Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

PROCESS GELATINASI In the process of bioethanol


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PROCESS GELATINASI In the process of bioethanol 

In the process gelatinasi, raw materials cassava, sweet potato, or corn crushed and mixed with water so that a slurry, which is estimated to contain 27-30 percent starch. Then the starch slurry is cooked or heated for 2 hours so the gel. Gelatinasi process can be done in 2 ways, namely: 

• starch slurry is heated to 130o C for 30 minutes, then cooled until it reaches a temperature of 95o C is estimated to take approximately ¼ hours. The temperature of 95o C is maintained for about 1 ¼ hours, so the total time it takes up to 2 hours. 

• The slurry of starch plus enzyme termamyl directly heated until it reaches a temperature of 130o C for 2 hours. 

Gelatinasi the first way, which way have the advantage of gradual warming, which is at a temperature of 95o C termamyl activity is highest, resulting in active instant yeast or yeast. Heating with high temperature (130o C) on the first way is intended to break down the starch granules, making it easier enzyme comes in contact with water. Treatment at such high temperatures can also serve for the sterilization of materials, so the material is not easily contaminated. 


Gelatinasi second way, namely how to direct heating (gelatinasi with enzyme termamyl) at temperatures of 130o C produces results that are less good, because it reduces the activity of yeast.This is due to the enzyme at a temperature gelatinasi 130o C will form a tri-phenyl-furane that have toxic properties of yeast.Gelatinasi at high temperatures will also affect the decrease in activity termamyl, because termamyl activity will decrease after passing the temperature of 95o C. In addition, the high temperature will also result in half-life of termamyl getting shorter, for example at temperatures of 93o C, the half-life of termamyl is 1500 minutes, whereas at temperatures of 107o C, the half-life is 40 minutes termamyl (Wasito, 1981). 

Gelatinasi results of the two ways is cooled until it reaches 55o C, then added to the SAN sakharifikasi and subsequently fermented using yeast (yeast) Saccharomyzes ceraviseze. 
Urea and NPK serves as a nutritional yeast. Nutrient needs are as follows: 
a. Urea as much as 0.5% of the levels of sugar in the fermentation solution. 
b. NPK as much as 0.1% of the levels of sugar in the fermentation solution. 
For the example above, the need is as much as 70 grams of urea and NPK as many as 14 gr. Crush urea and NPK until smooth, then added to a solution of molasses and stir. 

The active ingredient is the bread yeast Saccharomyces yeasts that can ferment cereviseae sugars into ethanol. Yeast bread easily purchased in stores or cake ingredients at the supermarket.Should not use tapes yeast, because yeast tape consists of a few microbes. Needs yeast bread is as much as 0.2% of sugar content in molasses solution. For the example above needs raginya is as much as 28 grams. 
Yeast bread was given lukewarm water to taste. Then stirred gently until slightly foamy tempak. After that just put in a fermenter.Fermenter sealed. 

Enzymes used are alpha-amylase in likuifikasi stage, while the use of enzymes glucoamylase saccharification stage. Based on the research, the use of a-amylase on stage DE likuifikasi produce high of 50.83 on a-amylase concentration of 1.75 U / g starch and likuifikasi time of 210 minutes, and glucoamylase in the saccharification stage produced the highest DE of 98.99 at a concentration of 0.3 U enzyme / g starch with saccharification time of 48 hours.

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