Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


In human life, the color is a very important element. Just imagine, if the world consists only of a single color or even dark at all. How boring is not it? Never imagined this world consists of only one color? For example, black only, which in physics is known as blackbody (perfect color absorbent). If so, the earth and everything in it will be black will continue to absorb the sun's heat, the temperature is rising and we will be roasting in it. After all, what we can see and enjoy in this life, because it is identical to a dark black.
Color is the first design element most eye-catching one in any condition. Every surface of the object will appear in color, as they absorb and reflect light selectively called visual light. An object will appear colorless when an external event and the internal unity in an observation. Color as the external symptoms are wavelength range (400-700 nanometers) light from a light source or originating from a surface that can reflect light.
while color as the internal experience is a feeling (sensation) caused by visual perception and mental interpretation of the wavelength of light to the eye. Color as an impression of the eyes caused by light. Each color is produced from the reaction of the white light that hit (on) of a surface, and the surface of the reflecting portion of the spectrum. Part of the reflected spectrum is known as the color of the surface is exposed to light. The color is caused by the vibration of white light. For example, a red object, looks red because its surface capacity to absorb all of the components of the spectrum wavelength spectrum of colors except red.
Fortunately, God also created other colors as colorful life. Looked up, there is blue sky and black-and-white beautiful clouds as a marker of the weather. Looking ahead, there is a refreshing green foliage. Staring down, no ground yellow, red, brown and black as a marker of fertility. Also created a transition between day and night with a beautiful color gradation, so we often linger enjoying the moment of sunrise and sunset. All of the colors that are uniquely created and runs by itself, without human intervention as creativity autoproses the Creator colors.
Noting fruits such as papaya, over time will be ripe marked discoloration. From green to yellow when young reddish when older. Thus, we need not calculate the age of the papaya fruit ripe for the mark or not. Simply by looking at the color change, we will know the level of maturity of the fruit that we observe. Here, too, there autoproses creations can take place without human role. No one painted papaya and other fruits that, how color can change yourself.
For example again, banana basically have more number of fruit, ripe bunches will set the bottom first, to be eaten on a regular basis. God being omniscient when ripe banana simultaneously / at once bunches bottom, middle and top of it, there will be a lot of bananas that is not consumed. Of course, eventually the bananas will rot in vain because of limited human ability to consume banana filling.
Uniquely, most pest / insect small, very interested in yellow. Pests / insects through the sense of sight attracted to the color yellow because it resembles the color of ripe fruit and the leaves turn yellow like a safe indication for the attack and was carried out by the colony. Interest in pest / insect on yellow can be used to trap insects / pests around homes and small farms by putting glue in bottles or pieces that have been painted. Application fuller longer, usually combined with adding sex stimulating hormone (pheromone) that male insects more easily attracted, trapped and do not fertilize the female pests that proliferation of pests / insects can be minimized.
Similarly, men and women in terms of color. Many men do not recognize / memorize the color orange, purple, orange, and indigo. While women are created instead, sensitive / sensitive to color. Men are not good at choosing colors, while women can look good with a choice of color combinations. Ordinary women choose the matching color for men because of its sensitivity to color. In this way, men and women actually complement each other, each making the world more beautiful colorful without having to bicker with each other on the color that dominated women's choice, because men often indifferent to certain colors.
More extreme, how terrible if no Creator Autoproses color for breast milk, only a few millimeters from the nipples before breast milk gushing, nipples have been equipped with a color modifier that breast milk turns white that makes a baby / child is not afraid feeding. A simple proof that breast milk actually is blood that has been colored white, is by drying the milk it for more than an hour. In the scorching sun, the milk will return gradually turned red because the color fades pemutihnya. In this way, baby / child was not drinking her blood.
The change of color and color autoproses specified as identifier / marker in a community, it is the gift of life to facilitate the creation creature on earth. Make us more grateful after recognizing the colors of life. Colors that we can see without our touch, as proof eye priceless gift. With the eyes of all, we can read this article.

Based on physics,

color = electromagnetic waves of light. Electromagnetic waves can be captured our eyes that have a wavelength between 400-700 nanometers.
Colour is sensation produced by the eye by rays of light decompressed; effect produced by a ray of light of a particular wavelenghth or a mixture of these (Hornby, 1974)

Process visibility of color:Eyes, light and objects are three essential elements to see color. When the light on an object, then some particular wavelength spectrum is absorbed by the object and the reflected others. When eyes caught the light spectrum reflected from the object, it will identify the color of the eye's retina to the brain. The color on the visible object is the spectrum of light reflected into our eyes.

Function color
natural functions
Referring natural color of the object. For example: Color Flowers, Fruits, leaves etc and everything natural.

Distinguishing function
Referring natural color of the object. For example: In the food product / beverages with different flavors, such as orange juice with orange packaging, or strawberry juice with the red packaging.

Cue function
Provide signs (cues) and kondisi.Contohnya: Traffic Lights

Identity function
Facilitate the introduction of something hal.Contohnya: Coca-Cola products are always synonymous dominated with its red and white color.

Psychological Function
Color gives a certain impression that can affect emotional / mental state of a person. For example: red color or a bold cendrerung describe the emotion that describes the green shade.

Prehistoric Period
colors used by the cave painters at Lascaux and Altamira in southern France and Spain.

The period of ancient Egyptian, Greek, and art in asia roma
art as art but do not arise from the rules of religion. For example personification of the gods. Color less prominent because he prefers shapes and materials.

Period Aristotle
Colors consist of two groups, namely the coming of the light coming from the light and the darkness.

Leonardo da vinci Period
Finding the fundamental primary colors, which is sometimes called psychological primary colors, red, yellow, blue, black and white.

Sir Isaac Newton (Year 1660)
Experiments conducted by Isaac Newton with glass prisms that white light is made ​​up of the colors of the rainbow (color spectrum)

JC Le Blon (Year 1731)
Finding the primary colors red, yellow and blue pigments. This is a milestone RYB theory or "red yellow blue" as the main color which we still use today.

Hermann von helmholzt and James Clerk Maxwell (1790)
Basing color in sunlight and rely on the laws of physics.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1810)
Classification of color into two main colors are yellow (related to brightness) danbiru (the darkness)

Michel Eugene Chevreul (Year 1824)
  • - The laws of simultaneous Contrast of color (1839). sparked theories on color harmony especially textiles.
  • - President of the company's tapestry in France developed the theory of 'red yellow blue'.
Sir David Brewster (1831 )
theory simplifies the colors that exist in nature into 4 groups of color, the color of the primary, secondary, tertiary, and neutral colors. - brewster circle color theory can explain the contrasting color (complementary), split complementary, triad, and tetrad

Ogden Rood (1879)
Developing theories warnaberdasarkan circle of red, green, blue and white in the middle there.

Albert H. Munsell (1898)color system published in A Color Notation (1905). 3D color circle form with dimensions of color (hue, value, chroma).

Herbet E. Ives (Year 1900)
- To put the color mixing system ie:
  • + Red = Magenta Cyan
  • + Blue = Magenta turquise
- Dye and pigment color wheel to produce primary colors Magenta, Yellow, Cyan. This system is still used in printing.

ABOUT COLOR & COLOR intricacies
Actually objects have no color of its own, causing cahayalah color. Red surface led to red, this is because it absorbs all wavelengths except the long wave
red. Black surface does not reflect light at all to him, he absorbs all wavelengths.
We could see the black surface because it contrasts with the surroundings. White surface reflects all wavelengths, it is the maximum intensity.

A. Color Wheel
simplest system to determine the relationship of the colors is the basic arrangement of colors in a color wheel, which consists of six types: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and violet
Red, yellow and blue is the color of the principal or primary colors. Orange, green and violet, can be obtained by mixing the three primary colors of which was, the result is called a secondary color. Mixing primary colors with secondary colors will get the tertiary colors, namely yellow orange, red orange, red violet, yellow green, blue green and violet blue.

B. Color classification according to some experts 
1. Byrta Carson, classify colors into three important categories, namely:
a. Called the Primary Colors: red, blue, yellow. Primary colors also called the base color or the color of the first
b. Secondary Colors are: orange, green, and violet. This color is derived from mixing the primary colors in the same amount.
c. Intermediate Colors is color due percampuraan primary color with a secondary color in the same amount and color together.

2. Affandi, grouped into five color groups:
a. Color principal (primary)
b. Color second (secondary)
c. Color third (tertiary)
d. Colors opposite / complementary (complementary)
e. Neutral colors

3. Prang, classify colors into five groups, namely: a. Primary Colors Primary Colors consist of red, blue, yellow.Called primary because the color is an essential element in the use of pigments. The three colors in this pigment can not be obtained from the mixing of other colors. Based on this definition of black, white, gold, and silver belonging to the row of basic colors. However, because of the color black, white, gold, and silver did not show a particular chroma, color is not considered a color

b. Secondary colors
secondary color derived from mixing two primary colors in equal measure. The colors are:
Orange (Red + Yellow), Green (Yellow + Blue) and Purple (Blue + Red)

c. Color between (intermediate)
color between the covers Yellow Green, Blue Green, Blue Purple, Red Purple, Orange and Yellow Orange Red. Among the colors are still generated a number of other colors. Colors obtained from mixing between primary with secondary colors adjacent in the same comparison.

d. Tertiary colors
Tertiary colors obtained from mixing secondary colors in the same amount, namely: Tertiary Yellow (Green + Orange), Tertiary Blue (Purple + Green) and Tertiary Red (Orange + Purple)

e. Colors quarter
Tertiary mixing two colors in the same amount will produce color Quaternary, Quaternary color consists of:
* Quaternary Green: a mix between Tertiary Tertiary Blue + Yellow
* Quaternary Purple: mixture of Tertiary Tertiary Blue + Red
* Orange Quaternary: Tertiary mix Red + Yellow tertiary
The colors of this group are generally Quaternary neutralize, especially in combining color, because color is a mixture of various colors.

C. Hot colors and cool colors
All colors each have a temperature that can cause visual sensations (visual) will be feeling the heat and cold. Qualifications color temperature can be seen on the color wheel. Yellow, orange, yellow, orange, red orange, red and violet colors including hot. The yellow green, green, green, blue, blue, blue violet and violet colors including cool.
Colors red, orange and orange are the colors of the hot medium blue, blue green and green are the colors of the coldest.
Colors green and violet colors are the hot colors with cool colors, for when green turns to yellow-green-colored, the color will be a hot color, and it will be cool if it turned into a bluish, as well as violet colors will be hot when turned into reddish violet color and a cool color when turned into a violet blue.
Hot colors give a sense of joy and evocative, while cool colors provide a sense of calm and quiet. Hot colors make an object look bigger, closer and provide a sense of warmth. Cool colors
have properties that appear smaller sink, further and suggest peace.

D. Hue, Value and Intensity
According Prang color has three properties called the color dimension, namely Hue, Value, and Intensity. Apart from that there are also some theories about color characteristics that need to be known, ie Original Colors, colors are dimmed, and Family Colors Neutral Colors
1. Hue, is a term used to indicate the name of a color, such as red, blue, and so on. According to this Prang hue classify colors into five parts, namely primary colors, secondary colors between
(intermediate), tertiary colors and color quarter.
2. Value, is a term to indicate dark or lightness of a color. Value is the level or brightness of a color sequence. This value will determine the quality level of brightness of color, for example, to distinguish pure red with dark red color (dark) or pink (bright). Theoretically grade level diagram used is 9 levels, ranging from the brightest (white), through a row of neutral gray, to the darkest (black).
Denman W. Ross divides the interval value to be 9 steps with a fixed distance and given a numeric symbols. White and black are numbered 1 are numbered 9. neutral gray are numbered 2 to 8, with the number 5 as the most neutral.
If the second dimension is incorporated into the color scheme of the circle, then the color will gradually change the value of the scale, with the highest value at the peak and the lowest value or the darkest at the bottom. When a color
plus white will produce a color that will light, whereas when added black will produce a darker color. So, every wana be changed in value, the value lies in the neutral row to 5.
3. Intensity, is the dimension that explains or kusamnya a bright color or a character that states the strength or weakness of color, color transmit power and purity of color. The intensity of the color is a quality that causes the color talk, yell, or whisper in a soft tone. The two may be the same color name, eg red, and its value may be the same, but it may be different in terms of intensity or strength, that one may be more powerful than the other. The color intensity will be very interesting full
attention or stand out and give a brilliant appearance. Subtle color of low intensity (smooth, soft)
Colors seem to be more prominent can be done by:
  1. Bringing some color to complement the color, if two adjacent complementary colors, they will stand by each other because it's one of them should be dimmed.
  2. Combining a color with a black or white, they can accentuate other colors.
  3. Repetition of a large number of the same hue that is juxtaposed intensistas weak. For example, the bright red color of red surrounded dimmed.
Reducing the intensity of the color is done by:
1. Combining a number of colors yanag dim bright colors of the same hue. For example, bright yellow color combined with the dull color it will look rather dim.
2. Combining bright color with a very faint color of a slightly different hue.

E. The combination of color
Any color will be beautiful to look at when used according to the purpose, and will increase its beauty when combined with the color matching. Design principles applied in the use of color. The principle of balance known as "law of the area" claimed that a vast area of color, the effect should be quiet, and instead small amounts are shown in color and strong contrast. Getting harmony and harmony in combining color can be done by putting two or more colors are lined or adjacent, so get in line and color combination looks interesting.
Issue of color is a matter of feeling. Karenannya, the ability to integrate or combine the colors can be controlled by combining exercise with a color other colors are alternated, adapted to the knowledge of the theory, so that the sensitivity can increase feelings.
The combination of colors can be grouped into: 
1. Combination Nuans Nuans combination is the combination of colors by combining two or more colors that have a bit of the chroma difference. The combination of chroma is always exciting, memorable tune and soft. Example: Old Purple with purple tint.

2. Harmonious Combination
is a harmonious combination of color combinations color by combining basic colors with secondary colors that contain these basic colors.
harmonious combination can produce more appealing blend of color, such as variations in tint or shade, his impression will be more flexible.
Example: Teal, Orange red, yellow orange, Bluish Purple, Rosy Blue, Yellow greenery.

3. The complementary combination
of complementary combination obtained from your colors of two shades of color are facing each other in the color wheel.The complementary combination produces very attractive color combination that impressed stimulate, to get a better impression, one part of which put pressure on certain parts. Example: The color yellow with purple, red color with green, blue with orange

4. Contrast Combination
kontas combination is a combination of two shades of color from the color that has acquired other properties.
Example: Yellow color with red, yellow with blue, red with blue color

5. Combination Polikromatis
Polikromatis combination is a combination of several colors that have a level of dark and light values. Example: Red, pink, and red younger, green color, light green, and more green light, color brown, light brown, and brown younger

6. Combination Neutral
Neutral is to integrate the combination of colors with neutral colors. Any color when combined with a neutral color, it will look harmonious, and attractive. The reason that causes generally neutral colored fashion accessories, such as black, white, gray, gold, silver, and brown.

Color Scheme
The color scheme is only a guideline to obtain a harmonious arrangement of color and interest. If the guidelines are applied, will greatly assist and facilitate the search for the combination of the impression as planned.
1. Monochromatic color scheme
monochromatic scheme using a combination of the same colors, but different purity, so that when viewed at a glance it will look the same, but different brightness. For example, some of the same red color, but the one bright, the other dim, and so on.
Example: Red Shining and Dull red, orange dim to bright orange

2. Analogous color scheme
analogous color scheme is a combination of colors that are adjacent to its place in the circle of color.
Example: Green with yellowish green and bluish green, purple to reddish purple and bluish purple, red with red and purplish red kejinggaan

3. Triadik Color Scheme
Color Scheme Triadik are colors that lie on the vertex of an equilateral triangle in lingakarn color. Example: Red with green and Orange, Green with purple and orange, yellow and blue with red

4. Split-Complementary Color Scheme
Split-complementary color scheme uses a combination of colors that each bersebrangan located in the color circle.Example: Red with green, yellow-green to reddish purple

5. Complementary Color Scheme
Color Scheme Complementary colors are a combination that lies in all the points that form the letter Y on the color wheel. Example: Blue with orange yellow and reddish orange, yellow with reddish purple and bluish purple, Orange with blue-purple and blue-green

6. Color Scheme polychromatic
polychromatic color scheme or combination of colors is the resistance obtained darirangkaian 4 colors in the color wheel, which occurs from 2 colors complement the face-to-face. Example: red orange yellow green opponent opponents blue violet, blue-green opponent opponents orange with violet, yellow opponent with pink violet green opponent
The effect of color on people
basically every color gives a certain psychological effects to humans mentally and emotionally. The view is the psychological aspect of color such as the extrovert much more affected by color rather than shape. And he tends to choose colors that are hot, bright, sunny, cheerful, and bright. Instead people are Introverts are more affected by the shape rather than color, and class colors are color-wrana digandrunginya cold and dark tones.

Effect of color on humans include the:
1. Feelings. Light colors give a feeling of calm, quiet, soft, and lightweight
2. 's Attractiveness. Heat and light color more appealing than cool colors
3. The size of the measure. old colors lit, suggesting more narrow or reduce the space, while the other young color suggests.
4. Distance. Dark colors lights give a feeling close.

Nature of Color
Color Color theory states that have the nature and character often associated with mood, time, and opportunity. Thus, each color has its own properties that showed his trademark. 1. Red color has a characteristic red color as pelambang excitement and bravery. The color red has a value and strength of the most powerful color, so it can provide a much stronger appeal preferred by children and women

2. Color Black
Black is the epitome of pleasure and position, just once used to wear formal banquet in important events, such as graduation and a visit corpse.

3. Yellow
Yellow is the color of the most luminous and attract someone. The yellow color is a symbol of dignity and life, have the nature of magic, jealousy and commotion.

4. White color
has such glowing white color, often associated with things that are purity and cleanliness. This color is used for clothing doctors, nurses, and school children.

5. Blue color
has a characteristic blue color cold, passive, and quiet. This color is associated as a symbol of peace, sacrifice and hope, dear to someone who spirited mature and steady

6. Green color
Green color has a passive nature, someone who has endeared relaxed nature in everyday life.

7. Colour Violet
violet color has such an impressive winter, often associated with sadness, fortitude, and justice.

8. Color gray
color gray can be used as a good background for any color. This color is associated as a symbol of peace and humility.

9. Soft color
is soft color here is pink, light blue, light green. Has such soft colors tend to show a deep femininity.

10. Pastel colors
including pastel colors are the colors of beige, brown, milky white, green legs, and ivory. Pastel colors have tended to exhibit the properties of a soft or deep masculinity.

Regarding the color of the Interpretation of Dreams
As function in real life, the colors also have meaning in dreams and symbols of its own. What is the most dominant color in your dreams?
- Red: Represents the heat, passion, fire, and anger. If red is dominant in your dream, you're very upset. Could you also are being reminded to be more passionate and dynamic in life.
- Yellow: Symbolizes the sun signifies optimism and cheerfulness. The message was to be more eager to reach for your dreams.
- Blue: It symbolizes your mood. Dark blue describes the depression that suppress your heart, longing for the past, or the loss of romance. While the bright blue depict passion welcomes plans or new projects.
- Green: symbolizes the harmonious relationship with the natural environment and the people around you. Try to remember, you might be in the middle of a brawl. That means you are encouraged to immediately improve your relationship.
- Black: Indicates feelings of depression or severe stress, either whole life or caused by someone you love.
- White: White color melambangkaan feeling hopeful. It could be a sign you are going to start a new life (after a transition period). It could also mean that you are free from the burden or problem and are now ready to start a new one.
- Purple: is the symbol of power, nobility, and the rule of law. This color can imply you have to be more humble or otherwise need to be confident.

color gives its own unique characteristics and specific. among them is a unique fact about the color blue. Did you know that the color blue keep a few facts. You curious? in the information, we will provide information about it.
1. A study shows that a load lifter can lift heavy loads better in blue gymnasium.

2. In the first Roman culture, the color blue is used by those who are employed as public servants or the authorities. That is why most police in various parts of the world especially in the United States is identical with the color blue. It is a hallmark of the philosophy of Roman culture.

3. In a factory, the average - average blue symbolizes the equipment is being repaired.
4. Blue also symbolizes the mailing system uses air (air mail) and the Navy (Navy).

5. A survey proves that blue is the color of the product the best-selling female sweeter sale. Because, most women think men like it.
6. The color most preferred by men - men.
7.Dalam particular belief blue symbolizes heaven's mercy.
8. In India, blue is believed to bring bad luck.
9. In the traditional Chinese culture blue represents pain.
10. Blue is the main color, of the three primary colors (red - green - blue).
11. 8% of the population all over the world have blue eye color.


12. In the UK blue being the color of the alert symbol of testicular cancer.
13. In the U.S. post office mailboxes are generally blue.
14. Blue is the common color of the toothbrush in the various worlds.
15. Mosquitoes are more attracted to go blue than other colors.
16. Blue Bird can not see the color blue.
17. Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue.
18. Bright blue color was first established in England in 1915.
19. The blue color is widely used in the office, because studies have shown people - people are more productive in blue rooms.

20. After 15 years of candy colors - colorful new Skittles in America decided to make candy blue.
21. The purpose of the word - the word 'Feeling blue' is when a person feels sad.
22. The purpose of the phrase 'Once in blue moon' is a rare event from happening.
So we stripped of color (color) will be very beneficial for Design, especially architects, graphic Design, Design product, or desaign desaign product.

                                Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://unik.kompasiana.com/2012/04/20/seputar-warna-kreasi-autoproses-yang-mengagumkan/
2. http://situsaja.blogspot.com/2012/03/ini-dia-22-fakta-unik-seputar-warna.html
3. http://log.viva.co.id/news/read/69179-arti_warna_dalam_tafsir_mimpi
4. http://isma.lecturer.maranatha.edu/?p=4

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