Senin, 23 Mei 2011



In addition to economic and energy crisis, global warming (global warming) is a real problem that must be faced by the world since the beginning of the 21st century. Nuclear as an energy source that little issue of greenhouse gases could be an option in our efforts to confront global warming. Even so aspects of security and safety for people and the environment should be a priority.
Reduction of CO2 emissions, one of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming is a major challenge of modern civilization. The efficiency of energy use, reducing exploitation of fossil energy (coal, oil and gas) and the optimization of renewable energy is a concrete step that we must do together.
Nuclear energy as an energy source that little issue of greenhouse gases to be one option to support environmental conservation efforts. But look in the mirror of the recent experience of the utilization of nuclear energy, efforts to increase the operational safety standards of nuclear power will remain a top priority in order to protect the environment and human safety, as well as the challenge of global warming.
Various phenomena appear, such as a very dynamic weather changes, rising sea levels, declining agricultural yields and fisheries, and changes in biodiversity, has significantly influenced human life, ranging from health, changes in living standards, welfare / economics and safety. Now the global community recognize the need for action to address global warming through various activities that are known by the slogan Go Green. Go Green Activities based on the concept of CO2 gas emission reduction as one of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.

Speaking about the concept of Go Green in Indonesia are closely related to the energy sector is the sector with the largest contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Currently the energy sector contributed two thirds of total greenhouse gases that 30 percent comes from the use of power plants that use fossil energy. Until now, the energy supply in this country still relies on fossil energy sources.
However, as a big country Indonesia will be part of a joint effort citizens of the world overcome the problem of global warming. In the G-20 forum in Pittsburgh, the United States and the COP 15 meeting in Copenhagen in 2009, the President asserted that by 2020 Indonesia could reduce GHG emissions by 26% and can even reach 41% with the help of developed countries. A similar claim is submitted back to the late President's visit to Norway in May 2010. This can be achieved of course by way of optimizing the utilization of renewable energy (EBT) of low greenhouse gas emissions, or known as the Green Energy.

Nuclear, Green Energy?

Based on data from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) pollution generated by power plants mostly sourced from plants that use fossil fuels ie coal, petroleum or diesel and natural gas. As an illustration, every kWh of electric energy produced by the use of fossil energy to produce greenhouse gases amounted to 974 grams of CO2, SO2 962 mg and 700 mg of NOx, while nuclear energy produces only 9-21 grams CO2/kWH. The study was prepared based on the method of Life Cycle Analysis, a comprehensive analysis of the upstream to downstream, from mining, transportation, plant construction to operation. Because it is currently the world's nuclear plants have been successful in reducing the burning of 2 gigatons of CO2 per year.
This shows that among the various types of power plants that exist today, a nuclear power plant clean and friendly environment, so it can be classified into green energy with other renewable energy such as solar energy, wind and water. As a source of energy (almost) free carbon, nuclear energy has the potential to be one alternative energy option.

Environment and Community Safety is a Priority

Learning from recent experience Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident of Japan after the earthquake and tsunami that struck the country, was originally the nuclear industry continue to develop operational nuclear power plant safety systems to ensure public safety and the environment.
The most important lesson to be learned from these events is the future of nuclear power plant design should give priority to passive safety systems and Inhern Safety fiture that ensures the safety of nuclear reactors under any circumstances, including the devastating natural disaster. In addition, candidates must choose the location of the safest nuclear power plants (the probability of occurrence of disasters at least) and accompanied the study in anticipation of the worst events that can occur (Design Basic Accident).
The development of these safety technologies will support the utilization of nuclear energy as green energy to prevent global warming while ensuring environmental safety and community. Go Green with nuclear energy.

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