Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


To achieve comfortable conditions for humans, the earth took billions of years the process. However, that comfort zone now shifted. The earth's temperature increases with increasing concentration of carbon in the atmosphere, the impact of modern human activity. And, the organism is best suited to this changing earth turns from a family of insects, not human. 

It's not all insects can survive climate change. "Most at risk is a useful predator insects to humans. In addition, specific eating insects, like bees, "said Warsito, an insect expert from the Research Center for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences.Conversely, cosmopolitan insect carriers of disease-the most, both to plants and humans-will experience a population explosion. 

Ellen Currano Research from Pennsylvania State University in the journal Ecological Society of America edition of November 2010 discovered, the increase in global temperatures the past sparked an explosion in population and diversity of leaf-eating insects.Ellen examine the 9071 fossil leaves at nine locations Bighorn basin, Wyoming, United States. The fossil was formed 52.7 million-59 million years ago when the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO) in the earth increases. 

"When the earth's temperature rise, about 60 million years ago, tropical and subtropical insects migrate farther north. Global warming is very likely trigger another explosion and the spread of insect populations, "he said. 

Why insect explosion occurred as the temperature rises? Warsito explains, global warming due to the addition of carbon concentration causing increasingly hungry insect-eating plants.Increasing concentrations of CO lowered the ratio of nitrogen element in the plant. In fact, nitrogen is essential for insect life.Compensation, the insects would eat more plant biomass. 

However, because of insect life cycles shorten, the food needs remained unmet. Insect size was smaller than in cold temperatures. 

Research Warsito of leafminer flies Liriomyza huidobrensis show, insect species that existed in the lowlands and at a lower temperature heat are smaller than the like in the highlands. Smaller size, but widespread distribution. Liriomyza huidobrensis newly entered Indonesia in the 1990s and is only found in Cisarua, Bogor, West Java, quickly spread to a number of areas. 

More adaptive 

In the midst of conversation rising global temperatures and the threat of climate change for many species, insects are by far the most prepared to adapt. Track record of excellence insects much older than the human species. 

In short, the insect's life cycle makes it quick pass on the most appropriate genetic contemporary climatic conditions in the offspring. Failure to eradicate insect pests with pesticides to be examples of the ability of insects become resistant to the changes around, even against the poison. 

Signs of invasion of insect pests on food sources, reported the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), has been threatening world food security. In Indonesia, some researchers warn that. 

Plant Clinic Director Suryo Wiyono Bogor Agricultural University shows that climate change triggered an explosion of pests and plant diseases. The last three years, he found a sharp increase in rice crackle disease because the bacteria Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae, gemini virus on pepper and tomato which was taken, as well as chili thrips pests. 

Suryo also found the spread of Xanthomonas up to the mountains.Nearly all insects carry the disease vectors, such as lice taken gemini virus kebul. 

Andi Trisyono, Chairman of the Second National Plant Protection Commission who is also Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, found the facts, brown plant hopper attacks against the centers of rice plants increased rapidly. It was believed linked to climate change. 

Andi estimate these attacks will continue to increase in coming years. Conditions of handling errors were compounded by excessive pesticide spraying, which makes the dead brown plant hopper insect predators. On the other hand, brown plant hopper increasingly resistant to pesticides. 

The phenomenon of mosquito 

Besides increasing the intensity of the attacks and the spread of plant sources of human food, insect carried diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, also spread. 

"Until ten years ago, mosquitoes are not found in higher areas, such as Puncak, West Java. However, now at the Peak has a lot of mosquitoes, even had encountered cases of dengue fever, "said Warsito. 

The question is whether the spread of mosquitoes to a plateau that was only because the temperature rise? Or maybe also triggered changes in behavior and morphology mosquito itself? The question is difficult to answer. 

According to Warsito, "Until now we do not have serious research about this. Research about the insects are still very minimal, especially related to climate change. " 

However, once again, studies of Liriomyza huidobrensis Warsito explained, insects have adapted to the temperature rise through the downsizing of the body so it can fly farther. "Insects, including mosquitoes, have changed their behavior and morphology.However, the way we had atasinya has not changed, "he said. 

Many countries, he said, are now intensively studied insects for fear that the threat of population explosion and its spread.Subtropical countries concerned about the migration of insects from the tropics, especially mosquitoes carrying malaria. 

Eating insects 

The bad news, so far no practical solution to the problem of insect explosion. Global negotiations to reduce carbon emissions in the world like finding a dead end and treated as business as usual.Expert Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the third estimate, the earth's temperature will continue to rise. Year 2100, the addition is estimated up to 5.8 degrees Celsius compared to 2000. 

If it were so, the suggestion of Professor Arnold van Huis, entomologis from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, so that people get used to eat the insects seem to make sense. One of the FAO expert consultant suggested that people begin to change the behavior of the insect eating beef. 

"When this happens the meat crisis," he said. "The world's human population grows from 6 billion (people) at this time to 9 billion (people) in 2050 and we know people will eat more meat," he said as reported in The Guardian. 

In fact, the future of the earth is marked by an explosion of insects. 

In Indonesia, the habit of some communities in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, who ate locusts or the people of Papua and the Mentawai, West Sumatra, which consume insect larvae in the stems of sago will probably become more common behavior in the future. Are you ready?

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