Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


Knowledge and Skills Regarding Boomerang (Boomerang)
Boomerang is a weapon of traditional Aboriginal Australia. As far as I know, there are two types of boomerangs made ​​by Aborigines. The first is a hunting boomerang. Boomerangs are formed as straight, looks more like a spear bumerangnya shape and used to hunt animals such as kangaroos, etc.. So when thrown, it will boomerang type bolted straight toward prey and can not be returned. Which two are returning boomerang. Returning can boomerang back toward pelemparnya when thrown straight ahead. Since ancient aboriginal returning boomerang used instead to hunt but to banish fruit bat toward the net trap they had prepared on the tree branches. Of the two types of boomerangs, returning boomerangs are the most popular. Because of the popularity often mistaken understanding of the boomerang. One of them could boomerang back again when on target. Misfire will fall if the other object (target), and its use is not for hunting.

Boomerang is an object that is designed to fly aerodynamically efficient through the air when thrown by hand. The term usually refers to an object made to follow a circular flight path that returns to the thrower. (Some sources describe all "throw sticks" aerodynamic as a boomerang, separating them into "back" and "nonreturning" category.) Traditional V-shaped design, but newer versions may have irregular shapes or more than two arms.
Two components of the design gives a circular boomerang flight capabilities. One of them is the arrangement of the arm, and the other is the airfoil shape that allows guns to the wings. During the flight, the boomerang spins faster (about 10 cycles per second). Profile wings create lift the same effect that makes planes fly. In addition, the spinning motion creates gyroscopic precession, interesting boomerang in the form of a circle. The same effect can be seen with a spinning top: if the axis of the top is not quite vertical, the top toy trip in a circle around the axis.
History Boomerang
Boomerang developed as a refinement of the throwing stick carving (kylies) used as a weapon, especially for hunting.Kylie oldest discovered to date is the one made ​​from mammoth ivory. Found in Poland in 1987, he was based analysis carbondated approximately 20,300 years old. This 2-ft (60-cm), 2-lb (0.9 kg), gently curved instrument was probably thrown in to kill a deer. A plastic replica has been found to travel an average of 90 ft (27 m) when thrown, despite throwing into head winds increase the range to 123 ft flat (38 m).
Kylies used by prehistoric peoples in all parts of the world. Usually made of wood, they are banana shaped, both face each arm carved curved airfoil surface. When thrown, they travel parallel to the ground for distances up to 650 ft (200 m), rotating the direction of the target. Usually 3 ft (0.9 m) long and weigh 5-10 lb (2.3 to 4.6 kg), is an effective hunting tool.
There is some evidence that the boomerang was developed in several cultural groups. For example, a boomerang-shaped object discovered in Germany is made of ash wood. Carbon-dated to the era of 2.400 to 2.800 years, preserved enough to allow archaeologists to reconstruct the whole shape. Replication lefty has thrown a boomerang trajectory to produce complete, however, the wing profile is less than optimal, making it difficult to toss succeed. Evidence suggests that the boomerang may also have been developed in Egypt and India.
In all regions except Australia, designed for hunters throw spears and bow to shoot, and they stopped using kylies. The aborigines of Australia, however, continued hunting with throwing sticks. Experimenting with the design, the eastern and southern part of the continent that developed boomerangs, they are used primarily for sport. At a meeting of the major tribes, they held a competition based on qualities such as accuracy and speed and quality of return flights. Boomerang is not thrown at predators, although they are sometimes thrown in as bait to lure the bird into the net.
The oldest boomerang found in Australia dated to about 14,000 years ago. The origin of the word is uncertain, although it may have come from the cries of "boom-line I-" ("back, stick") that the British colonial interest Dharuk heard screaming when throwing the instrument in 1788. The traditional method to make a boomerang to choose the right piece of curved wood, usually from the part where the roots join the trunk large, making angles 95-110 °. If necessary, the angle between the wing was adjusted by heating and bending it backfire on fire. Aerodynamic profiles are carved out of wood with an ax, a flint smoothed, and polished with sand. The design may be engraved on the surface, for decoration or to enhance the flight characteristics. Timber was sealed with fish oil or paint.
Boomerang remains a curiosity relatively obscure until about 1970. A workshop on how to make and throw boomerangs presented by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. This sparked great enthusiasm for the sport, and the Smithsonian began sponsoring an annual tournament on the National Mall. The first international championship tournament held in 1981.
Work Process Boomerang Back to Pelemparnya

A Dutch physicist, Felix Hess examines how the processes and working principle boomerang. She learned a lot of math and physics at school, then write 600-page book on why the boomerang back on pelemparnya. Hess said, there are two reasons, namely, the nature and manner boomerang throwing arm. two banana-shaped boomerang arms as wings, much like an airplane wing. The down side arm was flat and curved upper side. This shape can make a boomerang through the air with ease. But one of the 'wing' boomerang different from each other. In one arm, the upper part of the curve points to the wind, while the other arm, at the top of the curve pointing in the opposite direction of the wind. So as if (if the plane) one of its wings are reversed, but fitted in the normal way to the plane. Odd-shaped plane was going to fly straight for trouble. So also boomerang.

How to throw a boomerang move also helped in a big circle.Misfire held vertically, not horizontally.Menhadap arch side to the pitcher. Continue to jolt the wrist, the boomerang is thrown into the air. Flying time away from the thrower, boomerang spinning around 10 times per second and move forward with a speed of about 95 km / h. When airborne, right-handed pitcher (right-handed), bumerangnya will start leaning to the left. Imagine if you are driving off hand bike. If you are a little skewed to the left, going around the front wheels will begin to turn to the left as well, although not holding the handlebars.

On the boomerang, automatically turn to the left is the provenance of the wind passing through the rotating arms. Boomerang flying forward, but pulled back slightly every time one first down and rotate the arm back. This combination raises the pressure at the top of a boomerang.Gradually boomerang turn left. Time to form a large circle, he was 'lying' like a helicopter propeller spinning. Then she drifted down from the air and landed at the feet of pelemparnya.

How to Make a Boomerang
First prepare equipment and material used. Instrument:
  1. Chainsaws triplex
  2. Sandpaper
  3. Miserly
  4. Pencil
  5. Mask
  6. Plastic glasses
  1. Plywood / plywood / multiplex with a thickness of 3mm or 5mm (generally boomerangs abroad using "birch plywood", high quality wood that difficult to come by in Indonesia. So we just use plywood meranti. Offers festive and easy to obtain).
  2. Wood glue
  3. Astro paint, wood paint or spray paint
  4. Wood varnish, or it could be a clear spray
Work steps:
1. Prepare pattern

The part that is red / gray at the edges is the part that will be sanded and filed.
2. Scissor edge stripe pattern match then put the pattern on the plywood

3. Cut the plywood according to the pattern 4. Establish airfoil or wing by using stingy and sandpaper Notice the wing before filed / smoothed and thereafter: 5. The end result something like this: source: yoyolovers.blogspot.com and hi-techmall.org How to Use Boomerang 1. How to Throw a Boomerang version 1 Anatomy of the Boomerang. before learning to throw, you should understand some basic terminology Boomerang. Each double-bladed Boomerang consists of two wings or arms that are connected with an elbow. When Boomerang spinning, first or front wing known as the front wings ( wing leading ) or wing lift. The second wing is referred to as the rear wing ( trailing wing ) or the wing down. Each wing, such as aircraft wings, shaped like sebuahairfoil, thick at the front and tapers to the rear. The front wing is called the front edge ( leading edge ) while the rear end is called rear edge ( trailing edge .)Wind Direction Wind Direction is critical to the success of Boomerang throws. To determine the wind direction, throw some grass or sand into the air or using wind or indicator tape. Then hadaplah into the wind and rotate about 45 degrees to the right of the wind (45 degrees to the left if you are left-handed). This angle can vary greatly for different Boomerang.Some Boomerang (like Boomerang Maximum Time Aloft-MTA) can be thrown directly into the wind, some of the Boomerang (such as Boomerang Fast Catch ) can be thrown from a 90 degree angle away from the wind.

How to Hold Boomerang 

Pinch Grip (Pinch Grip): There are two main ways to hold the Boomerang.Use whichever method feels right for you. Many pitchers use different grips for different types of Boomerang. One option is to use the handle "flops" (pinch grip). Make a fist and Boomerang flops in between the thumb and forefinger.Remember to hold Boomerang with curved sides (usually the cat) and the flat side facing you (usually unpainted side) away from you. You can hold the Boomerang to use the front wing or rear wing.

Handbook Pencil (Pencil Grip): Another way to hold the Boomerang is using the handle "pencil". Hold Boomerang like you would hold a pencil. Pinch Boomerang between your thumb and your middle finger and place your index finger on the edge of the Boomerang as displayed in the picture. Like the clamp handle, hold the curved side facing your Boomerang with front or rear wing.

The slope (Layover)

Boomerang has always thrown with a vertical or standing position (overhand), never horizontal or sleep (sidearm). Most Boomerang should be thrown with a slight angle from the vertical sebasar 10 to 30 degrees. angle is called "layover." Imagine your arms and Boomerang as he watches the clock, Boomerang at 1 o'clock position for right-handed pitcher. The amount of tilt needed varies on several types of Boomerang. If Boomerang thrown in a vertical position too quickly, it may be hitting the ground. A Boomerang thrown with too much slope (sidearm) will rise high into the air and pierced hard to land.

Most Boomerang should be thrown with a slight upward angle. Usually, most of the Boomerang will be thrown at an angle of 10-20 degrees above the horizon (the horizon).Remember, wind direction, and then choose to target distant objects. The object could have been top of the mountain, the top of a tree, or a flag pole and use it as a target point. While learning to throw, throw-back to the starting position every time you throw so you will know this as a reference point. You will then have a reference point to throw higher, lower, left, or right.


Remember wind direction in mind and make sure that the ground is free from people, so you're ready to throw. vertical throw (like throwing a baseball) toward your reference point, gertakkan your wrist when you throw to give the effect of a larger round, like a whipping motion. Do not worry too much when releasing the Boomerang; Boomerang will tend to pull itself out of your hand when you throw. A Boomerang is right, when the cast will turn left (right for left-handers), up to then circle back, then turned slowly (hover) when returning to pelemparnya. If the Boomerang which rose high into the air and fell to the ground, you throw it too flat (too much "kemiriangan"). Throw more vertical.

Correcting Wind Direction

If you consistently Boomerang landed too far to the left, you may be throwing too close to the wind direction. throw more to the right. If you consistently Boomerang landed too far to the right, you may be too far throw from the direction of the wind. Throw more to the left.

Boomerang throw you over and over before you try to catch it. So you know the behavior of Boomerang and where he will land. Never try to catch the Boomerang that comes too quickly on you. When thrown correctly, generally Boomerang will go down slowly (hover) at the end of their flight. When Boomerang down slowly on you, put one hand on top and one hand under your hand pat your Boomerang and Boomerang to clamp it. When you are familiar with the behavior of Boomerang, you can try to catch it with one hand or with acrobatic catch ( catch trick ).

2. how to throw a boomerang Version 2
Okay after knowing the wind direction then the friend of a friend face the original direction of the wind (the wind) and hold the boomerang with the index finger and thumb. As the picture below

should not hold backfire because it would interfere with spin. To boomerang right hand ( right hand boomerang ) on hold with the curved portion (usually a full color) facing to the left, and held vertically aligned eyes. U lo right-handed pitcher melemparlah 45 0  to the right of the wind direction as shown below. As for the pitchers left (lefty) Throw 45 to the left of the wind direction

How to hold the boomerang is perpendicular (veritikal) and ear level. This is called layover. Do not ever throw a boomerang sideways or horizontal (side arms) because the boomerang will rise and fall very quickly. Can hit the head or fall to the ground and broke. The slope can be adjusted to the wind conditions. When the winds hold more upright and when the wind is weak hold on the slope about 30 0 . 
after a friend of a friend knew the next release (throw a boomerang it). Swing the arm from back to front, and when you remove the boomerang sure to give your wrist "snap" enough so that the boomerang can spin (spin) firmly. Aim slightly upward approximately 3 meters high from the ground. Misfire will glide and turn to the left while adding height and moments will dive right into the starting position slowly
there when boomerang flying, never remove the view from it. If the boomerang is prepared to dip gently menangkapnya.Tengadahkan your left palms of hands facing up and your right hand facing down. When the boomerangwas in reach of the hands of friends, immediately flops with both hands from the top and bottom

and finally "Snapp!" boomerang succeeded in catching

1. First, prepare first tpileksnya. Generally boomerang abroad using " birch plywood "high quality wood that difficult to come by in Indonesia beloved earth so we use only plywood meranti. Cheap and accessible. If want to try anyway can use teak plywood but the price is quite expensive and loud. So very tiring even just to make a boomerang only
2. Having it set up a pattern that has been printed. This pattern is affixed to the cardboard and cut to shape and used to make patterns on tpileks with pencil
This pattern he

3. Then cut the plywood to follow the pattern of the liver can result in liver to pieces like this

4. subsequent stage (stage is the most important) is formed airfoilnya . Without airfoil. Boomerang will not be able to turn around and fly back to the drawing wing pelemparnya.ini is a side view before sanded or shaped airfoilnya

5. Trus in ampalas deh. The part that is in the red on the sand or on the cheap. Use a mask and goggles when filing and sanding as the dust is quite dangerous when it enters the eyes and nose

 Here it is the result after a miserly airfoil shaped and smoothed with sandpaper

6.Dan boomerang is the ultimate form after the paint and was given anti-scratch. Misfire was ready for use.Congratulations play

Edged boomerang 4

A boomerang.
A boomerang.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://membuatboomerangindonesia.blogspot.com/
2. http://bumerangindonesia.blogspot.com/p/cara-meempar-bumerang.html
3. http://kartolobenggolo.blogspot.com/2012/06/cara-membuat-bumerang.html
4. http://mediadidik.blogspot.com/2011/05/pengetahuan-dan-keterampilan-seputar.html 

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