Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


Picture VOC merchant ship

Colonialism is the development of a state authority over territory and people outside its borders, often to seek economic dominance of the resources, labor, and markets the region. The term also refers to a set of beliefs used to legitimize or promote this system, especially the belief that the moral of the colonizers greater than dikolonikan.
Supporters of colonialism found profitable colonial law dikolonikan countries with developing economies and political infrastructure needed to pemodernisasian and democracy. They point to former colonies such as the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore as a successful example of post-colonialism.
Dependency theory, like Andre Gunder Frank, argued that colonialism actually leads to the transfer of wealth from the colonized to the pengkolonisasi, and hamper economic development success.
Critics of post-colonialism as Franz Fanon found colonialism destructive political, psychological, and moral colonized countries.
Writer Arundhati Roy India and politicians say that the debate between the pros and cons of colonialism / imperialism is like a "debating the pros and cons of rape". See also neocolonialism as a continuation of the domination and exploitation of the same country in different ways (and often with the same purpose).

Colonialism Definition
Collins English Dictionary defines colonialism as "the policy and practice of power in extending control over weaker communities or regions." The Merriam-Webster Dictionary offers four definitions, including "something characteristic colony" and "control by one power in the region that depend or the people." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2006 "to use the term 'colonialism' to describe the process of European settlement and political control over the whole world, including America, Australia, and parts of Africa and Asia." It discusses the difference between colonialism and imperialism and states that "given the difficulty of consistently distinguishing between the two terms, this entry will use colonialism as a broad concept that refers to the project of European political domination from the sixteenth to the twentieth century ended with the national liberation movements from the 1960's ". In the preface to Jürgen Osterhammel Colonialism:
A Theoretical Overview, Roger Tignor says, "For Osterhammel, the essence of colonialism is the existence of the colony, which by definition governed differently from other territories such as protectorates or informal pengaruh.bola" In the book, Osterhammel asked, "How can 'colonialism' be defined independently from 'colony?' "She sticks to three-sentence definition: Colonialism is the relationship between the majority (or forcibly imported) indigenous and minority foreign invaders. Fundamental decisions affecting the lives of colonized people are made and implemented by the colonial rulers for the sake of which is often defined in a distant metropolis. Rejecting cultural compromises with the colonized, the colonists convinced of their own superiority and their ordained mandate to rule.

Definition of Colonialism and Imperialism
15th century is an era of enlightenment or renaissance in Continental Europe. Renaissance is the beginning of the rise of science in Europe were previously very difficult to develop because of the doctrines of the church are very restraint. One very big achievement of the day was the emergence of the heliocentric theory which says that the sun is the center of the solar system and the earth is round.
Understand heliocentric This has become one of the factors that encouraged the Europeans to do exploration all over the world. In addition to its belief that the earth is round, the Europeans are encouraged to conduct exploration in order to come to eastern countries rich. But in the end, the goal is transformed into colonial practices and Indonesia were not spared from colonialism made ​​the western nations (More: Countries That Have Colonizing Indonesia). The practice of colonization by Western nations can be divided into two kinds of colonialism and imperialism. Two terms is exactly what we will discuss in this article.

Understanding Colonialism
Colonialism is derived from the word colunus (colonia) which means an attempt to develop the power of a country outside of the country. Colonialism in general aims to achieve economic dominance over natural resources, human, and trade in the region. Colonies generally are areas rich in raw materials for the purposes of conducting colonialism.

Understanding Imperialism
Imperialism is an attempt to extend the power of a state to take control of other countries. Imperialism can be divided into two kinds, namely imperialism, ancient and modern imperialism. Ancient imperialism took place before the industrial revolution and aim to have the wealth (gold), achieve glory (glory), and spread religious (gospel). Spanish and Portuguese are state run old-fashioned imperialism. While England is a country that embraces modern imperialism.

a. Differences colonialism and imperialism.
-colonialism aimed at draining the natural resources of the country in question to be transported to the mother country.
-Imperialism aims to impart an influence on all spheres of life states concerned.
b. Equation colonialism and imperialism
colonialism and imperialism equation is going to make the colonists prospered, while the colonized more miserable.
Colonialism emerging post-industrial Revormasi as a result of the desire to search for natural resources as much as possible which is used as an industrial material in the European region. Starts from the interests of trade, European nations then began to colonize the areas visited hers. It is increasingly clear after Zaragosa Treaty between Portugal and Spain agreed to divide the world into two parts that belong to them. In development comes another European country, such as England, Holland, France which also colonize areas that they attended the State territory. This is called colonialism.
Colonialism is often associated with imperialism, even though the two terms are basically the fundamental differences in the pattern and purpose. Colonialism aims to dominate the economy and capital resources in an area, in a way to colonize these areas.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCUIT Colonialism imperialism, mercantilism, Capitalism, and the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
A. Colonialism
Similarities and Differences Colonialism and Imperialism
  1. Equation of colonialism and imperialism is both an occupation or control of a region or a nation by other nations.
  2. Differences of colonialism and imperialism viewed from: a. Originally Words · Colonialism comes from the Latin word colonia in which means land settlements / colonies. · Imperialism comes from the word that means ruling imperator. Or the meaning of the word empire great empire by having immense colony. b. Understanding o Colonialism is a system in which a country's control of the people and resources of other countries but still keep in touch with the country of origin. o Imperialism is a system of direct occupation of a country to other countries. c.Mastery goal area o Colonialism aim to drain the resources for the development of industrial colonies and meet the wealth of the country is implementing the colonial politics. o Imperialism, did colonial rule by forming colonies and by implanting an influence on all spheres of life in the colony

B. Imperialism
By the time the emergence of imperialism divided into 2, namely: ancient imperialism, and modern imperialism. The difference between ancient and modern imperialism Imperialism is as follows: a. Occurrence · Ancient Imperialism was before the industrial revolution · Modern Imperialism occurred after the industrial revolution

b. In terms of interest
· Ancient Imperialism, the urge to seek the interests of the colonies by the desire to achieve glory (glory), has a wealth (gold), propagate the faith (gospel).
· Modern Imperialism, the encouragement of the economic interests of colonial powers desire to develop its economy and to meet the needs of the industry in which the colonies as a source of raw materials and the marketing of industrial products.

c. Examples of countries that embrace
· Ancient Imperialism: Portuguese, Spanish, Romans
· Modern Imperialism: English, French, Dutch, German, and Italian. Due to imperialism: v Developing investment in the colony by the private / private expanding world trade v v poorer colonies and colonies People v. shortage because people imposed various obligations without rights v indigenous culture shifted and influenced by European culture.western colonialism in Indonesia can not be separated by the events in Europe in the 8th century until the the 13th century. And changes in Europe affected the eastern world. These changes include the reform of the Church (age 16-17), Movement of mercantilism, the French Revolution (1789), The Industrial Revolution (1780). 

C. MercantilismMerkatilisme Definition: Understand characterized by government intervention in the lives of rigorous economy to foster wealth-banyakanya as much precious metals as a standard size and affluence, prosperity and power of the State.

The emergence of independent states in Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands) State wants to maintain its sovereignty, freedom, and prosperity. Necessary condition of a strong economy in order to remain viable.Defined precious metals as a standard measure of the wealth of a country. Opened trade networks, organized shipping and exploration into new territories.
Implementation of Policy and Planning mercantilism:
  • Trying to get as many precious metals
  • Increasing foreign trade
  • Develop export-oriented industries
  • Increasing population growth as an industrial workforce
  • Involving the State as a supervisor economy
  • Protecting merchandise by using very high import duties.
  • Ask for a cash payment in gold if a country exports more than any other country.
The Industrial Revolution Definition:

The change radiakal agrarian to industrial society structure and changes in the use of the means of production of human power to mechanical power.
Stages of progress towards the Industrial Revolution:
  1. Household industries (home industry)
  2. Production of goods is done in the home and is seasonal. The production process is done manually and not specialized.
  3. Workers' family members themselves and for their own needs.
  4. Industrial Manufacturing
    workplaces available for approximately 10 people working in the back yard and the front part was built store to sell industrial products. Appears Gilda and Tengkulak.
  5. Manufacture Factory
    has been familiar with the technology industry machinery factory. Conveyor system into use. Workers only work to make the results of the sales industry left to the marketing department.
Background The advent of the Industrial Revolution:
Growing the livelihood of agrarian feudal character of
the eruption of the Crusades (1096-1291) that connects the Eastern European countries and the world leading trade relations existed between the two.
emergence of trading cities in Europe such as Florence, Venice, Genoa , followed by the emergence of small industrial businesses or industries Household. Appears Gilda and Hnasa
The rapid progress of science has given rise to great scientists.

As a result of the Industrial Revolution:
Consumer goods became plentiful and can be bought cheaply because the industrial machinery items that can be printed easily cheaper.
urbanization occurred since the advent of industrial cities, so many people who work in factories with wage minimum, a lot of unemployment and poverty that cause a lot of unrest.
Wages are low with long working time, the use of force women and children, as well as poor working facilities. This led to strikes that accompanied the riots and destruction.
occurrence of the gap between employers and workers / employees. Where employers get richer, while the poor laborer (occurring economic inequality)
The industry increasingly abundant as the market expanded. Goods traffic running fast. Rapidly growing transport both on land, sea, or air.
Required areas for marketing, investment and supply of raw materials for industries of European nations to protect their economic activities. So the start of colonialism by European nations.
Social revolution
is a process of change in the social structure of society towards a better and lasts radically.
  • Supporting factors are as follows:
  • Massive urbanization to cities housing industry is not able to accommodate them
  • The living conditions of the workers are very poor
  • The difference in the lives of the rich and the poor are very striking.
  • The emergence of a wide range of demands for change emerge causing a number of laws issued by the British government.
Understanding Capitalism:

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals conducting the production, exchange of goods and services through a network of market and price complex
Capitalism according to Karl Marx, is a system where the owners of capital to be decisive of the entire market and price policy goods to minimize losses and maximize profits.
In the 18th century a lot of time developing the industrial revolution came the capitalists who control industrial equipment, hire people to run the machines. purpose of capitalism is the low production cost and high profit. Capitalism characteristics: 1. And capital goods that are used as privately owned production process. 2. Economic activities freely determined only by the sale and purchase of 3. Capital owners are free to use any means to increase profits by utilizing maximum resources and production work. 4. State oversight sought a minimum, the State may at any time issue a policy that protects the smooth implementation of the system of capitalism

Colonialism Imperialism AND WEST IN INDONESIA 
Industrialiasasi and Imperialism
Political modern imperialism different from old-fashioned imperialism political execution before the Industrial Revolution.In politics ancient imperialism, mastery of new areas to obtain precious metals (gold), to get the nation's glory (glory), and spread the teachings of the gospel (gospel).
Modern imperialism by European countries has three objectives:
  1. Getting the marketing of industrial products
  2. Getting the raw material producing areas or raw materials.
  3. Getting the investment area.
Modern Imperialism motivated by economic interests imperal State. Modern imperialism is done by mastering other countries as a source of raw materials and the marketing of industrial products.

The entry of Europeans to Indonesia
Colonialism The Spanish

colonization of the Spanish ocean made ​​the first led by Christhoper Columbus. Colombus submit to the King of Spain cruise mission to find the spice-producing areas in the East. The mission aims Economic approved by the King of Spain, in 1492, Columbus start exploring the Spanish missions. The purpose of this mission is to find the Indian Archipelago, spice-producing areas.
In the Bahamas, Columbus landed in the Americas, he thought he had reached the Indies archipelago. Bahamas was then regarded as a Spanish colony. Later missions Meksio controlled areas, with the conquest of the Aztec Indian tribes and Indian Maya.
The second mission performed Ferdinand Magellan on 20 september 1519. He sailed from Sanlucar de Barrameda Spain towards the west to the south of the Americas. In 1520, Maggelan reached the Philippine Islands. By the time the ship landed in the Philippines is going fighting between local tribes. He tried to reconcile but instead he was killed and died on 27 April 1521.
Magellan mission trip followed by Sabastian Del Cano. In 1521 the Spanish fleet landed dikepulauan Maluku. In Maluku trip leaders Sabastian Del Cano bought spices and brought to Spain by ship Victoria. The news that Del Cano managed to find a local spice tersenar immediately across Spain. As a result, by the year 1534, Spanish ships flock dating to the Maluku Islands. Butter is bringing economic mission, the mission is to spread the Catholic faith. A priest who runs a mission to spread Catholicism Maluku was St. Francis Xavier, he also spread Catholicism in Ambon, Ternate, and Morotai.

The Portuguese colonization
The Portuguese exploration of the path towards the east because of the treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 between Spain and Portugal. Based on these Perjajian, the Spaniards get maritime region west of Cape Verde or west Africa, while the Portuguese getting the east, it aims to prevent clashes between the two countries in the fight over the new area.
The mission of the Portuguese led by Bartholomeu Dias, a Portuguese sailor who received orders from the King of Portugal. In 1488, Bartholomeu Dias made it to Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of the African continent. But he could not go on the mission trip because of damage to the ship.
The next trip made by Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut or India in 1498. Of India, in the year 1510, the Portuguese sent missions into eastern expedition led by Alfonso de Albuquerque. In the same year the fleet de Albuquerque arrived at Goa, southern India. In Goa, de Albuquerque hear stories about the wealth of Malacca area. In 1511, Alfonso de Albuquerque with his troops to attack Malak and succeed.
Of Malacca, the Portuguese expedition proceeded to the east under the leadership of Francisco Serro. The Portuguese finally arrived in Ternate, Maluku in 1512. After mastering the Malacca and the Moluccas, the Portuguese intends to expand its power to the island of Sumatra, which is rich in pepper, but efforts in seizing the island of Sumatra is less successful because there is the kingdom of Aceh that dominate the pepper trade on the island of Sumatra. The Portuguese also extend perdaganganya to Java.

The arrival of the Dutch in Indonesia
At first, the Portuguese traders tried to keep the trade routes to the continent of Asia. However, the Portuguese finally cruise line is able to identify another nation. A Dutch shipping company working in Portugal, Jan Huygen van Linschiten, issued a note of the maps and images of the area and the Portuguese merchandise.
In 1595, the Dutch expedition sailed to Asia. The expedition was conducted with four ships. Dutch fleet led by Cornelis de Houtman. In June 1596 Cornelis de Houtman arrived at Bantam. Of Banten cruise mission continues to move east to the Isles of Malacca. On the islands of Malacca, the fleet of de Houtman managed to transport spices in large quantities.

The British arrivals to Indonesia
In 1600, Queen Elizabeth 1 of England Oktrooi grant to the East Indian Airlines or The East India Company (EIC). East Indian Airlines is a trading partnership, based in British India. In 1602 Sir James Lancaster was the first person appointed to lead the fleet palayaran England to the East and the fleet arrived in Aceh and then he went on to Banten.
The next cruise mission led by Sir Henry Middleton in 1604. Middeton made it to Ternate, Tidore, Ambon and Banda.Maluku Islands, British got competition from the Portuguese in need get the spices. In 1811, the British attacked tentra areas in the Netherlands mastered. Dutch government surrendered unconditionally.

The development of Western Colonialism and Imperialism in Indonesia
1. VOC
VOC is a Dutch trading partnership that has territory in the East Indies. Managers consists of six people called "Bewindhebbers der VOC", plus 17 daily steward called Heeren XVII. VOCs also have special rights granted Dutch Parliament:
-Make arrangements with local raja2
-Declare War and Peace
-Making weapons and fortress
-Print money
-appoint and dismiss employees
-prosecute the case
In 1609, Pieter Both served as Governor General of the VOC in Ambon. Its main mission is to lead the VOC faced competition from European traders. When Jan Pietersoon Coen was appointed Governor-General, the center of power moved to the Jayakarta. In addition to its monopoly, the VOC also run the system of indirect rule (indirect rule). 

Did not last long, VOC finally dissolved on December 31, 1799. with the following factors:
-Many civil corruption because his salary low VOC
-VOC not able to compete with the English (EIC) and France (FIC)
-Despite loss, shareholders still given dividend
-Dutch War against the British
-Fall VOC trade partnership in India and the freedom of British shipping to Indonesia

2. French-Dutch colonialism
in Europe is in the atmosphere of the War Coalition (1792-1797). Belandapun lost so make king, Willem V, asking for protection from the UK. Napoleon Bonaparte, the French leader then put Louis Napoleon to lead the Netherlands. Louis then appointed Herman Willem Daendels as Governor General of the Dutch East Indies since 1808. Its main task is to defend Java from British attack. During his reign, issued a policy Daendels many policies that skew to the dictatorship.For example, highway construction Pos (Groete Postweg) between Anyer-Panarukan. Construction of the highway system involves a lot of power with labor.
arbitrary power is applied Daendels turn it back so that the image of the Dutch East Indies was not worse. But the withdrawal Daendels have created the harm. Belandapun successfully mastered English. Thus ended the French-Dutch colonialism marked by capitulation Tuntang.

3. Colonization Iggris
In 1811-1816, Indonesia was under British rule. Thomas Stamford Raffles was appointed as the deputy governor of Java and subordinates. The main purpose of government is to improve people's welfare Raffles. One of the most popular action trigger system is a ground rent (landrent). It does not burden the people, but conditions in Europe made ​​Thomas Stamford Raffles had to end his tenure in Indonesia. The war ended with the defeat of French coalition. Countries that became French opponent made ​​the decision that as a fortress to face the French, the Dutch must be strong. Therefore, in the Treaty of London in 1824, stipulated that Indonesia returned to the Netherlands.

4. Dutch
To deal with various problems in Indonesia who just returned to the UK, the Dutch government sent a commission. The Commission consists of Cornelis Th.Elout as chairman, and AA and van der Capellen Buyskes as members. After the commission was dissolved, van der Capellen appointed governor-general. She implement a conservative, in the sense of applying policies such as VOC monopoly: a. Cultivation period when van den Bosch served as governor-general, in 1830 he created a new rule called 'cultivation' / Cultuur stelsel. The aim is to make profits in order to cover the financial deficit Dutch country. Then, the background does Cropping force are: - Dutch country budget deficit due to war and the war of independence Belgium Diponegoro - The situation in Java unfavorable moment - Trade and Dutch firms decline

The principal provisions of forced Cropping:
- Population compulsory planting 1/5 soil with plants set by the government
- is exempt from taxation land
-land was done during the fifth year
- was the government's investment risk
- The plants themselves are required to be appointed to the plant and compensated
- Excess crops will be replaced by the government
- Time used for growing crops shall not exceed the time to plant rice
Deviations Cultivation:
-Land planted more than 1/5 of land
-land planted shall still taxable
- Many officers are cheating, trying to get as many results
- soil planted shall tend to the fertile land
Due to irregularities:
1. For Nation Indonesia
- Potential woes
- Dutch government to give sanction to farmers who leave their land so that more miserable
1. For the Netherlands
- Acquire a huge advantage
- Incurred cultivation opposition triggered by liberals and ethical groups

b. Colonial Liberal Politics
liberal Group managed to control the parliament so that they have the opportunity to create a constitution to limit the king's power. In 1870 out of law de Waal:
  1. Sugar Act which states that the cultivation of sugar cane must be done by a private entrepreneur, not a system of forced cultivation
  2. The Agrarian Law, it explained that the governor-general and people prohibited from selling land to foreigners, but it can rent it for 75 years
Imperialism Colonialism AND INFLUENCE IN INDONESIA:
  1. People's Resistance
  2. Development of the Christian Religion
1. Resistance
T erhadap Trade Effort Portuguese and Dutch
before the arrival of Europeans, the people in the archipelago to live in peace under the rule of kings. The arrival of the Europeans in Indonesia initially welcomed by the people of Indonesia, but in the long run because the people of Indonesia organized resistance properties and malicious intentions that Europeans began to unfold and be known by Indonesian people.
Resistance-resistance of the Indonesian people do because Western people want to impose trade monopoly and trying to interfere in the affairs of the kingdoms in Indonesia. The resistance-resistance include:
1) Resistance in Aceh against the Portuguese
2) Ternate against Portuguese
3) Mataram Resistance (Resistance Sultan Agung) of the Netherlands
4) Banten against VOC
5) Makassar against VOC
6) Resistance Diponegoro (1825-1830) the Netherlands
7) Padri War (1821-1837)

2. The development of Christianity in Indonesia
since the 15th century the Pope in Rome gave the task to the Portuguese and Spanish missionaries to spread Catholicism.Then the Dutch were keen to spread the teachings of Protestant Christianity by the missionaries in the sending countries colonies.

1. Portuguese missionaries in Indonesia
In the 16th century a very active missionary activity convey the Gospel to the whole world by ship Portuguese and Spanish merchants. One missionary who served in Indonesia, especially Maluku is Francis Xavier (1506-1552). He was a Portuguese who defend the people who are oppressed by the Portuguese colony. Among the natives he was known honesty and sincerity to help trouble people. He spread the teachings of the Catholic faith by wandering from village to village, carrying a bell in hand to collect the children and adults to teach the Catholic religion.
Portuguese missionary activity took place in the Maluku Islands, North Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, P Ulau Siau, and Sangir, then spread to Borneo and East Java. The spread of the Catholic religion in Maluku became choked up after the assassination of Sultan Hairun the resentment of the people against all the Portuguese. After the fall of the Moluccas to the Dutch missionary activity ebbs and replaced the Dutch activities of missionaries who spread Christianity Protestant.

2. Dutch missionaries in Indonesia
In the 17th century church in the Netherlands subject to change, which was originally a Catholic state religion replaced with Protestant Christianity. The Dutch government prohibits the exercise of Catholic worship in public and implement anti-Catholic, including land territory.
VOC formed in 1602 got the power and the responsibility to promote religion. VOC supports the deployment of Protestant Christianity with the motto "who had a country, he's got religion", then VOC Catholic religious order to convert to Protestant Christianity. VOCs contribute to finance the establishment of schools and fund efforts to translate the Gospel into the vernacular. Beyond that priests used as a tool that VOC VOC pastor praise and comply with the VOC. It turned out to be greatly reduced image of the missionaries in the eyes of the people, because VOC unpopular.
Prominent missionaries in Indonesia, among others, Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen, Sebastian Danckaerts, Adriaan Hulsebos and Hernius.

Activities of missionaries in Indonesia include:
a. Spread the Maluku Protestant Christianity, Sangir, Talaud, Timor, Tapanuli, and major cities in Java and Sumatra.
b. Establish missionary Genootschap Nederlands (NZG), ie associations giver Dutch gospel that seeks to spread Protestant Christianity, establishing a container for the church congregation in Indonesia such as the Moluccan Protestant Church (GPM), Javanese Christian Church (GKJ), Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP) , and established schools that focus on the deployment of Protestant Christianity.

3. Regional Distribution of Christianity in Indonesia in the period of colonial
rule VOC Currently, Catholic missionary activity driven by the activities of Protestant missionaries, and survived on Flores and Timor. But since Daendels ruling, Catholic and Protestant Christians were given equal rights, and begin to re-deploy the Catholic missionaries, especially to areas not reached by other religions.
The spread of Protestant Christianity in the Moluccas became viable after founded the Moluccan Protestant Church (GPM) on 6 September 1935. GPM Organization accommodate Protestant Christians throughout southern Maluku and Papua. The spread of Christianity in Manado North Sulawesi reach, Tomohon, Siau Island, Island Sangir Talaud, Tondano, Minahasa, Luwu, Mamasa and Poso, as well as in East Nusa Tenggara covering East, Ende Island, Larantuka, Lewonama, and Flores. The spread of the Catholic religion in Java originally only place in Blambangan, Panarukan, East Java. However, then spread to the west, such as Batavia, Semarang and Yogyakarta.
Protestant Christianity in East Java developed in Mojowarno, Ngoro close Jombang. In Central Java includes Magelang, Kebumen, Wonosobo, Cilacap, Ambarawa, Salatiga, Purworejo, Purbalingga and Banyumas. In West Java, the center of the spread of Christianity there in Bogor, Sukabumi, and Lembang (Bandung). In North Sumatra Batak people who embrace Christianity centered in Angkola Sipirok, South Tapanuli, Samosir, Sibolga, Reed Hawar in Karo, Kabanjahe, Sirombu, and the islands of Nias. Christianity in community activities focused on the organization HKBP Batak. As in South Kalimantan Christianity developed in Barito Kuala Kapuas. In West Kalimantan, there are many Christians in Pontianak. In East Kalimantan numerous in Samarinda, Central Kalimantan Dayak rural residential community in Silver and Kapuas Kahayan.

These factors cause difficulty the development of Christianity in Indonesia at that time were:
a) At the time Christianity is considered synonymous with religion invaders.
b) The colonial government did not respect the principle of human equality.
c) Most of the people of Indonesia have embraced other religions.
Therefore deployment efforts made in areas that have not touched any other religion. Also performed by conducting humanitarian actions such as establishing hospitals and schools. Finally, thanks to the hard work of the missionaries and missionaries, Christianity can flourish in Indonesia until now.

5. Japanese colonialism in Indonesia
The Japanese occupation is an important period in the history of Indonesia. Japanese occupation of Indonesia aimed at establishing the Greater East Asia Co Commonwealth. To achieve that goal, the Japanese invaded naval base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. The incident occurred on December 7, 1941. Movement Japanese military invasion quickly spread to Southeast Asia. In January-February 1942, the Japanese occupied the Philippines, Tarakan (East Kalimantan), Balikpapan, Pontianak, and Samarinda. In February 1942 the Japanese overran Palembang.
To deal with the Japanese, the Allies established a joint command. Command was named ABDACOM (American British Dutch Australian Command). ABDACOM led by General Sir Archibald Wavell and based in London. On March 1, 1942 Japanese forces had landed in Java, Banten Bay, in Eretan (West Java), and in Kragan (East Java). On March 5, 1942 the city of Batavia fell into Japanese hands. Finally, on March 8, 1942 the Dutch formally surrendered to the Japanese. Handover ceremony took place on March 8, 1942 at Kalijati, Subang, West Java. During the ceremony the Allies represented by the Governor-General Tjarda van Starkenborgh and General Ter Poorten, while Japan was represented by General Hitoshi Imamura. With automatic handover Indonesia began colonized by Japan.
Japan's policy towards the people of Indonesia in principle priority on two things:
1. erase Western influences among the people of Indonesia, and
2. mobilize the people of Indonesia after Japan's victory in the War of Greater East Asia.
Politics of Japanese imperialism in Indonesia oriented exploitation of natural and human resources. Japan to exploit to the village level. In many ways, Japan deplete natural resources and human labor through promises and violence.

In the Age of Colonialism Japanese Government
Japanese occupation period in contrast to the Dutch colonial period. In the Dutch colonial government held by the civilian government. Meanwhile, led by the Japanese military. In running the government, Indonesia is divided into three areas of military rule.
1. Region I, covering the islands of Java and Madura governed by the Sixteenth Army with headquarters in Batavia (Jakarta).
2. Region II covers an area of Sumatra island, ruled by twenty-five soldiers with headquarters in Dublin.
3. Region III includes Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, East, South Maluku was ruled by the Second Fleet and based in Makassar (Ujungpandang).
Following the Japanese occupation government policies in Indonesia.

1. Political
In the early days of the occupation, Japanese propaganda exciting. Japan's stance initially showed tenderness, for example:
a. allow the flag was hoisted alongside the Japanese flag,
b. prohibit the use of the Dutch language,
c. permit the use of the Indonesian language in daily life, and
d. permit sing Indonesia Raya.
Japanese policy was not running old software. General Imamura change policies. Political activity is prohibited and all existing political organization dissolved. In return Japan to form new organizations. Of course, for the sake of Japan itself.Established organizations such as the Movement Japan Triple A, the Son, and Java Hokokai.

a. Movement Three A
Three A Movement was formed in March 1942 and is chaired by Mr. Shamsuddin. A three movements composed of Nippon Light of Asia, Nippon Protective Asia and Nippon Leader Asia. The purpose of this movement is to raise the potential of the nation to prosperity. Apparently Movement Three A long-lived because it is less effective by the Japanese that was disbanded, but instead formed Son (People's Power Center).

b. People Power Center (Son)
On March 1, 1943 Japan established the Son. The movement was led by the four series, namely Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Moh.Hatta, Ki Hajar Dewantara, and KH Mas Mansyur.
For the leaders of Indonesia, the Son aims to build and animate all that was demolished by the Dutch imperialists. As for Japan, the Son aims to centralize all the potential of the Indonesian community in order to help the war effort. Son more beneficial for Indonesia than for Japan. Son more direct attention to the freedom of the people rather than to the Japanese war effort. Therefore, the Japanese form Hokokai Java (Java Worship Service Association).

c. Hokokai Java (Java Worship Association)
In March 1944 the Japanese government established Hokokai Java. Java Hokokai declared as an official government organization that shoots directly held by Gunseikan leadership. The set has three basic ie self-sacrifice, brotherhood strengthen, and implement something with proof. Hokokai Java has the task, among others mobilize people to raise rice, scrap metal, taxes, and plant spacing as a raw material for lubricants Japan. On 5 September 1943 to form Cuo Sangi-in (Advisory Board) at the instigation of Prime Minister Hideki Tojo. Chairman Cuo Sangi-in held by Ir. Sukarno. The task of this body is to submit a proposal to the government as well as answer questions about the government's actions to be performed by the military government.

2. The Economy
At the beginning of the Japanese occupation of Indonesia's economic paralysis vital objects such as mining and industrial burned by the Allies. To normalize the situation, many Japanese production activities. All economic activity is geared to meet the needs of war.
For example, by building a weapons factory and require people to plant jatropha. Therefore, Japan introduced a system of autarky. Autarky system is that each region is expected to meet their own needs. To build the facilities war, Japan requires a lot of power rough. Rugged power used for forced labor called romusha. Romusha very tragic life. They lived in misery, poverty, hunger, and death is rare. In addition to romusha, Japan also exploit the natural resources, especially coal and oil.

3. Social Sector
During Indonesia Japan many people were forced into romusha. They were forced to work hard without pay and food.As a result, many are dead and affected romusha disease. Because misery experienced by romusha, appeared a new class called puppy class or trash.
Japan also set up the system of social stratification in society. Social Stratification in the Japanese occupation consists of:
a. Top class of the Japanese group.
b. The second category is the indigenous groups.
c. The third type is the class of the East Exchange.

4. Military Field
In order to strengthen the position of the Pacific War, Japan in mobilizing the youth to be fostered in the military exercise.Therefore the Japanese form organisasiorganisasi semimiliter and military organizations.

5. Culture Sector
During the Japanese occupation, the Indonesian language is used in communication allowed. In contrast, the Dutch language should not be used. Nameplate inside the store, a restaurant, or a company that replaced the Dutch Indonesian or Japanese. Newspaper and Dutch-speaking films banned.

The Movement Strategy Japanese Colonialism
In the face of the Japanese occupation, the fighters have a strategy that is not the same. There are two kinds of groups, namely the cooperative groups and nonkooperatif. Group cooperative willing to work together with Japan. They sat in the organization formed by Japan. Moderate faction nonkooperatif are the ones who do not cooperate with the Japanese, they form an underground organization. Here is a group in the Japanese underground,
Struggle cooperative by the nation's leaders. They are willing to cooperate with Japan. Struggle cooperatively done by joining organizations such as the Japanese formation Son, Java Hokokai, Movement Three A, and Cuo Sangi In. In addition, also sits on the governing bodies of Japan.

Resistance Against Japan
During the Japanese occupation, the lives of the people suffered greatly. This is due to people being forced to give up romusha and obligation on the crops. The suffering of the people led to the rise of hatred towards Japan. Hatred was aggravated by the need to undergo Seikerei toward Tokyo unacceptable. The result is people's resistance against the atrocities of the Japanese army Indonesia.
People's resistance that occurred in various regions in Indonesia shows that the independence of Indonesia was not a gift from the Japanese government. Indonesia fought for independence, and then maintained by the Indonesian people themselves.

Impact of Colonialism Japanese 
Occupation of Japan has caused many changes in rural Indonesia, especially Java. Japan's policies resulted in many changes in people's lives. Here are some of the changes that
occur due to the Japanese occupation of Indonesia.

1. Political Aspects of Government
in the field of government there is a change from military rule to civilian rule, the office of Governor-General was replaced by the Commander of the Japanese. To expedite the process and control the exploitation of rural people, the Japanese form tonarigumi (Neighborhood Association). The goal is to improve the monitoring of the population. Due tonarigumi establishment, role and functions of traditional political institutions fade.

2. Socio-Economic Aspects
During the Japanese, rice is also enforced by force of political submission. This is done to meet the food needs for the soldiers. As a result of the delivery of rice, among others, increased mortality, decreased levels of public health, food shortages, and social welfare is very bad. Social mobility is high. Group of young people, students, and community leaders to increase social status. This is because they joined the organization formed by Japan. It also sits in the government.

3. People mentality aspect
of Java has a population very much. Seeing this, the Japanese use as labor. Rural communities are forced into romusha.The romusha must make weapons factory, castle defense, and roads. They not only work in Indonesia but also sent abroad. The romusha was miserable and unable to pay and food. They are still receiving cruel treatment from Japan. This has led to fears in the community must submit its citizens to be romusha.

Marak, Colonialism Sites in Indonesia

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Symptoms of religious colonialism in society reveals lately is one of the symptoms manivestasi conservation. The symptoms are characterized by rampant trend of intolerance towards different groups such as minority Shia and Ahmadiyya.
"Intolerance is affected by the emergence of hatred of minorities either one religion or another religion. This is a trend that is not only happening in Indonesia and Islam, but the symptoms of humanity. There are times in which the human is tolerant, but there are other times that are community intolerant majority, "said Abdal Ulil Abshar over religious dialogue and tolerance at the Crossroads at the University of Indonesia, Depok, on Wednesday (07/18/2012).
Ulil said interfaith relations since the reforms were going on the road intersection. Unique developments emerging as neokonservatisme in Islamic societies. Ulil justify if some say the trend appears intolerance in society. He also said that Indonesia needs a man like Gus Dur who think the plural, it also supports the establishment of Abdurrahman Wahid Centre (AWC) in the UI.
For Ulil, the idea of ​​people like Gus Dur's important to be treated. The first reason, as Gus Dur directly translate ideas about Pancasila in the context of Islam. Second, this idea is necessary to maintain the security of a country. Insights religious pluralism and tolerance.
"The idea of ​​Gus Dur was essential treated continuously through the center which now stands at the UI," said Ulil, education has the Liberal Islam Network.
As reported earlier, the University of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid has lounching Centre (AWC) on the 3rd floor of the UI Main Library, Depok. Activities undertaken include the AWC-UI, providing reading and read about the places of conflict, peace, culture, and religion and belief.
Other activities undertaken AWC is organized forum for discussion and dialogue, public lectures and publications held various studies, research, and teaching, as well as the facilitation of dialogue and peace mediation at various levels possible.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolonialisme
2. http://www.freewebs.com/rinanditya/konsepkolonialismedkk.htm
4. http://wwwsejarah-agustinus.blogspot.com/2011/01/perkembangan-kolonialisme-dan.html
5. http://warofweekly.blogspot.com/2010/12/kolonialisme-jepang-di-indonesia.html
7. http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2012/07/19/11420566/Marak.Kolonialisme.Keagamaan.di.Indonesia
8. http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolonialisme

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