Selasa, 31 Mei 2011



You are not satisfied with your old hosting site (because of unsatisfactory service, server uptime is low, the price is too expensive, or for other reasons)? Want to move to another place? Here are some tips from us for the displacement process run smoothly and downtime of the website as low as possible. 

Step 1: Planning 
You should start planning to move at least a week or two weeks before the account at your old place time expired (expire). This is so that there is sufficient time to: 
1) the process of registration in a new place (usually 1-3 business days); 
2) adjustments to the script / web application with a new server environment; 
3) turn of the NS (1-2 days to completely refresh). 

If an account at your old place was too close to expire, maybe you should extend the first period of the hosting at least 1 month old, unless you do not care that there is downtime in days (for example: your account is already expired and your website was no accessible). 
Similarly, attention should be given to the validity of your domain. We recommend that your domain is not expired or nearly expired, so you can easily make the turn in contact or control. This is especially important for the domain *. ps, because the payment process for the extension to re-activation domain requires at least 1-2 business days (if current). 

Step 2: Registration In New Places 
Some things to note here are: you select large package in accordance with the capacity of your website. Besides the size of HTML files and the image itself, should be calculated well size mailboxes-mailboxes email, databases, and log files (if the log does want to move). There are several places that count hosting the log files (which can be quite large in size) into the quota, so it can be when you moved to a new hosting place the files to be not fit despite the size of the package / quota equal. 

To note again of course, clean up all the paperwork for your new account terdisable no longer in a short time (two times, causing downtime, which can upset your visitors). 

Step 3: Upload and Script Adjustment 
The next step, after you get access to an account in a new place, is to upload your website or move your website content from the old to the new place. Then customize existing scripts, if necessary, so that all goes well in a new place. Then create email accounts such as support @, info @, etc.. And do not forget to also create a database and fill it with contents from the old place. In essence, we make everything run first in a new place. In general, the new hosting will provide temporary URL that you can use to view your website without having to use the original address. 

Some things that need to be adjusted or considered include: the path difference between the old server and new server, different versions of software such as Perl and PHP, not terinstalnya Perl modules or other libraries that are needed, the difference in timezone on the server, etc.. 

Step 4: Substitution NS 
This step was taken last time after all in the new place ready. In general this is done by your own (or you can also have recourse to the old hosting). And who needs to understand is that this process may take up to a maximum of 48 hours up to full effect (and for the domain *. ps could be much longer, due to manual processes / constraints working days). 

For example: a visitor accessing your website, which still leads to the old hosting. Then you make the turn NS. But this new visitor can see that the NS changed to a maximum of 48 hours duration, ie until the DNS resolver software in its ISP to refresh its cache. DNS cache has nothing to do with the browser cache but the cache control, so even if your visitor pressing refresh / reload in the browser, still, he will see the old location. 

For the record, DNS MWN for all accounts on all servers is: 


To help accelerate the displacement / time decry this cache, you can just change the A record in DNS where your old hosting for your website IP changed its IP to a new server IP.

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