There is no evidence of trade Mecca in recorded history, the military, and religion in imperial empire of Assyria and Babylonia. Statement that Mecca had become Muslim religious center in ancient archeology Abraham not proven because there is no such evidence during the olden times, particularly during the reign of Assurbanipal 7 BC.
Since Mecca was built in century - 4 M, Mecca buy more goods from Yemen and market it to Palestine, Syria, and Mesopotamia in the Fertile Crescent region. Assyrian control all of the land since the end of the 8th century BC and recorded all the tribes who traded in their area. So, how is it possible they could lapse recording of Mecca in the era? The reason is simply because Mecca no time.
Muslims claim that linking Mecca and the Kaaba with Zamzam Ibrahim and Ismail are based on a number of the following sources:
Kabah already dijaman Ibrahim. Resources:
Surah 2: 125
And (remember) when We made the House (at Mecca) a resort for mankind and sanctuary. And take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer. And We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael: 'Purify My House for those who Circumambulation, which i `tikaaf, who bow and prostrate` ".
Sirah Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Oldest Story History-Muhammadiyah University Press, Volume 1, page 65:
When Ishmael, son of Abraham died, his son named Nabit the task of a leader and ruler Kaaba, then the task is extended by Mudzadz bin Amr al-Jurhumi . Ishmael and his descendants descent Mudzadz Nabit together their grandfather and uncle Amr ibn-uncle of the mother of Jurhum, and his descendants Qatura, who is a cousin Jurhum, time is the people of Mecca. Arrangements are come from the land of Yemen, and take a trip together to Gedaliah at Mecca. &. Then God multiply the descendants of Ishmael in Mecca.
Zam-Zam water points already in the era of Abraham and Ishmael. Source:
Hadith Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, book 55, number 583:
When water in a leather pouch has been exhausted, Hagar became thirsty, so did Ishmael. Hagar look Ismail in dire circumstances thirst. Hagar left Ishmael because Ishmael could not bear to see the suffering. ........ .Continue menurt Hagar ran between Safa and Marwa to seven times. He said, "The incident underlying this tradition pilgrims walk between Safa and Marwa" When Hagar reach Marwa hill he heard a voice, she called and said, "Oh, whoever you are, you have made me hear your voice, if you could help me, and that magical , Hagar then see an angel on site Zam Zam is digging the ground, until finally the water gushing from the ground.
Researchers try to find answers for the truth about Islamic history, and based on the evidence in the archaeological evidence it appears to claim Islam is not evident. Proofs are:
Power Assurbanipal
Although Assurbanipal many relating to the quarter quarter Arabia, and has reached Teima district, the historical record does not mention Mecca Assurbanipal altogether.
The Assyrian king Assurbanipal, 669-626 BC.
Protest against Muslim statement of Mecca Esarhaddon did not stop at any time, but also on his successor.Before Esarhaddon died, he split the Mesopotamian region for the second son. He gave the son sulungya Babylonia, which Shamash-shum-ukin, and she gave her second son on the throne of Assyria, which Assurbanipal, the authorities in the year 669-626 BC. King Assurbanipal invaded Ethiopia, which Taharka, out of Egypt and took Necho to replace him. Then in the year 660 BC, when Assurbanipal invaded Elam and Kaldea, Necho's son Psamtik rebel and separates Egypt from Assyria. Then Shamash-shum-ukin, sisters and sons Assurbanipal Babylonian kings, forming alliances with other countries to fight against her husband's sister, Assurbanipal. Assyrian inscriptions record quarterly list of Arab tribes allied with Shamash-shum-ukin, as follows:
In day today, Shamash-shum-ukin, sister lakiku dishonest, King of Babylonia, raise rebellion against me, with people Akkad, Kaldea, Aramaic & District Chapter of the sea from Akaba to-Salimeti. (Akaba possibility is the original name of Aqaba.)
Luckenbill, op. cit., p. 301: Doughty, Arabia Deserta, Volume I, page 51; collected in Arabia and the Bible, James Montgomery, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1934, p. 62
The Babylonian king Shamash-shum-ukin, sister of the Assyrian king Assurbanipal man.
In the year 648 BC, Assurbanipal defeated the Babylonian army of allies and snap into power. Then her brother committed suicide. Several years later, Nabopolassar, the leader Kaldea dynasty, revolted against Assurbanipal.
Assurbanipal inscriptions inscriptions contain information about the Arabs. Date Assurbanipal writes about the deal she made with Qedar nation for 652 years BC. Date also explain the Yauta rebellion ', the son of King Hazael and Qedar. Yauta Trans Jordan attacked the regions before being war between Assurbanipal and his brother Shamash-shum-ukin, King of Babylonia. Yauta 'defeated and he fled to the land Nebaioth to seek shelter from its king, which Natnu. Assurbanipal replace Yauta; with Abyate ', son Te'ri, the bow and pay tribute to Assurbanipal. Natnu king Nebaioth, also bow and pay tribute. Assyrian inscriptions inscription explains that Qedar people have more than one leader, and one of them is Ammuladi. Ammuladi attack western border with Assyria, but he was defeated.
Annals of Assurbanipal; RF Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters, I XIV, (London-Chicago, 19140), 350; collected by Eph'al, p. 55
Based on Date Shamash-shum-ukin, the siege of the city of Babylon happened in 650 BC. Among Arabs who support Shamash-shum-ukin is Abiyate ', son Te'ri. Also other Arabs Uaita ie 'son Birdada king quarter-An Su-mu, who sent troops to help Shamash-shum-ukin. Quarter-An Su-mu is part of a group Qedar quarter. Arab quarter quarter reasons in favor of Shamash-shum-ukin against Assurbanipal is because Babylonia located closer to the Arabs, and they will win the war regardless of Babylonia, and control lines market trading market Fertile Crescent region. They also calculate Babylonia will not demand they pay tribute expensive as claimed Assyria.
AR Millard, Iraq (1964), cit. 28; collected by Eph'al, The Ancient Arabs, p. 154
The Ancient Arabs, I. Eph'al, EJ Brill, Leiden, 1982, p. 168
Around the year 645 BC, the Assyrian attack Qedar quarter quarter, Su-mu-An, and Nebaioth. This assault occurred after the Assyrian win the war on Elam. Assurbanipal now ready to punish Arab quarter quarter that helped his brother mutiny. Previously under Assurbanipal Assyrian empire weakened and pressed Babylonia, Assurbanipal do a lot of aggression against the Arab nation. He fought against them in the wilderness of the Syro - Arabia, from Tadmur and move south. At the end of the assault, according to historian Glaser, Assurbanipal penetrate Arabia desert until you reach Teima.
Mecca is a city built on a strip of spices and spices in the market depending on the market Fertile Crescent region, which before the 7th century BC by the Assyrian dominated for centuries. To be able to survive, Mecca must make himself popular with the merchants and the city other cities. But that was remedied if Mecca was already in the olden times.
By learning the Assyrian inscriptions inscription in the 7th century BC, we see that Mecca continuously absent.This continues to happen for centuries. Every king penaklukkannya write and write in detail events important events of his reign. Some events are written in many inscriptions. We now know that a quarter of Arabian tribes north and west, until you reach Saba, make up Assyria that protected its trading market. Much of the quarter quarter that pay tribute every year. Some tribes and cities dominated Assyria revolted and defeated.Some of them form a federation, hoping to get a new district, or find a link to get use to expand market trading band.
From all this evidence, Mecca is not mentioned at all in the entire Assyrian inscriptions in the span of this long history. Name various state and city in the spice spice strip appears frequently, but there is no name of Mecca.If Mecca was already built, as dictated by Muslim, Mecca tentaunya had more reason than others to have a city of strong relations with Assyria. Mecca will need backup Assyria, and will pay tribute, because that depends on the location of Mecca trade to be able to survive.
In time once after age Assurbanipal, that the century - 4 BC, then Mecca began to emerge in the mid west Arabia. Just like the previous state, the historical record suggests that Mecca dependent on trade for its location on top of the spice spice trading band. Absence of evidence of Mecca Fertile Crescent region controlled Assyria, and the dominance of the different tribes north of Arabia, Mecca of the fact that they do not exist in the days of the Assyrian. This is important evidence to argue one thing: Muslims say the city of Mecca is already long before the era of Assurbanipal. They say Mecca was built by Abraham and Ishmael, son of Hagar. They say both men are developing the Ka'bah in Mecca in the year 2050 BC. We have proven that this evidence one large.
1. Archaeology fact not uttered the name Mecca in the Inscriptions Inscription Assyria (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not mentioned mentioned during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Unquoted Mecca as a center of religion, while the Arab quarter quarter Dumah known as a center of religion. (7 BC) ....... click here
Regards, Dual Hartoyo, SP![]()
10. Herodotus #
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