Minggu, 19 Juni 2011



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Energy is one of the main problems of the world in the 21st century. Until now, the fuel consumption is still a major world countries. Petroleum can be a daunting political weapon as the world's industrial sector relies heavily on the supply of oil.

United States invasion of Iraq in 2003 was more due to the war to get oil than the war against terrorism. United States as the world's largest consumer of petroleum consumption levels of 25 million barrels / day, but only producing 7.5 million barrels / day. Therefore the availability of petroleum is very vital to sustain the industry.

The role of fuel is still 63% in the national final energy consumption-2003. Indonesia, which used to be oil-exporting country, since 2004 turned into a net importer of oil. In 2004, Indonesia imported 487 thousand barrels of oil / day. Meanwhile, world oil prices continued to increase in price. This obviously will shake up the national economy.

The structure of the state budget is still dependent on oil revenues and fuel subsidies. Rising world oil prices lead to ballooning fuel subsidy bill. Reduction in fuel subsidy policy applied by the government ultimately result in increased costs of economic activities.

Thus, there must be strategic efforts to reduce dependence on petroleum. It is a matter of urgency given the national oil reserves only up to 18 years (see table) again, while domestic consumption continues to rise. Predicted in 2010, the amount of fuel imports will increase to around 60% - 70% of the domestic fuel demand. This fact will make Indonesia become Asia's largest oil importer.

The use of alternative fuels should be done primarily in the form of liquid, because the public is already very familiar with the liquid fuel, fuel. One is Bioethanol. Characteristics can be substituted for bioethanol with gasoline. Indonesia needs to develop bioethanol since:

Increased energy consumption
Fossil fuels will run out
Foreign exchange (imported fuel)
The potential use of biofuels
Kyoto protocol
Potential land
The potential of human resources (farmers)



Louis Pasteur first introduce the method of fermentation. He melakukakan sugar fermentation using microorganisms. He has opened new horizons to produce chemical compounds with the help of microorganisms. So we do not have to accomplish to achieve the synthesis of chemical compounds, let alone working mikoorganisme produce it. In 1815, Gay-Lussac formulated the conversion of glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The formula is as follows:

2C2H5OH C6H12O6 + 2CO2

In the development of alcohol production is the most widely used method of fermentation and distillation.

Microorganisms used for alcoholic fermentation:

Bacteria: Clostridium acetobutylicum, Klebsiella pnemoniae, Leuconoctoc
mesenteroides, Sarcina ventriculi, Zymomonas mobilis, etc..
Fungi: Aspergillus oryzae, Endomyces lactis, Kloeckera sp., Kluyreromyces fragilis,
Mucor sp., Neurospora crassa, Rhizopus sp., Saccharomyces beticus, S. cerevisiae, S.ellipsoideus, S. oviformis, S. saki, Torula sp., etc.
Recently recombinant DNA technology has helped the use of microorganisms in industrial processes. After the USA and Brazil, India is the third largest country in producing bioethanol.

During World War II, a mixture of ethanol and gasoline have been used in Europe. However, after the war ended bioethanol to compete with cheaper gasoline. The use of a mixture of alcohol and gasoline were used again in the 1970's oil embargo caused the Arab countries against the West in 1973 that caused the oil crisis.

In 1985 Brazil issued a program mixing 20% ​​bioethanol with gasoline to save 40% of gasoline consumption. This country has marketed a million cars with 100% bioethanol fuel.

Advantages of bioethanol compared to gasoline:

Safe to use bioethanol as a fuel, the flash point of ethanol three times higher than gasoline.
Hidokarbon fewer emissions
Deficiencies bioethanol compared to gasoline:
More difficult to cool the engine starter
Bioethanol react with metals such as magnesium and aluminum.
As an alternative to use a mixture of bioethanol with gasoline.Before mixed, ethanol must be purified to 100%. This mixture known as gasohol.

Substrate that can be fermented into alcohol:
Sugary materials (sugary materials): sugar cane and the rest of their products (molasses, bagase), sugar beet, tapioca, sweet potato, sweet sorghum, etc.. Cane molasses are used heavily in some countries to produce alcohol.
Starchy materials (starchy materials): tapioca, maize, barley, wheat, rice, and potatoes. Maize and cassava are the two groups of substrates of interest. 11.7 kg of corn starch can be converted into 7 liters of ethanol.
Lignocellulosic materials (lignosellulosic material): the source of cellulose and lignocellulose derived from agricultural waste and wood. However, the ethanol yield from lignocellulosic slightly due to the lack of technology to convert pentoses to ethanol. 409 liters of ethanol can be produced from 1 ton of lignocellulose.

Bioethanol is a multi-purpose because it is mixed with gasoline in the composition of any positive impact. Mixing of absolute ethanol with gasoline as much as 10% (90%), often called gasohol E-10.Gasohol stands for gasoline (petrol) plus alcohol (bioethanol).Absolute ethanol has the octane number (ON) 117, while the Premium is only 87-88. E-10 gasohol proportionately have 92 or equivalent Pertamax ON. At this composition is known as bioethanol octan enhancer (additive) of the most environmentally friendly and in developed countries have shifted the use of Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and Methyl Tertiary Buthyl Ether (MTBE).

Mixing up to 24% can still use a conventional gasoline car. On top of that, they need a special car that has been widely produced in the U.S. and Brazil. Popular and in demand today are Flexible-Fuel Vehicle (FFV). This kind of "smart cars" because it is equipped with sensors and automation panel which can set the machine to use a gasoline-bioethanol mixture at any composition.

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