Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Advertising Options - and the winner is?

Advertising Options - and the winner is?
Are you chasing search engine traffic and pondering your options? Almost everyone on the internet today would love to increase traffic to their Web site regardless of the "niche" them.

Clearly search engines have the potential to provide a flow of targeted traffic to your website. Below are some suggestions for efficient use of your money when it comes to getting traffic to your website.

Here are 3 basic areas to consider:

1. Placing some key targeted pages on the internet that SEO'ed to draw traffic back to your main website.

2. Using Google "pay per click" campaigns with your favorite suite of targeted keywords.

3. Placing carefully targeted content on your site homepage.

If you are working on a limited budget may be best to consider Options # 1 and # 3 as your first choice. Pay per click traffic generators can get very expensive in a short time, and this will continue to cost money while each campaign is active.

If your focus is on pay per click, be sure to spend sufficient time and effort to research and create keyword lists that are relevant and effective. There are many tools available to assist job on the internet and once your campaign is launched you can start to monitor and test your conversions. If you are promoting your own products, you can always invest your earnings to continue the campaign and increase your income.

Other options to attract traffic to your site based on the use of targeted custom written articles and other content. You can use your budget to have some unique articles written about your favorite key topics, but this can be very expensive and time consuming. Articles like these can be submitted to article directories and published on other web sites hungry content.

The best alternative for content may be that the Private Label website resources such Infogoround.com and webcontentmonthly.com. By using Private Label content services, even with limited budget, can over time easily provide thousands of articles that can be put to good work in drawing targeted traffic to your website. Imagine hundreds of new articles every month on the topic of your choice ... articles that you can use just as if you had to write their own! And of course PL content can be added directly to your own website or used in a variety of other ways for drawing traffic (blogs, newsletters, etc.).

This is just a glimpse of the power of content and other ways that can be used to attract traffic to your site. Be sure to explore your options and use your time and money wisely in the process.

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