Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

UNDERSTANDING RELIGION General Overview About Religion


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General Overview About Religion 

Humans are creatures who think and feel and wills in which their behavior reflects what difikir, perceived and desired. Human beings can also be subjects and objects at once, while he can appreciate his religious feelings, he can also examine the diversity of others. 
But what is the meaning of religion is psychologically definitely different, because religion pose different meaning in each person.For some, religion is the worship ritual, like prayer and fasting, for others religion is his devotion to his fellow man and even fellow creatures, to another religion is moral or good behavior, for another religion is a sacrifice for a belief, practice die before death, or looking for dead (bombings) for the sake of belief. 

Based on many sources which we obtained from both the media offline and online media so we can give you an idea of ​​the meaning of religion. What is religion? Interpret or make the definition of religion is not easy. Everyone has different opinions from each other. Most of them define religion according to the consideration of the excess or lack of religion, or by looking at the most important part of teaching. Then they claimed that the religion which he embraced when it is most true religion, the greatest or the perfect religion religion that existed before and terms of other terms. That essentially said that my faith is true the other false. Is not that the human ego?. 
It is appropriate to formulate the religious sense and generally accepted by human beings is not an easy matter, and lack of human sanggupan to define religion because it is caused by problems related to the absolute necessity and not negotiable, because it is not surprising that the internal opinions appear a priori that a particular religion as the only divine religions, though at the same time stating that the religions of the Book that includes Muslims, Christians and Jews. 

Here we are dealing with the thorny and complicated issue, namely how to explain the religious approach to science, because the science is different from the religion. Never mind the science, reason alone can not judge religion. The scholars though, even though they professed to believe the truth but still not daring to claim the truth that was followed, because they are always close tu opinion with the phrase a `lamu wallohu bissawab, that only God who knows better what is right. Religion in touch with God, relate to the natural sciences, religion cleanse the liver, brain educating science, religion accepted by faith, accepted the logic of science. 
However, in human history, science and religion are always attractive and interact with each other. Sometimes the two get along, cooperate or work together, sometimes confrontational and judgmental as heretical, see science as a false religion, science contrary view religious behavior as ignorance. Later the phenomenon shows that the hubris of science fell in front of greatness spirituality, so that not only do not fight but between the two breeding takes place, as it is called by a prominent psychology tranpersonal, Ken Wilber; Marriage between Body and Spirit, The Marriage of Sence and Soul. (Ken Wilber, The Marriage of Sence and Soul, Boston, Shambala, 2000). 
Understanding religion is very complex. Psychology of religion to try to uncover how religion affects human behavior, but one also has a diversity of religious style that is characterized by a variety of ways of thinking and ways merasanya. How big is a person's psychology is able menguakkeberagamaan relies heavily on the paradigm of psychology itself. For Freud (mazhabPsikoanalisa) diversity is a form of mental disorder, the school of Behaviorism, religious behavior is nothing more than behavior because humans have no souls 

Religion according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is the system or principles of belief in God, or also known by the name of god or another name to the teaching service and obligations relating to that trust. 
The word "religion" comes from the Sanskrit religious meaning "tradition". Meanwhile, in other words to express this concept is a religion that comes from the Latin religio, and rooted in the re-ligare verb meaning "to bind back". That is the bereligi, a person binds himself to God. 

More clearly we would describe as follows: 
Religion in meaning can be grouped on a portion of the two religions by language and religion as it is known. Some similarities meaning of the word "religion''in various languages: 

1. Religion (UK) 
2. De religie (The Netherlands) 
3. La religion (France) 
4. Religion Die (Germany) 
5. Ad din (Arabic and Semitic) 
and kinds of kinds of terms in human language 


In language, the word''religion''is derived from the Sangsekerta closely associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, which means''no pergi''tetap in place, inherited from generation to generation.'' The word din means master, subdue, compliance, response or habit. 

Religion according to the terms are laws or regulations that bind human beings in relationship with God and man's relationship with fellow human beings and human relationships with nature. So someone who is religious is an orderly, peaceful people and a peaceful person with himself or with others from all aspects of life based on belief and faith that was followed. 

A religion usually encompasses three main issues, namely: 

Belief, namely belief in something supernatural powers are believed to regulate and create nature and all its contents. 

Worship (ritual), that human behavior in dealing with supernatural powers such as the consequences or recognition and ketundukannya. Ordinances and conduct worship according to instructions from a shared source of supernatural power. Or in other words, is faith. 

Value system that governs the human relationship with another human being or a universe that is associated with his conviction that 

Understanding of religion can be defined as follows: human consciousness that humans have limited capabilities, awareness and recognition of keterbatasannnya make the belief that there is something extraordinary out of his (human). Pemikirian in the history of human philosophy, nor is it starts from the definition, but it begins with the activities of thinking about things in depth. People who are thinking about everything that's not all formulate the definition of something that he is meticulous, as well as assessment of the sources of its incredible. Something extraordinary is certainly derived from an extraordinary source as well. And a tremendous source of it was different in accordance with human language itself. Suppose God, Gods, God, Syang-ti, We-Just and others or just the nature of his calling just like the Almighty, Ingkang Murbeng dumadi, De Weldadige etc.. 
This belief brings men to seek nearness to God by means devote themselves, namely: 
accept any certainty that befall us and the surroundings and believes comes from God; obey all statutes, rules, laws etc that are believed to originate from God 

Thus obtained a clear explanation, that religion is a human servitude to his Lord. In that sense there are three elements of religion, are human, and God's servitude. So one ideology or doctrine which contains three main elements that sense can be called religious. 

According to some opinions say opinions are different opinions about the religious sense. Our opinion is the opinion of view we need to include to further add to the understanding of religion. 

Based on the book, Sunarigama that gave rise to two terms; Religion and the Religious Council, the religion derived from the word A-GA-MA, the letter A means "the clouds, empty or hollow", meaning GA "genah or place" and the MA means "sun, light or shine ", thus interpreted as the teaching of religion to uncover the secret mysteries of God, Religious Council while the term implies, U or UDDAHA which means" tirta or holy water "and said GA or Gni means" fire ", while the MA or Maruta means" wind or air "so in this case means a religious ceremony that must be implemented by means of water, fire, incense or chanting mantras.

Based on the book IGAMA SADARIGAMA from Sanskrit which means I or Iswara, meaning GA Physical or body and MA means Amartha means "life", so that religion is science to understand the nature of life and existence of God. 

According to H. Moenawar Chalil "the din of the verb's Masdar yadinu fund, which has a meaning, ways or customs, regulations, laws, obedient or disobedient, menunggalkan divinity, retaliation, the calculation of the Day of Resurrection, advice, religion" 

According to Prof. Dr. M. Driyarkara, SJ "that the term religion we replace the word religion, because religion says more broadly, about the symptoms in the environment and principles. The term religion according to the word originally meant self-bonding or bonding. Therefore, religion is not just for now or later but for a lifetime. The religious man sees himself in situations that need, require safety and requires a whole. " 

According to Plato and Aristotle's psychology is the science which studies the nature of the soul as well as the process through to akhir.Menurut Wilhem Wundt (experimental figures) that psychology is the science which studies the experiences that arise in human beings, such as the use of senses, thoughts, feelings, feeling and his will. 

According to Dick Hartoko mention of religion with religion, the science that examines the relationship between humans and "The Ghost" and the relationship is realized in cults. The word religion comes from Latin meaning Gere rele-collecting, reading. Religion had indeed is a collection of ways to serve God and all the way it collects in scripture to be read. On the other hand the word religion comes from religare which means binding. Ajaan religious teachings is to have binding properties for humans. A religious who remain bound by the laws and rules set by religion. 

Sidi Gazalba say that what is meant by the word relegere relgi origin of the word implies careful caution. Caution is due in religion there are norms and rules are strict. In this the Romans had a religious belief that humans should caution against the saints and the scriptures but also all taboo. Holy believed to have good properties and simultaneously having the nature of evil. 
Religion is also a genuine trend related to man's spiritual universe, which includes all values, the latter meaning the essence of it all.Search for meaning and religious values ​​altogether different from anything known. That's why religion is not related to the sacred.The sacred is not necessarily God or gods. Thus a lot of confidence that is usually called a religion, the truth has not deserve the name of religion because the relationship between humans and the sacred is not yet clear. Religious, humble and religious Budhisma eg in the form originally considered the sacred is not God or gods. In religion no matter how kind and nature appreciation are always in touch with the Holy One. 
Human acknowledge dependence on the Absolute or the Holy One who lived as a control for humans. To get help from the Absolute that man is jointly run a certain doctrine. 
So religion is the relationship between man and the Holy One. In this case the sacred is made up various possibilities, which can be shaped objects, power, and could also shaped the human person. 

In religion, God is the first to have power, higher power, feared, is also expected to provide assistance and to humans. Din with the meaning of the word doomsday also belongs to God and man is subject to the provisions of God. Humans fear the Day of Judgement as belonging to God because at that time promised a painful punishment for the sinner. As for the faithful to feel shy and also put the hope of mercy and forgiveness of God on the Day of Resurrection. Dain said that means there are also first-party debt as a clear berpiutang richer and the latter as a debt, a low level, and be reluctant to which berpiutang. In the person who owes basically there is hope that the debt forgiven by the sense should not be paid, despite expectations that rarely happens. In Islam man owes to God in the form of carrying out religious duties. 
In Semitic languages ​​the term above means the law or the law. The word also means the beat, obedient, debt, children, habits and all that is contained in religion. Behind all the activity in religion there is a reply to be received later. Replies were obtained after a man was in the hereafter. 
All of the above phrase refers to the religion's pengerti etymologically. But many of the thinkers who tried to give a definition of religion. Thus religion is also given a definition by various thinkers in the form of various kinds. In other words, that religion has a different understanding. With very general terms there are people who say that religion is a rule about how to live in this world. 
Sidi Gazalba provide a definition that religion is the belief in the Holy One, expressed in relationship with Him in the form of rites, cults and the application and form attitudes based on a particular doctrine. Because in the definition adduced above shows the trust that is expressed in religion it is still common, Gazalba proposed definition of Islam, namely: belief in God which is realized in the form of worship, thus forming taqwa based on the Quran and Sunnah. 
Muhammad Abdul Qadir Ahmad said the religion derived from an understanding of din al-haq lived system is accepted and diredai God is the only system created by God alone and on the basis of the human subject and obedient to Him. Living system that includes the Indo-gai aspects of life, including theology, morals, worship and deeds that disyari `atkan God to man. 
Further explained that religion may be grouped into two forms, namely religion which emphasizes the faith and belief and that the two stressed the rules on how to live. However, the combination of both would be the definition of religion that is more adequate, namely the system of beliefs and practices in accordance with these beliefs, or way of life and unseen. 

According to Prof. Dr. Zakiah Darajat that the psychology of religion examines the influence of religion on attitudes and behavior or mekanisne people who work in a person, because of the way a person thinks, act, react and behave can not be separated from faith, because faith is included in private construction. 
Study psychology of religion is not to prove which one is most true religion, but the essence of religion in man's relationship with mental, behavioral and personality reflects how keyakinannnya 
Operationally, the psychology of religion can be defined as: "branch of psychology that researches and studying human behavior in relation to the influence of belief in religion and in relation to the developmental age of each. Efforts are made through a psychological approach, so it is an empirical study ". 
Psychology of Religion studying the human psyche in relation to its religious manifestations, namely awareness of religion (religious consciousness) and religious experience (religious experience).Religious consciousness: present in mind and can be studied by introspection. Religious experience: the feelings that are present in confidence as the fruit of religious charities such as melazimkan dhikr. 
Thus, the object of his study can be: 
(1) human psychic symptoms associated with religious behavior, and 
(2) The relationship between the human psyche and religious behavior. 
Psychology of Religion did not intend to make an assessment (to evaluate) or criticism (to criticize) against a particular religious doctrine, but simply to understand and describe (to describe) religious behavior as a natural expression of thoughts, feelings and so on due to religious beliefs. So the psychology of religion does not interfere with the fundamentals of a particular religious belief.No assessment of right and wrong, good-bad, it makes sense or not a particular belief. 

According to Harun Nasution said that religion is associated with attachment to humans with supernatural powers higher than man that encourage people to do good, it can be a powerful supernatural gods, or spirits are believed to have extraordinary powers over from him, even on who believed that nature is inanimate objects such as idols in the Jahiliyya. Supernatural powers are feared, respected by humans, either by rule or because of his temper of the Unseen. 
There are four important things in every religion, namely: 

Supernatural powers, man felt himself weak and hunger in the supernatural powers that as a place for help. Therefore, people feel the need to hold a good relationship with the supernatural powers. Rapport that can be realized by obeying the commands and prohibitions that supernatural powers. 

Conviction that human welfare in this world and the life hereafter depends on having good relations with the supernatural powers.With the loss of good relationships, prosperity and happiness, which sought will be lost anyway. 

Emotional response of human nature. Res-pounds of it could be a fear such as those found in primitive religions, or feelings of love as found in monotheistic religions. Furthermore, the response takes the form of worship contained in the primitive religion, or pemujkaan contained in menoteisme religion. Furthermore the response took the form of a particular way of life for the people concerned. 

Understanding of the holy (sacred) and the sacred in the form of magic, in the form of books containing the teachings of that religion and in certain places. 

Harun Nasution argued that the philosophy of religion is to think about the basics of religion according to the logic that is free. This thinking is divided into two forms, namely: 

The first discusses the basics of religion are the analytical and critical without being tied to religion, and without purpose to declare the truth of a religion. 

The second discusses the basics of religion analytically and critically with a view to declare the truth of a religion or at least to explain what the religion teaches that it is possible and not contrary to logic. The basics of religion are discussed, among others, sending messengers, divinity, the human spirit, eternal life, man's relationship with God, about the evil, and life after death and others. Therefore, understanding the philosophy of religion is to think critically and analytically according to the rules of logic about religion in depth up to each of the basics of that religion. 

Theodore Flournoy develop principles study of the psychology of religion: 
(1) studies of the transcendent principle of distancing; 
(2) the principle of studying the development; 
(3) the principle of dynamics, and 
(4) the principle of comparison. 
Meanwhile there are still issues of debate around the term psychology of religion and religious psychology. The first referred to the flow pattern which put an emphasis on how psychology should enlighten our understanding of religion. While the latter put more emphasis on the religious interpretation of psychology. 

According to our view about the notion of religion. 

Religion is a worldview of a particular point of view to something extraordinary beyond the human self as well as in man (in this case is the Almighty) and mengimaninya in life and life in the world. The Almighty, we refer to God, the Creator, God, God, Syang-ti, Kami-Sama, Buddhists and others, or simply call his nature just as the Almighty, Ingkang Murbeng dumadi, De Weldadige, Sukma Sejati, Sukma Kawekas, True Teacher, and others expressed by human terms. Object of discussion in the mean is God, God, the Almighty, Lord, the Almighty, Sukma Sejati, Sukma Kawekas, True Master, the Creator, 
Why do we take certain term perspective? this we mean that within one religion there are stream flow / sect sects of course different.Syuny Islam Islam and there is no Shia Islam, there are Catholic Christians are Protestants. In Indonesia there syuny Islam NU, Muhamadyah - Protestant Christianity there GKI-GKJW-GBI - Pengkabaran Gospel - charismatic - carvinis - Pentecost and other streams flow. Sometimes between the flow in one religion the same is at loggerheads with each other. This is the basis for us to describe religion as a worldview of a particular viewpoint. 

Plausible reason is let us consider a large mountain or board a ship that big. When we look at from a different angle then our view of the same object is also different. From the top of the form object will be different when viewed from front or rear or from the side.Not only is it seeing the same thing at the same angle just sometimes have a different assessment. For example, 100 people asked to see a mountain from the viewpoint of the different then when 100 people were asked and the answer is also there are 100 opinions. Why because of limited human capacity, often times people see what makes him most interested by himself. In the case of 100 people saw the mountain then there are 100 different opinions due to see through his eyes alone. A mebih interested in seeing the top of the mountain, others interested in seeing the ridge, others more interested in seeing a steep valley. The same people as are interested in seeing how assessment peaks also differ punung anyone interested in the top right and the others interested in the top left and others interested in the other peaks again. 

The above illustration hopefully add to your understanding. The question is observing the same object (one) but a different perspective. Likewise with so many religions in this world, they have a worldview that is different and often between one and another opposite each other when the observed is the same object. 


Traditionally, the way of religion-based tradition. This method follows the way beragamanya ancestors, ancestors or people from the previous generation. Generally strong in religion, it is difficult to receive religious matters that are new or renewal. Moreover, exchange of religion, even no interest. Thus lacking in the promotion of their religious charities. 

Formally, the way religion is based on formalities applicable in the environment or society. This method usually follow beragamanya dignitaries or have influence. Generally not strong in religion.Easily change the way beragamanya if switching environment or a different society with diverse ways. Easy exchange of religion if it enters the environment or other religious community. They have interest in improving science and religious charities but only about things that are easy and visible in their communities. 

Rational, that is the way religion is based on the use of ratios as best he could. For that they are always trying to understand and appreciate the teachings of his religion with the knowledge, science and pengamalannya. They can come from people who are traditionally or formally, even though people are not religious. 

The predecessor method, namely the way of religion based on the use of the mind and heart (feeling) under revelation. For that they are always trying to understand and appreciate the teachings of religion with science, practice and dissemination (propaganda).They are always looking for knowledge first to the person who is considered an expert in the science of religion that holds fast to the original teachings brought by the messengers of Sesembahannya such as Prophet or Messenger before they practice, preach and be patient (stick) with it all.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011



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Production of ethanol / bio-ethanol must consider its economic interests of the two sides, namely the producers of ethanol / bio-ethanol production plants require raw materials at low prices, and terms of peasant producers 
who want the raw material production plants purchased at high prices and the lowest production costs. This is due to the value of crop production is as expenses for the purchase of raw materials for manufacturers 
ethanol / bio-ethanol. Therefore, the economics of program utilization ethanol / bio-ethanol fuel for vehicles is not only determined by the price of premium fuel, but determined also by the price of raw materials 
manufacture of ethanol / bio-ethanol production plant in this case. 


Constraints Development of Bio-Ethanol Production 
In fulfilling the program uses ethanol / bio-ethanol fuel for vehicles, the government has made a road map of bio-ethanol technology, namely in the period 2005-2010 can take advantage of bio-ethanol for 2% of 
premium consumption (0.43 million kL), then in the period 2011-2015, the percentage utilization of bio-ethanol increased to 3% of premium consumption (1.0 million kL), and subsequently in the period 2016-2025, the percentage utilization of bio-ethanol increased to 5% of premium consumption (2.8 million kL). But the road map to realize bio-ethanol technology must involve many parties, both from the government and private. 
Given up to now there is no synergies are realized in a single document a comprehensive strategic plan and integrated, so there will be some obstacles to overcome. Some of these obstacles, including: 

• Plan the development of land for crops producing bio-ethanol feedstock prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ministry has not been directly associated with the development of bio-ethanol plan in the energy sector; 

• Plan for the Government in energy development and policy instruments required in the development of bio-ethanol has not been directly related to the plans of the parties' business managers bio-ethanol and vast agricultural lands to produce raw materials, and 

• The uncertainty of the investment risk in the commercialization of bio-ethanol development and trade system has not formed the chain of bio-ethanol. 

In order to overcome these obstacles must be supported by the Government's policies on agriculture and forestry-related land use, policy incentives for the development of bio-ethanol production and techno-economic 
utilization of bio-ethanol, so there is clarity of information for entrepreneurs interested in the business of bio-ethanol.

Fermentation Distillation process in the Making Bio Ethanol


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Fermentation in the Making Bio Ethanol 

The second stage is the fermentation process to convert glucose (sugar) into ethanol and CO2. Fermentation ethanol is a change in a mole of glucose into 2 moles of ethanol and 2 moles of CO2. In the ethanol fermentation process, yeasts will mainly 
metabolize glucose and fructose to form pyruvic acid through the stages of the reaction pathway Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas, whereas pyruvic acid generated would be decarboxylated to acetaldehyde which then experienced 
dehydrogenation to ethanol (Amerine et al., 1987). 
Yeasts are often used in alcoholic fermentation is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, because it can produce high tolerance to alcohol is quite high (12-18% v / v), resistant to high sugar levels and remain active in the fermentation at a temperature of 4-32o C. 
After fermentation was completed, a distillation to separate ethanol. Distillation is the separation of components based on boiling point. Boiling point of pure ethanol is 78o C while the water is 100o C (standard conditions). 
By heating the solution at a temperature range of 78 - 100o C will result in most of the ethanol evaporated, and the condensing units will be produced with a concentration of 95% ethanol by volume. 


The fermentation process is intended to convert glucose into ethanol / bio-ethanol (alcohol) by using yeast. Alcohol obtained from this fermentation process, usually alcohol with levels 8 to 10 percent by volume. Meanwhile, when the fermentation is used raw sugar (molasses), ethanol-making process can be faster. Making ethanol from molasses also has another advantage, ie require a smaller fermentation tanks. Ethanol is produced by the fermentation process needs to be enhanced by cleaning it of substances that are not needed. 

Alcohol produced from the fermentation process is usually still contain gases - gases such as CO2 (resulting from the conversion of glucose into ethano l / bio-ethanol) and the aldehyde that need to be cleaned. CO2 gas in the fermentation is usually reached 35 percent by volume, so as to obtain ethanol / bio-ethanol are good quality, ethanol / bio-ethanol must be cleaned from the gas. The process of cleaning (washing) of CO2 
done by filtering the ethanol / bio-ethanol which is bound by the CO2, so it can be obtained by ethanol / bio-ethanol is cleaner than CO2). Levels of ethanol / bio-ethanol produced from the fermentation process, usually only reaches 8 to 10 percent of it, so as to obtain an alcohol content of ethanol required 95 percent of other processes, namely the process of distillation. Distillation process is carried out through two levels, namely first degree with a beer column and the second level with a rectifying column.Definition of alcohol, or ethanol / bio-ethanol in% (percent) volume is 
"Volumes of ethanol at a temperature of 15o C contained in 100 unit volume of ethanol solution at a given temperature (measurement)." Based on BKS Alcohol Spiritus, a standard measurement temperature was 27.5 ° C and 
levels are 95.5% at a temperature of 27.5 o C or 96.2% at a temperature of 15o C (Wasito, 1981). 
In general, fermentation is the result of bio-ethanol or alcohol having a purity of about 30-40% and yet dpat categorized as ethanol-based fuel. In order to achieve the purity above 95%, then lakohol fermented must go through the process of distillation. 


Distillation process (refining) Making Bio Ethanol 

There are two types of distillation processes are widely applied, namely continuous-feed distillation column system and a pot-type distillation system. In addition to that type, also known as the type of vacuum distillation using low pressure 
and lower temperatures to produce a higher alcohol concentration.Pressure used for distillation is 42 mm Hg or 0.88 psi. With these pressures, the temperature used in the bottom of the column is 35o C and 20o C at the top. FGE production process of starchy material is presented in Figure 49, while Figure below shows the production process of cassava FGE. 

As mentioned above, to purify bioethanol to yield more than 95% that can be used as fuel, alcohol fermentation results that have a purity of about 40% had to pass through the distillation process to separate the alcohol with water taking into account the differences in boiling points of the two materials are then condensed again. 

In order to obtain bio-ethanol with a purity higher than 99.5% or commonly called the ethanol-based fuel, a problem that arises is the difficulty of separating the hydrogen bonded in the chemical structure of alcohol by ordinary distillation, therefore, to obtain fuel-grade ethanol purification implemented further by Azeotropic distillation.