There is no evidence of trade Mecca in recorded history, the military, and religion in imperial empire of Assyria and Babylonia. Statement that Mecca had become Muslim religious center in ancient archeology Abraham not proven because there is no such evidence during the olden times, especially in the reign of Sennacherib.
Muslims claim that linking Mecca and the Kaaba with Zamzam Ibrahim and Ismail are based on a number of the following sources:
Kabah already dijaman Ibrahim. Resources:
Surah 2: 125
And (remember) when We made the House (at Mecca) a resort for mankind and sanctuary. And take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer. And We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael: 'Purify My House for those who Circumambulation, which i `tikaaf, who bow and prostrate` ".
Sirah Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Oldest Story History-Muhammadiyah University Press, Volume 1, page 65:
When Ishmael, son of Abraham died, his son named Nabit the task of a leader and ruler Kaaba, then the task is extended by Mudzadz bin Amr al-Jurhumi . Ishmael and his descendants descent Mudzadz Nabit together their grandfather and uncle Amr ibn-uncle of the mother of Jurhum, and his descendants Qatura, who is a cousin Jurhum, time is the people of Mecca. Arrangements are come from the land of Yemen, and take a trip together to Gedaliah at Mecca. &. Then God multiply the descendants of Ishmael in Mecca.
Zam-Zam water points already in the era of Abraham and Ishmael. Source:
Hadith Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, book 55, number 583:
When water in a leather pouch has been exhausted, Hagar became thirsty, so did Ishmael. Hagar look Ismail in dire circumstances thirst. Hagar left Ishmael because Ishmael could not bear to see the suffering. ........ .Continue menurt Hagar ran between Safa and Marwa to seven times. He said, "The incident underlying this tradition pilgrims walk between Safa and Marwa" When Hagar reach Marwa hill he heard a voice, she called and said, "Oh, whoever you are, you have made me hear your voice, if you could help me, and that magical , Hagar then see an angel on site Zam Zam is digging the ground, until finally the water gushing from the ground.
Researchers try to find answers for the truth about Islamic history, and based on the evidence in the archaeological evidence it appears to claim Islam is not evident. Proofs are:
Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib
Sennacherib power
Mecca is not mentioned in the report of the reign of Sennacherib in the field of military, commercial, and religious.
The Assyrian king Sennacherib, 705-681 BC.
King Sennacherib, powerful in years 705-681 BC, and many fought to defend the emperor erected by his father, Sargon II. War between war, a war against Babylonia. After that he was fighting various countries on the Mediterranean coast, supported by Egypt, as the country Funisia and Philistia. After that, Sennacherib attack Jerusalem. Then he defeated Egypt in the year 701 BC. He also attacked Elam in the year 691 BC.
Sennacherib defeated the Arabs, who favor baladan Merodach, the Babylonian king who rebelled against Assyria. Sennacherib fought against northern Arabia ie Te'lhunu queen. The Queen was defeated and fled to the city Adummatu or Dumah or Dumahis or Dumaht al-Jandal is located between al-Medina and Syria.Dumah renowned as a center of worship for the quarter Arab quarter. Their main deity temple that is located in Dumah Wadd. In future, the temple in the district will replace the position of the Gulf of Aqaba in Dumah temple. Greek Geografer Agatharchides visited religious centers in Dumah. Army of Sennacherib take photos pictures wood layer made of the Arabs in Dumah and brought to Assyria. Esarhaddon later return to Dumah.
Wall in the days of King Sennacherib of Assyria indicate the activity.
Based on the inscriptions of Assyria, in the year 689 BC, the Assyrian attack against northern Arabia Adummatu. They fought against northern Arabia federal leaders: Telehunu, Queen of the Arab nation, and Hazael, King Qedar. Arabic inscription indicating federal defeated, and Hazael pay tribute to Sennacherib.Through this battle, Sennacherib established himself as ruler of the land that is his father Sargon II conquered.Sennacherib expand his power by conquering the Egyptians, Babylonians, Queen Te'lhunu Arab, and Dumah.He also controlled the spice trade lines spices. His name is so well known, so that the Greek historian Herodotus called it a "king of the Arabs and Assyrians." [Herodotus II, p. 141]
Arab cities such as Teima city continue to pay tribute to Sennacherib. In the inscriptions are evidence of Niniveh gate in Niniveh which is "arch desert where Teima in giving people." [Loh stone in the British Museum, 96-viii 103000 vn 1 (Luckenbill, Sennacherib, 113); collected by I. Eph'al, EJ Brill, The Ancient Arabs, p. 41]. It shows a lot of city commerce, such Teima, hanging at the mercy Assyrian if they want to trade going. They need permission from Assyria to be able to continue to live trading.
Inscriptions of Sennacherib.
Date of grant or mention Assyria paid tribute to the King of Saba ie Kariba'ilu. The King is the King of Water Karib'il known in inscriptions Saba. This is because the Assyrian border controls paths Fertile Crescent region.Qedar Hazael king of that pay tribute to Sennacherib.
If Mecca already in the 8th century BC and 7, of course Mecca will also depend on the permission of Assyria to be able to continue living from trading. Various countries in western Arabia mentioned by Sennacherib, especially along the lines government government commerce, for example Dumah, Qedar, Teima, and Saba in Yemen. Sargon II also mentions the town of spice spice bands like Saba, Teima, and Ephah. Kota city depends on its relationship with other countries, and they can not stay just on the county authorities ie Assyria.
1. Archaeology fact not uttered the name Mecca in the Inscriptions Inscription Assyria (911-891 BC) ...... click here
2. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC.) ........ click here
3. Mecca is not mentioned in the reign of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) ..... click here
4. Mecca is not mentioned mentioned during the reign of Assurbanipal (669-626 BC) ..... click here
5. Unquoted Mecca as a center of religion, while the Arab quarter quarter Dumah known as a center of religion. (7 BC) ....... click here
Regards, Dual Hartoyo, SP![]()
10. Herodotus #
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