Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

WHY THERE ARE A LOT OF RELIGION IN THE WORLD ( Objects of the Same But Look at the Different Ways )


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Objects of the Same But Look at the Different Ways 

A question that there have been hundreds or thousands of times asked by many people but the answer is always floating. The question is if we believe that God or the Creator or Sang Yang Widi or the Almighty that one or the Single Substance why there is so much understanding and streams or religion on this earth. 

The focus of our posts this time is about many religions in this world of many religions and which one is most correct?. If you answer that question then it is better if we know what it is religion.As our previous post about the general view of religion that religion is the viewpoint of a particular point of view to something extraordinary beyond the human self as well as in man (in this case is the Almighty) and believe and do in life and life in world. The Almighty, we refer to God, the Creator, God, God, Syang-ti, Kami-Sama, Buddhists and others, or simply call his nature just as the Almighty, Ingkang Murbeng dumadi, De Weldadige, Sukma Sejati, Sukma Kawekas, True Teacher, and others expressed by human terms. Object of discussion in the mean is God, God, the Almighty, Lord, the Almighty, Sukma Sejati, Sukma Kawekas, True Master, the Creator. 
Religion is the human ego: The ego is believed to be true by the person or persons who have the same view. Consequently they follow the rules in their communities. 

Maybe part of the peer to peer confused as to why religion is the human ego. This opinion is an opinion that differs from the opinion of the general opinion. To determine the understanding of religion in general please click here. In this post we give you the sense that religion is the human ego because that's what we think most appropriate. 
We believe that today you will deride us because of the above opinion. Sure, we admit a lot of those who claim that the religion you believe is the truth now is God's religion or the religion revealed by God or "the Almighty" or other terms that describe the term God Almighty. And we realize now you oppose our opinion.But we remain in our belief that religion is the human ego. For those who are wise will of course ask what is the basis and reasons we why we say that religion is the human ego. But if their low Human Resources will scoff even blaspheme our will or may be planning to kill us. We realize and understand it because they were from infancy until now in suapi by understanding that such an understanding. And when there is a different understanding then they tend to be judgmental. That man is full of ego, much more present in Indonesia and embrace the freedom to express religious beliefs have been oppressed. The majority religion in Indonesia has been oppressing and trampling underfoot the rights of other human rights. It is in perparah again with the support from the government even though the government is not straightforward.Currently the value of the state's "Pancasila" has tried to be replaced by Islamic ideology. 

Our basic claim that religion is the human ego is the number of religious and stream flow in religion. Many religions on earth and the many streams flow in a religion is a proof that religion is the human ego. 
Religion Shia Islam there is no flow Syu'ni; each flow (Shiite and Syu'ni) there are still other streams flow again. In Indonesia alone there are approximately 76 streams in Islam but have also stated 73 sects of Islam. The flow is Nadhatul Ulema, Muhamadyah, Islamic Propagation Institute, Natural Rabithah Islami, Tablighi Jamat, Hizib Al-Tahrir (Hizb ut-Tahrir), Al-Ershad Al-Islamiyya, The Bilalians, TA'RIF, Al-Ikhwan Al-Moslem , Umm Hakim bint al-Harith, Ash-Shifa 'bint al-Harith, Rubai bint Ma'udz, Sufi Islam, Wahhabism, the Ahmadiyah sect, Inkarsunnah, dar ul Arqam teachings, Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah Kiblatul Amin II Foundation, and the teachings of Al Qiyadah Islamiyah , Pengajian Abdul Karim and others flow Plural Islam. 
Thus the Christian religion also there are no Christian Catholic Christian Protestant; There is a Roman Catholic - Orthodox - Protestants Kahrismatik no flow-Matin Luther - John Calvin - Flow Americanism (Pentecostalism, Neo Pentecostalism / Charismatic, Mormon, Theology of Success, Toronto Blessing, Jehovah's Witnesses) 
Buddhism also has several streams: Theravada Buddhism - Mahayana Buddhism: Zen - Buddhist Vajrayana. 
Hinduism also has the largest flow of sect or sects of Hinduism today is from the class of Vaishnava sect that highlight the love and nurturing, the second largest sect is Shiva as the fuser and the return of the three major sects, the sect of Shiva, Shakti cult (Durga), and the cult of Ganesha, and there is also Shiva Siddhanta sect which is the flow of the majority who lived by the Balinese Hindu community, Bhairawa sect and sect - the other sect. The third is the sect of Brahma as the creator of the lower sect Agni, Rudra sect, sect Yama and Indra Sect. The sect is a way to achieve the goal of life according to Hinduism, that is moksha (return to God). 
Likewise, other religions that we have not mentioned a single one.In this postinga religion enough major religions are an example of the many streams in a religion. 

Of stream flow is not uncommon that when they are at loggerheads with each other in a same religion and its holy book is the same.Therein lies the peculiarity of religion, they have the same faith in God they even Scripture is equally evidently still have differences.(God is the same, the same Bible, but there could be some flow).When asked further why did it happen? Oddity that is the proof that the human ego that play a role in religion. 


Some basic why can appear in many religions and religions can come a lot of stream flow. Which strangely sometimes between the flow in a single religion at loggerheads with each other. This is a strange considering that worshiped the same God and the Book Sucinyapun also the same but why can differ and form a flow stream!. Some of the considerations that should be considered the onset of many religions and many streams flow in one religion is because of human ego in religion. And a more detailed explanation is: 

Many religions and many streams flow in religion is fair because everyone (humans) have limited capability. The limitations are the basis for the emergence of many religions in the world. Let's say that when a teacher explains a topic and the teacher tried to dig up where the students' understanding the student then the teacher tried to test his students by telling students that a new topic is explained there would be many versions appear. Or when 10 people invited to play on a message by one to another by whispering into the ear so often the message received by the last person or people is the 10th can change. That is proof that the capabilities of each person is not the same, because this is so that the emerging religious faith in accordance with the received power and ability that they can absorb to an understanding. So does this matter? of course not because they in the end they will translate an observation or experience their own version berdaarkan. Finally they can be confident and satisfied by their own understanding. In the parable above explained that a teacher who teaches something different will have different versions of his student disciples. Likewise, we assume that God is our teacher and his students are students. When God describes and gives instructions of human life, then humans would interpret God's explanations and instructions in accordance with human perception and the ability to receive it. From here arises the understanding of understanding that is different, but the material is described and the same instructions. Here that often plays the role of the human ego. 

But it is clear that when you decide to embrace a particular religion then you should not forget that the decisions and the way you take it is Under the gift and the will of God. That's what God wants in you. 
And not infrequently as saying that the choice of a religion is the conscience of your choice. But you should know that the human senses often deceive (phatamurgana). As an example of human sense of taste often also deceived? To give you an idea we invite you to experiment a bit by doing a little experiment. Please prepare a 3 places (bucket) in the contents of each bucket of warm water - cold water (ice water) and water wells / taps. The next step is to dip your hands into each bucket of warm water and hand them to a bucket containing cold water (water ice). Dip about 15 to 30 minutes. Next dip your hands into a bucket containing water wells or water taps. What do you feel? 

Hand you have entered into the warm water will feel that the well water is cold while the hand that you have entered into cold water (water ice) will feel that the well water is warm. Then the next question which one is correct? should we feel is the same on a bucket containing water wells? These taps, but we feel it is different. This is the proof that the human senses are sometimes deceptive. 


Perspective and different points of view on a same object can sometimes be the reason for the emergence of different opinions and understanding. To explain this description we will provide a more simple explanation, or simply as follows. 

Try to invite 10 people to observe an object or objects are the same but different angles pengamatnnya there in front of anyone on the right side - one on the left side - some are behind and there are watching from above. Then you ask 10 people are on their observations of the object. Ask about the shape and size, color and others associated with the object of observation. then we are 99% confident that the opinion of 10 persons will be different. 
The fact that there is indeed so, we try to observe a building or vehicle if the same shape when viewed from different angles different? of course not and if the answer is the same then the object is perfectly round. 

The same thing happened to our topic today is why there are many religions. Let us try to feel the touch of God or the Supreme Substance, or God Almighty, the All Widi, True Teacher, True Sukma, Sukma Kawekas and other terms that describe other about God. although we can not see and know it existed but we know that God exists from the work that he so well could be. On this occasion we invite you to join with us to observe the Lord. We suppose that God is in front of us (even though in fact not the case). Some observers are jointly observing the object in front of him. Person A says that the Z-shaped object, while the Si B say that its form as K, while the Si C said that the shape of Y and other observers say that the shape of a T as well as observers of other observers who saw and looked different. From the picture above it is clear that opinion is the opinion of the observers is different.Actually if we want to listen and understand each observer individually, we will be able to conclude that what God is like. 

The fact that happened next was this man because man does not want to hear let alone understand the other observers and tend to maintain that the most correct observations without observers to understand the opinion of others then that's the ego. Even when we express an opinion on the results of our observations we've actually had the ego. From the observation that the observations so that observers try to convince others who do not observe the object to trust and believe in what he saw and observed. So that each observer can affect each others, forming groups of small groups. The group eventually became a big group over time. The next step they form a community of people who believe in the observer the observer. Since the number of members of their community to make rules and regulations together and recognized and believed to be together in one community. Community community that is ultimately called religions. 

We believe our explanations to the many people here who still do not know and understand what we mean or maybe this time you think to us as people who are not religious!. But it's up to you because you express the opinion that it is your ego. Many people, especially the great religions claimed that his religion is directly from God Almighty. Actually it is the human ego. 

Some colleagues describe the many religions and religions with the stream flow in many streams and rivers flow this river will gather towards the river and eventually the sea; There is also describing to us will go to a specific area of ​​course be many paths to the area, can pass north-south - west - east or could overland-through water or through air can. This case is similar but not the same as our description above. But everything is up to you and which ones do you think most appropriate and most can be understood according to your abilities. 


As we explain above that in religion there is still a flow stream or sect sect, and not infrequently stream flow or role in a religious sect sect contradictory when they worship the same God and scripture is the basis for their faith in carrying out the same but whyare sorted and aggregated in the flow stream sect sect. What's worse between the flow in the same one religion states that the flow is the most correct while the other streams in doubt. In Indonesia it is most visible at all possible, we take the example of the Ahmadiyya sect declared heretical by certain Islamic groups and pay attention when seeing the establishment of almost the same time. This is what underlies us that religion is the human ego. 

The emergence of many movements in a religion because of the distance observations of the same object differently so the outlook is also different. To illustrate this point please observe a mountain.We will argue that the mountain was small when we see it from a distant history, the closer we look at the mountain the greater the mountain so that we will revise our earlier opinion. The closer and when we're on the ridge we just can not see the shape of the mountain that we observe because of the large mountain that we observe. When we are on the ridge will vary our observations on the mountain when we are on top of the mountain. The question and we must answer is the object of our observation (mountain) is the same. When we are at a far distance we can describe the shape of the mountain and when we're on the ridge or a peak precisely in the difficulty for us precisely describe the shape of the mountain as a whole because the mountain was great and we just like the ants that climbed a coconut tree. We observe the same mountain from the same viewpoint. But the fact is many of our opinion that is different to that object. 

It was so also in religion, the number of stream flow or sect within a religion because we are different observation distances. What membingunkan again is that we do not know where we are observing an object (God or "Sang Yang Widi 'or God Almighty or the Almighty or the substance of the Master or Sukma Sejati etc.).Because it is an object observed by a religion is a substance that can not be seen and touched but the substance is believed to be the truth. 
What we have is jangannya singkapi states and do pride by saying that the flow of my most true when we do not know the distance we observe. It could be flow or other sect is at the closest distance to the object so that they can not see the overall shape of the object but only a portion of the observations because they are in the back or even at the peak. Because humans are just not worth the dust of the ground and do not deserve God's notice, but the reality is not so precisely God who is willing to go down and attend to meet people. That is a picture of how fond God in humans. 
In this case human beings like ants who observed the largest and highest mountain in the world. 

While some observers noticed and observed a similar object from the same angle and same distance it also has many differences.Why did this happen? virtually every observer in observing something has appeal and attention that is different to an object of observation, although they observe the same object are one. 

To illustrate our statement please you invite 10 people to observe a house from the front at the same distance. Then there will be 10 different statements from those people but here is the same object and the distance is the same. An observer said that the house was nice but other observers said the house was just plain ordinary and the other one says that the house was ugly. 
A person who says nice to see that the color matches the color of the house and the house was a big favorite in accordance with which he is craving desire. Observers stated that the house was just plain ordinary saw that the house was not the house that he had hoped, his color is not neutral in character or form of the house is too simple, and so on. Observers who declared the house was ugly argued that the color of the house was not in accordance with his favorite color, the house was too big so disproportionate and there are some parts that already fragile edible-fashioned and many more opinions that support his opinion of it. 

A question that is certain is that the object of observation as well as the observation distance was still a difference. Because each of each observer sees from their own perspective and of course see the object on the basis of what became the center of attention and their appeal to be observed. 
Likewise, religion is religion so much and still added the number of stream flow or sect within a religious sect. Stream flow or sect sect arose because of what they observe in accordance with the charm and attention to them or their community group or against an object of observation. They made the revelation (stream flow or sect) because they feel fulfilled and satisfied by their beliefs because they are more interested in what they believe today. 


When a same object can cause a lot of different perceptions of different objects especially different observations will clearly different perspective and point of view. Because it is the object of more than one walupn same or similar shape. This will clearly cause differences. 

Hopefully our elaboration above can be useful and can add to our insights about the life of theology. But we like the above description mesih not finished here. From differences in religion or the amount of stream flow in one religion, which is the most correct? 

If true God sent down religion as the instructions and then which religion is right? not currently a lot of religions present in our lives?Not only is it within one religion there are many schools or sects sect which was mutually hostile to one another. One sect against another sect when they trust and believe in one God the same and have the same scripture. also. That's the human ego, which one feels better while others also feel better. 

When asked where the most correct then the answer is how sesuaikah statement or religion or sect or describe the flow of objects. Because according to our previous post that the real truth is the object while the opinion of the opinion that is different from the comments some people who saw the object is not the real truth?. Opinions opinions about an object it is called one-sided truth. Truth is only seen from the perspective of their (human) alone. (Please see here) 

Religion is the religion of the human ego, or ego of the human community, so the observation - analysis-opinion-commentary on a same object is always influenced by the human ego. Why do so because since humans emphasize everything realistic, reasonable, and the things that make no sense be considered supernatural / magical. Truth is only from the perspective of reason alone, if something does not make sense then it is considered a liar / lying / suction lie. Likewise, when someone embrace a religion they believe that religion and profess that he believed was the most valid religion or the religion most true. They see and understand without understanding the other. Sometimes people are blinded by their own religion; scripture states that religion is best or most perfect because it is written in scripture. Is not that called dumbing yourself. They eat anything with raw without the analysis and understand with very seriously. They are the people who claim to prudent but do not want to use that ability. People who are foolish people who believed and believe that his religion is the most correct because it is written in scripture. Indeed they are the fools to school even though she already had the title Professor S3 or even. 

What we have to ponder more deeply is why God allowed so many religions popping up? we believe and have faith that God Almighty can and can change everything in just a trillionth of a second. God can change everything just by turning the palm of His hands alone.Or if God willing this time there is only one religion only. But the fact is not so, God let religion springing up even the religion that believed and believed by the majority religion perverted God let it flourish. The answer is to make it look more beautiful as beautiful as a rainbow. Why rainbow is so beautiful because there are colors in it. There are red-orange-yellow-blue-green - purple and others. That is a perfect blend that makes the rainbow look so beautiful, and is beautiful. Try banyangkan if the rainbow consists of only one color such as red only or green or blue it would just not as nice now that various kinds. Likewise with the many religions on this earth. So that all looked more beautiful. 

Selanjutkanya we will post that religion will not save mankind. Any religion in the world will never be able to save mankind. Of course, safety is our intent not salvation a thief from the pursuit of citizens or the police but the true salvation. 

Thank you for your attention, God bless always.

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