Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

NATIONAL bioenergy industry


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NATIONAL bioenergy industry 

Refiners (PG) in Indonesia, it's time to transform the role than just as a producer of sugar into a sugar cane-based industry, as did PG in the countries of the world sugar producer. Industries capable of utilizing such a role is able to reduce the company's dependence of sugar alone, because with a sugarcane-based industries, will be a lot of products and derivatives produced sugar cane can be used to its advantage.
For Indonesia, he added, because there are many PG-deficient sugarcane feedstock, then the current stage of bioethanol as raw material drops. From each ton of cane is milled, the resulting drop of about 40-45 kg and part of the proceeds go to the farmer as a supplier of sugar cane. During this drops more widely used as raw material for acetic acid and monosodium glutamate

Besides sugar cane, cassava has good potential as a raw material of bioethanol. Cassava is relatively easier to be cultivated in various types of agricultural land. Lands that had been counterproductive can be 'turned on' again by growing bioenergy crops. The thing to do is mapping the local potential in producing bioenergy crops.
Next is the manufacture of an integrated bioenergy industry involving companies, governments, universities, and farmers. With this, then each region is expected to become energy independent region. The paradigm is then built is 'empowerment' of society. Not 'exploitation' of society and the natural resources that had been tended by the Multi National Corpaorate (MNC). Sustainable energy supplies and environmentally friendly is a fundamental development of the Indonesian nation to face globalization.
Note: GAS has 88-octane premium. But the premium gasoline could ngejos like pertamax with an additional 99% ethanol, because ethanol has a 117 octane. The trick, mix a percentage of a percentage of premium gasoline with ethanol. For example a mixture of 1: 9, in which 10% ethanol is added to the 90% premium. Take 10 ml of ethanol with 90 ml of a premium to 1 liter of benzene (gasoline - ethanol), then the octane number to be 10% X 117 + 90% X 88 = 90.9 or nearly pertamax. Mixing between the premium with ethanol can be made with different ratios. Sakarang only necessary prudence to a vehicle under the age of 2000. Ethanol has dissolving properties of rubber, thus threatening the strength of seals (seal) valve. For that use of ethanol vehicle is recommended only for vehicles produced after the year 2000 alone.

Ref. htysite - Restsindo



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