Rabu, 21 September 2011

The reason this feels Faster Way Home


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The reason this feels Faster Way Home 

A strange feeling always comes up when we travel somewhere.The strange thing is the feeling that the travel time when leaving seemed longer than the time when we go home. If this is asked of many people the answer they will also feel the same. It is also that we often do when we travel together with our fellow colleagues. His comments mostly say the same thing. This happens not because of the different pathways journey but on the same track we've been through previous or a faster speed when driving home. Strange but true that we can possibly express. But there are investigators from The Hague to examine the phenomenon according to the analysis: 

Den Haag: Most people who return from vacation feeling that the drive home is much faster than they drove away. Though both are the same distance, but the trip home seemed much more shorter. 
The scientists believe the effects of the journey home was not caused by a route home that is already known, as previously thought. But because of different expectations. 
"People often underestimate how long the journey it takes to go out and this reason was a long experience," said researcher Niels van de Ven, of Tilburg University in the Netherlands on Friday (02/09/2011). 
"Based on that feeling, travelers expect also feels a long way home too, and it later turned out to be shorter than expected". 
A travel time estimates are too optimistic illusion leading to a shorter return trip, the researchers said. 
This conclusion is based on three brief study of 350 people who vacation by bus, by bike, or watching videos of people who ride bikes. The research is published in the Bulletin of Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Springers. 
When compared to the estimated duration, the respondents think that the way home on average 22 percent faster than the trip went.The effect is very large ride home for participants who reported that beginning a long journey was disappointing. 
Furthermore, when one group of participants were told that the upcoming trip will seem longer, the effect disappeared the way home. Ironically, told participants that the next trip will be a very long lead them to experience the journey that takes a little bit. 
Until now, the popular explanation for the trip home that feels shorter is better known and more predictable than the trip went. But in their study, the researchers showed that this explanation unlikely.
Assistant author Michael Roy, of Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, said: "The effect way back there when respondents took a different route back, but the same distance". "You do not need to recognize the route to have effect". 
The researchers hope to explain more than just effects the way home. "The findings on the effects of this return trip can help us make new predictions about how people experience the duration of it, even if they do not relate to the journey." Professor van de Ven said. (Dailymail / MEL) 
Hopefully the research mentioned above can change our perspective on your journey. Walk the street safely and carefully on the road. 

Lama better home safe, fast - fast but not because of an accident; If you can survive hell fast




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When you have decided to have your own domain then you should please read our article. Before melanjutnya you should learn the reasons to buy your own domain (click here). Before you buy your own domain you should have tried the online world by using a free domain name domain there are many providers of free domain name (please see here). Before you decide to buy a domain (a domain that pay) you should try first domain free domain why?because in principle both the structure and rules as well as processing the same way. On the run, free domain name that you can kelula as backlinks from the domain that you will buy later.Backlinks are needed to improve rankings Page Rank by Google. 

At the current domain prices are very affordable cost about $ 10 s / d $ 15, or about Rp 85.000 s / d 150,000 per year. Before you buy a domain then we will explain first intention to buy the domain. 

Domain is the address of your online store such as the site address in http://www.htysite.com. Htysite.com is the domain name of the site. Before you buy a domain then the domain should not be the same. One domain of management (one address). When someone buys a particular domain and the domain is already taken then you can not create another domain with the same name.Therefore if you are obsessed by a certain name and it's taken you can add a certain character, so the domain is different from an existing domain. This is one of the tips to buy the domain. 

Buy a domain has two terms, namely: 

Buy a domain with a new name too well. No one has made before.If you buy a domain with that type then everything from the "Zero" (0). Alexa Rank is his intention from the beginning as well as the Page Rank. You really start from scratch or if we should describe your new domain like a newborn baby. Everything starts from "Zero"; in terms of promoting, managing, creating visitors, create backlinks and so started from "Zero". There are advantages 
a. You can create a domain (name of your company) in accordance with what you want as long as the domain is not there that makes it. 
b. It's safer because the domain that you create really new, so the risk of a black list of search engines (google) or in other words the new domain you have not blacklisted domains domains search engine as dangerous. 
c. You avoid the elements of elements of sabotage and fraud.Because the domain that you create a new domain is very low so you probably cheated. 

Buying Domain already had a Page Rank / Domain specific rank. If you buy a domain that already has some Page Rank then you just continue the course. Usually the domain domain domain for sale is the domain with Page Rank (PR) of at least 3. For that to buy the domain type is then you can not specify the domain name your heart's content but you can choose the best domain domains you like and are easy to remember, of course. All you have noticed is there are many emerging new domain domains per day, but there are also hundreds and even thousands of domains are abandoned by their owners. The advantage is you do not manage this domain of "Zero" but you just continue. By buying a PR domain that you save a lot of time to manage it. But on the other hand you must be careful in buying a domain that already had PR. There are so many scams fraud occurs mainly on PR. The seller claimed that these domains have PR 3 but the fact still below it, or even PR PR 0.What should you watch out for is whether the PR domain that you buy if it was safe? the point is whether the domain is a domain that is not in the list of search engines, categorized black dangerous domains. All you have to look at is why the previous owner sold it to you. If a domain is a potentially good domain why did they sell?. 
There are many reasons one of which is the previous owner already has a domain are more potent and he could not manage it anymore because of another time and another and another reason is because that domain has been banned or blacklisted domains dangerous. 
If you buy a domain and it was categorized into two domains ie domain is considered dangerous by the search engines then you have to work super extra to restore the good name of the domain. 
There are a few tips from us before you decide to buy a domain that is: 

Purchase domains of sites that are well known and has good credibility and positive. To check you can look it up in search engines. If a site is bad quality then many webmasters who will be disappointed and expressed his disappointment through its website. If the majority of webmasters to comment either on a website domain provider then it is worth considering. Given peer to peer first joins the online community. So they are a lot of experience in the online world. (Experience good or bad experience). To search for a candidate you please write the site where you will buy a domain in search engines. 
Purchase domains in place or site that has a PR of at least PR 4 and the higher the PR the better. If a site domain provider that has a high PR site then that means it is a good site sperti eyes of search engine Google. Do not be fooled by a cheap domain price but when you buy it again threw relevant to other sites. So next time you feel in throwing throwing around. To check you can check it out at: 
a. http://www.prchecker.info (please click) 
b. http://checkpagerank.net (please click) 
Determine the types of domains that you will buy. Are you going to buy a domain that is really new or you will buy a domain that is PR?the choice is up to you. 
Determining and selecting a domain name that you like. You need to know choose a name that is easy on the mind in general. The point is not easy to remember but do you think other people are also easy to remember domain that you will buy. This will facilitate you in doing promos and introductions to your domain address. 
Add some character if your preferred domain name already exists that has or has ever made before. This special is going to buy a new domain. 
If you buy a domain that had no PR please check beforehand whether the PR PRnya advertised valid or not. Then you check whether backlinknya many backlinks it or not? domain search backlinknya lot. To check homework please read points to No. 1 above. To check your backlinks can visit http://www.backlinkwatch.com or you can check in yahoo.com Site Explorer


WHY WE NEED TO BUY OUR OWN DOMAIN! Benefits and Drawbacks has its own Domain


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Benefits and Drawbacks has its own Domain ...... 

Why the online world is very exciting because a lot of things we can get. If you are a Web Master will have your own domain is an obligation. Many reasons why having your own domain it is more profitable and full of sacrifice on the other side. Advantageous because we are more freely poured our appreciation. Pouring "unek unek" or feelings of our hearts so that by blogging can be a channel of your interests and talents and can reduce the burden on the heart: The sacrifices we have to buy a domain is of course with a certain amount of money each year. Having your own domain name is no longer a luxury item. This has become a necessity because the bloggers blogging has been very widespread and can dimonetasi (cashed). The cost of leasing the domain name has become so cheap that almost all bloggers are able to get it. 

If we want to be a serious blogger, we should consider owning their own domain name. This is not an expensive investment and the investment that we exhale when managed properly, will make us gain greater profits. 
Here are some reasons why we must have your own domain name:

1. PDF Becomes Free 
Having your own domain name gives us more freedom in blogging.Because of our responsibility is reduced to only as the host and author content for our readers. We do not need to follow many rules. No need to worry to do things that violate the policy of the provider of our blogs, where some subdomains have different rules. 

Blog with frills usually hosted subdomain for free (such as Blogger and WordPress), so the blog is dependent on the host site manager provider that requires us to comply with various rules and policies set by their length. Failure to comply with the TOS may result in suspension of our blog. 

On the other hand, if we do the "Spam" and the bad traffic from our site then the search engine will easily specify a site. Since the responsibility rests on us. 

2. Blogging Become Safer 
By having your own domain name we reduce many risks. In addition to risk our blog kicked by the site manager if there are other risks such as site administrators forget to pay bills hosting, site manager or somehow escaped the site offline. If we are part of the subdomain, we most likely do not have all the contact information is important to know what happened or get a blog and the content of our blog back. 

By becoming a follower / doffolow (sub domain) from the main site we can not do anything. When the sites that we manage have reached the summit and we want to sell it then it's very difficult because usually the primary domain owners do not allow it. On the other hand, if the primary domain owner sold the domain to the other party then we will lose the sites we've built from scratch.Usually the change management is also changing the rules. 

3. Having our own blog rankings (Alexa, etc.) 
By having your own domain name of our blog page rank is not affected by page rank subdomain provider. This is especially true for Alexa, which account for the main domain rankings. 

4. Ranked Search Engines Better 
The domain name than the subdomains generally ranked higher in search engines, especially when optimized properly. Blogs or sites with greater suspicion subdomains potentially "SPAM". Because it is free, the potential for spam and abuse is very high. It is precisely in July 2011 Google's free site like specify a site. co.cc-uni.cc - co.tv - cz.cc and other sites sites. By dibannednya sites such sites directly affect us because the level of the Alexa site visitors on our site is reduced. 

5. Keeping Google PR rating and rating Other 

Most successful bloggers start their blog with a free blog service like Blogger or WordPress. As soon as they have got credibility from readers and visitors, they move to host their own blogs with a new domain name. There is no problem with moving the hosting, but the domain name change resulted in all the missing links to our blog so that we lose the Google PR ranking and other rankings in the previous domain (eg bloganda.blogspot.com). But if we have our own domain name, we can keep all the link exchange, our valuable public relations, and other rank when we decided to move and host our own blog. 

6.Untuk Expressing Yourself 
As we already described above with ngeblok we can express ourselves. What we want to convey? Build a political blog site, review the latest electronic gadgets or offer gardening tips. Tell the people what is good and the bad. Indicate with our domain name, so that domain names can be a tool to express yourself. 

7.Alamat Blog More Simple and Easy to Remember 
We could have a short blog url address. The domain name we will look more simple without slashes or dots with subdomains frills, making it easier to remember. 

8. Life Can Be Address 
We have our own domain. As long as we keep extending the rent, domain names can be our address for life. Compare cheap domain price is approximately $ 10/tahun than the cost of renting rooms even today. 

9. Hosting-Free Wherever 
By having your own domain name we do not have a hosting provider subdomain. We can move the hosting at any time, without our blog visitors know the difference. We can still hosting on a free hosting provider, with our own domain name, because most hosting providers have a feature autoforward blog to another domain. 

10. Blog Look More Professional 
By having your own domain name then we look more profesionel company. Our brand is more reliable if it is not associated with Blogspot, Wordpress or another subdomain. If the host does not have a very good reputation, there will be too bad stigma attached to our blog. By having your own domain name of our blog will look more professional in the eyes of visitors, readers, and prospective customers. 

11.Peluang Being a Great Brand 
Today many companies that bought the domain-Branda Å“off â € €?? (No brand) that has been great for their products and services.

Easy to Build Brand 12.Lebih Business / Niche We 
The new domain name we can we develop as a brand name product or service our business. With our own domain name, create a brand becomes easier. The problem with a subdomain is that it is difficult to create and maintain its own brand identity due to blogspot or wordpress in it for example. Using your own domain name will make your blog different from making it easier to build a brand for our blog. 

13.Mengurangi Competitors With the Same Niche 
Buy domain names related to our competitors can not use it for their benefit and / or attack us. What if they buy domain names that we think are going to buy? We probably will never have that opportunity again. And it could be that we really like domain used against us. Let us not regret not buying the domain name you want.

14.Membangun Credibility In Blog We Visitor 
It is important to build credibility on our blog visitors that we are serious about our blog content. If we open an online business, start with a good domain name. Show on our blog visitors that we are serious about our online business. In recent years, our domain will probably be appreciated a lot more expensive though our online business was less successful. 

15. Blog monetasi greater opportunities 
It's the fact that advertisers increasingly voter with a blog where they want to place an ad. If we monetasi with paid review such as PPP, Sponsored Review, Smorty or, we might read the opportunities that do not accept reviews of blogs under subdomain. If we use a subdomain, we will lose many opportunities to earn revenue from our blog. 

Register and use our own domain name is very cheap. And use the web and requires no coding knowledge. Moreover, most of the free blog hosting allows us to use our own domain name. They even gave us a way to change the subdomain to be the domain for our blog. 

If we have the products sold online Online then by means of our products can be marketed more widely and accessible by everyone in the outside world without being limited by space and time. During the prospective client we can online. So we are getting great business opportunity. 

16. For Investment 
Some people use the domain as an investment and buying and selling domains. Enough that we watch and manage very well and the rising prices of good domain names will increase. In addition, if we have enough qualified domain name (perhaps a hundred or more), maybe one day someone will come who buy only one who will pay for all the rest. Examples â € "If we have a hundred domains each charge $ 10 per year to update and then sell one domain with $ 2000, then it gains 200-fold. As Jackpot 

Many 17.Membuat Email To Reduce SPAM 
We can use one domain name to make a lot of email addresses, although we point to one primary email address. This could reduce SPAM. Suppose we want to get a free ebook from a site that asks us to give an email address, you can create and deliver a specific email address in accordance with the site. For example ebook@htysite.com. If it turns out the site is always sending spam emails, we can delete the email and not to worry because we are not our primary message to give. 

18.Memiliki Email With Own Domain Name 
We can create an email with our domain name as the host email address. For example: saya@namadomainkita.com or namakita@namadomainkita.com. For this our site so we can create any email address with akhiran@htysite.com. We will not need to change our email address again because your email provider / ISP changed. 

19.Untuk needs autoforwarding 
If we have a page to sell on the site and trade, for example on eBay, we can introduce our domain name into prospective customers and then routed to the trading page. Introducing the address of our domain name will be easier than the address on eBay pages long. Forward our domain names to websites or web sites / web pages that we want. If we have a lot of money, buy all domain names related to what we can and point it to one of our blog.

Senin, 19 September 2011

An Infants Artificial Diet


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An Infants Artificial Diet

It should be as like the breast-milk as possible. This is obtained by a mixture of cow's milk, water, and sugar, in the following proportions. Fresh cow's milk, two thirds; Boiling water, or thin barley water, one third; Loaf sugar, a sufficient quantity to sweeten. This is the best diet that can be used for the first six months, after which some farinaceous food may be combined.

In early infancy, mothers are too much in the habit of giving thick gruel, panada, biscuit-powder, and such matters, thinking that a diet of a lighter kind will not nourish. This is a mistake; for these preparations are much too solid; they overload the stomach, and cause indigestion, flatulence, and griping. These create a necessity for purgative medicines and carminatives, which again weaken digestion, and, by unnatural irritation, perpetuate the evils which render them necessary. Thus many infants are kept in a continual round of repletion, indigestion, and purging, with the administration of cordials and narcotics, who, if their diet were in quantity and quality suited to their digestive powers, would need no aid from physic or physicians.

In preparing this diet, it is highly important to obtain pure milk, not previously skimmed, or mixed with water; and in warm weather just taken from the cow. It should not be mixed with the water or sugar until wanted, and not more made than will be taken by the child at the time, for it must be prepared fresh at every meal. It is best not to heat the milk over the fire, but let the water be in a boiling state when mixed with it, and thus given to the infant tepid or lukewarm.

As the infant advances in age, the proportion of milk may be gradually increased; this is necessary after the second month, when three parts of milk to one of water may be allowed. But there must be no change in the kind of diet if the health of the child is good, and its appearance perceptibly improving. Nothing is more absurd than the notion, that in early life children require a variety of food; only one kind of food is prepared by nature, and it is impossible to transgress this law without marked injury.

There are two ways by the spoon, and by the nursing-bottle. The first ought never to be employed at this period, inasmuch as the power of digestion in infants is very weak, and their food is designed by nature to be taken very slowly into the stomach, being procured from the breast by the act of sucking, in which act a great quantity of saliva is secreted, and being poured into the mouth, mixes with the milk, and is swallowed with it. This process of nature, then, should be emulated as far as possible; and food (for this purpose) should be imbibed by suction from a nursing-bottle: it is thus obtained slowly, and the suction employed secures the mixture of a due quantity of saliva, which has a highly important influence on digestion. Whatever kind of bottle or teat is used, however, it must never be forgotten that cleanliness is absolutely essential to the success of this plan of rearing children. Te quantity of food to be given at each meal ust be regulated by the age of the child, and its digestive power. A little experience will soon enable a careful and observing mother to determine this point. As the child grows older the quantity of course must be increased.

The chief error in rearing the young is overfeeding; and a most serious one it is; but which may be easily avoided by the parent pursuing a systematic plan with regard to the hours of feeding, and then only yielding to the indications of appetite, and administering the food slowly, in small quantities at a time. This is the only way effectually to prevent indigestion, and bowel complaints, and the irritable condition of the nervous system, so common in infancy, and secure to the infant healthy nutrition, and consequent strength of constitution. As has been well observed, "Nature never intended the infant's stomach to be converted into a receptacle for laxatives, carminatives, antacids, stimulants, and astringents; and when these become necessary, we may rest assured that there is something faulty in our management, however perfect it may seem to ourselves."

The frequency of giving food must be determined, as a general rule, by allowing such an interval between each meal as will insure the digestion of the previous quantity; and this may be fixed at about every three or four hours. If this rule be departed from, and the child receives a fresh supply of food every hour or so, time will not be given for the digestion of the previous quantity, and as a consequence of this process being interrupted, the food passing on into the bowel undigested, will there ferment and become sour, will inevitably produce cholic and purging, and in no way contribute to the nourishment of the child.

The posture of the child when fed:- It is important to attend to this. It must not receive its meals lying; the head should be raised on the nurse's arm, the most natural position, and one in which there will be no danger of the food going the wrong way, as it is called. After each meal the little one should be put into its cot, or repose on its mother's knee, for at least half an hour. This is essential for the process of digestion, as exercise is important at other times for the promotion of health.

As soon as the child has got any teeth, and about this period one or two will make their appearance, solid farinaceous matter boiled in water, beaten through a sieve, and mixed with a small quantity of milk, may be employed. Or tops and bottoms, steeped in hot water, with the addition of fresh milk and loaf sugar to sweeten. And the child may now, for the first time, be fed with a spoon.

When one or two of the large grinding teeth have appeared, the same food may be continued, but need not be passed through a sieve. Beef tea and chicken broth may occasionally be added; and, as an introduction to the use of a more completely animal diet, a portion, now and then, of a soft boiled egg; by and by a small bread pudding, made with one egg in it, may be taken as the dinner meal.

Nothing is more common than for parents during this period to give their children animal food. This is a great error. "To feed an infant with animal food before it has teeth proper for masticating it, shows a total disregard to the plain indications of nature, in withholding such teeth till the system requires their assistance to masticate solid food. And the method of grating and pounding meat, as a substitute for chewing, may be well suited to the toothless octogenarian, whose stomach is capable of digesting it; but the stomach of a young child is not adapted to the digestion of such food, and will be disordered by it.

It cannot reasonably be maintained that a child's mouth without teeth, and that of an adult, furnished with the teeth of carnivorous and graminivorous animals, are designed by the Creator for the same sort of food. If the mastication of solid food, whether animal or vegetable, and a due admixture of saliva, be necessary for digestion, then solid food cannot be proper, when there is no power of mastication. If it is swallowed in large masses it cannot be masticated at all, and will have but a small chance of being digested; and in an undigested state it will prove injurious to the stomach and to the other organs concerned in digestion, by forming unnatural compounds.

The practice of giving solid food to a toothless child, is not less absurd, than to expect corn to be ground where there is no apparatus for grinding it. That which would be considered as an evidence of idiotism or insanity in the last instance, is defended and practised in the former. If, on the other hand, to obviate this evil, the solid matter, whether animal or vegetable, be previously broken into small masses, the infant will instantly swallow it, but it will be unmixed with saliva. Yet in every day's observation it will be seen, that children are so fed in their most tender age; and it is not wonderful that present evils are by this means produced, and the foundation laid for future disease."

The diet pointed out, then, is to be continued until the second year. Great care, however, is necessary in its management; for this period of infancy is ushered in by the process of teething, which is commonly connected with more or less of disorder of the system. Any error, therefore, in diet or regimen is now to be most carefully avoided. 'Tis true that the infant, who is of a sound and healthy constitution, in whom, therefore, the powers of life are energetic, and who up to this time has been nursed upon the breast of its parent, and now commences an artificial diet for the first time, disorder is scarcely perceptible, unless from the operation of very efficient causes. Not so, however, with the child who from the first hour of its birth has been nourished upon artificial food.

Teething under such circumstances is always attended with more or less of disturbance of the frame, and disease of the most dangerous character but too frequently ensues. It is at this age, too, that all infectious and eruptive fevers are most prevalent; worms often begin to form, and diarrhoea, thrush, rickets, cutaneous eruptions, etc. manifest themselves, and the foundation of strumous disease is originated or developed. A judicious management of diet will prevent some of these complaints, and mitigate the violence of others when they occur.

Sahasrar Chakra and Brahmarandhra-Centers of Divine Powers


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Sahasrar Chakra and Brahmarandhra-Centers of Divine Powers

The human body (Microcosm) is said to be a small sample of the cosmos (Macrocosm). The entire body of a big tree is hidden in a tiny seed. In a small sperm lies the cast of the entire human body. The manner in which the mutual attraction and activities of the planets of the solar system are executed, can be seen albeit at a microlevel within the atomic family represented by electrons, neutrons etc. In the same way the entire cosmos can be seen in a microform within this small human body. Whatever is visible / invisible in this gigantic cosmos is present within this tiny human body. All the special characteristics of earth too are found in the human body.

All the energies, special qualities and glories of earth are found in the point of balance i.e. the North and South Poles. From here all movements /activities of earth are controlled. As a result this earth is an active ball and a playground for all creatures. If the North / South Poles lose their balance or they undergo some change, the entire earth will look like something totally different. It is said that even if a minor fist blow is executed on the point of center of balance in the 2 Poles, the earth will change its orbit by leaps and bounds. As a result this very nature of days, nights, seasons etc. will change and take up a new extreme form. Further this minor fist blow can induce earth to dash into other stars, galaxies etc. and thus get powdered to pulp. The cause is very clear. In that the 2 Poles control all the movements of earth. It is their energy centers that induce our earth to dance to its tunes like a puppet. All earthly activities are given the necessary capacity and inspiration to function aptly. The 2 Poles are the central points of earth's activities and energy centers.

Just as the planet earth attains energy and activities from the 2 Poles, so too the human body has 2 Poles. The North Pole is Sahasrar Kamal in the Brahmarandhra (center of the brain). The South Pole is the Mooladahr Chakra of Kundalini or Divine Serpent Power center at the base of Sushumna (near the genitals). According to Indian Mythology, Lord Vishnu sleeps on Lord Shesha (1000 hooded serpent) in the Ksheersagar (ocean of nectar). This Ksheersagar is nothing but the intense white ocean of love in our brain. Sahasrar Kamal is that atom which instead of being round like other sheaths is like serrated teeth of a cog-wheel. These teeth are compared to the petals of a lotus. The central point of energy lies in this atomic Pole. This Vishnu Pole or Sahasrar Kamal (1000 petalled lotus in the brain) is the very basis of attainment of sensory and extrasensory knowledge pertaining to the innumerable conscious and unconscious units of the brain. This region is the central point of all spiritual practices like meditation / trance / self-reflection / Yoga of devotion alongwith will power, soul power and Sidhis attained due to a strong power of resolve (Sankalps).

The North Pole lies in the central point of the head called Sahasrar Chakra. In the center of the head is a subtle 1000 petalled lotus and is called the Sahasrar Chakra. Within it dwells divine energy or Shiva. It is over here that Kundalini or Divine Serpent Power rises from the South Pole to merge into Shiva in the North Pole. From this area all bodily movements are controlled just as a puppeteer seated behind a curtain, controls his puppets via mere finger movements. It is also called the region of the soul etc. All energies and its sub-categories that create movements in this gigantic cosmos are found situated around the Sahasrar.

Sacred scriptures say that Kundalini is the very life force of all energies and Sidhis. A person who activates the otherwise latent (sleeping) Divine Serpent Power becomes the Lord of infinite grandeur of this world. In India this has been discovered right since ancient times. There is no end or limit to the potency of Kundalini Shakti or Divine Serpent Power.

But activating the Kundalini is not the ultimate goal of a living being. The ultimate goal of all creatures is to attain salvation (Moksha) i.e. merging the individual ego into the cosmic soul (God). The aim of any human life is to merge into Brahman / God/ cosmic soul. Yoga and other spiritual practices are meant exactly for this purpose. The same holds true for Kundalini too. This has been commented upon in Hathayoga Pradeepika as follows –

"Just as a person tries to open the lock of a bolt, so too a Yogi finds the path of Sushumna via Kundalini based practices. He then enters Brahmaloka so as to attain salvation (Moksha)."

Only when a spiritual aspirant enters this Sahasrar Chakra, can he experience the joy of immortality, vision of the cosmos, control of cosmic powers and Samadhi or trance. The Brahmaloka mentioned in the above lines is nothing but the Sahasrar Chakra. It is very difficult to reach this Chakra. Majority of spiritual seekers get stuck in the lower Chakras and merge into the lower type of bliss that they get in that region. Hence Sidhis (extraordinary powers) attained during preliminary Kundalini awakening are said to be obstacles. Just as a man thinks the material world to be the ultimate goal of life because of having immense wealth, grandeur and a beautiful wife, so too a person who activates his Divine Serpent Power thinks that Sidhis like hearing far off words, seeing far off objects, knowing other people's thoughts, predicting the future accurately etc. attained while activating the lower Chakras, is the be all and end all of life. Thus he totally loses sight of the supreme goal of rising upto the last Chakra i.e. Sahasrar and merging into it.

Even if a person reaches the Sahasrar Chakra, he cannot dwell in this region for a great length of time. How long can a spiritual seeker dwell in the Sahasrar Chakra? This depends on the nature of spiritual practice which he follows and how much inner spiritual energy he possesses. Many spiritual seekers dwell in the Sahasrar Chakra for a certain length of time and then get demoted into lower Chakras and their levels of lower bliss. But he, who steadfastly "ripens" his Sahasrar Chakra, attains the omnipotent Lord and thus experiences infinite bliss eternally.

The Sahasrar Chakra lies 2 inches within the ears and 3 inches within the eyebrows. Its form is that of a ball of light in the hollow portion of the upper region of an opening called "Mahavivar" of the brain area. Via the process of Divine Serpent Power awakening, this Mahavivar opening has to be widened so as to enter the state of divinity. Hence it is called the "10th door" or Brahmarandhra too. In the Dhyanbindupanishad it is said that –

"A Yogi is one who knows the light akin to a jewel in the brain. That jewel akin to 7 golds that is lit up by an electrical like stream, is found in the lower region of Meru and 4 fingers above the fire region. It seeks shelter in the Svadhishthan Chakra and is subtle sound manifest"

The scriptures while describing the powers attained in reaching this region say –

"Such a person knows the ultimate knowledge, he becomes omniscient (i.e. knower of past, present and future) and can do anything he wishes. He may perform any action, yet no sin accrues. None can gain victory over such a person."

In one way Brahmarandhra is the head office of a creature. It is a laboratory which helps us attain whatever we see in this visible world and all those things which are beyond our knowledge. According to Indian philosophy over here there are such rare auras of light made up of 17 principles which cannot be seen in the visible world with our gross eyes. All nervous elements and air tubicles come out from this area and spread out into the entire body. The Creator seated in this white lotus, sends and receives orders and messages from any part of the body via any nerve. He can create movements in any area. He can clean and create a rain of vital force in any area without any technological paraphernalia which we limited creatures can never even dream of doing. All this takes place because of emission, contraction and relaxation of auras of light. It is this ball of light that induces the nose to smell, the ears to hear, the eyes to see, the tongue to taste and speak. This ball of light is under the direct jurisdiction of Almighty God dwelling in the Sahasrar Chakra. In the initial stages of meditation, this light is seen either as glow-worms, twinkling stars, shining petals or half/ full moon. Slowly and steadily its divine nature is experienced. As a result the gross sense organs become lax and the working arena of the soul shines brilliantly in the entire world. An ordinary individual can worry only about his immediate family members. But a Yogi enfolds the entire world in the embrace of his soul and extends upto other Lokas (worlds) too. He also has to ascertain whether there is any imbalance in the movements of planets, galaxies etc. In a gross manner denizens of our planet earth too are influenced by these activities. Hence even unknowingly such a spiritual seeker, who enters the state of Godhood, can work only for the well-being of all creatures of the cosmos. Whatever rights and omnipotency is attained by such a great soul is taken up as a gigantic responsibility by him. He may seem to be having a human body yet he has no body consciousness at all. He knows everything. He sees and hears everything and can predict future events very accurately.

The substratums of the Intellectual Sheath and Mental Sheath viz. the intellect and mind dwell in this region. They unearth news of objects lying far away or those beyond the ken of the sense organs of knowledge. When one's soul resolve progresses into the intellectual arena after leaving the mental arena, one attains divine wisdom. It comes out from the Ajna Chakra so as to unite with the different types of rays of the cosmos and thus attains its knowledge. Just as with the help pf electrical waves, space shuttles can be directed to the right or left of planet earth (called traversing), just as with the help of a television you can see scenes of far off places so too man can see scenes in my part of the world or obstruct one's cosmic movement with the help of the rays of his resolve (Sankalpa). In the Mundak Upanishad (Chapter 2) and Chandogya Upanishad (Chapter 9) details of this self-realization have been given as follows –

"A self realized saint subtly experiences that God without Kalas (divisions) in the form of a light that is whiter than white and is present in the Golden Sheath."

Many forms of Sahasrar based spiritual practices like Pratyahar (disallowing sense organs to contact their respective objects), Dharana (focusing of mind), Dhyan (meditation) and Samadhi (trance) have been put forth as studies. A description has been given about the good results attained due to their successful execution. The deep import of the success of that region has been given in the form of material and spiritual progress.

Today even modern scientists accept that there are extraordinary energy centers in the brain. According to research studies conducted by the brain specialist Smithy, a pure intellect is controlled by different centres of the human brain. It is a production of a cooperative endeavour of all of them. This is the gist (region) which creates a human character and nourishes it. A mental level is created by memory, analysis, synthesis, selectivity etc. Where does its admixture and production take place? This has not been aptly deduced yet it is clear that this area should be in the cerebellum part of the brain. This is that very sensitive spot which if undergoes ripening, can induce advancement of one's inner personality. Spiritual seers of yore had discovered this center and had named it Sahasrar.

While deeply analyzing the brain so many layers are discovered which not only help us think but also creates our very character. This region of special capabilities is the "Frontal lobe". In it one discovers man's personality, imagination power, ambitions, social behaviour, experiences, sensations and other important functions. It is not possible to influence this area by medicines or surgery. Only those spiritual practices like Dhyan (meditation), Dharana (Concentration) etc. can be made use of which is a part of Kundalini i.e Divine Serpent Power awakening.

In the above paragraphs we have merely made a minor reference of only one center of the brain. Yet it is well-known that the brain abounds with infinite mysterious powers. The conclusions drawn by today's modern scientists specializing in brain research, is very much in tandem with the discoveries of ancient Indian seers.

From a grosser type of classification, the brain can be categorized into 5 parts 1) Cerebrum 2) Cerebellum 3) Mid-brain 4) Pons 5) Medulla Oblongata. The last three parts that is mid-brain, pons and medulla oblongata together form a single unit called the "brain stem."

According to Spiritual Sciences, 0.33 billion demigods dwell in heaven represented by the brain. But 5 of them are chief representatives. All of these control various divine centers. The 5 regions of the brain listed above can be said to be the region of the 5 demi-gods. With their help the 5 energies of the 5 sheaths are produced and controlled. The 5-fold spiritual practices of Gayatri help evolve these 5 in unison. As a result a creature dwelling in Brahmaloka or heaven, experiences a heavenly atmosphere.

So far our discussion revolved around a certain type of classification. Many scholars right since ancient times have been describing this very fact albeit in various ways. Even today this type of discussion continues. This one single precept pertaining to the classification of the brain and Sahasrar Chakra are described in various ways.

The Sahasrar Chakra is also called the "pot of nectar". It is said that Som juice emanates from it. The demi-gods drink this nectar and become immortal.

According to modern brain anatomy, the brain is filled with a special "Cerebro-spinal fluid." This fluid nourishes and protects the various centers of the brain. It drips from the brain's membrane and is absorbed by various centers of the brain and the Sushumna (subtle spinal nerve).

The "pot of nectar" has 16 coverings. In the same way at certain places the Sahasrar is said to have 16 petals. These are nothing but 16 important centers of the brain. The Shiva Samhita too says that the Sahasrar Kamal has petals.

"One should meditate on the Sahasrar Chakra made of 16 Kalas situated in the centre of the brain and which shines like the moon."


These 16 Kalas of the Sahasrar are the 16 points of the brain related to the cerebrospinal fluid. If the previously 5 grossly classified parts of the brain are classified more minutely, they will add upto 16 in number as follows –

1) Cerebrum 2) Cerebellum 3) Medula Oblongata 4) Pons 5) Mid brain 6) Corpus Colosum 7) Corpus Stratum 8) Pituitary Gland 9) Pineal gland 10) Thalamus 11) Hypothalamus 12) Subthalamus 13) Metathalamus 14) Epithalamus 15) Corad plexuses 16) Ventrilces.

All these above parts have centers full of ESP (Extra Sensory Potential) that control the body. By activating the pot of nectar of Sahasrar, we can make the brain more active and thus attain extraordinary benefits. The scriptures have clearly said –

"Due to activation of the Sahasrar Kamal, a Yogi's psyche becomes equipoised and thus merges into his soul. He overcomes bondage of the material world. He is full of all-round potential. He moves freely everywhere and his speech becomes nectarine."


"One must meditate on the Ksheersagar ocean in the core of the forehead and on the moon-like light in the Sahasrar Kamal (1000 petalled lotus)."


"That Yogi who continuously drinks the nectar emitted by the Sahasrar Kamal can bring in a law to 'kill death'. Meaning death is no longer death for him because he lives a life that has gone beyond death. It is in the Sahasrar region that Kundalini merges itself. At that time the 4 types of creation merge into God and everything becomes Godlike."


"That Soma juice of Sahasrar Kamal which purifies Richas, Samveda, Yajurved, Brahmanas, may it purify me too."


What exactly is the Sahasrar? This answer according to anatomists is that the electrical onrush from the center of the brain which controls bodily movement does not get emitted from a substratum but that a special center is responsible for it. This is not man's own creation but is a divine blessing. The liver, heart and other organs function as a result of this energy attained from a divine center. The blood nourishes various bodily organs and it is a fact. It is also true that the lungs are responsible for respiration and the stomach for digestion. Yet the question arises that when these organs carry out various tasks, where do they get the necessary energy to do so? It is not correct to say that respiration, digestion etc. give us the energy to survive because if this were to be true, man could only die because of hunger or choking of breath.

This electrical onrush continuously gets emitted in spurts in the central region of the brain. It can be said to be an extraordinary electrical spring. From there a fire-worklike light is emitted in spurts. The heart experiences such rests in between heart-beats. There is a rise and fall even in wave-flows of heat, sound etc. The same holds true for the activities of the fount of energy in the central point of the brain. Scientists opine that the energy spurts are the main basis of the activities of various centers of the brain. This very principle has been elucidated by Indian Yogic scriptures in their own way.

"In the center of the brain is a jewel-like light. From that, electrical streams are emitted akin to heated gold. He is a true Yogi who understands this mystery."


"The light of Brahman (God) dwells in the Brahmarandhra as fire. It purifies our spiritual practice. This it self is fire of Yoga."


This brain dwelling energy fount can be called Sahasrar Chakra according to anatomical sciences. "Sahastra" means 1000 but here it means infinite. The Lord is said to have 1000 heads, 1000 legs etc. The sparks of energy emitted from the brain fount are not 1000 in number but are infinite in number. The number of drops of that shower is not 1000 only but connotes infinite number of drops. On the basis of this description this "1000" is the fount of energy called Sahasrar.

Today's modern science accepts that infinite streams of electricity flow from the brain. As per requirements those streams flow in infinite special nerves in infinite directions. Based on each one's function, scientists have classified these nerves into various categories. For example, Ascending Reticular Activating System, Descending Reticular Activating System, Specific Thalamic Projection, Defused Thalamic Projection and Brain Stem Reticular Formation. From the standpoint of Yoga, the combined influence of the above systems can be seen in the form of thousands of streams of electrical onrushes in the brain.

This is the very basis of the Sahasrar Kamal (1000 petalled lotus) and Lord Shesha (1000 hooded serpent). The form of Lord Vishnu sleeping on Lord Shesha abounding with Kundalini Shakti in the midst of the Ksheersagar or Brahmaloka, is meant for understanding the state of Sahasrar. Ksheersagar means marrow of the brain. The coiled 1000 hooded serpent means the teeth of the axle of Sahasrar Chakra. A wheel of a cart too has an axle. The Lord's Sudershan Chakra (disc weapon) too has teeth. Thus Sahasrar can be correlated to the abovementioned details.

The Sahasrar has been compared to the sun (1000 rays) too. It is the energy that lights up the solar system and induces various activities in them. Every unit of human existence is influenced by the brain energy. Hence if the sun is said to be the presiding deity of the ball called Bhuloka (earth), it definitely is apt. The divine existence of Sahasrar has been compared to the sun –

"O Deveshi! Within the stalk of the great lotus Sahasrar dwells the soul akin to Mercury. Although it radiates likes crores of suns, yet during emotions it is comparable to crores of moons. This supreme material is extremely grand and oozes with the Divine Serpent Power."


"This sun is nothing but the divine principle and its material symbol is the material sun."

- YAJURVEDA (23/48)

"Your indwelling nectar is one who is the indweller in the sun whom the sun does not know, whose body is the sun and who controls the sun by dwelling within the sun."


Just as our solar system gets energy from the sun, in the same way the brain gets the necessary capacity for various functions from the energy source of Sahasrar Kamal. Many machines are used in mills, factories etc. These machines are attached to motors, transmitting electricity. When the motor functions, it transmits energy to the machine. But the electricity does not belong to the motor. It comes from another source. The brain is our motor and the bodily organs are small / big machines. The energy required for smooth functioning of mills, factories etc. comes from somewhere else. It is akin to the flow of grace attained by earth from its polar regions. This is a gift of interplanetary energy. A man is free and the author of his own destiny. Yet the energy that creates man's inner personality is said to be divine grace. The moment this stream of energy is obstructed, man dies instantly. Even if the heartbeats have stopped completely yet via artificial means it can be re-activated. But the moment the electrical onrush of Sahasrar stops, know for sure that this is ultimate death. Despite the fittings of a bulb being appropriate, if the electrical connection is cut off, we face darkness. Despite the bodily organs being healthy, if the brain energy flow stops, we cannot remain alive.

Grossly we may describe birth and death of creatures in a certain manner, yet according to subtle sciences like Yoga, birth and death are totally dependent on the activities of Sahasrar Chakra. This is not the end of the discussion because a lot more follows hereafter. Sahasrar is not merely the source of life but it is from here that the nature of one's character and level is charted out and determined. Even a little extra tilt, will change the course of flow of rain. When a particular form of slant that induces rain water to enter a particular river is changed, this rain water will enter another totally different river. At the beginning of the slant there was a difference of only a few inches yet when the rain water enters a totally new river, the difference in number of miles of area covered amounts to thousands. Many trains standing in queue at a railway junction travel in different directions because of change of levers. The changed levers are separated by the few inches only yet the trains that travel in different directions are separated by thousands of miles. The same holds true for the Sahasrar Chakra. In that, even an infinitesimal change in the Sahasrar, can induce amazing transformations; both within and without.

For a modern scientist even to think of reduction / addition in the grants given by interplanetary space to earth, means facing fearful worries and turmoil. Even a mere thought of taking one step in this direction, induces jitters in their minds. Even a slight bit of topsy-turvying can induce massive destruction. As against this if some conducive solutions are found it will greatly benefit all denizens of earth. Thus we can become lords of unimaginable comforts. Today scientists refuse to take big steps in this direction because of lack of knowledge. They have merely taken minor steps in conducting research on the earth's polar region. They have yet not found the earth's axis and nor have they made serious efforts in this direction.

But no such danger is encountered when we talk of the Sahasrar which is the axis of the brain situated in the polar region of the human body. Material / worldly energy is like a demon. Even minor misuse of electricity, fire etc. can kill many people. As against this no major calamity comes in the way in the relationship of a body and its doting mother. This is the material difference between soul consciousness and material consciousness. Sahasrar is a center of union of the individual soul and cosmic soul i.e. God. This is a consciousness based give and take. Within it overflow high leveled sentiments. The nature of spiritual practices has been conjoined to the wealth of good-will. This divine grace of greatness overflows from it.

The Sahasrar Chakra is related to the Brahmarandhra. Brahmarandhra is the 10th door. The 9 doors are the 2 nostrils, 2 ears, 2 eyes, 1 mouth and 2 openings of faeces and urine. The 10th door is Brahmarandhra. Great Yogis give up their life by passing through this 10th door. The very reason behind which the "Kapal Kriya' (rite) is carries out after death, is that even if a bit of vital force has remained behind, it should pass out from this 10th door and thus induced go to a higher state.

A newborn baby has a bit of a hollow space in the center of the scalp. In it there is a tissue instead of bone. It is situated between the parietal and acivital bones. As the body grows the bones too augment in size and cover the above mentioned hollow region. The Yogic scriptures say that divinity or cosmic consciousness enters the human body through this hollow region.

From the standpoint of bodily design, this region is not merely made up of bones because below its frontal area there are other principles. There is also the cerebral cortex beneath the bones of our forehead that covers the brain region. Within it are carvings akin to those seen when a farmer ploughs his field. Thus it categorizes the brain into various parts. These parts are called sulks. The cortex is partitioned lengthwise by the longitudinal fissure and breadthwise it is called central cortex. The crossing or point of union of both these corresponds to the Brahmarandhra of Indian Yogic scriptures. In front of this Brahmarandhra, lies the most mysterious gland in the upper region of the brain called the Pineal Gland.

This Brahmarandhra is a very special doorway for the individual's bodily soul to establish a bond with the cosmic soul (God). Great Yogis give up their life force through this very doorway at the time of death. Thus they merge into the cosmic soul or God. It is very clear that while their bodies are alive the Brahmarandhra of great Yogis execute tasks of give and take of divine experiences and divine powers via the medium of Sahasrar Chakra of the brain. The Sahasrar Chakra and Brahmarandhra work in tandem like a unit. Thus in Yogic practices they are influenced and utilized in unison.