Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Why Most People Do not Use Effective But Free Online Marketing Tools

Why Most People Do not Use Effective But Free Online Marketing Tools 

It is quite interesting that most people do not take free online marketing tools seriously. Never mind that there is plenty of evidence around and even more examples of web sites and online entrepreneurs who have been taken from a rush just use free tools online marketing. 

By way of reaction is not surprising because we have grown up in a world where we have been taught to firmly believe in the facts of life. One of the main facts of life is that there is no such thing a free lunch and not worth no cost. 

While all this is true, most people fail to realize that the World Wide Web has come to define its own 'unique and somewhat unorthodox, but highly effective rules. 

Even fewer have noted the fact that the most successful business model online so far have been based on heavy use free marketing tools and heavy spending in marketing comes later when the website has begun to enjoy some success. 

A Famous Example 
When Bill Gates was playing catch up on the internet after the mistake early judgments on the importance of a clean future, one area where he found himself far behind in the free email service. People like Yahoo already had millions of users when Hotmail was launched again. 

Is one of the richest people in the world to go to prime time television to advertise its new free email service? Does he see the paper book in the whole country? Not really, he used a free online marketing strategy that works like a dream. A brief signature at the end of every email sent out inviting recipients to open a free Hotmail email account. The rest is history. This simple marketing strategy in which no fee to take a Hotmail user from almost zero to millions in a few months. 

There are many other examples are many, but I shoe this one because someone we all know quite well. 

Conventional Ads Not Working Online 
There is one other reason why free online advertising tool that is very effective. And this is based on the fact that conventional advertising as we always knew it online so far has been a big failure. 

Banner ad with all the color and gimmickry is a great failure that encourage someone to come up with what they think will solve the problem and became a huge success. I refer to pop a lot of likes and extremely disturbing-up ads. Even called the ad pop-unders that interfere considered less has not been received with enthusiasm many online 

All these options are not free and people have paid good money for them. 

The reason why conventional advertising does not work is simple yet most people still do not get it. People do not come online that will be advertised to. They come online, usually with very little time on their hands and looking for some very specific information. Is it any wonder that any form of unwanted advertising, whether the pop-up ads or unsolicited email (SPAM), so annoying? 

This is why informative articles written is such an effective marketing tool for free online. Only those who are interested in the information you offer will read your article. And they do not mind any ad you put in the resource box at the bottom of the article, because it does not look like advertising for them. Especially when they are interested in getting more information about the subject at hand. 

Marketing Is No Longer That is Simplified 
What people need to realize that online marketing does not fall into neat categories online now we have been used to. 

For example, online advertising has been most successful PPC ad or ads Pay-Per-Click. The main reason is that these ads have been based on the relevance of the information being sought right from the beginning. We first saw them in addition to search engine results. Bad things small text looks like they are part of the search results. They have worked like magic because advertisers only pay for clicks on those ads that actually, so the results and respond to ads easily measured. 

It should not be lost on anyone that the ads that actually does not look like ads. More than that now when the market leader in PPC advertising, Google has AdSense ads on small sites and blogs around the net. There is more emphasis on the relevance of the information being sought. 

Free Is Actually Not Free 
Then another very important factor to consider is that many of the most effective means of marketing online is really not free. For example, even if you win you write informative articles used for marketing purposes, this is a very time-consuming exercise. Time is more valuable than money because unlike money, can never be restored when it has lost. So the only people pay to use some other currency. 

Anyone planning an online marketing campaign should look very carefully at what is called a marketing tool for free and choice, the effectiveness of some techniques that will surprise them.

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