Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

MEANING OF DEATH LAST DAY AND END-era (Uncovering the mystery of death-Resurrection and End Times)


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(Uncovering the mystery of death-Resurrection and End Times)

Hearing the word or sentence of death that we catch the first impression is the horror, fear and hysteria. The feeling was felt by almost everyone. Most people avoid thinking about death.

In this modern life, one usually busied herself with things that are very contrary to death, they think about: "where they will study, in which companies they will work, what clothes they will use tomorrow morning, what would cooked for dinner tonight, these things are important issues that we often think. Life is perceived as a process of habit who do everyday. talk about death often criticized by those who feel uncomfortable to hear. They think that death is only will happen when someone older, someone does not want to think about death itself is not this fun. Even so remember always, there is no guarantee that a person who will live in the next hour. Every day, people witnessed the deaths of others around but not thinking about the day when others will witness his death. He did not think that death is menunggunya.suatu day he would have died.

When the first humans entered the shackles of sin by eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, the moment man will experience death
Genesis 2:17: "but the tree of knowledge of good and evil, do not eat fruit, because on the day you eat it, thou shalt surely die"

After Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God says, "you are dust and to dust you shall return." So, even if they are "not dead" physically on the day they ate the fruit, they are now subject to the laws of death as a result of the curse of God. Similarly, all descended from them.

For many years people tried to find ways and means to remain a long life and eternal life. But the fact that humans can not resist these natural processes.

Everything that happens in the world is uncertain. Currently we are not necessarily rich tomorrow, could be richer or may not have anything. Currently we are pretty or handsome, not necessarily tomorrow more beautiful or handsome or otherwise added. At this time we are loved, but not necessarily tomorrow we loved. Now success can be added beok success or even become bankrupt. At this moment we are strong, so tomorrow we can become brittle and various kinds of samples. Today is sunny tomorrow will likely rain. Currently there are bright because the sun and Nati will turn dark because of the night. At this growth removed and disposed of tomorrow. That point is all the things in this world is uncertain. And only one thing is certain in this world is all people-all creatures will die.

Every living creature will die? It is a natural law. Like it or not, agree or not you - me - and all of them-we are currently living will die. When trees are uprooted or cut down it is possible to grow new shoots sprout in place the cut. Buds that will become a new tree. In contrast to humans when humans are fallen (death) then so will the bodies into the ground then the body will return to the soil and become soil. In accordance with the beginning of the creation that God created man from dust of the earth, then God breathed life through hidung. With previous articles (please read here)
Although in the era of human progress has been able to develop technologi clonning.Walaupun system so this system does not promise to eternal life on this earth.

Many people who attempt to eternal life but not a few people who want to die quickly. But most people who want a quick death is they - those who just can not afford and do not want to see and feel the life that is incompatible with their expectations. But most people still fear to face death. Though he would experience death at some point and who knows where, or how to die.
In accordance with the Bible in the Book of Deuteronomy 30: 15 and 19 that reads: "15). Remember, I confront thee this day life and good fortune, death and accidents, 19) I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: unto kuperhadapkan life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed well, "

According to John Hick states that "The phenomenon of death is the fact that a sudden lunge and blind, so that human beings are not able to control it. His arrival could not be calculated and very shocking people who are planning their lives and trying to make it happen." Death is inevitable, it must realize every human being. Even so, people in general do not like, even very afraid of death. For some people, death is very scary. They think of death as an event that is very tragic and horrible ".

Why do we feel afraid of death or the apocalypse or the end times? This is what we will discuss further in this article. Please refer to and read on this article.

Everything in this world full of uncertainty, only one thing is certain in this world is death. Someday I-you and anyone who is currently alive will die. Not only humans but all living creatures will die. It's just that way and uncertain time believe that when and where and how we die is God's will. Let alone the problem of death number of hairs on our heads alone, according to the will of God, and if one's hair fall out and even then it is also God's will and vice versa hair is not hair loss is also the will of God. What evidence? the proof is the existence of hair loss and hair that does not fall out it is the will of God. That the Supreme Esaan God. Complete control over the entire universe Natural universe. (Please read here )

In this post we want to focus on the meaning of death for humans. Based on our previous post (click here) that in humans there are two important parts of the body and spirit. The body is our rough body and spirit is our subtle bodies. And the Spirit (breath of life) that comes from God and the only means for living organisms to communicate with God (the Most of Life).

What happens when the spirit leaves the body (not the sport experienced the death of the soul), then spirit will return to the community that is returned to God. Why is that? because the Holy Spirit comes from God and it is part of God. Like the story of creation in the beginning of man is dust of the earth and then God breathed Breath of Life and the dust of the ground there lived a man (cf. Genesis 2: 7). That is the reason why the Spirit will return to the Lord, because the source of the Spirit (Breath of Life) is derived from God. Then he would return to their home. Soil dust will return to the land and the Spirit will return to God. This understanding that we must understand first before further discussion.

When a body lying stiff because the Spirit has left the body then at that time the world's life for the dead is over. For the death that's apocalypse, that is the end all life on earth.
But we should ponder (associated with the title and theme of this paper) is the time, mass and all the life out of the dead still run as usual. Perhaps only those people close to the shrouded by a sense of sorrow-sorrow. But behind the sadness, the world still spinning. When it's time it will malampun night before-when the time in the morning then mataharipun still rising even though there are clouds that enveloped him.

In this post we just want to focus on just one topic that is the relationship and similarities between the death-doom and the end times. As we have written the above when a person experiences the death of the life of the world had ended for the dead, but outside the world of the dead still spinning, the time is still running, the wind still blowing, although there is grief around the death. Therein lies the similarity of the apocalypse and end times events.

Before discussing further we would like to ask the reader. The question is what difference apocalypse and end times? many of the same opinion, there is also a more detailed explain that there are two things that doom doom doom of small and large. Small disaster is the death of large-Resurrection is the event destruction of the world (this world could be the destruction of the earth or galaxy), while the end times is much broader than the apocalypse. End of era is the end of all times, namely the destruction of all of the universe - or the natural destruction of the universe. The destruction here is not metaphorical but real destruction. Opinions are opinions on public opinion, because many people believed in him. In fact essentially the same, namely the destruction - or the cessation of the flow of life physically.

In order to facilitate understanding of our purpose we will describe as simple as possible, We are sorry that many opinions may argue that this explanation actually beating the bush. We are sorry once again but we do not mean that.

We underline the event of death:
"When I die, life in the world has ended for the dead, but excluding the deceased's life continue as usual."

Judgement is also a similar event, if only the universe has a total area of ??a football field. The devastation which resulted in a doomsday event covering a quarter of four (fourth) part of a football field. And the incredible destruction that occurred in the area which covers about a quarter four of Resurrection. But we need to note that the incident did not affect the destruction of three-fourths (3 / 4) part of a football field. The world has ended for everything within the circle of doom but the wider world is still running. Life wider still proceed.

Likewise, the events occur at the end of time. We imagine the devastation that occurs when the end-time events covering half (1 / 2 of the size of a football field. So the world has ended for everything that is in the scope of the destruction of the end times. All creatures are animate and different objects smash without a trace. But the need to remember whether it affects the football field? influence but of course that needs to be noted is the life of running in the area outside the area of ? the end times. And had the entire area of ? a football field destroyed the life outside football circles is still running .

Why are we writing this? because a lot of fear of fear at the thought of apocalypse or end-time events if befall us. Fear that can be outside when the apocalypse or the end times we are approached today. If that happens maybe we will vanish without a trace left so no longer. But if after that it ended too to all of life? of course not why?

Before we answer we will ask first whether there is an incident when the apocalypse or the end of time whether the Lord's life also ended? Could be all of life experienced by humans has ended but the life of God and God disekir condition is still running.

Often people narrow minded when looking at and contemplating apocalypse or end times events. What is unimaginable devastation and destruction of human beings until no longer exists. But do not want to think more broadly. Humans only think about and wrestle in the life of the deceased so minded that it has ended. Man to be forgetting that not all of them destroyed, life is still running outside the dead-still life outside bejalan apocalypse or end times events.

One thing we need to emphasize that the Spirit can not be demolished or destroyed by any event including death - apocalypse and end times. Because Spirit is part of God and the Spirit that is God.

And also need to ponder is when the Spirit left the body of a process of liberation. Spirit is something holy and pure, when the Spirit of the land covered by the dust and the Spirit has been imprisoned by the dust of the earth. Spirit and the compression process occurs when the process of death (the Spirit apart from the body), then spirit is freed he became a holy and pure again. But sometimes when the Holy Spirit apart from the body it is not entirely free. Spirit is still covered and affected by soil dust. For that is needed for the purification of the Holy Spirit to return to the Creator so that dust swathe swathe of land (the bodies) can be discarded completely.

"No one in power against the wind and no one has power over the day of death. There is no break in the battle, and the wickedness of people who do not let go." (Ecclesiastes 8: 8)

"The name of the fragrance is better than the expensive oil, and the day of death better than the day of birth". (Ecclesiastes 7: 7)

Biblical view of death as a natural thing (Psalm 49:11-12) and as a result of sin (Gen. 3:19). Death is the last enemy to be defeated (1 Cor. 15:26). [5] Death is the separation between body and spirit. The soul or consciousness of the body that do not have the spirit (John 2:2). The body is temporary or transitory (Rom. 6:12), while the immortal soul or spirit (Matt. 10:28). Therefore, death is not the end of the story of human life. When humans die, the body insanilah ended or disappeared, while the human soul or spirit alive. Not to say that with death everything is lost not a trace. For the view that forces us also assume that all parts of humanity, whether the physical, whether psychology or any part of the action and the result of human effort that only sheer will to destruction

Death is something that must happen to someone, although he tried to avoid death or trying to hide and take refuge in a supposed safe place. One can not run away and stay away from death. Death is the beginning or the gateway to life. When the whole world is full of uncertainty and only death is certain. Why do we have to fear death, why we should be so attached to the body that easily destroyed and forgotten something eternal in man is Spirit.
If we only pursue things of this world then we have released ourselves from the source of life.

He that is within us knows no death, because the Spirit is the Spirit comes from God and this is part of God. That is why this spirit will never be destroyed or annihilated.


Dwi Hartoyo,SP

From : htysite - Restsindo


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