Kamis, 09 Juni 2011



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What plant clinic? 
Plant clinic is a place where there is a service to the community associated with disturbances in the plant earned. Clinic plants as a medium for farmers to solve the problem of problems in relation to crop damage caused by insect pests, pathogens and cause other damage. Clinic plants can not stand alone in a field of study but is a combination of the science of agronomy, soil science, the science of pests and diseases and other sciences agricultural sciences. 

Clinic plants can also be defined as a container distribution / dissemination of information relating to the science of agricultural science. So that clinics can serve as a medium of plants together to exchange information. 

There was a misunderstanding when we talk about plant clinics, many opinions stating that the clinic is a clinic of the plant pests and plant diseases. Or in other words plant clinic is identical to the consultation on the causes of damage to the crop (the damage caused by pests and diseases in plants). In accordance with our explanation above that plant clinic can not stand alone as an area of ​​expertise but must be integrated with various fields of agricultural science. Why? because when we are in the field and when there are signs of pests or disease symptoms are often not by pathogens or pests, but the soil conditions but similar symptoms. 


Through the clinic, farmers plant crops and clinicians can discuss in depth about their crop management to obtain optimal results with a healthy and minimize environmental damage to ecosystems 
In our post this time we will focus more on the Science of Plant Pest and Disease. This does not mean ignoring another discipline. This is simply because the field of Science of Plant Pest and Disease that the author mastered. 

The function of plant clinics 
Disseminate IPM technology to farmers and other institutions 
Forum for faculty and students to deal with pest and disease problems in the field 
The container mechanism for community feedback about what had happened to farmers and other clients that may be material to enrich the research and classroom teaching 

Clinic plants or sometimes called laboratrium plant disease diagnosis is generally fitted by experts and officers (Dapa also from students who intern) who do penyululuhan and midwife education in plant disease. 

Some of the sick plants can be easily recognizable by symptoms that appear so it can be recommended control akantetapi beberapatahapan several other diseases requires both macro and micro that bebeapa take days or weeks to get results and recommendations. 

The purpose Diagnosing Plant Diseases 

Effective disease control depends mainly on early, accurate identification of diseases and causal agents .. In most cases, it was too late to control the disease on the plant after the disease emerged. However, control measures on time to prevent the disease spreading to other plants. 

Field diagnosis of disease problems that involve some detective work to find the symptoms, signs and patterns. Symptoms of plant response to particular pressures which may be caused by environment or by the pathogen. 

Signs section of pathogens such as structure, galls, liquid or mycelium (fungus). Patterns of disease in an area provides many clues about the cause. Compiling all this information will help correctly identify the problem. 

STEPS IN THE FIELD diagnosis: 

1. Specify the name of scientific and common names because common names are often used for very different plant species. For example, there are various types of pine trees each with a variety of plant diseases unique to that species. 

2. Determine what diseases have been reported in plants under review. By using the books available disease. such as: 
- Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants - PP Pirone Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants - PP Pirone 
- Vegetable Crop Diseases - CR Dixon Vegetable Crop Diseases - CR Dixon 
- Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook - K. Horst Pests / diseases of plants Westcott's Handbook - K. Horst 
- Diseases of the Forest and Shade Trees of the United States - USDA Handbook. 
- How to Control Plant Diseases in Home and Garden - MC Shurtleff. 
- Fungi on Plants and Plant Products on the United States - D.Farr, G. Bills, G. Chamuris, A. Rossman. 
- Diagnosis penykit plants. Street. The University of Arizona Press, etc. 

3. Compare your sick plants to healthy plants growing nearby to better assess the symptoms and signs. Some parts of the plant to normal is often mistaken for a proof of the disease. For example, a healthy palm leaves covered by a striking feather confused with fungal mycelium. Small galls on the roots of legumes such as beans and alfalfa may be normal nitrogen nodules. 

4. Determining the distribution of disease in the field or garden.What if there is more than one type of plant affected? If so, this disease may be caused by climate, chemicals or other cultural factors. If the condition is uniformly distributed in a low place in the field or just the edge of a planting, soil or water of a factor or toxic chemicals should be suspected. Parasites in the time and rarely infects 100% of plants in an area. When a problem affecting all plants in a particular area, the cause of the problem is probably lack or excess of soil nutrients; result of drought, ice or sleet or toxic chemicals such as herbicide or air pollution. Plant pathogens rarely cause a condition to appear suddenly. They usually start at one point and spread slowly to other plants. If symptoms appear "overnight" or in one or two days, probably due to climatic factors or toxic chemicals. 

5. Does the same plant or plants have been planted in the area in previous years? Is there a problem in other plant species in the same location? Is there any herbicides or chemicals used in the area? Have there been any very cold, hot or wet climate conditions in the past. A few days? 

6. Many of the symptoms above ground. such as root rot. If small leaves, yellow or show wilting or if plants have slow growth and very little fruit or flower production, then root rot should be suspected. Dig around the base of the tree to find the roots of dead or areas on the skin. Smaller plants (eg flowers, vegetable plants) haru testing procedures, the root examined. Healthy roots should be white or cream. ika they brown or black, may have root rot the plant. 

7. drought or other climatic factors can accelerate the loss of needles so that the entire tree would look kuning.Umumnya there is no need for concern if only the oldest needles left behind. 

8. Is there only symptoms on leaves, stems, flowers or fruit, or whole plants are involved? 

9. If the cause of the condition can not be directly specified, you may need to ask for help from local agencies. Sometimes the symptoms and signs are not characteristic enough to allow an accurate diagnosis of the problem. In this case, the sample may be taken to isolate and identify the causative agent.

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