Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Strength Of Your Subconscious Mind

Strength Of Your Subconscious Mind

Scientists say we only use 10% of our minds. Think about what I just said. We only use 10% of our minds! We are wasting the other 90%. Think this way .... What if we only use 10% of our salary? Can we survive with 10% of our salary? No, unless you're Bill Gates. How to eat only 10% of the food we make? Is not it a waste of food? What if we slept only 10% of 8 hours or 80 minutes a day? Can we survive? What if we had only 10% of oxygen is available? Can we survive? The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO!
So why do we put up with only using 10% of our brain? Look at your life. Are you living the life you want .... In your term? Are you happy with what you have made or you think it could be better? Chances are that you live only 10% of your ability. What if you could make your life 100, 500, or 1,000% better? I can hear you now saying ... "That's impossible" or "too difficult to do." If you did say that, you repeat the same pattern in your life, which is that you only use 10% of your brain or less.
If you're happy with using only 10% of your brain then stop reading now. If you are not satisfied and want to use the rest and then continue reading. Think about the greatness you can achieve by using all your mind. There are a number of professors using the mind, such as Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maxwell Maltz and many others. These people know the secret to using the power of your mind and how to tap into it.
I'm here to tell you that you now have the most powerful tools in the Universe of your subconscious mind ..... Your subconscious mind knows everything. It has all the answers, if you only use it properly. This can take you to a life of harmony, wealth, joy, health, and success! This is possible with all aspects of your life.
It's not your fault. You are never taught how to use your mind. The past is over and today can be a new beginning. No matter what happened before today, what matters is what happens from today. You have to believe in your subconscious mind and know that it can allow you to live a life of joy and success.

Let's start with a very simple procedure. Use your subconscious mind as an alarm clock. Before going to sleep at night, tell it what time you want to wake up. Say you want to get up at 7:00 in the morning. Before going to sleep, tell your subconscious mind to "wake me at 7:00" and he said it visualize a clock that reads 7:00.
The first step in changing your life is to start making impressions on your subconscious mind. You can so this by creating affirmations and thinking certain thoughts. For example, say you want to withdraw money in your life. You can only repeat the words "I have wealth and success." Repeat these words a few times a day. Its best to say them in the morning when you wake up and before bed. This occurs when your mind is in alpha state. As they say, make sure you really mean them and focus on the words. Do not feel that the task or else it would be useless to you. You also can tell them when to meditate.

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