In Nature (earth) RAIN word usually refers to water / snow / ice that fell from the sky. But sometimes says the rain is also subject to something (not water) that fell from the sky in large quantities. The phenomenon of the mysterious rain, where rain falls from the sky is not just water / snow / ice but objects and living beings are not natural (not natural).History of the Bible also wrote an unnatural phenomenon, you will remember the story of Moses, Pharaoh experiencing rain of frogs, locusts, lice and blood. It may be similar to that occurring in several regions of the world. You would also have heard that a prophet or a righteous person can pray for food to fall from the sky. Well if this could also be called a rain?
Mystery Blood Rain, Kerala, India
No one can understand what is going on July 25, 2001. Heavy rain fell in red in Kerala, India. The rain was not until September 5, 2001. More than 500,000 cubic meters of rain water flowing into the earth and the color red as blood.Scientists first thought argues that the red rain was caused by desert sand. But other scientists discovered something startling, red elements in rainwater are living cells. These cells are not derived from the earth.
First rain in Kottayam and Idukki district in the south of India. Not only the red rain, but also reported for the first 10 days of rain colors yellow, green and even black. Rain was in the region is limited and usually occurs only 20 minutes by rain. The locals found the clothes are dried in the sun turn red like blood. Local residents also reported the sound of explosions and bright lights before the rain. It was believed to be a meteor explosion.
Rain samples investigated by the Government of India and scientist. One of the independent scientists who examined the rain was Godfrey Louis and Santosh Kumara of Mahatma Gandhi University. They collected more than 120 reports from locals and collect samples of red rain water from areas along the 100 km. First they thought that the red comes from the sand particles.
The scientis say that Godfrey Louis and Santosh Kumara discovered that the red elements in rain water does not come out of the sand, but that comes from living cells. The composition of these cells consists of 50% carbon, 45% oxygen and 5% other elements such as iron and sodium, consistent with the other components of biological cells, and cells divide too.Cell diameters between 30-10 micrometers with a thick cell wall and have variations in membrane nanostructure. But no identifiable nucleus. Louis concluded that the red material came from a comet entering the Earth's atmosphere and exploded over the skies of India. He said that the red cells may be derived from extra-terrestrial beings.
At the University of Sheffield, UK microbiological no expert. His name is Milton Wainwright. He said that the red elements are living cells. Why did he really believe that this is a living cells because he has found the DNA of the cell elements. Because the red particles are living cells, the scientists theorize that these particles is blood. According to this theory, the meteorite exploded and crashed into a group of bats in the air. But this theory was rejected because it did not have evidence to support this theory as no bat wings falls to earth.
Is red rain in Kerala are of extraterrestrial origin? Some scientists are skeptical and reject these theories. But those who reject not find the answer. An ancient theory that life on Earth came from outer space. Is that true? Could they be right?The rain is still a mystery. And last rain also occurred again in 2008.
Amazing fact: raining animals is a relatively common meteorological phenomenon, with occurrences reported in many countries throughout history. Animals most likely to drop from the sky in a rainfall are fish and frogs, birds in third.Sometimes the animals are still alive after a fall, especially fish, suggesting that a fairly short span of time between extraction and the fall. Several witnesses raining frogs describe the animals as startled, though healthy, and showed relatively normal behavior after the incident. However, in some incidents, animals freeze to death or even completely enclosed in a block of ice. This incident may be evidence for the transport of the animals is up to a high altitude, where the temperature is below zero, and also showed that the meteorological forces can be so powerful. Most recent incident including rain frogs and toads in Serbia (2005) and London (1998), and the rains of fish in India (2006) and Wales (2004).
Fish Rain in Honduras
In Honduras, the Lluvia de Peces (Rain of Fish) is a unique phenomenon that has been going on for more than a century on a yearly basis in the country of Honduras. It occurs in the Departamento de Yoro, between the months of May and July. Witnesses of this phenomenon state that this event begins with a dark cloud in the sky followed by lightning, thunder, strong winds and heavy rain for 2 to 3 hours. After the rain stopped, hundreds of living fish are found on the ground.People bring fish home to cook and eat. Although some experts have tried to explain the Rain of Fish as a natural meteorological phenomenon, fish marine fish is not a fish, but freshwater fish, they do not die, but live, they are not blind, they have eyes, they are not big fish, but small, and fish species that fall is not found in places around the area. There is no valid scientific explanation for this phenomenon. Growing local story says that this phenomenon occurs because of Father José Manuel Subirana, a Spanish Catholic missionary and considered by many to be a saint, who visited Honduras in 1856-1864, and in the face of so many poor people, he prayed for 3 days and 3 nights asking God work wonders to help the poor by providing food. Fish and rain ensued since then.
Other Fish Rain Phenomenon
In 1859, a strange phenomenon occurs in Glamorganshire, England. The fish fell to the ground in large numbers from heaven to earth. This amounts to thousands of fish at the time. Then restore some fish fishing fish into the sea, because most of the fish are still alive.
A similar phenomenon occurred in Louisiana, USA in 1947. Only difference is the fish that fell from the sky most of the dead and terbekukan in the ice.
In 1969, a large fish fell from the sky in a church in Sydney, Australia. The fall was followed by a large fish large quantities of water. In 1989, about 800 small fish falling from the sky on the front porch of residents Ipswich, Australia.
Residents shocked by Lajamanu free shipping fish from the sky. Strange phenomenon that only occurs in a small town, about 550 kilometers southwest of Katherine, Australia. Christine Balmern as a witness of this phenomenon is to say that he was like a dream of seeing the wonders of nature. Christine pinched his own hands. Still overwhelmed with amazement, he caught a fish floundering on the ground and put it in the bucket. "The fish was still alive when it hits the ground." This phenomenon was also reported by the Northern Territory News. As a senior forecaster Ashley Patterson admitted that he did not know how this phenomenon occurs. In its natural state on Friday, so maybe the tornado in the Douglas Daly. However, no official report on that day when it happened whirlwind. But is it a whirl wind or waterspout as shown below is the cause?
Waterspouts are swirling wind on water / water. have been studied, this vortex can not bring fish up / sky
Rain Frog phenomenon, in Japan
Another strange phenomenon of rain also occurred in Japan. People in Japan are also shocked by this rain. Rain is not like normal rain, but a strange animal shaped like frogs or tadpoles. This happened in several cities in Japan such as the city of Taiwa, Nakanoto, Asahi and Cookies. With a body length of about 5 cm. So far, no one can not explain why this is happening in Japan. Some people say that this is really a strange incident that happened in Japan. They call this "raining animals", which occur due to climate change. Even Japan's meteorological agency also could not explain why. Direct witness of this event is Mr.Aichi, Mrs.Miyagi, Mr.Saitama and Mr.Toyama, Mr.Ishikawa.
On June 16, 2009. Mr Aichi, 45, was surprised because he heard something fall on his car at 8:00 am. He saw some animals stuck to the roof of the car. On June 15, 2009. Mrs Miyagi, 74 years in the town of Taiwa, also see this phenomenon and he heard something fall on the roof of the house. Meanwhile, the weather was sunny and no rain.
Rain frogs are also happening in the United States and Greece
Also reported phenomenon occurs frog rain in Minneapolis, USA, in 1901. According to the local people as a witness this phenomenon was originally green sky is covered with clouds that look like a giant coat. And then frogs in large quantities, such as poured from the sky.
In 1981 in Naphilon, Greece, the local community shocked by hundreds of frogs that jump from the heavens to the trees in the forest. A local newspaper reported that tornadolah that has brought all the frogs. And then thrown in Naphilon, Greece. However, the interesting facts behind this story, all the species of frogs that fall, only to be found in North Africa.Wow, very mysterious.
Rain Spider
For Christian Oneto Gaona, April 6, 2007 may be the most memorable day of his life, because on that day he not only witnessed a spider rain, but it may also be the first in the world to witness this strange rain and immortalize through cameras.
Christian and his friends decide to travel to the provinces of Salta, Argentina during their Easter holidays. At approximately 03:00 on the 6th, they began to climb up Mount San Bernardo. Two hours later, they found the ground around them was covered with a lot of colors of spiders, each about four inches.
They found more spiders and many more along the way as they are to the top of the mountain. Odder still, there are some spiders that fell on them, even though they were in a vast mountain valley and nothing but the sky above them. They looked up, and saw lots of spiders falling from the sky.
Everybody was stunned. It takes time for the Christian, to remember he had a camera. He hastily took many photos of spiders falling from the sky, and another photo of new spiders began weaving its web. The spider looks scary, crawling and everywhere, lots of netting. It feels more like a science fiction movie than reality, said Christian.
Showers strange as it has been reported regularly from around the world. Frogs, fish and many other strange animals over have fallen from the sky here and there. But until now no one has the opportunity to take pictures of strange rain lasts. That is why the Christian picture is very valuable.
It is light enough profit to other animals than the animals that had become rain. They fell slowly enough so that it can be clearly caught on camera.
Strange rain so far remained a factor that needs to be explained. A more popular hypothesis suggests that the tornado or waterspout (turbulence in the water) strong lifting animals and bring them together before dropping them somewhere far away. But this hypothesis can not explain why each rain only carry one type of animal, and not even a piece of grass teribawa along with animals.
Other Weird Rain Phenomenon
- In 1969, no rain Flesh and Blood Rain in most areas of Brazil.
- Crocodile Rain Phenomenon. This phenomenon happens only two times in Silvertown, USA and Montreal, Canada. This strange rain that occurred only a short time. Crocodiles fall was examined by Dr. JL Smith. He was surprised, because most crocodiles are still alive despite falling from the sky. Size crocodile is about 12-inches.
- Rain Snake. In January 1877, U.S. scientists noted that the size of the snake rain reaches 20 inches in Memphis, Tennessee.
- In December 1974, Rain Boil Eggs occur for several days in an elementary school in Berkshire, England
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
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