Jumat, 17 Juni 2011



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Sun twin phenomena of nature (more than one) or better known as sun dog or sundog or additional sun is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates a bright spot of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on both sides of the sun. 

Above phenomenon was remarkable and certainly rare. However, this phenomenon is actually the atmospheric phenomenon that has been well known in the world of science. The name of that phenomenon is Sun Dog that looks simultaneously with Parhelic Circle. 

Sometimes, sometimes called sun twin phenomenon. The phenomenon of Sun Dog (Sundog) which is sometimes also called Parhelion is a phenomenon when we can see a collection of additional light on both sides of the sun. Sometimes, this light set can look like a ball that makes us think that this light is an additional sun. 

Sun dog (sundog) is an atmospheric phenomenon caused by refraction of sunlight through ice crystals such as those held in cirrus clouds. A number of special conditions shall apply to dogs of the sun formed. Many observers have missed them because they form close to the sun, requiring viewers to see almost directly at the sun to see this phenomenon. However, if conditions are right, the sun dogs can be clearly seen, and quite striking, looking like a smaller false sun next to the real sun. 

Parhelion is another name for sun dogs, a reference to the fact they were found next to, or grains of the sun, Helios. Sun dogs have been observed and written over the centuries, and is sometimes seen as a bad omen for a certain period in history. In other cases, sun dogs are considered a sign of good luck for the observer. Some pieces of classical art that describes what the sun looks like a dog, showed that they are a recognized phenomenon.On rare occasions, the dog is quite clear and brilliant sun, making it seem like there is some sun in the sky. 

Cold Region is an excellent place to observe the sun dogs, although many temperate winter is enough to form ice crystals to make them. Patient observers can also see the moon when the moon is bright dog, although they can be very difficult to photograph well without a very good camera and tripod. In both cases, look slightly to the left or right of the main body emits light in the sky for a smaller, bright objects that often have a long tail is facing away from the moon or the sun. Placing your hand in front of the moon or the sun will help you protect your eyes and deal with this interesting phenomenon, and if you live in cold regions, you may see them quite often. 


In order for the dog to form the sun, the sun must be in the sky, usually less than 45 degrees from the horizon, and in the same horizontal plane as the viewer. Small hexagonal ice crystals should also be in the same field about, and oriented parallel to the ground.If all the ice crystals are relatively flat, dog solar will make up approximately 22 degrees away from the sun. Typically, the sun dogs come in pairs, one on either side of the sun, and they are sometimes accompanied by a halo, which is caused by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals are oriented in various directions. 

Sundogs may appear as colored patches of light to the left or right of the sun, 22 ° away and at the same distance above the horizon as the sun, and the halo of ice. They can be viewed anywhere in the world during any season, but they are not always clear or bright. Sundogs are best viewed and is most noticeable when the sun is low. 

Sundogs, sometimes called Sun Dogs, Parhelia, or Mock Suns, who with 22 º halo, the most frequent of ice halos. They are most easily seen when the sun is low. Look at about 22 ° (arms outstretched at arm's length) to the left and right and at the same height. When the sun is higher them further. Every 'dog' is red toward the sun and sometimes green and blues outside. Sundogs can be blindingly bright, at other times they are simply colored stain in the sky. They are seen all over the world and at any time of year regardless of the level of soil temperature. In Europe and North America one will be seen on average twice a week if you look for 



Sundogs made generally of plate-shaped hexagonal ice crystals in high and cold cirrus clouds or when the weather is very cold, the ice crystals called diamond dust floating in the air at low levels.These crystals act as prisms, bending the light rays passing through them with minimum deflection of 22 °. If the randomly oriented crystals, a complete ring around the sun seen - a halo. But often, as the crystals sink through the air they become vertically aligned so that sunlight is refracted horizontally - in this case, sundogs visible. 
As the sun rose higher, the more oblique rays through the crystals from the horizontal plane. angle deviation and they improved sundogs move farther from the sun. However, they have always lived in the same altitude with the sun. 

This process can be likened to the process of creating a rainbow formed by sunlight shining on the water droplets in the air. This phenomenon can occur anywhere and anytime. However, he will be more easily seen when the sun is at a lower position on the Horizon (at sunrise or sunset). 

At sunrise, the sun will rise higher, Sun Dog will shift from 22-degree angle. When the sun becomes higher, Sun Dog was gone.Generally the Sun Dog is red when he is at the closest distance from the sun. When he was getting away from the sun, its color will change leads to blue. 

Then, what is meant by Parhelic Circle? Parhelic Circle is the white curved lines that penetrate the sun. We can see it clearly in the footage above. Although often only seen a piece, sometimes, curved lines, which can form a perfect circle in the sky. 

Just as the Sun Dog, Parhelic Circle also formed because of the sunlight that is deflected by hexagonal ice crystals. However, if for Sun Dog we should have a horizontal hexagonal ice crystals, then to get Parhelic Circle, hexagonal ice crystals should be in vertical or nearly vertical position. 

Sundogs red on the side nearest the sun. Further out the color grade through orange to blue. However, the color is much overlap and so is disabled, is never pure or saturated. Sundog color eventually merged into the white of the circle parhelic (if the latter is visible). 
It is theoretically possible to predict the shape sundogs as will be seen on other planets and moons. Mars may sundogs formed by both ice-water and CO 2-ice. In the gas giant planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - are other crystals to form clouds of ammonia, methane, and other substances that can produce halos with four or more sundogs. 

Dogs sun is a phenomenon that most often both behind halo halo 22 o and it often accompanies hello. The difference between a dog circles the sun and the formation of ice crystals is the orientation of the sun's rays pass through before it reaches our eyes. Halo formation requires a mixture of ice crystals randomly oriented in the sky. But if the sky is only horizontally oriented, flat ice crystals, we only see the sun dogs. 

Ice crystals in the atmosphere is hexagonally shaped. The crystals forming the optical phenomenon that most of the air usually hexagonal rods, shaped like a pencil, or flat, hexagonal pattern plate, such as stop signs or dinner plates microscopically. When the plate-shaped ice crystals falling intact, the tensile strength automatically redirect them horizontally so that their larger, flat surfaces parallel to the earth like a large maple leaves drifting down from the tree. 

Sun dogs appear when sunlight passes sidefaces thin plates of ice is refracted. The more perfectly aligned crystals fall is horizontal, dog solar generated more compact. Crystal misalignment from true horizontal vertical sun would spread the dog - a high angle which is roughly four times the maximum tilt angle crystals. 

Sun dogs often display a reddish color on the side facing the sun and the tail may be bluish-white sport that extends horizontally from it. The extent to which colors are seen depending on the amount of wobble in the fall of ice crystals that: the more sway, more color.Sun dog's tail is formed by light passing through the crystal in the other corner of the optimal deviation angle. 

Sun dogs usually appear when the sun is low to the horizon, usually just before sunset or after sunrise, or during winter at mid-latitudes.If the sun is low (the horizon for about 15 o above it), each dog is separated from the sun the sun by 22 ° (or about two handsbreadth in the arm extended), and both will be located on the rim of the halo 22 o if present. 

Sun dog tight to form the sun at the lowest altitude of the sun, but they are never less than 22 o of it. As the sun climbs in the sky, the sun slowly away from the dog's separation o 22, although they remain on the line through parallel to the horizon the sun. When the sun has risen more than 45 ° altitude, the sun is dim and the dog feels the circle o 22, and they disappear completely above 61 o solar elevation. 

More than two thousand years ago, the Greeks recognized that haloes predicted rain and sun dogs. Today we know this is often a valid prediction, because the haloes and sun dogs produced by ice crystals that form clouds cirroform that make up the typical sequence of clouds before a warm front precipitation 

At the points on the 22 ° halo which is at a horizontal line with the sun, arc commonly extend to two bright spots, supposedly referred to by the artic as a sun dog. The light is refracted at these points are very much more intense than the rest of the 22 ° halo that they are often not visible when the rest of the arc. The parhelia often shows a rainbow of color dispersion in ice crystals. While the halo appears at 22 ° when the sun is on the horizon, they seem a bit out at higher altitudes and would flare into a white tail leading away from the 22 ° halo. Under the right conditions can extend the tail far out on the "circle parhelic" horizontal. Expansion of the sun dog is a reflection of the vertical edges of the flat hexagonal ice crystals.

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