Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Site Domain Free banned from Google ( Google will lose its market if the ban continues )


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Site Domain Free banned from Google 

( Google will lose its market if the banned continues )

In early July 2011 this is the beginning of google domains specify a free domain name by google. This we feel from sites that we manage with the extension co.cc (sites that we manage is gkjwbondowoso.co.cc) first banned by google and soon by extension co.tv sites (sites that we manage is htysite. co.tv) is also banned by google. 

Banned by google means the site is banned sites (co.cc and co.tv) are not indexed in the search engine in google Search. This is of course detrimental to the site manager "Webmaster" because it drastically lowers the number of visitors. The decrease is due to most internet users use google search as a search engine. That's because Google is currently number one in the world domain. 
To find a free domain name domain is banned by google you can check it by writing the site: a domain on google search engine. If the domain you are looking for is not found then the domain is already banned. Of course the domain was indexed before and suddenly disappeared from google search engine. 

From search our site for free sites that have been banned are co.cc - co.tv in mid-July 2011 ini.Site other free sites like co.nr - dot.tk-uni.cc-cu.cc not banned by google. 
When google specify a site the site is of course made us disappointed because of our hard work over several months and even years to no avail as we had hoped. 

By banned site free sites then Google will lose market. 

On the other hand google data base less. With at least google the information data base is also diminishing. As a result the public will seek information by using other search engines is more complete and more accurate data data. Maybe now people still have not felt the impact directly. But if this is allowed to continue by google google then we predict will lose the market. If we may look back why do people use the services of google search engine?this is because the information provided by the google search engine more and more accurate than any other search engine like yahoo.com - bing, com - Ask.com - or msn.com or engines other search engines. If google is still specify a free domain continues then the information in the data base google fewer and fewer.Given the site for free domain site is an alternative for people whose economy is weak when the weak economy is not necessarily weak also the brain's ability or experience. 

Domain free domain actually provide an opportunity for people who were able to brain and economically disadvantaged to express their talents - the interests and experiences. When talent - interest and experience in the download on the internet then people who have similar hobbies or trap that will require such information and of course they will look on the internet as a medium of global communication. Currently the most comprehensive information on google because google crawl all the information files. That is why google has more complete information than other search engines. This will change when management at google domain specify a free domain for whatever reason. With a free domain name domain dibannednya the information conveyed by a free domain name domain was not detected by google search engine when can the public needs that information. When people do not find the information he was looking for of course they will look elsewhere (other search engines). 

Golden Opportunity For Other Search Engines. 

With banned site or domain domain free by google then provide a golden opportunity for engines other than google search engine to improve the market. The search engines have to crawl sites other than google sites or free domain name that has been banned by google, so the information in a data base search engines besides Google will be more. Thus, the information will also be more. The more information given then more people will use search engines more complete information. 
Ten to five years ago, the more people use Yahoo as a search engine search tool on the internet because proficiency level in yahoo search engine the most complete information. Then google yahoo took over the position. Nowadays many people use google search engine to find information needed for information via google search engine the most lengap today. By dibannednya sites or domain site free domain name for any reason by google then we become pessimistic google will be the best. Dibannednya domain domain free by google is a step setback for google.Although the reasons given by the google is for security reasons or reasons other reason that makes sense. It needs information, the more complete and accurate information that the people will return looking for him, but otherwise if what is needed by society are not found then the society will seek other alternatives. This opportunity should be utilized by engine other search engines.

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