Lycoperdon perlatum useful as decomposers.
In addition to a favorable role, some fungi also have a detrimental role, among others, as follows.
a. Phytium as pest plant seeds that cause damping-off disease. 
b. Phythophthora inf'estan cause disease in potato plant leaves. 
c. Saprolegnia as a parasite on the body of water organisms. 
d. Albugo is a parasite on agricultural crops. 
e. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia causes disease in the human lung. 
f. Candida sp. cause of vaginal discharge and ulcers in humans.
How to distinguish poisonous mushroom or
mushroom is safe to eat Some people even some considered efficacious drugs, such as mushroom (Volvariela volvacea), oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus), ear fungus (Auricularia polytricha), or champignon button mushroom (Agaricus campestris) and fungi Shiitake (Lentinus edulis). Poisonous mushroom Amanita muscaria example is, and fungi that are known as the "destroying angel".
The characteristics of Poisonous Mushrooms
  • Poisonous fungi generally have striking colors: red-blood-jet black, dark blue, or other colors. Although there are types of toxic mold that has a light color (light yellow) or white, and edible mushrooms, dark, dark-brown example.
  • Types of toxic mold that can produce offensive odors, smells like rotten eggs or ammonia odor.
  • Types of toxic mold has a ring or cup. Although there are opposite, like-straw mushrooms and mushroom compost have the cup has a ring, but not toxic.
  • Types of poisonous mushrooms are generally grown in a dirty place: landfills, sewage cage, and so on. Although for the establishment and maintenance of mushroom compost used dirt instead stables / horse manure.
  • If the types of poisonous mushrooms cut off by a knife made of silver, or a regular knife and then cut off by a silver objects brought close to the cutouts before, then the object formed silver black or blue, it indicates that the mushroom is poisonous.
  • Types of toxic mold quickly change color, eg from white to dark colors, when cooked or heated.
  • There is a hereditary habit among farmers in the village to determine if toxic mold or not, by the way memepes mushrooms with white rice. If the color of the rice then changed to a darker color, indicating that the kind of poisonous mushrooms.
So be careful before eating mushrooms that you find home kitchen garden or in the wild.

FOLLOWING FACTS unique facts about FUNGUS
1. Mushrooms Can Lights in the DarkPeople who do not know might initially think this would be like a ghost. Certain fungi, which of course live in damp places, can fluoresce in kegelapan.Beberapa type of fungus that grows in the tropical forests of National Park of Ribeira Valley, near Sao Pulo, Brazil fluoresces when the surrounding darkness. The mushrooms are bioluminescent ability due to chemical reactions in the body produces light green.
Fungus found in Brazil was included in the genus Mycena. Around the world there are about 500 species of fungi that goes into this genus, but only 33 percent have bioluminescent capabilities.
There are more than 10 species of bioluminescent fungus newly found in Brazil since 2002, four of which are previously unknown species. This finding is the result of research conducted Cassius Stevani, professor of chemistry at the University of Sao Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology from California State University San Francisco, and Marina Capelari of the Institute of Botany Brazil.
"This discovery has increased the number of fluorescent mushrooms, known since the 1970s, to 30 percent more," said Stevani

2. Mushrooms Make Ophiocordyceps unilateralist Zombie Ants As
scientists discovered a type of fungus that may have invaded the body wood ants (Camponotus Leonardi) and control their behavior for 48 million years terakhir.Sebuah parasitic fungus called Ophiocordyceps unilateralist proven deliberately infect ants because the ants -ants reside in plants and trees to be used also by fungi.
Once the fungus invades the body of an ant, he then instructed the insects to bite the bottom of the leaf, right in the veins.Then, when the ants are in an optimal location, fungus then grows rapidly throughout the body semut.Akhirnya fungus kills the ants 'zombie' whose behavior is controlled as he got ready to spread new spores.
"When the ants are under control of the fungus, the ant leaves a clear mark called 'bite death' in the leaves," said David Hughes, researchers from Harvard University, was quoted as saying of the Unexplained-Mysteries.
Ants are controlled, Hughes said, biting right at the plant vessels in search of an optimal point for the growth jamur.Dari research, Hughes found that the bite is exactly the same leaf fossils are 48 million years old. These findings make it sure that the fungus has been manufacturing practice ants 'zombie' long before humans appeared on Earth.
"We believe that the fungus controls the ants when the ants thought it made the bite marks on the leaves," said Hughes."The reason is not normal for ants to bite the leaf veins just because of the action it had no nutritional value for them," he said.
In fact, Hughes said, the ants, biting right on vascular plant species because it is very dangerous toxic
3. Form a Unique Form of Mushrooms
Mushrooms are fruiting bodies that are visible on the surface of the growing medium from a group of fungi (Basidiomycota) shaped like an umbrella, consists of an upright (trunk), and part of the flat or rounded.
Biological Technically, this is called basidium fruiting bodies. Some mushroom is safe to eat humans even some considered medicinal, and others poisonous. Mildew is a whole part of the fungi, fruit bodies, and the nets below the soil surface or media mycelia composed of bundles of hyphae. Fungus is another name for the fungus. The meaning of this example can be seen in the phrase "bread is moldy 'which means that the" bread mold has grown. " 

4. Actually Facts about Fungi
Mushrooms are easy enough food to be combined in any cuisine. Campbell's mushroom soup is the most widely consumed throughout the world after the tomato soup. While the mushroom topping pizza and ranked second after Peperoni Pizza! But you know the real facts about mold:
  1. Fungi consist of 90 percent water
  2. The French have bred mushroom Agaricus species for 200 years, while the Japanese cultivate shiitake over 2000 years old.
  3. The number of mushroom varieties that have been bred in this world is as much as 2500 species.
  4. There are as many as 16 million spores inside each mushroom
  5. The mushrooms in Finland believed to still contain residues of dangerous Cesium-137 the rest of the Chernobyl tragedy in 1986
  6. Curious what the price of the most expensive mushroom in the world? An anonymous buyer in Hong Kong are willing to spend U.S. $ 112 000 ($ 1 billion) for a 2.5-pound white truffle. 
  7. Mushrooms have no chlorophyll so it can not photosynthesize to make food. Most fungi live as a parasite or saprophyte by eating dead creatures using its roots as a means of suction. And this is also one of the things that distinguishes fungi with plants.
  8. There are more than 60 types of fungi that can show bioluminescience phenomenon, namely the phenomenon of light emission by a body of the fungus.
  9. There are two general types of fungi are microscopic fungi and mushrooms macroscopically.
    >> microscopic fungus is a fungus that is very small and is usually shaped like threads called hyphae or with a diameter of 2-10 micrometers. Structure of stitching hyphae is called the mycelium.
    >> macroscopic fungi are fungi that are relatively large and can be seen with the naked eye. Example: Mushrooms usual you eat.
  10. Fungi are organisms in the world. One of them Armillaria ostoyae in Oregon which has an area of ​​up to 8.9 km2 in the basement with a lifespan of more than 24 centuries. Estimated to weigh 600 tons.
But what must be remembered, mushroom and truffle are two different things. Therefore, fungi matsusake still holds the record of the world's most expensive (up to $ 2,000 per kilogram).
5. Mushrooms for Health Benefits
While not having attractive color, but the petite is capable of delivering stunning reputation in the eyes of the dietitian.Researchers from Tufts University found the fungus was able to fend off all the viruses and cancer in mice, by increasing the activity of killer cells in the immune system.
Researchers find bioactive compounds in mushrooms allegedly had a role as an antioxidant that is ready to kill the diseases caused by free radicals. Some types of fungi tested have proved this. For example, reishi and shiitake mushrooms tyrants are able to suppress the rate of cancer and turn it off.
As released RodaleNews, further research is necessary to mold to see the best combination and the right composition to fight disease. Because, in the mushroom extract is prescribed for this, showing a good development of the patients taking them.
A drug test conducted on the various compounds containing mushroom extracts demonstrate, there is cessation of spread of breast cancer cells and prostate cancer cells.
Meanwhile, the content of AHCC (active hexose correlated compound) derived from shiitake mushrooms can be used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. In addition, these compounds are useful as well to repel the flu virus. Thus, the fungus has a great opportunity to herbal medicines that can be accounted for.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
