Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


 Cold War (English: Cold War, Russian:, kholodnaya voyna, 1947-1991) is the designation for a period in which there is a conflict, tension and competition between the United States (and its allies called the West Block) and the Soviet Union (and its allies called the Eastern Bloc) that occurred between the years 1947-1991. Competition both occur in many fields: military coalitions; ideology, psychology, and look password; military, industrial, and technological development; defense; nuclear arms race, and many more. It is feared that this war will end in a nuclear war, which ultimately did not happen. The term "Cold War" itself was introduced in 1947 by Bernard Baruch and Walter Lippman from the United States to describe the relations between the two superpowers.
After the U.S. and the Soviet Union allied and successfully destroying Nazi Germany, the two sides disagree about how the right way to build a post-war Europe. For several decades, the competition between the two spread beyond Europe and spread to the whole world when the U.S. built "defense" against communism by forming alliances with other countries, especially the countries in Western Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
The two countries with the status of superpower because it has won the war and disagreed on how to build a post-war European region. As a result, they are competing ideological, military, technology, industry, and so to expand its influence in Europe or the world. Despite the rivalry between the U.S. and the U.S. has never come to open war, there have been two wars of the "followers" of his (proxy war), both in the Korean War (North Korea representing the U.S. and South Korea representing the USA) and the Vietnam War (representing the U.S. North Vietnam and South Vietnam represented the U.S.). The Cold War also led to a number of crises, such as in Cuba and the Middle East, as well as the division of Germany into two regions between West and East.

Although the two superpowers never fought directly, but the conflict between the two indirectly has led to a variety of local wars such as the Korean War, the Soviet invasion of Hungary and Czechoslovakia and the Vietnam War. The results of the Cold War, including (from several perspectives) dictatorship in Greece and South America. Cuban Missile Crisis is also a result of the Cold War and the Middle East crisis has also become more complex due to the Cold War.Another effect is the division of Germany into two parts, namely West Germany and East Germany were separated by the Berlin Wall. But there are also times where the tension and competition between them is reduced. The Cold War began to end in the 1980s when Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev launched reform programs, perestroika and glasnost.Constantly, the Soviet Union lost power and its control over Eastern Europe, and finally disbanded in 1991.
The Cold War officially ended in the late 1980s when the U.S. leader Mikhail Gorbachev launched a reform program: perestroika and glasnost. Constantly, the U.S. was losing strength and power over Eastern Europe, and many other areas. Finally, his country was dissolved in 1991. Practically since the collapse of the U.S., the world enters a phase known as Francis Fukuyama as the universal triumph of liberal democracy are highly desirable. This is what gave birth to the different systems of bipolarity (AS-US) with the emergence of some powerful countries while the U.S. remains the most dominant force in the system.
However, as stated by Kenneth Waltz (1986), neo-realist scientist leading international relations, international politics in which the system is running anarchist, the balance of power will continue to work to accompany the country's most dominant. That means each state will continue to work in order to balance the power AS.Negara countries that have limited power and weak will tend mengaliansikan himself with powerful countries in order to maintain maximum autonomy from U.S. dominance

History of the Cold War
background of the Cold War

history of the Cold War is the name for the tense situation and the conflict between the Western bloc led by the United States and the Eastern bloc led by the Soviet Union. History of the Cold War in the period 1947 to 1991. Tracing the history of the Cold War, we will not be separated from the background of World War II. After World War II ended, there were some significant events that affect the lives of the peoples of the world. Such events were:
  • First, the United States emerged as one of the winners of the war on the Allied side. The role of the United States is very large helping countries to improve the lives of Western European economies after World War II.
  • Second, the Soviet Union emerged as the big winner of the war and act to develop the economies of Eastern Europe.
  • Third, the emergence of the newly independent states after World War II in Europe. World War II ended with a victory for the Allies can not be separated from the role of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union freed Eastern Europe from German hands. While freeing Eastern Europe from the hands of Germany, the Soviet Union used the opportunity to expand its influence, by sponsoring the seizure of power in various Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, so that these countries into the influence of the Communist government of the Soviet Union.
In World War II, Allied block fronted by the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union beat the guarded block Fascist Germany, Japan, and Italy.
After the end of the war, Britain was previously a superpower, its influence gradually faded. Therefore, there are only two countries that emerged as a superpower at the time, namely the United States and the Soviet Union. The two superpowers are different ideologically. United States-liberal capitalist ideology, whereas the Soviet Union's communist ideology. The world is divided into two poles, the poles of East and West pole. Therefore, the two countries clashed and competed politically and militarily.
Each superpower garner support from other countries. United States formed the West Block, which mostly consists of Western European countries. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union formed the Eastern Bloc, consisting of the countries of Eastern Europe and other communist countries, such as China and Cuba. Tensions between the two blocks is face to face like this that fueled the Cold War. History of the Cold War can be divided into four periods:

History of the Cold War - The first period, 1947 - 1969
Not long after the end of the Second World War, Stalin, the Soviet leader, insisted that the Soviet Union must be prepared for conflict with the capitalist powers. Of course he meant as a capitalist power is the United States. Both countries are equally concerned about military developments opponent. Thus, the arms race is inevitable. This is the beginning of the first period of the history of the Cold War. United States and the Soviet Union fought influence over the countries of the world. Western Bloc, led by the United States, gathered on 4 April 1949 to sign an agreement to form a military alliance.
United States and the Soviet Union as the winner of the war appeared to be a giant force. The two countries have differences in ideology, the United States has a liberal-capitalist ideology, while the Soviet Union socialist-communist ideology. In a short time it ever happened to the friendship between the two, but then came antagonism between them.There are two characters in this period,
  • First, there was concern about the ambition rival that cause pessimism.
  • Second, the United States and the Soviet Union was a very strong military force and has the ability to destroy enemies with atomic weapons.
Fellowship is what is called NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization / North Atlantic Treaty Organization). As the match, the Soviet Union and its allies formed the Warsaw Pact in 1955. 

History of the Cold War - The second period, 1969 - 1979 
History of the Cold War marked the second period with politics between the two countries cooled after Richard Nixon won the position of president of the United States. The United States began to approach the Soviet Union, and vice versa. Thus, the two superpowers was also agreed to ease tensions. The agreement called detente.   Relations United States-Soviet Union experienced a drastic change with the election of Richard Nixon as U.S. president. Accompanied by his security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, Richard Nixon taking a new approach to the Soviet Union in 1969. Not unexpectedly, it was the Soviet Union also are taking a similar approach to the U.S.. This approach is commonly called détente (strain relief).

History of the Cold War - The third period, 1979 - 1985 
apparently after a 10-year run, the Soviet Union could not sustain the political detente. In 1979, under the command of President Leonid Bresnev, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Finally in 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan was actually invited Soviet troops in there to help them. This was the beginning of the third period of the history of the Cold War. The action gets tough challenge from Reagan as President of the United States at that time. Thus, the United States also supported the struggle of Afghan independence from the Soviet Union at the same time in order to stem the communist forces. In the history of this period was the Cold War nuclear arms race waged Reagan with the Soviet Union. Finally, the two countries are involved in the race and the devastation of the world haunted by the shadow of nuclear war.
Actions haphazardly invited strong reaction from the U.S. side, U.S. President Jimmy Carter said the Soviet aggression in Afghanistan to confront the world with the most serious strategic challenge since the Cold War begins. Then finally came the Carter Doctrine which states that the U.S. wants to use its military power in the Persian Gulf.

History of the Cold War - the fourth period, 1985 - 1991
The situation changed after Michael Gorbachev rose to power in the Soviet Union. The communist state was hit by a lot of internal problems threatened to split. Gorbachev proclaimed perestorika politics, namely providing freedom to its citizens after previously being under the rule of a dictator. He also did various approaches dialogue with the United States. In March 1985, MG began leading the Soviet Union. Massive changes began to appear at this time. Gorbachev different from the rulers of the Soviet Union before, in 1987 he traveled to the U.S. to bring them into a dialogue forum.Even in 1988, the Geneva Agreement reached on February 15, 1989 and the whole army of the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan. Gorbachev's commitment more visible when the Soviet Union was not washed away and take a more neutral stance in the Gulf War in 1990-1991. Even aid to Cuba that has been given for 30 years was stopped in 1991 by Gorbachev.
But the freedom and openness that was launched by Gorbachev cause strong reactions from figures in the communist country. The peak occurred on August 19, 1991 coup masterminded by Marshal Dimitri Yazow (Secretary of Defense), General Vladamir Kruchkov (Head of the KGB), and Boris Pugo (Ministry of Interior). But apparently the coup failed because of opposition and resistance from the people of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Boris Yeltsin and Soviet military units. As a result of the coup; Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Maldova broke away from the Soviet Union. Latvia, and Estonia Listhuania alone managed to gain independence from the Soviet Union on 6 September 1991.Finally, Gorbachev admitted that the communist system has failed in the Soviet Union. In late 1991, the former Soviet Union that have been aged 74 years and even then collapsed and fragmented into several states that are now included in the commonwealth of former Soviet Union (Commonwealth of Independent State / CIS). The dissolution of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War in favor of the U.S..
In 1987, Gorbachev visited Uncle Sam for dialogue. In 1988, an agreement was reached Geneva. Finally, in 1989 the whole Soviet troops leave Afghanistan. In the same year, the Berlin Wall, which separated West Germany from East Germany collapsed. This event is considered a marker of the end of the influences of communism in Europe and the history of the Cold War are quite important. Two years later, 1991, the countries belonging to the Soviet Union became independent. That is, the Soviet Union broke up, signaling the collapse of communist power in the world as well as the end of the Cold War era history.
Thus, the two major powers at the time, the Soviet Union and the United States have a conflict of interest in the world by way of show of strength of different ideologies. United States has a capitalist liberal ideology, while the Soviet Union had a socialist communist ideology. That is the background to the conflict of the Cold War between the Western Bloc (United States) and Eastern Bloc (Soviet Union), although not during the Cold War are armed contact only an ideological war.
History of the Cold War - Events Associated with Cold War
  • Vietnam War
  • The Korean War
  • Soviet-Afghan War
  • Cambodian Civil War
  • Civil war Angola
  • Greek Civil War
  • Congo Crisis
  • The collapse of the Berlin Wall
  • Hungarian Revolution
  • Iran Crisis
  • Cuban missile crisis
  • Chinese Civil War
History of the Cold War - Cold War Participants
  • NATO
  • Warsaw Pact
  • Non-Aligned Movement
  • People's Republic of China
  • Ally of the United States outside NATO
  • Ally outside the Soviet Union Warsaw Pact
History of the Cold War - Vietnam War
History of the Cold War turned out to be closely related to the Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War.Based on the history of the Cold War, the Vietnam War was part of the Cold War between the two ideologies, the Communist and Liberal. This is the history of the Cold War is still remembered to this day.
War is part of the history of the Cold War took the lives of as many as 280,000 in the South Vietnam and as many as one million North Vietnamese casualties. Vietnam War as part of the history of the Cold War also makes the Vietnamese did a mass exodus, especially to the United States and Australia.

NEW COLD WAR ERAREPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Three years is the United States launched an initiative to restructure the relationship with Russia.Even so, the two giant nations still at odds related to a number of issues. Is this a sign of the two countries re-entered the Cold War?
Indeed, the "reset" relations between the two superpowers was symbolically suppressed in 2009. Yes, shortly after President Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev was elected as the leaders of the two countries. Even so, Russia and the United States is frequently involved in the debate that sparked tensions between the two pihak.Misalnya course, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused Washington of trying to undermine've Moscow and create chaos in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Yes, over the years, Putin is known as an outspoken critic of the United States.
While his partner, Medvedev said that Russia will target U.S. missile system in Europe, if Washington and NATO fail to reach agreement with Moscow on the construction and operation of the system tersebut.Sejak launched missile shield proposal, Moscow has repeatedly expressed concern over the system. Russians vote as a threat to Russia's strategic interests. Medvedev also warned that Russia could come out of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START II) with the U.S., if Washington does not heed the demands of Moscow.
However, perhaps the most obvious indicator of a new Cold War between the U.S. and Russia are the friction their concerns about Syria. On February 4, Russia and China vetoed a US-engineered resolution in the UN Security Council, calling for the resignation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China said the resolution would be a violation of the sovereignty of the strategic Suriah.Kemitraan between Moscow and Damascus have prompted Russia to firmly oppose any international intervention in Syria. The partnership between the two sides back to the Cold War era, when Hafez al-Assad led Suriah.Di other hand, the U.S. has launched a mission to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. Since the beginning of the Islamic Awakening in the Middle East and North Africa, the U.S. focus on Syria. Unlike the Cold War era Soviet Union, when the U.S. was still strong economically. However, this time his condition was balanced. The strength of the Chinese economy and Russia looked even better than the U.S.. Russia and China are playing a decisive role in the new phase of the Cold War. Before the anti-Syrian veto the resolution, China has used the veto in the UN Security Council just six times and most of the related issues that directly affect China or neighboring countries in Asia.

China's decision to veto two anti-Syrian resolution is more of a signal of support for Russia despite Moscow by itself can prevent maneuvering against Damascus. Most political analysts agree that the global balance of power moving eastwards.A new superpower effectively sided with the Russians

US-Russia Competition Strictly, Come up with Return of the Cold War
that Russian Intelligence mensyinyalir Sukhoi Superjet 100 plane crash Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 at Salak mountain in Bogor, West Java, was the result of sabotage by parties pesainganya. Russia could certainly be accused his main rival, the U.S. agents. According to leading Russian newspaper Pravda Komsomoskaya, said Russian officials were not named, said that rivals the Russian Sukhoi wants it to fail. And theory Sukhoi Superjet 100 plane crash caused by sabotage now being investigated.
Such accusations also been launched before, although not proven until now. However, because of the background of the rivalry between the two superpower, which has been a long time since the Pact was the Soviet Union and the United States with NATOnya Warsawanya. The same thing has now resurfaced, when they are always opposite in many ways in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
Even the U.S. and its allies created the cold war back to Moscow in favor of Iran with China, as visible in pertenuan lalu.Dalam NATO in Chicago last week's NATO summit, the U.S. initiated the placement of Global missile base in Europe for reasons to protect Europe from Iranian missiles . Yet that Moscow regarded as the U.S. strategy in the context of a strategy to fight the Russians, so Moscow then put ballistic missiles close to Poland.
Since the campaign pemilku ago, Vladimir Putin firmly voiced his position that Russia will build a new model advanced missile weaponry on a large scale, in order to defend the sovereignty of the arrogance of Washington and Russia sekutunya.Sebagai realization a few days ago Russia successfully test-launch a ballistic missile between a new continent, which was fired from a mobile launcher in northern Russia, and successfully hit the target with his shot imitation warheads on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Russia is up to now still have hundreds of nuclear warheads inherited from the Soviet Union before, and now Moscow is producing more sophisticated, including the successful trials are now increasingly widespread tersebut.Persaingan that Russia suspected, that the plane that crashed in Mount Sukhoinya Salakpun dianngapnya sabotage rival itu.Memang result it is very difficult to prove, though not impossible as between Washington and Moscow that sort of thing is common they do in the context against an opponent

Chinese-American Cold War
decline in China's economic impact on countries in Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia. They are forced to face the low price of raw materials, as China's economic and political expert, Jonathan Holslag. He is also worried about a repeat of the Cold War because the Chinese-American relations tense.
China's economy grew rapidly in recent years, has decreased, though still reach 8.1 percent in the first quarter of this year. This has implications for their trading partners, especially in Africa, says Holslag, from the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels.

Decreased staple
"China reduce its budget for infrastruktrur following reduced domestic demand. impact the price of raw materials declined. example the price of minerals, as well as a staple food. China is the largest importer of raw materials, and they set the price. countries like Africa , Latin America and Indonesia used to the high prices of basic commodities, "says Holslag.
"They would be difficult to adjust. Similarly, in the 90's, when raw material prices slumped. Government makes it difficult in many developing countries and led to the collapse of stability too. Yet in the long run the price of food will rise, because the demand will continue to rise. '
The question now is what is the worst effects of this situation. Holslag concerned primarily with increasing tension between China and the United States. Both countries are competing for influence in East Asia. Recently, the U.S. decided to put more of his carriers in the region. Beijing is now more confident getting confident against Americans.According to Chinese experts Belgian, geopolitical tensions in East Asia will menecetuskan new Cold War between China and America. "We know for Europe, it's hard to see the reality of it, but chances are it will be even greater."
There is no resolution to the tensions in the Pacific Ocean. The debate that took place in Congress and the United Communist Party of China will be increasingly hard. As a result of compromise becomes smaller. Meanwhile, the trade conflict between the two countries have also increased. Beijing was willing to meet Western demands for social and economic tensions in the country itself is also increasing.

African port of
China to consolidate Africa's commercial interest to strengthen political ties and increasing military cooperation, said Holslag. You see the Chinese navy more often in African ports, and China provides more military aid to countries with their economic interests.
If the tension continues to increase, then it will spread to the American continent and Afrika.Cina dispute will drag them to the existing conflicts such as Sudan. Besides that the future of countries such as Egypt and Algeria by Holslag also threatened. In the civil war or instability in the countries of West Africa, there is a second possibility of military intervention.

Hugo Chávez
's political economy According to experts, the Cold War would not spread to Africa and Latin America in the near future. Because Beijing is not so affected by the approach taken efforts President Hugo Chavez. But the cold war it is not possible will gradually creep into it. "Importantly America and China will have to compromise about the influence in East Asia. Chinese want the end of American influence in the region while the U.S. has refused to end its hegemony."

COLD WAR AND END OF WORLD recent developments
At the end of the 20th century the world experienced many changes. Advances in science and technology gave birth keterbukaanyang large and borders between countries are increasingly becoming apparent (globalization). This results in a dependency between one nation / state in the nation / country increasingly felt.
system of trade, finance, and relations between nations entered a period of critical and need serious improvement areas.Indonesia in the era of globalization should be well prepared and vigilant, so that does not want to lag behind other nations.
All current events into our collective duty to be listened to always know the progress of the world. Among other issues the Cold War and the globalization process after the Cold War ended.

A. The end of the Cold War
The Cold War lasted 45 years involving the USA and the Western Bloc allies against the USSR and the Eastern Bloc allies, so that the two countries are competing superpower to influence the world and leading people in the World by providing advanced weaponry, it is certainly very cause the possibility of the outbreak of World War III are very powerful and will destroy the world.
Cold War between the West Block and East Block heats up causing awareness between USA and USSR to reduce tension by holding talks. Talks include:
  1. Non Proliferation Treaty (Non-Proliferation Teaty) in 1968 between the USA, the USSR, and the United Kingdom. The results of this agreement is an agreement not to sell arms nukliratau provide information about nuclear weapons to countries that do not develop nuclear weapons.
  2. SALT (Strategic Arm Limitation Talks): Limitation Talks Strategic Weapons.
    SALT I held in Helsinki, Finland (17 November 1969) The result was signed by President Richard Nixon (USA) and Leonid Brezhnev (USSR).
    SALT II was held in Geneva, Switzerland (November 1972) The result was signed by President Jimmy Carter (USA) and USSR leader Leonid Brezhnev on June 18, 1979 in Vienna, Austria.
    START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), the Treaty of strategic arms reductions between the USA and USSR.The results of this agreement are: nuclear destruction with power sliding is medium.
    nuclear arms reduction deal talks also expanding to other countries or territories.
    in Bangkok in December 1995 signed Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone by several Southeast Asian countries. Agreement on a nuclear-free zone.
    signing another also occur in Europe and Africa as a form of realization of the cessation of the Cold War world.
  3. Until the year 1980 the Soviet Union spends 11% of its GNP on military security are taken from the profits of oil exports. But after 1980 the Soviet Union could no longer finance the Cold War from oil exports, thus reducing the power of their weapons from Eastern Europe. In 1989 the Soviet Union withdrew its troops from Afghanistan.Finally, the regime began to collapse in Eastern Europe.
  4. Suviet Union broke up in 1991, Russia and the states of the Soviet Union the other became an independent country. The collapse of the Soviet Union (USSR) in Eastern Europe this is the end of the Cold War that lasted for about forty-five years old (45 years old).

B. Advanced Progress World
Events edge of the world, are as follows:
1. Philippines 
a. The contradiction between President Ferdinand Marcos and Benigno Aquino
Government and the actions Persiden Marcos got a lot of criticism from the party leader Benigno Aquino Lakas Ng Bayan (means people power) as opposed to Philippine democracy, because Marcos ruled by totalitarian.
Aquino of 1967 again criticized Marcos fraud in the presidential election held.
Year 1973 in the next presidential election Marcos began to exert pressure on the Aquino who has been accusing Senator Aquino as a subversion of the military courts. This effort did not succeed, even in 1978 Aquino participated in elections for members of Parliament.
Year 1983 Aquino returned to the Philippines after three years living in the United States for treatment. Although Marcos declared not guarantee his safety, Aquino returned to the Philippines insisted, but when it came down from the plane that landed in Manila Aquino was shot dead.
The struggle was continued by his wife Corazon Aquino Aquino, better known as Qory Aquino, he started to get a lot of sympathy and put himself into the leader of the opposition should be taken into account by Marcos.
Election of 1986 in Qory Aquino declared victorious in the elections by the Independent Electoral Commission, but the Commission on Elections Government declared victory from Marcos. The difference was led to allegations that Marcos cheated and eventually charges were corroborated by statements / conclusions of Richard Lugar, chairman of the team of observers from the United States, that Marcos had systematically manipulate the outcome of the vote count.

b. People Power
Although tally in doubt, parliament declared Marcos the winner, as a result of people angry and 2.5 million people came to Manila to file a petition to Philippine President Aquino Qory day after pengumaman parliament. Qory welcomed the will of the people and declared himself to be the President and Vice President Salvador Laurel.
Qory also received support from political leaders, religious and military, namely:
  • Defense Secretary: Juan Ponce Enrile
  • The leader of the Catholic Church: Cardinal Sin
  • Commander in Chief: Lt. Gen. Fidel Ramos
  • The support of young officers led by: Colonel Gregorio Honasan.
Held 22-25 February 1986 after the Peaceful Revolution of Philippine folk mass movement to oust Marcos. Finally, on February 25, 1986, Cory Aquino was formally sworn in as President of the Philippines for a term of 6 years. Position of President Corazon Aquino is really valid, because the support of the people of Philippines.

2. The collapse of the Soviet Union (USSR)
Lenin led the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the Soviet Union and Communism, as an ideology to make only one. In 1920 Lenin proclaimed Comintern Pact (International Communism Pacta) so that not only the communists in the Soviet Union, but also to expand throughout the world.

a. Gorbachev Renewal Program
Date March 11, 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Communist and Soviet President, then he must face the legacy of economic stagnation predecessors. So he tried to reform in the field of political and economic interests through:
  1. Glasnost: Openness
  2. Perestroika: Restructuring
  3. Democratizatsia: Democratization
Through Glasnost and perestroika, Gorbachev intends showing Soviet communism in a new form, but the program is getting a serious problem in the country.
Dated August 19, 1991 coup attempt happened with Gorbachev pretext unsound by the Vice President Genadi Yenayev accompanied by communist hardliners:
  • Defense Minister: Dimitri Marshal Yazov
  • Head of the KGB: General Vladimir Kruckhov
  • Interior Minister: Boris Pugo
  • This takeover indakan received strong opposition from the people under the leadership of the President of Russia: Boris Yeltsin. The coup was finally defeated.
b. The dissolution of the Soviet Union
After becoming president again, Gorbachev gave up his position as General Secretary of the Communist Party and ordered the freezing of all the activities of the Communist Party and the confiscation of all the wealth of the party. While the states, except Russia and Kazhaksthan, declared independence.
Date 5 September 1991 held the People's Congress representatives to discuss the legacy of Lenin's dissolution of the central government. 5 states did not take part in the proceedings, namely: Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, and Moldova. Meanwhile, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia had gained its independence from the Soviet Union on 6 September 1991. Georgia and Moldova refused to attend the talks because they were fighting for a temporary administration in their respective areas.
Congress agreed to form a sovereign Arab state, but the deal did not apply because the integrity of the Soviet Union could no longer be maintained.
December 1991, Gobachev increasingly unable to cope with the split of the Soviet Union. Finally, on December 18, 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin agreed to dissolve the Soviet Union and formed the commonwealth independent states called CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States).

The chronology of the collapse of the Soviet Union or USSR:
  1. 1986 new policy of Glasnost, Perestroika, and the USSR Democratizatsia memuka themselves for economic and political progress
  2. May 25, 1989 Gorbachev became President of the USSR, and was elected as the chairman of the supreme.
  3. 5-7 February 1990 Approval of the Multi Party central committee to support the implementation of multi-party in the USSR
  4. February 23, 1990 to remove the role of the Communist Party of Estonia. Board sole authority to remove Esatonia Soviet Communist Party in politics in Estonia
  5. March 11, 1990 Lithuania's independence. The supreme leader of Lithuania declared independence.
  6. March 13, 1990 Communist Monopoly removed. Congress legislature decided to remove the monopoly of the communist party.
  7. 12-13 June 1990 Russia, Moldova, Usbekistan secede. Three members of officially withdraw and become an independent state.
  8. October 1, 1990 Rights of religion is guaranteed. USSR government guarantees religious freedom to freely and safely asyarakatnya
  9. December 21, 1991 Some of the country's independence from the USSR uni Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Kirzigistan, and Turmenistan held a meeting in Kazakhstan to establish CIS.
  10. December 25, 1992 Mikhail. Gorbachev retreat. Gorbachev's resignation from the post of President signifies the collapse of the USSR.
3. Germany Unified
Communist collapse in Eastern Europe is one reason the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany.East Germans began to rise to her life that had been destroyed.
Berlin Wall (Die Berliner Mauer) was established on August 13, 1961 is the ultimate symbol of the Cold War and the first. This wall separating West Berlin-leaning democracy East Berlin communist leanings. Separation of Berlin that is the intrigue of the Cold War. Finally inii wall collapsed on 9 November 1989 and marked the reunification of Germany.
a. Background
b. Towards a unified Germany
c. The process of German unity

4. Cambodia Issues
5. Gulf War
6. Peace efforts in the Middle East
7. Apharteid problem in South Africa
8. Developments in Former Yugoslavia

C. Glabalisasi process after the Cold War
a. Economic Globalization
b. Globalization Politics
c. Globalization of Culture

Positive Impact

During the Cold War science and technology development advanced rapidly since the second block is a lot to develop and have a very good result, especially the problem space exploration. The Cold War is the term for a period in which there is a conflict, tension and competition between the United States (and its allies called the West Block) and the Soviet Union (and their allies called the Eastern Bloc) that occurred between the years 1947-1991. Competition both occur in many fields: military coalitions; ideology, psychology, and look password; military, industrial, and technological development; defense; nuclear arms race, and many more. It is feared that this war will end in a nuclear war, which ultimately did not happen. The term "Cold War" itself was introduced in 1947 by Bernard Baruch and Walter Lippman from the United States to describe the relations between the two superpowers.

Positive impact in each area:
1. Economic Affairs

in the economy turns cold war also brought a positive impact on the world economy. Whether it is intentional or unintentional. It is characterized by the emergence of super powers. With the super powers, the world economy should be controlled by the holders of capital. They are competing to gain as much as a way to invest their capital into developing countries are still relatively low wage workers. So that their profits soar too high.
Yet who would have thought that the above also be good for the country to open a business that occupied the owners of capital. Economic growth in the country will also grow rapidly. So in an effort to benefit both economies. At that time the owners of capital are vying for control of the world economy, also indirectly brought the political element in it. So that owners of large capital gain huge profits, while the country whose capital is limited to a small profit too. Hence comes the term economic globalization on society. To overcome this we conducted several measures such as uniting of currency.Highly visible examples are the countries in the European region that unites their currencies to the euro.

2. Military Field
Due to jealousy among warring countries, each country began to increase its arms. They do this in order not to lose a great country. That way more advanced arms race and growing rapidly. It was all spur each country to continue to develop their respective defenses.

3. Social and Cultural Rights.
Spread rights issues began gradually globalizing. Directly legislation on human rights began to be recognized, because it is the people approved the inauguration of human rights itself. With the human rights, the more people believe in the existence of democracy and there is no more oppression of the vulnerable.

4. Space
Cold War also brought a major influence on the development keruangangkasaan we have. Maybe if there is no cold war, we would not know how to form our solar system. At that time the dispute between the two countries are competing with each other to show the world that they were the best countries to spread their doctrines have.
Due to enhance the prestige of their country then they are both racing to launch a rocket into space. As a result, we all learned that we actually exist in any solar system, and how to shape. Regardless of who first broke the news, but with the cold war also indirectly impact on the development of science education we angkasaan chamber.

5. Technology
During the cold war science and technology connected with military activity under the spotlight more than the government.Government willing to expend substantial funds for the improvement of science and technology in their countries.
During this period grew disciplines that study the impact of science on society. In developed countries, the technology in the modern era is no longer a matter of individuals or small communities. Modern technology has national objectives in the area of ideology, military, or economic and other forms of national consciousness to explore the natural resources that exist. It also aims to make the production of goods with a large scale.

Negative Impact of the Cold War
Cold War also brought a negative impact as well, during the Cold War fear of nuclear war had a more devastating than the second world war. Another effect is the division of Germany into two parts, namely West Germany and East Germany were separated by the Berlin Wall.

The negative impact in each area:
1. Military Field

With nuclear weapons developed rapidly by both countries, the people of the world experienced tremendous fear for the possibility of an actual nuclear war between the two countries are disputing it. At that time it had circulated rumors that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear-nuclear in Cuba and directed to the United States. Got a U.S. nuclear threat as it did not stay silent. America then entered the formation of NATO. It is a defense organization which roughly agree on the agreement that if one country is attacked it is considered as an attack on NATO. After knowing this, the government of the Soviet Union withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba.

2. Political
Impact in politics we can see from the construction of the Berlin Wall in Germany as the boundary between West Germany and East Germany. In the second world war the country had been divided into two, namely the West German capital of Bonn and the East German capital of Berlin. The country experienced a split because of the two different ideologies that prevail in the country, the West German liberals embraced and adopted the German Communist timut.
In the course of his reign, western Germany has developed much more rapidly than the East Germans. Therefore, many East Germans decided to move to West Germany. But because it was a cold war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union felt offended by the presence of people moving to West Germany. Soviet Union because they were funded and supported to build a wall in the city of Berlin which led to the parting of the city. Also in this wall, the Soviet Union also alert the troops that opened fire on the people who still dare to cross. Then the wall is known as a symbol of the cold war.

The impact of the Cold War for World
Impact Cold War to the World - The impact of the struggle for influence between the United States and the Soviet Union seemed on:
a. Political
United States tried to make countries that are developing into a democratic state that human rights can be guaranteed.For countries that were previously lost like Germany and Japan also developed capitalism than democracy. These countries can be unpopular with the U.S. and is the country influence.
Soviet socialist state development-kominunis buzzing with Five-Year Plan. The way it is done with dictators is not liberal.For satellite states (under the influence) that the Soviet Union did deviations will be dealt with harshly by the U.S. as an example Poland and Hungary. For political, economic and military superpower carries both politically fragile so some countries to be divided like Korea, Vietnam, and Jerman.Dampak in politics can also see from the construction of the Berlin Wall in Germany as a border between West Germany and Germany East. In the second world war the country had been divided into two, namely the West German capital of Bonn and the East German capital of Berlin. The country experienced a split because of the two different ideologies that prevail in this country, which embraced liberal western German and eastern German Communists adopted. In the course of his reign, western Germany has developed much more rapidly than the East Germans. Therefore, many East Germans decided to move to West Germany. But because it was a cold war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union felt offended by the presence of people moving to West Germany. Soviet Union because they were funded and supported to build a wall in the city of Berlin which led to the parting of the city. Also in this wall, the Soviet Union also alert the troops that opened fire on the people who still dare to cross. Then the wall is known as a symbol of the cold war.

b. Economic Affairs
U.S. as the largest creditor nation provide loans or economic aid to countries that are developing in the form of the Marshall Plan. The U.S. is also providing assistance "Grants in Aid" that economic aid to the dollar or the obligation to return the form by buying U.S. goods. For countries in Asia President Truman issued "The Four Points Program for the Economic Development in Asia" of the technique in the form of the tools they economic or loans from the private sector in the United States which was distributed by the government to the states that are developed.
With the cold war, the various forms of mutually beneficial cooperation between Eastern Europe and Western Europe can not be established. The activity was inhibited because the European countries are worried if one day the region will be targeted by a power struggle the two superpowers. The impact between the blocks of western economies (countries of western Europe) and the eastern bloc (Eastern European countries) is unbalanced where western bloc countries are much more advanced than a block east.
Apparently the cold war also brought a positive impact on the world economy. Whether it is intentional or unintentional. It is characterized by the emergence of super powers. With the super powers, the world economy should be controlled by the holders of capital. They are competing to gain as much as a way to invest their capital into developing countries are still relatively low wage workers. So that their profits soar too high. But who would have thought that the above also be good for the country to open a business that occupied the owners of capital. Economic growth in the country will also grow rapidly. So in an effort to benefit both economies. At that time the owners of capital are vying for control of the world economy, also indirectly brought the political element in it. So that owners of large capital gain huge profits, while the country whose capital is limited to a small profit too. Hence comes the term economic globalization on society. To overcome this we conducted several measures such as uniting of currency. Highly visible examples are the countries in the European region that unites their currencies to the euro.

c. Military Sector
Seizing the influence between the U.S. and the U.S. in a defense pact. Western countries formed North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 as a defense organization. When one of its members is attacked it is considered as an attack on NATO. Originally based in Paris but then France considers NATO out because dominated by the U.S. and moved its headquarters in Brussels. French relations with the Soviet Union and the PRC is much better when compared to relations with other Western countries though France is not a member of the Eastern Bloc.
In Southeast Asia formed South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) athun 1954 on the grounds of South East Asia Collective Defence Treaty. Members primarily western countries while countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia does not participate. The defense pact directed against communism in Southeast Asia, especially in Vietnam. SEATO dissolved in 1975.
While the Soviet Union with the countries of the Eastern bloc formed the Warsaw Pact (1955) on the basis of "Pact of Mutuaal Assistance and Unified Command". In Southeast Asia Soviet Union provided military equipment and technical assistance to Vietnam that ultimately urged the United States out of the country (1975). arms race is advancing and growing rapidly. It was all spur each country to continue to develop their country's defense masing.Dengan existence of nuclear weapons developed rapidly by both countries, the people of the world experienced tremendous fear for the possibility of an actual nuclear war between the two countries are disputing it. At that time it had circulated rumors that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear-nuclear in Cuba and directed to the United States. Got a U.S. nuclear threat as it did not stay silent. America then entered the formation of NATO. It is a defense organization which roughly agree on the agreement that if one country is attacked it is considered as an attack on NATO. After knowing this, the government of the Soviet Union withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba.

d. Sector Space
Cold War also brought a major influence on the development keruangangkasaan we have. Maybe if there is no cold war, we would not know how to form our solar system. At that time the dispute between the two countries are competing with each other to show the world that they were the best countries to spread their doctrines have.
United States and the Soviet Union fought over control of space because the world is too narrow for grabs. Due to the increasing prestige of their country then they are both racing to launch a rocket into space. As a result, we all learned that we actually exist in any solar system, and how to shape. Regardless of who first broke the news, but with the cold war also indirectly impact on the development of science education we angkasaan chamber.
Starting from the efforts of the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I and Sputnik plane II which equaled U.S. aircraft launched Explorer I and Explorer II, Discovere and Vanguard.
Following the Soviet Union's attempt to land on the moon with Lunik first astronaut Yuri Gagarin with the Vostok I were successful airplane circling Earth for 108 minutes. While the United States sent its first astronaut Alan Bartlett Shepard is located in space for 15 minutes.
demonstrate the advantages of the Soviet Union Gherman Stepanovich Titov with the launch goes around the earth for 25 hours with Vostok II. Followed by the United States launched WSJohn H. Glenn by plane Friendship VII successfully orbit the earth 3 times.

e. Social and Cultural Rights.
Spread rights issues began gradually globalizing. Directly legislation on human rights began to be recognized, because it is the people approved the inauguration of human rights itself. With the human rights, the more people believe in the existence of democracy and there is no more oppression of the vulnerable.

f. Technology
During the cold war science and technology connected with military activity under the spotlight more than the government.Government willing to expend substantial funds for the improvement of science and technology in their countries. In this period grew disciplines that study the impact of science on society. In developed countries, the technology in the modern era is no longer a matter of individuals or small communities. Modern technology has national objectives in the area of ideology, military, or economic and other forms of national consciousness to explore the natural resources that exist. It also aims to make the production of goods with a large scale.


Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perang_Dingin
2. http://www.antaranews.com/berita/333717/washington-ungkap-rencana-perang-dingin-nuklir 
3. http://www.rnw.nl/bahasa-indonesia/article/dikhawatirkan-perang-dingin-cina-amerika
4. http://forum.kompas.com/internasional/191893-memasuki-perang-dingin-iran-vs-israel.html
5. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Perang_Dingin 8.

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