Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Water on the surface of the earth

It is inevitable that in Indonesia is currently rampant sale of

bottled water (mineral water). So much rivalry how to produce drinking

water consumed society. Some call drinking mineral water, there is

also pure drinking water, with varying quality as well. It apparently

led to dissent mineral water and pure water among the experts and

manufacturers of drinking water.

Here I tried to convey how they feel about the mineral water and pure

water. But before that, we must know in advance understanding or

definition of mineral water and pure water.

Definition / Definition of water according to SNI 01-3553-2006

1. Bottled Drinking Water (mineral water) are:

Raw water that has been processed, packaged, and safe drinking water

include mineral and demineralized / purified water

2. Mineral water is:

Bottled drinking water that contains minerals in a certain amount

without adding mineral

3. Demineralized Water / Pure Water / Non Minerals are:

Bottled drinking water obtained through purification processes such as

distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis and equal process.

Here are the friends who assess mineral water is better than drinking

pure water,

Some writings,

Our body requires minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Iron, Phosphorus,

and so on, which are also contained in the water. This means that your

body will only get into trouble when drinking water no mineral (pure


In using TDS and electrolysis, mineral water manufacturer is going to

give a higher value than pure water, mineral water because it is in

the manufacturer contains several minerals. While pure mineral water

may be said to be almost non-existent. But here we must understand

whether the value provided by TDS and electrolysis have crossed a

threshold, or of the value that has been set by the government or the

WHO and several standardization bodies from other countries, as long

as the value is shown not exceed a predetermined value, then he

deserves is used. In addition we need iron for red blood formation,

iodine to prevent goiter and a few other minerals, but mineral2 can

not be produced by the body, so it must come from the outside, one of

them by adding water to drink in the product and if the drinks and

food we eat contains minerals that little or nothing, yeah not good

also for the health of the human body.

From WHO (World Health Organization),

WHO advice on the dangers of drinking mineral water without

These are friends who judge pure drinking water is better than mineral

water, "Our bodies need minerals from the foods we eat and not from

the water we drink" (Dr.Cliford Denison)

Dr. Charles Mayo, of the Mayo Clinic states that the human body does

not require inorganic minerals from water. Because the minerals that

can be absorbed by the human body is an organic mineral commonly found

in foods that come from vegetables, fruits and meats.

"Minerals are inorganic dissolved in water, such as Phosphate, Calcium

Carbonate and others, will be buried in the body tissues, which will

eventually cause damage to body tissues can even lead to death ..."

(Dr. NWWalker, "Water Can Undermine Your Health ", 1996 Norwalk Press,


"Minerals are not organic in the water when it enters the body will

sink because it can not be absorbed by our bodies ... The greatest

damage to the organs of the body caused by inorganic minerals are

mixed with fat and salt in the blood. Mixture can clog blood vessels

to the organs, thereby blocking blood flow and damaging the function

of that organ "(Paul CND Phd.," The Shocking Truth About Water ")

"Consuming non mineral water does not adversely affect health, but

rather the more benefit, because it does not increase the

long-inorganic minerals accumulate in body tissues, and help clean up

inorganic minerals contained within the body" (Dr. Allen E. Bani,

"Your Water and Your Health ", Keats Publishing, Inc.., 1990,

Connecticut, USA)

Harvay and Marlyn Diamont, in his book Fit For Life, said: "The water

from mountain springs are not suitable for the human body because they

contain no organic minerals that are not needed, can not be parsed and

can not be removed by the body, it can be mixed with mineral2

cholesterol the blood so easily form a thick plaque in the blood

vessels. "

Allan McDaniel, MD in his book Water-Whats in for you, saying: "there

is no essential nutrients dissolved in the water needed by humans to

the life or well-being".

Some comment:

humans need minerals, but not the minerals from the water, but that

comes from buah2an, sayur2an or meat. While minerals from the water is

a mineral that comes from the soil under the water because the water

properties page. Because minerals can not be described by the so

called inorganic mineral water. God has created the only

grown-tumbuhanlah that has the ability to change the properties of

inorganic minerals into organic human body needs. So when we speak of

the element of water is H2O the water that the human body needs. So do

not ever expect we need minerals for the body of water.

Inorganic minerals contained in the water, among others contain

elements such as Black Lead (Pb), Iron Oxide (Iron Oxidized), Mercury,

Arsenic, Magnesium, Aluminium or chemicals originated from the earth

and so forth. As we know that each individual has a specific gravity

of elements or chemicals, which when consumed will be able to

accumulate in the human body, so that over time will be harmful to our

bodies, especially on the kidneys and liver, where both organs are

functioning as a filter for the body. And sediment buildup caused by

inorganic minerals can cause include kidney stones, gall stones,

hardening of the arteries, diabetes. The precipitates also occur in

the joints that can lead to arthritis.

For the record:

Process water circulation occurred from the evaporation of water in

the ocean and rivers into clouds, and then fall back to earth as rain.

When rain falls to the ground and absorb into, then the water that was

in the form of H2O molecules only, started carrying various substances

present in the soil, including in the form of minerals. Whether it's

organic or inorganic minerals minerals.

Here is a brief overview of the differences between the two:

1. Mineral Organic: derived from living sources or have a life,

contain carbon and can bring life to cells in the body. Organic

minerals are generally derived from milk and plants, such as

vegetables, beans and fruits.

2. Inorganic minerals (not organic): from live sources, without carbon

and can not take the life of the cell. Inorganic minerals generally

come from within

soil, minerals can not be used by humans or animals, but plants can

process. Plants will absorb inorganic minerals from the soil through

their roots and through the process of photosynthesis is converted

into organic minerals.

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