Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

MAKING BIO Ethanol Step-by-Step Making Bio Ethanol


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Step-by-Step Making Bio Ethanol

Along with the depletion of energy reserves of fuel, corn become an important alternative as a raw material for making ethanol (fuel mixing ingredients). Hence, the need for these commodities in the future is expected to increase significantly. Ethanol (C2H5OH) is a liquid biochemical process of fermentation of sugars from carbohydrate sources using the help of microorganisms.

º gasohol mixture of dry ethanol / absolute terdena turasi and gasoline-alcohol content at s / d about 22% by volume.
The term bioethanol is identical to the pure fuel. Bex º X% bioethanol yield gasohol-volume.

Alcohol is a chemical produced from raw materials containing starch crops such as cassava, sweet potato, corn, and sago are usually referred to as bioethanol. Cassava, sweet potato, and corn crops are usually planted people in almost all parts of Indonesia, so the crop is a crop with the potential to be considered as a source of raw material for making bio-ethanol or gasohol. But of all types of plants, cassava is a plant that the highest per hectare can produce ethanol. Besides consideration of the use of cassava as raw material for bio-ethanol production process is also based on economic considerations. Consideration of the Economical procurement of raw materials not only include the price of crop production as a feedstock, but also covers the cost of crop management, production cost of raw material procurement, and cost of raw materials to produce each liter of ethanol / bio-ethanol.In general, ethanol / bio-ethanol can be used as industrial raw material alcohol derivative, mixture to alcohol, the basic ingredients the pharmaceutical industry, the fuel mixture
for vehicles. Given the use of ethanol / bio-ethanol varied, so the grade ethanol used should vary according to usage. For ethanol / bio-ethanol which has a grade 90 to 96.5 vol% can be used in the industry, while the ethanol / bio-ethanol which has a grade 96 to 99.5 vol% can be used as a mixture of alcohol and the basic ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry. In contrast with the large grade ethanol/bio-
Ethanol is used as a mixture of fuel for vehicles that must be really dry and anhydrous so as not corrosive, so the ethanol / bio-ethanol must have a grade of 99.5 to 100% vol. The big difference grade will affect the process of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) is water soluble. Referring to the explanation, drafted a paper titled "Technology Bio-Ethanol Production Process"


In general, the processing of starchy materials such as cassava, corn and sago to produce bio-ethanol made with the order process. First is the process of hydrolysis, namely the process of converting starch into glucose. Starch is a homopolymer of glucose with a-glycosidic bond. Starch consists of two fractions can be separated with hot water, soluble fraction called amylose and amylopectin fractions insoluble called. Amylose has a straight structure with the bond a-(1,4)-D-glycosidic while amylopectin has a branched structure by bonding a-(1,6)-D-glycosidic much as 4-5% of the total weight. The principle of starch hydrolysis is essentially a termination of polymer chain units of starch into dextrose (C6H12O6). Termination of the polymer chains can be done by various methods, for example, enzymatically, chemically or a combination of both. Hydrolysis enzymatically have fundamental differences compared to chemical hydrolysis and physical separation in terms of specificity of starch polymer chains.Hydrolysis is chemically and physically will break the chains of the polymer at random, whereas enzymatic hydrolysis to break the polymer chains are specific to certain branches.

Production of ethanol / bio-ethanol (alcohol) with plant raw materials containing starch or karbohydrat, conducted through a process of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) is water soluble. Conversion of plant raw materials containing starch or karbohydrat and drops into bio-ethanol.

Glucose can be made from starch-patian, the manufacturing process can be distinguished by the auxiliary substances used, namely Hydrolisa Hydrolisa acid and enzyme. Based on the two types of hydrolisa, currently
hydrolisa enzyme more developed, while hydrolisa acid (eg sulfuric acid) are less developed, so that the process of making glucose from starch-patian currently used by hydrolisa
enzyme. In the process of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) made water soluble by adding water and enzyme; then do the brewing or fermentation of sugar into ethanol by adding yeast or
yeast. The reaction that occurs in the production process of ethanol / bio-ethanol is simple.

In addition to ethanol / bio-ethanol can be produced from plant raw materials containing starch or karbohydrat, can also be produced from plant material containing cellulose, but in the presence of lignin resulted in the
penggulaannya becomes more difficult, thus making ethanol / bio-ethanol from cellulose is not necessary recommended. Although the production techniques of ethanol / bio-ethanol is a technique that has long been known, but the ethanol / bio-ethanol
for motor fuel with ethanol requires certain characteristics that require a relatively new technology in Indonesia, among others, on energy balance (energy balance) and production efficiency, so more research
information about the ethanol production process technology still needs to be done. Briefly ethanol production process technology / bio-ethanol can be divided into three stages, namely gelatinasi, sakharifikasi, and fermentation.

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