Rabu, 06 Juni 2012


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Watergate scandal
Watergate scandal (1972-1974) (or called directly "Watergate") is a political scandal in the United States that resulted in the resignation of President Richard Nixon, this resulted in a horrendous constitutional crisis in the 1970s. The scandal is called by the name of a hotel in Washington, DC, where the scandal occurred.
The event began with the arrest of five men - men who tried to get into the Democratic National Committee and install listening devices. The incident was investigated and it was done by Nixon supporters group, the Committee for Presidential Elections Back. Two burglars and two others were convicted, but the presiding judge, John Sirica suspected a political conspiracy behind these activities. Senate of the United States then launched a committee to investigate further.President Nixon then launched a record of the recorded conversations relating to Watergate in the April 1974 issue. The Supreme Court ordered President Nixon to then hand over all recordings. After that, the committee established by Congress to issue a presidential impeachment. President Nixon later issued a statement and admitted that he was aware of any attempt to cover up not long after the events of Watergate and that he tried to stop the FBI investigation. August 8, 1974, President Nixon eventually resigned.
In 1937 U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not gain public approval of Coutt Packing Scheme, a proposal to reorganize the high court in an effort to make this body to be more friendly to the New Deal (New Testament).
Irangate are cases involving members of the senior members of the administration of President Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1989) which sold arms to Iran despite the ban worldwide.
The scandal is looming scandal overshadowed President Bill Clinton is apparently as part of a conservative conspiracy, originated from an investment project in Whitewater, a land development project in Arkansas.
Secretary Albert Fall was the first U.S. cabinet official who was imprisoned (1922) was accused of taking bribes in exchange for oil contracts in the Teapot Dome scandal.

Indo American Political scandals; Dulang Syria, Hand Jakarta, Papua Faces
of Jakarta, also played a rubber band U.S. politics in Syria. Behalf of the government can indeed be good. But they may forget that America is not a 'trench mate', friend separit, which mandate. After all, no one can guarantee that a foreign-sponsored armed resistance as in Syria at this time, not repeated in Papua someday.
Last week, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked the Foreign Ministry recalled its ambassador from Damascus, Syria. Calling for "consultations" as well as anticipation of "things that are not desirable", said the Ministry shortly. But even from a small and misleading impression that, as an ambassador's wife can no longer there to the salon because the bullets were flying all over Damascus, people easily guess that Jakarta has shifted away from the axis of the active free political mandated laws and, ironically, it was giving the wind on the project of overthrowing the regime of a sovereign country.
In the last five months, the United States - with the support of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the EU - is a rubber band to tighten the pressure on the regime of Bashar Assad. They garner support from here and there and basically wants Assad to stop stubborn. They want to remove Syrian support for Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas; trio of successful resistance frustrate the American dream of hegemony in the Middle East.
So far, they still have the upper hand. Spring load the Arab revolt they had room for maneuver for the projected uprising gunmen on the outskirts of Syria, that in fact they are fully charged, as "a peaceful pro-reform movement" and the Assad regime that sent troops to quell the rebellion, just like Jakarta to send troops to stop the gunmen in Papua-stamp them easily as tyrannical, bloodthirsty, human rights violators, barbaric and uncivilized.
"Assad must go!" That said Barack Obama, President of the United States, that of mannerism and tone has been topsy turvy impressive Syria due to 'popular resistance' - despite the fact that only a rebellious province on the outskirts of the country.
In Jakarta, some people began to feel that the bow IndoAmerika in the foreign policy of President Susilo as something astounding, not unlike the element of surprise in the open field.
Do not be in months ago, the president himself who gave approval to a Saudi Arabian prince who came to Jakarta to seek support for the invasion of Saudi Arabia to Bahrain; a horse steps aimed at supporting the throne of porous Al-Khalifa dynasty as well as suppressing the millions of demonstrators demanding change political capital only with Takbir and blessings on? Well, if the president could tolerate the brutal step Saudi military forces in Bahrain, is also president of the necessary kanapa 'tersumbing' Damascus moment to send the military to respond to an armed rebellion that has killed hundreds of police and the army of the Syrians?
Okay if that so concern the president is the "wave of civil violence," 1,700 people dead so far, it is reported, and the behavior of such a harsh regime blamed the European officials. But if indeed it is, why are we here in Jakarta had never heard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attracted ambassadors from the United States, Britain, Europe, and Australia given their all to invade Afghanistan and Iraq in the last decade and therefore there are two million civilians the dead?
Beyond all that, would not we need to think if there is the possibility of tightening the hands of the drum sing armed insurgency in Papua, Jakarta and finally squashed in the presence of Americans, just like Syria at this time?

Sex scandals, Other Colours of the American Political
Eliot Spitzer is a bit of a story from a few tens of a sex scandal involving U.S. politicians, especially from the Democratic Party. Read Spitzer's involvement with an international network of top-class prostitution can lead us to the sex scandals that previously graced the newspaper headlines and television coverage of major in Uncle Sam's.
The biggest scandal almost dropped a president is Bill Clinton's love affair with Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, Clinton had admitted an inappropriate physical relationship with Lewinsky when she was the secretary.
So great was the scandal magnet, so that political opponents are working hard dropping Clinton. Even Clinton was undergoing impeachment, but he was too strong to be dropped. In addition, Lewinsky, a woman's name is associated with Clinton, both when he was Arkansas governor and U.S. president. Call it in between Gennifer Flowers, Paula Corbin Jones, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, a former Miss Arkansas, Purdue Sally is also a former Miss Arkansas.

In addition there are some women whose names are not very public jerking, like Dolly Kyle Browning, who had long been Bill Clinton's girlfriend, Juanita Broaddrick who claimed to have raped Clinton, Kathleen Willey and groped claiming that Democratic politicians.
Another sex scandal Gary Hart when he happened to be the strongest Democratic candidate in 1988 presidential election. But he had no choice but to retreat because of the circulation of a photograph. In the photo he looks tenderly lap of a woman named Donna Rice on a luxury yatch Monkey Business. Previous picture emerged, rumors that he had affair was widely circulated, but he only responded with ease. "Just follow, I do not care. If someone wants to stalk, I just went ahead. They will get bored with itself, "he said.

But apparently the media, particularly the Miami Herald, did not know the word tired for sex scandal politician affairs.They continue to pursue women's affair with Hart, while lowering its exclusive reports that continue to argue Hart. to be followed Hart and Rice, who was vacationing at a luxury yatch. Until then emerged was the picture that made Hart fell, advance tickets before it gets to the White House.

The scandal that is not less famous is the president John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, actress known as a gold mine for the industry as a Hollywood sex bomb. Both died when their careers are at the top. Kennedy was shot, while Monroe drug overdose.

According to one friend of Monroe, Jeanne Carmen, the actress is also rumored to have an affair with John's brother, Robert. But according to Jeanne, Monroe just loves Roberts. Carmen sure one of the two Kennedy was responsible for the death of Monroe. While Joe DiMaggio, Monroe's husband, had always told her children that their mother killed Kennedy family.
Schwarzenegger and Gropegate
Sex scandal not only accompanies the Democratic Party. Republican politicians, though not very prominent, well known can not control their lust. One example is California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. About five days before the gubernatorial election, the Los Angeles Times article about the statement lower six women who claimed to have a sexual assault from the Terminator movie star of the series. Treatment was started from touching the chest to be stripped. The scandal became known as Gropegate.
Schwarzenegger admitted that he had behaved badly and apologized. But he also emphasized that many stories in the newspaper was not true. Los Angeles Times reports that emerged following the appointment of returning an interview adult magazine Oui in 1977. Schwarzenegger admitted in interviews that often participate in sex parties and smoked marijuana. For about this marijuana, Schwarzenegger had a reason, "not a drug marijuana, it just leaves." Schwarzenegger did not fall for it, and prevail until today. (Kompas, Tuesday, March 11, 2008 | 12:48 pm)
Iran Contra scandal of
Iran-Contra scandal is a scandal of the United States in the world intenasional substantial and involve key people in the government of the United States (U.S.) at that time. In addition to the area involved, as well as forming a separate axis of the chaos that is included Nicaragua (Contras)-Iran-Panama-United States-Israel and other U.S. allies. when his case to the public through the popular title The October Surprise (October surprise) because the main part of this scandal occurred in October 1980.

U.S. Presidential Election
Initially, this case began with the U.S. presidential election that followed the two candidates at the time that Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, the same two candidates who both want to be American's number One very tight competition.Given the position and the superior popularity of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan's campaign team which was headed by George HW Bush to try to find loopholes.
and slit it open in Iran. When they are busy preparing for the campaign, news broke that a number of U.S. citizens held hostage in Tehran. Reagan's campaign team is quite responsive and quietly as possible to form a conspiracy to liberate the hostages as well as raise the prestige of winning the election of Ronald Reagan.
[edit] Approach to Iran
The first step taken George HW Bush (CIA director at that time) was trying to hold negotiations with the leaders of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini. The initial plan is running smoothly since Khomeini cooperate. He immediately sent the prime minister to Paris France Bani Sadr, a secret meeting place agreed by both parties. In addition to Bush, were also other Reagan campaign manager William Casey.
In the conversation that took place at a hotel, it turns out Iran is willing to free 52 U.S. hostages on the condition quite easily, which is enough to send U.S. antitank weapons to Iran in order to deal with Iraq in the Iran Iraq war. Tim Bush readily agreed and even gave an additional bonus of 40 million U.S. dollars. but begged them, the hostages were released before the presidential election was over. Both parties agree and Reagan racing fame.
In January 1981, Hollywood actor was sworn in as U.S. president. The inauguration of this fascinating people of the United States for the same day the 52 hostages arrive back in the U.S.. As a reward, Bush was appointed as vice president while Casey became CIA director.

Remove traces
Given what the Reagan campaign team in Paris is a secret mission and involving the CIA, they tried as much as possible so that the conspiracy was not disclosed.
One way it does is give the impression that George H. Bush has never been in Paris, that after the meeting, Bush immediately flown by supersonic SR-71 Blackbird at Mach 3 (for comparison only Concorde mach speed maksumum 2.4) piloted by Gunther Russbahcer and capable of reaching the U.S. mainland in less than two hours . Arriving in the U.S., Bush went straight to the Hilton Hotel and gave a speech during his campaign to give it a good impression right at home.
But the meeting in Paris immediately smelled the public through the press that the U.S. is well-known liberal. CIA to act immediately launched a practice and as usual trickery. Bush's confidence in the CIA agent Frank Snepp, to counter by writing news articles in local newspapers about the Village Voice about the SR-71 pilot. Where in the newspaper, Russbacher Gunter said it could not fly because they never get a workout. But the press and legal investigators who conduct investigations to get the fact that Gunther had been trained and are able to menerbagkan plane.
Things are getting worse when the witnesses who meliha Bush in Paris go to vote. Among Israeli Mossad agents involved channeling U.S. arms to Iran, Ari Ben Menashea who unexpectedly testified, also document PM Iran, Bani Sadr indicating the presence of Bush. Indeed there is a CIA agent who tries to denial when the investigation team examined, but failed and unable to prove the truth of his alibi at the time of test lie (lie detector).
Despite the evidence and the facts clearly indicate the presence of Bush in Paris, a secret CIA agent trying hard to protect Bush, even the two undercover agents testified that they were being escorted Bush holiday weekend in Pennsylvania. Disclaimers are also conducted by the Secret Service was quite powerful and investigation of Bush as a stalemate.
deadlock is increasingly becoming as Republicans (Bush's party), the White House and U.S. Senate investigators pressed to close the October Surprise investigation. Moreover, a number of key witnesses, the pilot Russbacher chose silence and denied all charges.
Entering the year 1991 or 10 years after the incident, the investigator's determination as discharged and the case was closed. But two years later the case was opened by a Committee of Inquiry headed by Lee Hamilton.

Case Developments
Through investigation pursued hard enough, Committee investigators have mengunkap one by one case. even be concluded that the acts of bush and Reagan considered lead to crime, especially involving the CIA and had the entire Republican Party declared illegal activities. Even with the consequences of sanctions in the form of impeachment to the president. In response, the Reagan presidency to make an official statement about the US-Iran relations. It is said there is no any problem in relations between the two countries. This country have not given an indication of the terror that threatens the United States.
But other facts suggest that this scandal does not only happen once. in 1984 when the CIA agent who became Iran's contacts in the Middle East, Hezbollah guerrillas kidnapped William Buckley in Lebanon, Reagan soon ask the National Security Council (NSC) to release him. When the kidnapper is not only hostage William Buckly, but also a number of British and American citizen who worked as a researcher and social worker. Buckley later shot dead, but the NSC team trying mebebaskan rest. NSC team consisted of key officials such as vice-president (then) George H. Bush, secretary of the Minister of State George Shultz, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, CIA Director William Casey, National Security Adviser Robert Mc Farlane and Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North who served in the field.
They are back in negotiations with the Iranian government to persuade Hezbollah to free the hostages. Iran agreed to return and ask for the sale of U.S. weapons in large numbers among thousands of Hawk anti-aircraft missiles, antitank missiles and aircraft parts (since the Iranian Revolution, the U.S. embargo on Iranian weapons are generally made ​​in the U.S. legacy of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran). Some of them smuggled across Israel and virtually all sales transactions conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North.
From this case came to light as the Iran-Contra. Apparently, some arms sales profits were sent to Nicaragua to finance the Contra guerrilla operations against the communist Sandinistas, Daniel Ortega. In part to pay the broker a weapon such as Saudi Arabian businessman, Adnan Kashoggi and the perpetrator. And the rest is incorporated into the CIA's account of a fictional company through the hands of Oliver North.
But for the case that became known as Reagan's Iranian Gate has its own reasons. NSC's mission to free the hostages do not merely meet with Ayatollah Khomeini is considered an enemy, but also met with Iranian moderates who have a positive outlook toward the United States. On the other hand, the help of funding from the sale of arms to Nicaraguan Contra rebels called for a social mission of humanity to the people of Nicaragua.
A probe long enough to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North is not up to the fall of the Reagan administration. But the political immunity granted to North were unable to save himself. He was eventually convicted and jailed. Many people said the North was sacrificed to save Reagan and other actors in the scandal. It was only when George H. Bush became president (1988-1992) investigation was stopped. Gulf War I also led the American people to forget about it.
Entering the year 1992 or a month before his presidency ended, Bush is going to run again was successfully tackled his rival Bill Clinton. bush does not move when Bill Clinton deliberately discredit himself by tilting back the Iran-Contra case.was not able to compete again Clinton, Bush use his position to forgive the late actor scandal. Forgiveness is carried out in December 1991 were echoed U.S. Congress and bersihlah name of Caspar Weinberger and his colleagues are involved.
On the other hand to prove that Bush is clean and not melakukn infringement procedure in that case, Bush challenged the legal institutions Griffin Bell's and King & Spaulding to re-do investigation. The result is clean and Bush could be removed without the prestige of the presidency is bad, but failed to become president for a second time.
During the Clinton administration, the forgiveness of the perpetrators of the Iran-Contra scandal was carried out in bulk totaled 176 people. Thus when George W. Bush became president, he will no longer be confused with his father's case, even able to occupy the U.S. presidency a second time.

5 Sex Scandal Arresting officials are America's Attention
By: Mian Stars (Contributed Uniquely)
[UNIKNYA.COM]: Each country is expecting its politicians to be honest for nation's progress. Unfortunately not a few politicians state political scandals tarnished his name because he was doing. Here are five political scandal that ever drew the attention of:
A. Bill Clinton
Former President of the United States was once a center of world attention because of the scandal he had with women who worked side in the White House, Monica Lewinsky, in 1998. Scandal in America's number 1 was revealed after closest friends Lewinsky, Linda Tripp, record conversations both at Kennet Starr, the famous lawyer who was also an attorney general. Clinton-Lewinsky affair scandal is considered the hottest scandal alias rank one.

2. Eliot Spitzer
On March 10, 2008, the Governor, New York, Eliot Spitzer sex scandal accused of a lot. His experience in room 871 Mayflower Hotel, Washington with a woman named Christian. Reportedly in his sex party, Eliot wasting thousands of dollars. In any action at the hotel, Eliot reservation on behalf of George Fox, an investor who is also his friend. To uncover such cases, the federal government to use the tape hidden in the investigation. The scandal came to light after the Nort Fork Bank to report suspicious transactions by Eliot. Over the scandal Eliot resigned on March 17, 2008 before the case heats up.

3. Mark Sanford
in 2009, South Carolina Governor, Mark Sanford must resign from office because of the recognition has forged a sex scandal with a woman of Argentina, Maria Belen Chapur. At that Sanford is the governor-115, which is also the Republican Party hopes to become president in 2012. Tudahan sex scandals and misuse of state travel be sure hope the American president buried.

4. Mark Foley
Mark Foley scandal, Republican congressman revealed in September 2006 of an electronic message to a young man in the contents of "Sexting". Though Foley is the leading conservative politician anti-gay opponents. But the incident brought Foley in gay sex scandal. The scandal is believed to have contributed to a loss in the Republican Party. Foley eventually resigned from his party on 29 September 2006. Case is frozen in 2008.

5. John Ensign
John Ensign, a United States senator from Nevada. John stepped down in May 2011 during the middle of an investigation for breach of ethics. John is also a member of the Republican Party and chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee has previously acknowledged scandalous affair with his campaign staff, Chintya Hampton, who is also the wife of Douglas (administrative assistant in the office of John). Scandal by John-Chintya occurred between 2007 and 2008. After the disclosure and recognition of John's affair is no longer discussed as Douglas is no longer working with John.

10 Sex Scandal The Most World Leaders make a scene
Here are 10 most shocking political sex scandals and shocking the world throughout history:
A. The Profumo Affair, The Secret Agent Affair politician with a cause collapse of the Government
of The Profumo Affair in 1963, the political scandal which is menggerkan world at that time. The term is named after actor John Profumo scandal, Secretary of State for War England, had an affair with a Russian spy, an undercover Chritine Keeler became a showgirl.
This outrageous case of cash down the reputation of John Profumo who may not know that he dated a woman who was a spy.
But before the House of Commons, Profumo denied abis-abisan. He is lying if I have a relationship with a beautiful woman.
This scandal makes Perfumo forced to resign. Join the 'victim' of this action is the Prime Minister Profumo, who had damaged his reputation. The following year, Harold Macmillan resigned by reason of any illness. "Victims" of this scandal spread everywhere, including the prime minister who joined the party down.
The scandal also changed the way the media in covering the political sex scandal, in which there is nothing covered up, completely dismantle everything at once destroy the integrity of politicians and led to the toppling of government.

2 - Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav charged with rape and abuse of the court
Moshe Katsav (Qasab Moses), was born December 5, 1945) is a former President of Israel and a Knesset member.This horrendous case is still classified as warm and still clearly remembered by the public, especially the expiration of the term of office ends Israel.Di President Moshe Katsav, on charges he was hit by rape allegations against employees are also other sexual abuse of women. This controversial case erupted January 25, 2007 and continue to heat until he resigned on July 1, 2007.

3 - Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky
Bill Clinton is a brilliant reputation eventually fall as well as by women. All must remember the case of a nearly scandalous collapse of the Clinton Presidency. Young woman who managed to shake Clinton's faith is Monica Lewinsky, 22 years, the White House intern.
The case was immediately spread and stir not only the White House and even the world. Understand it was President Clinton's State of adhi power. The investigation eventually lead convening impeachment trial in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives, but Clinton managed to escape.
In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern in the White House during Clinton's first term, and begin a personal relationship with him that year. That relationship continues to move sampat Lewinsky worked at the Pentagon. The case was uncovered as confidante to her coworkers at the Pentagon, Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded their telephone conversations.
Tripp recording is so evident when Lewinsky signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case that menyankal relationship with Clinton. Tripp gave the tapes were evidence in Kenneth Starr, Independent Counsel investigating edang worked with a number of cases involving Clinton, including the Whitewater scandal, Filegate, and Travelgate.
"During Clinton's grand jury testimony to be kept, and argues," Depending on what the word is ". The preaching of the case on a large scale by inviting the press to press criticism that is considered too memblow up, to exaggerate. The name of this scandal also vary, among others, "Monicagate", "Lewinskygate", "Tailgate", "Sexgate", and "Zippergate". The term "gate" a little behind the name of the actor / subject has always been popular from time to time.

4 - Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister
Scandal romance often characterize us as Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, 72, media tycoon who is also the third richest person in Italy.Affair with a number of models, young artists, television presenter, etc.. Although a variety of lurid allegations aimed at his life, yet the position of Berlusconi still 'safe' as Prime Minister of Italy.
Though it is said there is evidence of the tape with a woman he calls, and dozens of young women who are paid to come up at parties held at the official residence, one of them, reportedly received an offer from Berlusconi for a seat in the European parliament.
His wife who can not stand the behavior of wild Berlusconi finally filed for divorce. "I can not live with a man who used to go to the minors (generally Berlusconi affair affair girls, young girls who deserve to be his son)." In response Berlusconi laughed and said, "I'm not a saint."

5 - Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
Thomas Jefferson's name, listed as one of the most successful U.S. president in leading the country. His name is recorded in American history as a writer and founder of the Declaration of Independence. He was the most brilliant American President in his time. But his reputation is tarnished by the glorious little scandalous issue with a blown ang wanitay James Callender, while the third U.S. president started the first period of his reign.

Callender said that Thomas Jefferson had made a slave named Sally Hemings as a concubine, and had several children with him. Thomas Jefferson himself was status as a widower. Although the rumors were so hard hit, but the position of Thomas Jefferson as President remained unshaken.
Jefferson may also lucky because at that time no internet which operates 24 hours, at which various news circulated quickly and easily in all directions even to the corners of the world.
6 - Jeremy Thorpe
John Jeremy Thorpe (born 29 April 1929) was a United Kingdom politician, who is also leader of the Liberal Party from 1967 to 1976. But he lost that position, and seats in Parliament, after he was accused of conspiring to murder a man who claimed to be her former lover.
7 - Gary Hart and Donna Rice
Gary Hart is a very favorite figure in the Democratic nomination in the 1987 general election, even in those days no odor blowing news about Gary Hart's affair with a woman, but the Democrats still seem to support it.
Gary himself no less assured, he even challenged the press to continue to follow it. And (without disuruhpun) the press is definitely 'investigating' these rumors.
Proved, a woman looked out of his residence. Not only that, the press managed to find Gary's picture with the same woman was sitting on the lap of Gary published. It is definitely a commotion! Did not take long, after the pictures were circulated, Gary was removed from the list of nominees, and Michael Dukakis one of its competitors were free to stroll into the sole nominee. This scandal was referred calls to change the direction of American politics over the last 20 years.
8 - Eliot Spitzer and expensive prostitute
Eliot Spitzer act is to make people shake their heads. Governor of New York are known to be very good at making speeches, he buzzed-dengungkan will take action against the perpetrators of corruption, and promised to build a good reputation and maintain the sanctity of the family, turned out to have acted otherwise. Ironically, it was actually a corruption case involving his financial irregularities. In the investigations carried out, apparently there has been financial irregularities in his account are marked in red. He called a hypocrite and a liar, and his political career was immediately done!
9 - Larry Craig, the allegations of abuse at the airport bathroom
scandal Larry Craig going on June 11, 2007. The former Republican senator from Idaho was doing the sexual abuse scandal in the gents at the international airport in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Then Craig was found guilty on August 8. Soon after he announced his resignation from the Senate at a press conference on 1 September, a new effective on 30 September. But somehow Craig retract confession of guilt, but failed, even he also released a statement that he refused to resign as a Senator from Idaho.
10 - Mark Foley, the alleged sexual abuse of teenage boys with
Mark Foley scandal, Republican congressman from Florida, this is really embarrassing. The case erupted on 29 September 2006, thanks to the discovery of Foley's instant messages to teenage male who was 16 years old just graduated from school. Investigation was closed by FLDE on 19 September 2008, after receiving some evidence. Then, Foley resigned from Congress was at 29 Septembet 2006.
Some authorities argue this scandal member contribution to the downfall of many Republicans who lost his voice on 7 Nov 2006, thus resulting in the party lost control in the House of Representatives, a position formerly held House Speaker Dennis Hastert of the Republic, was missing. Not only that, the impact of follow-up of the scandal has also claimed the other, namely, the resignation of Republican officials.

(U.S. Conspiracy Theory for Muslim Countries)
American ambitions to combat and control Muslim countries increasingly brutal and shameless. As a superpower spirit of colonialism worked on 'the land of others' have never found a point of satisfaction. Israel, the Jewish state is pointed out as the "golden boy" of the U.S. obedient to follow the wisdom of the "father" of massacring ravaged Middle East region with an embarrassing nan irrational aggression. Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon became an easy target for corrupt practice of the U.S. and its allies. Together with Israel, the United States-and this habit, frequently wash his hands with blood of others using the jargon that has failed to be implemented in rumanya itself, the theory of democracy and liberalism.
The U.S. scenario
of 2003 is the beginning of the seriousness of the American political game run. With the pretext of fighting terrorism and alleged weapons of mass destruction, had devastated the entire region of Iraq. But ironically during the three years of occupying Iraq, claim a justification of aggression at all absurd. Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction whatsoever.April 2006, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice acknowledged that the U.S. has made ​​thousands of mistakes in Iraq.
Propaganda Bush later recorded clearly in the statement if the war against militant Islam similar likened the war against Nazism and Communism. So if the U.S. withdraws from Iraq, it means the U.S. has been defeated by the enemies of a number wahidnya-arrogance for self menyatan unparalleled. U.S. burden of the attack have a major impact not only in the military field but also created a crisis of confidence of the people against their leaders. The world community would oppose war for any reason is evident from the demonstration that occurred in 300 cities in 60 countries, involving 10 million people, before the U.S. launched its action in Iraq. 

Faithful and the U.S., Israel, was no less than U.S. menjengkelkanya. Israel, said Mahmud Preisden Ahmadiinejad-Iran-is that tribes have no land. About some of its occupation of Palestine is the support of European countries as a penance for atrocities committed by the Nazis slaughtered millions of Jews during Hitler. King Abdullah said "If so why is not Europe or the U.S. portion of the land awarded to Israel. Why are Palestinians who have to bear the sins of the Nazi past ". Based on this political suspicion Ahmadiinejad support the abolition of the State of Israel off the map. Inevitably this makes a statement infuriated Israel.
Israel who want keberadaannnya diakuai Arab Countries, started to move control of the Middle East region. On the pretext of protecting the two soldiers Hezbollah kidnapped, they were attacked Lebanon. Israel may have hoped to build a 'rejim'nya in Lebanon as desired when Ariel Sharon invaded Lebanon in 1982 with the killing of about 15 thousand to 20 thousand people there.
American conspiracy and Israel recently turned out wrong, they had been counting can cripple Hezbollah in a matter of days, it has failed. Israel accepted the UN resolution while experiencing the greatest loss in battle. Israel lost 37 tanks, a military helicopter, and 24 soldiers. When you add in a month means they lost 74 tanks, three military helicopters, a warship, and 116 soldiers.
The war in Lebanon this time actually boost the popularity of Hezbollah. They were able to make a resistance against Israel for 34 days. Hezbollah in its war kosang not move by hand. Hizbullah had help from Iran and Syria weapons Maskipun sencanggih not Israel. Israel has a warship, military helicopters, planes are the thousands, tanks and 168 personnel, it varies a lot with Hezbollah, which has only 3,000 personnel, with limited weapons, explosive power and capabilities are very weak, but it is able to push Israelis withdraw from Lebanon.
Israel accepted the defeat in the war against Hezbollah made ​​America lost her mind as the primary object of crippling the U.S. Iran-Israel-Hezbollah war. These various resolutions offered Iran's nuclear-related experiments ongoing at about U.S. including providing rights for Iran if Iran heavenly pleasure to follow U.S. instructions. But it seems that Iran is not an easy country lulled gombalisme US-style politics, Dus is not easily disabled simply by snapping the U.S. and its allies.
Also Kemengan internal political turmoil in the Islamic world are often exaggerated by the U.S. welcomed. Call it when Hamas victory in Palestinian elections, the U.S. welcomed him with a negative reaction. U.S. will not negotiate anything if Hamas continued to take the method of violence against Israel.
Driven by political exigency, the U.S. government less eager to see the democratic process taking place in some countries simply because the results are less favorable views of their own interests. Demokraik procedure itself was well developed in Iran when Ahmadinejad was elected president. Ahmadinejad's election of the United States because of his unpleasant (Ahmadinejad) is very confrontational
Iran under Mahmoud Ahmadiinejad met to regroup now become the most influential country in the Middle East. Not to mention the ability of the development of nuclear theory that makes the western helm. Iran's nuclear development purely for peace, and for power supplies of 60 million U.S. citizens do not seem acceptable. With his cunning that the U.S. had urged the United Nations sanctions against Iran if it still persisted in its nuclear project. Although the country facing UN sanctions, Iran does not show the slightest concern, they remain optimistic and confident, the UN sanctions would not be bad for the economy or a nuclear program that became the pride of the Iranian State.
Ahmadiinejad letter posted on the U.S. President is rational oral evidence regarding the magnitude of Bush policies during this particularly strange is happening in the middle east. A press conference in Tehran reported; if this Iranian Presidential against the number one U.S. to hold an open public debate on television in hopes of finding a way out of all of this protracted crisis. He also requested that the debate was not censored in the interest of the U.S. public. But the White House itself expressed a desire Ahmadiinejad on Bush's refusal to conduct an open debate on television.

Communal firmness
Is the West (especially U.S.) and the Muslim countries have the negotiation deadlock? We can not predict. But perhaps an elegant political consciousness in the Islamic world could change the way that prontal switch in tactics and strategy changes that dynamic.
U.S. will never be satisfied with the action, its central position in the eyes of the world have an irresistible policy even if the UN institutions. The world is malum in the guise of the U.S. and its allies stayed stance, Arab countries do the resistance against the American and his minions. If desired they can actually do the oil embargo, as he had done the King Faisal. This embargo is a major impact on western industries, it may even cause paralysis. Iran when the Ayatollah Khomeini held pemerintahanya in his country in Europe and the U.S. embargo that led to declining per capita income, but the evidence, and until now, Iran still survive even the economic situation stabilized. With the mess that the U.S. waged in some Muslim countries should have a trigger reconciliation between Arab countries against the United States.
Leader of the Islamic world for the long term may be more in need of a figure with a pragmatic vision. Not only are more focused on the country's internal problems and Touch ups but also the image on the international stage. The Islamic world should be able to play "politics pretty" if you want to tear down the mask of hypocrisy. For now the Arab countries need a leader who has the authority figure for the whole Arab nation.
political assertiveness in diplomacy not only apply to those Arab countries who know the cunning of this superpower should participate actively in the international outspoken; currently only few of those who have dared to declare that truth.World, said Ahmadiinejad will soon turn to the unity and justice and true God is able to control everything. Salvation for those who follow the prompts. A `lam bi Waulahu Shawab. (Aprina)

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