Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

The Acropolis: Centerpiece of Athens

The Acropolis dedicated to its patron goddess, Athena, has been

undergoing massive reconstruction since 1975. The Acropolis is home to

several ancient buildings and is situated in the center of the City of

Athens. Probably the best known building is the Parthenon built

between 447 and 438 BC. A proper temple with majestic columns and

decorated with sculptures and in particular a statue of Athena in full

armor carrying Nike to the Athenians in her right hand.

Pottery shards of the Neolithic period (4000/3500-3000 BC) and, from

near the Erechtheion, of the Early and Middle Bronze Age, show that

the hill was inhabited from a very early period. A fortification wall

was built around it in the thirteenth century BC and the citadel

became the center of a Mycenaean kingdom. This early fortification is

partially preserved among the later monuments and its history can be

traced fairly accurately. The Acropolis became a sacred precinct in

the eighth century BC with the establishment of the cult of Athena

Polias, whose temple stood at the northeast side of the hill.

Among the major remains at The Acropolis are the Temple of Athena

Nike, the Erechtheum and the Theatre of Dionysus. The Acropolis Museum

houses all the valuable ancient artifacts on the southern slope near

the Parthenon. This is the home of many Greek lessons taught to

students from all around the world.

Since 1975, The Acropolis Restoration Project has been working to

bring back the majesty of the ruin rather than trying to recreate its

original look. The mission is to reverse damages caused by man and not

nature. Wars, vandalism and previous alterations and restoration

attempts have caused considerable structural problems and further

destruction. The Project is employing many modern methods using cranes

to haul giant marble pieces, but also ancient Greek building

techniques and materials are crucial to maintaining its integrity as a


For example, the restoration of the temple of Athena Nike was

completed in 2010; you may search for photos online and compare them

to photos on Greek books , you will be able to see that the new pieces

only restored to temple while maintaining it as an ancient ruin. The

intervention is only meant to remove current and future damage from

previous restorations and restore structural integrity.

The Restoration Project may take as long as 2020 to be totally

complete, but the painstaking care to restore the ancient site using

methods that can be reversed in the future will help ensure that it

remains the centerpiece of Athens for millennia to come. It is

especially important in helping to preserve Greek language and culture

by bringing to life this magnificent site for them

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