Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

PLANT DISEASE SYMPTOMS morpho BE SHARED SYMPTOMS Morphological & histology


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PLANT DISEASE SYMPTOMS morpho BE SHARED SYMPTOMS Morphological & histology 

A. Symptoms morphology: beyond symptom that can be viewed and can be known through the smell is identified by smell, taste and touch; can be represented by it can be shown by the whole plant or any organ of the plant. 

B. Histology Symptoms: symptom that only the symptoms can only be known through the examination of microscopic examination of diseased tissue of diseased tissues. 

Symptoms of histology can be classified into 3 types of symptoms: ie necrosis, hypoplasia and hyperplasia. 
1. Necrotic symptoms: symptoms of the disease characterized by degeneration of the protoplast followed by cell death of cells, tissues, organs and whole plants. (Spots, spots, stains, blight) 
        a. Symptoms plesionekrotik: necrotic symptoms that are expressed before the death of protoplasts 
        b. Symptoms holonekrotik: necrotic symptoms that are expressed after protoplast death, such as tuber  rot, seed rot, and fall germination. 

2. Symptoms hypoplasia: symptoms arise because of delays or failure of plant / organ to develop fully. Common symptoms of hypoplasia that is below normal size and pale color, such as dwarf, rosette, mosaics, albinasi. 

3. Hyperplasia symptoms: symptoms that arise because of the tremendous growth the size or abnormal early development of plant organs such as curling, leaf rolling membengkoknya headers or because the growth that took place on the one hand, ulcer, scab

Examples of symptoms Nekrosa 
Leaf spot -> local lesions due to damage / cell death (brown, black or gray vaginal discharge) 
Form of spots: round, oval, spots stripes, stripes, concentric circles (spots target board) 
Sometimes the spots are surrounded by lines klorotik / yellow-called halo (prop) 

Hawar -> change color and dry out and spread rapidly on leaves, shoots, branches, twigs, flowers and other-lai 

 Leaf blight 

Cancer -> local wounds, dry and sunken, surrounded by callus on the skin of the stem, branch, branches and roots (commonly on woody plants) 

Dead end / shoots (Dieback) -> death intensively on twigs and branches starting from the ends toward the base-base. 
Root rot / stem base -> Disintegration / decay on root system / base of the stem 

Fall germination (Damping-off) -> Death is very fast at a very young seedling in the nursery (usually due to soil borne fungus attacks) 
 Fall germination (Damping off) 

When the sprouts died after a fall at ground level is called post-grown seedling 
When the sprouts die before uncul soil surface is called fall sprouts pratumbuh 
Chlorosis -> damage / death of chloroplasts causes discolored yellow green color 

Examples hyperplasia symptoms 
Roots bludgeon -> enlargement of certain parts of the roots due to the occurrence of rash which fused with each other (cudgel root disease in cabbage roots by the fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae) 
Gland (galls) -> local swelling of boils or rash on the trunk, twig or leaf (gland disease on plant stems in the form of solar / crown galls by Agrobacterium tumefaciens) 
Roots Gada (Plasmodiphora brassicae) Gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) 

Sweep the devil (Witches's broom) -> many buds sleep onset in the armpit so it is a dense twigs as brooms  Sweep the devil in peanuts 

Warts (Warts) -> prominent warts (protuberance) on the roots of the tuber 

Examples of symptoms hypoplasia 
Dwarf (atrophy / stunt) -> impaired growth in plant parts (the parts were smaller than usual) 
Dwarf (dwarf) -> shrink the size of the entire plant without any change in the proportion of plant parts 

Chlorosis -> not tebentuk / less development of chlorophyll so that the leaves turn yellow or mix happen mosaic with color green, light green, yellow whitey (viral diseases) 
Vein appeal -> when the leaves only the parts around the bone that is green leaf 
Vein clearing -> if only the parts of leaves around the bone leaf yellowing 
Etiolasi -> if the plants lack of light, plants grow lengthwise (thin) with narrow leaves and pale 
The naming of plant disease 
Common name of many diseases are named according to the symptoms -> rust disease, wilt disease, scurvy, cancer etc. 

All structures contained pathogens on plant surfaces that can be seen in macroscopic (specifically on diseases caused by fungi and bacteria) 
Signs of disease include: 
Mycelia, a collection of conidia and conidiophores, sklerotia, basidiokarp and slime bacteria 

Examples of disease signs 
The fungus Sclerotium rolfsii on nuts (peanuts) to form mycelia, such as fur / cotton white on the surface of the root, stem and soil surface around plants infected or form mycelial webbing on the leaf surface 

Clots / Rounded masses of thickened hyphae and attached to the trunk or on the surface of the soil or floating on the water surface in the vicinity of the infected plants (sklerotia on rice stem fungus Rhizoctonia solani affected) 

In further attacks, the fungus Ganoderma & Rigidoporus form baidiokarp (thick and a lot of fan-shaped pores) on the surface of the root / base of the stem woody plant 

Collection of conidia and conidiophores (on rust disease / flour) 
Collection of conidia and conidiophores looks like rust or flour on the surface of the leaf. 
Leaf rust disease on maize caused by the fungus Puccinia polysora 
Powdery mildew disease on the leaves of maize (white person) caused by the fungus Peronosclerospora maydis 
Conidia and conidiophores polysora Puccinia maydis conidia and conidiophores Peronosclerospora 

Plant Disease Diagnosis 
Plant disease diagnosis: to determine the manner of plant disease with appropriate and carefully 

Plant disease diagnosis based on signs: mycelia, a collection of conidia / conidiophores, sklerotia, slime bacteria Symptoms of Foreign Direct In general, to determine the cause of diseases, traits and its control 
Tool of infectious plant disease diagnosis:? Loop? Microscope? Culture media (for non-obligate pathogens)? Books index of plant diseases? Books compendium series? Books mycology, bacteriology, virology, etc.. Diagnosis of infectious disease (Biotic) disease is not contagious (abiotic) 

Diagnosis of plant diseases do not spread in the following ways: 
Using manual books / picture about the symptoms of deficiency / excess of nutrients, light, pollution etc.. 
For lack of nutrients carried out by chemical analysis of soil / plant 
Mimic environmental factors suspected as the cause of disease 
Determination of pathogens leading cause of disease in plants is done by Koch's postulates. 

Work Steps Koch's postulates 
1. Pathogens have always found associated with diseased plants 
2. Pathogens from sick plants must be isolated and grown in pure culture media. 
3. Pathogens that grow in pure cultures should be able to direinokulasikan in kind and healthy plants, and symptoms should be similar to previous sick plants (plants in no.1) 
4. Pathogens in the plant due to direisolasi reinokulasi should and can be grown in pure cultures. Pathogens that can grow in pure cultures should have the right characteristics similar to the first pathogen isolated.

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