Rabu, 21 September 2011

WHY WE NEED TO BUY OUR OWN DOMAIN! Benefits and Drawbacks has its own Domain


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Benefits and Drawbacks has its own Domain ...... 

Why the online world is very exciting because a lot of things we can get. If you are a Web Master will have your own domain is an obligation. Many reasons why having your own domain it is more profitable and full of sacrifice on the other side. Advantageous because we are more freely poured our appreciation. Pouring "unek unek" or feelings of our hearts so that by blogging can be a channel of your interests and talents and can reduce the burden on the heart: The sacrifices we have to buy a domain is of course with a certain amount of money each year. Having your own domain name is no longer a luxury item. This has become a necessity because the bloggers blogging has been very widespread and can dimonetasi (cashed). The cost of leasing the domain name has become so cheap that almost all bloggers are able to get it. 

If we want to be a serious blogger, we should consider owning their own domain name. This is not an expensive investment and the investment that we exhale when managed properly, will make us gain greater profits. 
Here are some reasons why we must have your own domain name:

1. PDF Becomes Free 
Having your own domain name gives us more freedom in blogging.Because of our responsibility is reduced to only as the host and author content for our readers. We do not need to follow many rules. No need to worry to do things that violate the policy of the provider of our blogs, where some subdomains have different rules. 

Blog with frills usually hosted subdomain for free (such as Blogger and WordPress), so the blog is dependent on the host site manager provider that requires us to comply with various rules and policies set by their length. Failure to comply with the TOS may result in suspension of our blog. 

On the other hand, if we do the "Spam" and the bad traffic from our site then the search engine will easily specify a site. Since the responsibility rests on us. 

2. Blogging Become Safer 
By having your own domain name we reduce many risks. In addition to risk our blog kicked by the site manager if there are other risks such as site administrators forget to pay bills hosting, site manager or somehow escaped the site offline. If we are part of the subdomain, we most likely do not have all the contact information is important to know what happened or get a blog and the content of our blog back. 

By becoming a follower / doffolow (sub domain) from the main site we can not do anything. When the sites that we manage have reached the summit and we want to sell it then it's very difficult because usually the primary domain owners do not allow it. On the other hand, if the primary domain owner sold the domain to the other party then we will lose the sites we've built from scratch.Usually the change management is also changing the rules. 

3. Having our own blog rankings (Alexa, etc.) 
By having your own domain name of our blog page rank is not affected by page rank subdomain provider. This is especially true for Alexa, which account for the main domain rankings. 

4. Ranked Search Engines Better 
The domain name than the subdomains generally ranked higher in search engines, especially when optimized properly. Blogs or sites with greater suspicion subdomains potentially "SPAM". Because it is free, the potential for spam and abuse is very high. It is precisely in July 2011 Google's free site like specify a site. co.cc-uni.cc - co.tv - cz.cc and other sites sites. By dibannednya sites such sites directly affect us because the level of the Alexa site visitors on our site is reduced. 

5. Keeping Google PR rating and rating Other 

Most successful bloggers start their blog with a free blog service like Blogger or WordPress. As soon as they have got credibility from readers and visitors, they move to host their own blogs with a new domain name. There is no problem with moving the hosting, but the domain name change resulted in all the missing links to our blog so that we lose the Google PR ranking and other rankings in the previous domain (eg bloganda.blogspot.com). But if we have our own domain name, we can keep all the link exchange, our valuable public relations, and other rank when we decided to move and host our own blog. 

6.Untuk Expressing Yourself 
As we already described above with ngeblok we can express ourselves. What we want to convey? Build a political blog site, review the latest electronic gadgets or offer gardening tips. Tell the people what is good and the bad. Indicate with our domain name, so that domain names can be a tool to express yourself. 

7.Alamat Blog More Simple and Easy to Remember 
We could have a short blog url address. The domain name we will look more simple without slashes or dots with subdomains frills, making it easier to remember. 

8. Life Can Be Address 
We have our own domain. As long as we keep extending the rent, domain names can be our address for life. Compare cheap domain price is approximately $ 10/tahun than the cost of renting rooms even today. 

9. Hosting-Free Wherever 
By having your own domain name we do not have a hosting provider subdomain. We can move the hosting at any time, without our blog visitors know the difference. We can still hosting on a free hosting provider, with our own domain name, because most hosting providers have a feature autoforward blog to another domain. 

10. Blog Look More Professional 
By having your own domain name then we look more profesionel company. Our brand is more reliable if it is not associated with Blogspot, Wordpress or another subdomain. If the host does not have a very good reputation, there will be too bad stigma attached to our blog. By having your own domain name of our blog will look more professional in the eyes of visitors, readers, and prospective customers. 

11.Peluang Being a Great Brand 
Today many companies that bought the domain-Branda œoff â € €?? (No brand) that has been great for their products and services.

Easy to Build Brand 12.Lebih Business / Niche We 
The new domain name we can we develop as a brand name product or service our business. With our own domain name, create a brand becomes easier. The problem with a subdomain is that it is difficult to create and maintain its own brand identity due to blogspot or wordpress in it for example. Using your own domain name will make your blog different from making it easier to build a brand for our blog. 

13.Mengurangi Competitors With the Same Niche 
Buy domain names related to our competitors can not use it for their benefit and / or attack us. What if they buy domain names that we think are going to buy? We probably will never have that opportunity again. And it could be that we really like domain used against us. Let us not regret not buying the domain name you want.

14.Membangun Credibility In Blog We Visitor 
It is important to build credibility on our blog visitors that we are serious about our blog content. If we open an online business, start with a good domain name. Show on our blog visitors that we are serious about our online business. In recent years, our domain will probably be appreciated a lot more expensive though our online business was less successful. 

15. Blog monetasi greater opportunities 
It's the fact that advertisers increasingly voter with a blog where they want to place an ad. If we monetasi with paid review such as PPP, Sponsored Review, Smorty or, we might read the opportunities that do not accept reviews of blogs under subdomain. If we use a subdomain, we will lose many opportunities to earn revenue from our blog. 

Register and use our own domain name is very cheap. And use the web and requires no coding knowledge. Moreover, most of the free blog hosting allows us to use our own domain name. They even gave us a way to change the subdomain to be the domain for our blog. 

If we have the products sold online Online then by means of our products can be marketed more widely and accessible by everyone in the outside world without being limited by space and time. During the prospective client we can online. So we are getting great business opportunity. 

16. For Investment 
Some people use the domain as an investment and buying and selling domains. Enough that we watch and manage very well and the rising prices of good domain names will increase. In addition, if we have enough qualified domain name (perhaps a hundred or more), maybe one day someone will come who buy only one who will pay for all the rest. Examples â € "If we have a hundred domains each charge $ 10 per year to update and then sell one domain with $ 2000, then it gains 200-fold. As Jackpot 

Many 17.Membuat Email To Reduce SPAM 
We can use one domain name to make a lot of email addresses, although we point to one primary email address. This could reduce SPAM. Suppose we want to get a free ebook from a site that asks us to give an email address, you can create and deliver a specific email address in accordance with the site. For example ebook@htysite.com. If it turns out the site is always sending spam emails, we can delete the email and not to worry because we are not our primary message to give. 

18.Memiliki Email With Own Domain Name 
We can create an email with our domain name as the host email address. For example: saya@namadomainkita.com or namakita@namadomainkita.com. For this our site so we can create any email address with akhiran@htysite.com. We will not need to change our email address again because your email provider / ISP changed. 

19.Untuk needs autoforwarding 
If we have a page to sell on the site and trade, for example on eBay, we can introduce our domain name into prospective customers and then routed to the trading page. Introducing the address of our domain name will be easier than the address on eBay pages long. Forward our domain names to websites or web sites / web pages that we want. If we have a lot of money, buy all domain names related to what we can and point it to one of our blog.

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