Selasa, 31 Mei 2011



You are trying to decide where the hosting? There are hundreds of hosting providers in Indonesia that offers various services that vary the type and quality. Which one should you choose? What factors should you consider? We give here some tips about what factors should be seen by prospective customers, of which less important to the most important. 

1. Price 
If we look at how the way consumers shop for a computer or HP at the mall or BEC Mangga Dua Jakarta, Bandung, usually is as follows: consumers want goods to the specifications of X, Y, Z. Consumers ask a store (A) at what price. Stores A to give the price. Consumers ask another store 
(B). Store B to give the price. So forth until you obtain some price. Consumers ultimately choose a store that provides the lowest price. 

This is easily done on items such as electronics / computer because we know the exact specs we wanted, and every shop sells the same item if the specifications are the same. But is not the case with services, which are difficult to make its exact specifications. Therefore we put the price as a factor that should be considered more recently (low interest rates), given the same price does not necessarily mean the same level of service. 

In terms of price, MWN in our opinion are included in the hosting is quite economical and competitive. There are many hosting companies that are more expensive, especially for class hosting provider that has an equivalent level of service. But we do not close their eyes that there are also places that offer hosting at cheaper prices. Our advice is, you should consider other factors besides the price first. Because once again, at a lower price does not mean better value, because the level of service is not necessarily the same. And in general adage "You Get What You Pay For" applies here as well. 

2. Clearly the existence Companies 
We think these factors are more important than price, considering too many hosting providers in Indonesia, which on average: 1) no business entity; 
2) do not have a clear physical location; 
3) survival between several months to 1 year only, after which it disappeared without a trace. 

For consumers who try new hosting service first and only purpose is to learn / experience / trial and error maybe this is not a problem. But for a company or site to be more serious this could be a problem. For example: data website / database you suddenly lost because the server is not hosting online following the board could not be reached for your requested data. Or your domain name to be held hostage because of contacts / domain password on the hosting and again now they can not be contacted. 

3. Stability of Server and Network / Connectivity 
The more important your website / online company you are, the more importance was the stability and uptime (and the price factor becomes relatively low importance compared to this stability factor). 

There are several things that affect the stability / uptime, ie machines, networking, and software / security. Therefore, we impose some policy as follows: 

a) The machine is always berspesifikasi good enough for strong and stable enough to accommodate the hosting account. Currently the standard specification of new machines is a Dual Xeon with 2GB RAM. And each machine is generally not filled more than 200-300 account so as not to burden the machine. This figure is derived from observation and experience. (We sometimes shaking his head when he heard there are hosting providers who cram into 500 even 1000 accounts in 1 machine). 

b) The data center that has a fast Internet connection, stable, and redundant. Outside the country currently has at ThePlanet / ServerMatrix, while in Indonesia, namely in the building IIX2 (center ISPs and Internet Indonesia). Generally we advise clients to put your website / accounts abroad, because of better overall stability (eg the average person Yahoo! Groups mailing list subscription, and servers outside will be faster / stable in receiving an email that comes from overseas anyway) . 

c) Security server. This is because the servers are often hacked down will be a frequent and often lose data, something that is very disturbing operation of the server. 

d) Do not tolerate fraudulent spammers or users who try to break security, or install software that is suspicious. This is because the servers that send spam will tend to be blacklisted by other servers, causing other accounts on the same machine disturbed acceptance email. Likewise, software that is suspicious sometimes spend the resources CPU / memory or creating a server to be blocked by other servers. 

4. Backup 
This factor is very important because often the data on the server (including email and databases) is the only coffee that is owned by the customer hosting. Experience has proved, the daily backups and 1 week history of servers have been several times to save important data lost due to machine / hard drive crashes, or accidents due to accidental deletion, etc. 
We recommend that you ask your hosting provider, how often they do backups, and avoid hosting providers that are not clear policy backed up and only a week or a month (!) So do a backup. 

5. Facilities / features 
Of course this is an important factor, because what does that mean you subscribe to a hosting if you can not run the applications you want? 

In this email, should continue to work to improve quality of care. Is hosting already installed antivirus and antispam on the SMTP server. You can set up an autoresponder and own blacklists to block unwanted email. There is access mailbox via webmail, POP3, forwarding, and IMAP4. You can use the secure POP and secure IMAP (via SSL). We also provide SMTP service to send email without having to rely on the ISP. 

In the case of uploading a website, we provide several mechanisms, namely through the web interface (control panel), FTP, shell (SSH), and FrontPage. 

6. Support 
Why these factors are most important? This is because we realized, what is actually sold by a hosting company is not a piece of space on your hard drive, or bandwidth, or software, but support services. Hard drive or server space sold by computer stores. Bandwidth sold by the ISP or datacenter or NAP (network access provider). Software sold by a software house or store CDs. All the stuff you can get / rent their own on other service providers that have been mentioned. But the support service is something you earn from hosting company, which distinguish free hosting and paid hosting, which is the value that you pay. 

Therefore, as a legitimate company and their existence is clear, we provide the office can be visited to see / deal directly with our staff (too many hosting providers that are "virtual" without any form of legal entity and physical location is unclear). We also provide technical support services via phone, email, and Yahoo Messenger 24 hours (many hosting providers that only lists an email or HP / SMS, where you can not speak directly and there is no clarity when your messages will be responded). And lastly, for the platinum package customers, we assign to a private staff assistant you can call in person to help you with problems on your account.

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