Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Awaken your THIRD EYE (Pineal Gland) – Drink Distilled Water

We felt this is an important subject to bring up and felt it earned

its place in our Need to Know, as its directly linked to your health

and well-being and for some maybe even to their spiritual development.

Maybe you ask yourself why… let's start with some basic facts and

common knowledge;

You know that water is essential to us for our survival, that's most

likely due to the fact that 70% of your body is made of water. Water

is probably about the second most important element just after air

(oxygen) and a less commonly known fact, is that 2/3 of your oxygen in

your body's cells actually comes from water you consume and only 1/3

from the air you breath… You probably also know that you can live up

to 4 (even 6 weeks) without food, whereas with water that would be a

lot less anywhere from 8 to 14 days…

Water also helps to protect and moistens your tissue (such as eyes,

mouth, nose), helps you regulate your body temperature, lubricates

joints, lessens the burden on your kidneys and liver by flushing out

waste products, helps to dissolve minerals and nutrients making them

available to your body in general and transporting them to cells and

the list goes on. Putting it simple, water is very important.

Now, the only water that is 100% (99.9%) pure is distilled water, that

is a fact, it is so pure that it's even called "dead water" (which is

really a silly term). This is also the reason why whenever there is

the need for "pure water" in the science community and others,

distilled water is used! Here are some charts comparing the different

water filtration systems including bottled water. (Please note that it

is not our intent to advertise, but we did use some already created

tables for this).

Distilled water and the Pineal Gland (Third Eye)

As some of you may know, your pineal gland (also called the third eye

by some) is responsible for producing Melatonin. Melatonin is a

hormone which as its primary function regulates the humans sleep-wake

cycle, which inevitably also impacts your mood and emotions.Now as you

grow older and consume bad stuff (tap or bottled water, pop drinks,

fluoride etc…) that will reduce the functionality of this pineal gland

as it calcifies it so to say. When referring to the pineal gland as

the third eye, well, a calcified eye will not see much…

Distilled water will help you clear and flush it out…

Not mentioning all the other things it will help you clean, detox and

flush out of you!

Myths about distilled water…

There are a lot of myths about distilled water, most of them not

taking the full picture into view or simply lies in order to promote

"Tap Water" or "Bottled Water" etc… depending on which community or

industry you talk to. The myths range from, "long term use of

distilled water weakens your teeth" to "distilled water is an active

absorber and absorbs carbon dioxide on contact with air, making it

acidic"… or even things such as "cooking foods in distilled water

pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value" to

crazy like "distilled water washes minerals from your bones and cells,

and causes mineral deficiencies because it lacks the minerals found in

other types of water". Yap, it's all out there, as usual and some of

you may even be laughing now, but it's true, this is what some of us

are made to believe!

We are sure you will find out a lot more about all this with a bit of

searching and googeling : Fact is, the best water you can drink is

distilled water and making your own distilled water will not make you

susceptible to any intoxications or other threats… you could literally

take water from a black puddle in the city, distil it and you would be

drinking the purest water there is!

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