Kamis, 19 Mei 2011



You may have heard about Google Adword? if not we will explain. Google adwords is one of Google products on the Google Adword where you are given the opportunity to promote your company or product mainstay in Google Search (google's search engine). Usually placed on the right hand corner on the search engine after a user enters the keyword (Key Word) in a google search. Of course, advertise on google is not free but you must pay to google.

You may have heard stories of failure in following Google Adword which caused the cost you spend to advertise on google is bigger than your expectations. Errors that often occur in the Google Adwords program had paid a great price. You imagine you just put paid advertisements on Google through google adwords while ads that appear on Google search results in little or no visitors interested in your ad just because you are wrong you could have a common mininalisir.Kesalahan done and in fact this error could avoided is 

1) Poor landing page 
2) Turning on the Content Network 
3) Daily budget too high 
4) Grouping Keywords 
5) bidding too low 

Poor Landing Page 

A decent landing page is a key factor in sales conversions. There are many styles and forms an attractive landing page. Many sites are good sites great template providers who may be a consideration in designing your site. Also the material but the article also affects mainly the layout of your site and dynamism as well be the deciding factor, the message is clear. 
When you use Google Adwords, the content and quality of information within your site that became the main role. Whatever your advertising keywords. Not only locate and identify relevant information but all elements of your site also affects. If you are consistent with our description above, Google will respond to you with a better quality score which can mean higher rankings, cheaper minimum bids and they can reduce the cost of clicks down from what you have bid. The point is the cost you spend on advertising will be in line with expectations and the best results from your ad. 

Turning on the Content Network 

The content network is plagued with click fraud and poor quality traffic. When I started with Adwords, I did not realize this and leave the content network, so we have to lose money. Once you have a handle on Adwords you can use the content network just make sure to bid very low. Personally I do not bid over 0.06 cents clicks. Some people claim that they gain a higher and better is the conversion of sales from the network within your site's content than they do with the search network. In this case is the quality of the content of your site's content was the greatest influence. For more details, picture is when you put an ad via google adwords and a visitor clicks on your ad then visitors will be directed to your online store from Google Adwords then the task is completed, then how the contents of your site. If the content is suitable and can attract visitors to look deeper or otherwise direct visitors exit your site. Then you have lost a precious opportunity. 

Daily Budget Too High 

Daily budget higher than the amount recommended (recommended) by marketers to increase traffic. Recently Google has increased the impressions on campaigns that use this technique. The problem is that the increase is on keywords broad match phrases that are not targeted very well which causes a big spike in conversions and a poor CTR. This will damage the quality score and can really hinder your campaign's performance. Another reason you want to be careful when raising your daily budget is sometimes marketers forget that they have done so. They may not check their account for a few days and when they do they end up losing a lot of money. 

Grouping Keywords 

When you create an ad group you want to use; similar keywords in each ad group or at least one keyword the same. For example: you have a product electric guitar then you join the ad group - electric guitar, keywords: 

electric guitar 
cheap electric guitars 
electric guitar prices 
model electric guitar 
latest electric guitar 

Key words (keywords) in the above example is electric guitars and this phrase should be in every keyword you will use in this group. Keywords should also be used in your ad: 

Electric guitar 
We provide the newest electric guitar model 
with low prices & Free shipping 

Grouping your ads properly will help you customize the advertising and keyword targeted landing pages and will help Google serve your ads on keywords that you want. 

Offer Too Low 

Offer is too low can make you buried under a package to get a little exposure. When you have visitors who are interested in your product, they usually will keep searching after they leave your site and you compare with your competitors. 
If they have forgotten the name of your website (usually they do) They will most likely do another search to find you again, if you're not on the first page they may not dig to other pages for you even if they found you on 3 page initially, they may not be willing to do it again people get bored compare prices and search after a while and burying yourself may save you money in bids but can also cost you a lot in sales. 

This includes some major mistakes and I hope this article saves people from losing money.

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