Minggu, 19 Juni 2011



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BIO - Ethanol 


Bio-ethanol is one type of biofuels (liquid fuels from processing plants) in addition to Biodiesel. Bio-ethanol is ethanol produced from fermentation of glucose (sugar), followed by distillation process. Distillation process can produce levels of 95% ethanol by volume, for use as fuel (biofuel) need to be further purified again until it reaches 99%, commonly known as fuel grade ethanol (FGE). Purification process with the principle of dehydration is generally performed with Molecular Sieve methods, to separate water from ethanol compound. 
Raw materials of bio-ethanol that can be used include cassava, sugar cane, sago, corn, etc.. 

Developed countries have developed alternative energy that can replace the role of petroleum and natural material resources (especially minerals) that serves as fuel. Petroleum reserves are dwindling due to increased demand as well as a bombastic number of people in the world (only China has a population of 1 billion ...) is a jealous scientist driving factor in seeking new energy sources are renewable, cheap and safe for the environment (especially those derived from vegetable ). 

Some of the popular alternative fuel is biodiesel, biogas, biofuels, hydrogen and nuclear energy. Biofuel is one instance of the biomass. Biofuel is a fuel derived from plants or animals, usually from agriculture, the remaining solids are also the result of forests. 
Let's look at biofuels, especially ethanol. Through the process of saccharification (breakdown complex sugars into simple sugars), fermentation, and distillation, crops such as corn, sugar cane and cassava can be converted into fuel. 

Alcohol is a chemical produced from raw materials containing starch crops such as cassava, sweet potato, corn, and sago are usually referred to as bioethanol. Cassava, sweet potato, and corn crops are usually planted people in almost all parts of Indonesia, so the crop is a crop with the potential to be considered as a source of raw material for making bio-ethanol or gasohol. But of all types of plants, cassava is a plant that the highest per hectare can produce ethanol. Besides consideration of the use of cassava as raw material for bio-ethanol production process is also based on economic considerations. Consideration of the Economical procurement of raw materials not only include the price of crop production as a feedstock, but also covers the cost of crop management, production cost of raw material procurement, and cost of raw materials to produce each liter of ethanol / bio-ethanol. In general, ethanol / bio-ethanol can be used as industrial raw material alcohol derivative, mixture to alcohol, the basic ingredients the pharmaceutical industry, a mixture of fuel for vehicles. Given the use of ethanol / bio-ethanol varied, so the grade ethanol used should vary according to usage. For ethanol / bio-ethanol which has a grade 90 to 96.5 vol% can be used in the industry, while the ethanol / bio-ethanol which has a grade 96 to 99.5 vol% can be used as a mixture of alcohol and the basic ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry. In contrast with the large grade ethanol / bio-ethanol mixture used as fuel for vehicles that must be really dry and anhydrous so as not corrosive, so the ethanol / bio-ethanol must have a grade of 99.5 to 100% vol. The big difference grade will affect the process of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) is water soluble. Referring to the explanation, drafted a paper titled "Technology Bio-Ethanol Production Process" 

 Industry Etano l / Bioethanol has a very good prospect in Indonesia, because of ethanol demand in Indonesia is constantly increasing. It is not offset by the ethanol industry production capacity in Indonesia, which amounted to only about 14 industries. 
Ethanol industry in its development is directed to diversify the use of products for biofuel, Cars that use fuel Ethanolyang is one of a renewable fuel, as renewable raw materials, eg molasses / molasses, cassava, sorghum, etc.. 


Fuel oil is the lifeblood - the blood stream such as oxygen into the body. Life can be stuck without fuel. Unfortunately, its reserves are depleted, exploration costs are increasingly expensive, as well as environmental and geopolitical impacts on oil-producing nations are always heated to the era of cheap fuel is over. This is bad news for Indonesia as a country nett importer. 
World energy crisis in the second half of this year which is considered severe and sweeping across the country in the world has raised the belief that biofuels are an alternative solution it is. While oil prices are soaring lately by itself generate economic incentives for the development bionergi as an alternative to fossil energy is increasingly expensive and scarce. Incentives were also arise because of the growing attention of world countries on environmental problems due to the increasingly severe pollution, which arises from the exhaust emissions of fossil energy use. Bionergi major advantage is renewable and penggunaannnya impact on the environment is much more friendly than fossil energy use over the years. 
Indonesia is one country that is facing serious energy problems due to a very large dependence on fossil fuels, while the development of biofuels as alternatives are lacking attention. Indonesia to develop the real potential of bioenergy is relatively large, both bioethanol and biodiesel. 
One of the relatively large potential is the development of bioethanol made from sugarcane. Assuming 80 liters of bioethanol can be produced from 1 ton of cane (in Brazil technical data) and the productivity of sugarcane average of 80 tonnes per ha, each ha of sugar cane can produce 6400 liters of ethanol. If ethanol from sugarcane can substitute 10% of gasoline demand in 2010 (33.4 billion liters), then the target can be achieved with the development of sugarcane acreage area of ??522 thousand ha. With a target of these substitution, the amount of gasoline that can be substituted at 3:34 billion liters, or more than Rp 15 trillion. Survey data indicate the availability of land outside of Java suitable for sugarcane, there are around 750 thousand ha, in addition to existing arael potential area of ??420 thousand ha of industries (sugar cane acreage Indonesia in 1993/1994) 
Ethanol derived from sugar cane in some ways more prospective than other plants. Lamlet Data (Latin America Thematic Network on Bioenergy) shows the cheapest cost of ethanol production. For every m3 of ethanol produced from sugar cane is needed costs $ 160. Compare with other sources. Of corn, for example, for the same amount to $ 250-420, from wheat $ 380 - 480, from potatoes $ 800-900, $ 700 from cassava, sugar beet and from $ 300-400. Production of ethanol from sugarcane takes relatively little energy. The ratio of output / energy input ethanol from sugarcane around 2,5.9,0. 1.3 While the corn, sweet sorghum ethanol from sugarcane. Aris Toharisman (P3GI Pasuruan) 3 2.5 to 5.0, and sugar beets 1.76. In addition, the reduction of CO2 emissions in terms of the use of ethanol from sugarcane as a substitute for premium reaches 50-90%. For ethanol from corn is only 20-40% and 30-50% sugar beet. 

Indonesia as a country that has a variety of renewable natural resources is the potential to produce bioenergy. However, in its development, biofuels produced using a lot of biomass that can be used as food. Bioethanol, for example, still made from materials that are starchy and sugary food. This will adversely affect the food supply. If BBN continuously made from food, there will be a frontal competition between food and energy supply. 

To avoid such competition, has developed technology Biofuel (BBN) second generation. Second-generation biofuel technologies are technologies that are capable of producing biofuels, such as biodiesel or bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials. If we cultivate any crop, including crops (to produce sugars, starches, oils, fats, etc.), material produced by plants are the largest of lignocellulose. If the agricultural and plantation is harvested, lignocellulosic material will be left behind as the rest of the use of agricultural waste or crops and are generally underutilized. This leads to potentially be used as a lignocellulosic raw material production of biofuel. 

  Lignocellulose contain three main constituent components, namely cellulose (30-50% by weight), hemicellulose (15-35%-wt), and lignin (13-30%-wt). One biofuel that can be produced from lignocellulose is a second-generation bioethanol. Lignocellulose into bioethanol conversion process occurs through three basic stages, namely: 
1. Pre-treatment or delignification, so that cellulose can be achieved by the enzyme cellulase and water, 
2. Hydrolysis with specific enzymes, and 
3. Fermented into ethanol. 

Cellulose can be hydrolyzed to glucose with cellulase enzymes or assistance, but generally not chosen, with the help of acid. Hemicellulose can be hydrolyzed to pentoses (mainly xylose) and hexoses (minor) with a dilute acid or enzymes hemiselulase. 

Glucose and other hexoses can be fermented into ethanol by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the reaction: 

C6H12O6 -> 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 

Xylose and other pentoses can be fermented into ethanol by yeast are suitable (such as Pichia stipitis) with the reaction mechanism: 

3 C5H10O5 -> CO2 + 5 5 C2H5OH 

or converted into other products (xylitol, furfural, and others). 

Second-generation bioethanol technology is being intensively developed, especially by the United States. Factories and demonstrations also are being established at various locations in North America (among others by Celunol Corp. with a capacity of 200 thousand m3/year in Louisiana). 

Factory BBN (second generation) is not likely very large scale (such as petroleum refineries) will be constrained due to the cost of collecting raw materials. However, the combination of virulence biodiversity, availability of land and labor also made Indonesia the potential to become one of the world biofuel production center.

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