Minggu, 25 November 2012

Tips for Survival during major crisis

In our uncertain times it is prudent to be prepared for emergency. One

of the most important aspects of surviving during natural or man-made

crisis is selection of highly nutritious and easy to store food. There

are many books about emergency food, storage and personal preparedness

which cover topics from exactly how to design a food storage program

tailored for your particular family to growing and preserving food,

storing fuel, alternate energy, emergency evacuation kits, medical and

dental, surviving biological, chemical and nuclear terrorism,

communications, selection of firearms and other survival tools, and

preparing for earthquakes.

This article describes one of the less known foods which should be on

your list of emergency foods.

Hemp Hearts™ - Nature's Power Food excellent for survival

during state of emergency or disaster

Shelf life: 1 year without refrigeration, few years if frozen...

Hemp HeartsTM (raw shelled hemp seeds) are one of nature's most potent

foods available, supporting optimal health and well being, for life.

Raw hemp seed provides a broad spectrum of health benefits, including:

weight loss, increased and sustained energy, rapid recovery from

disease or injury, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, reduced

inflammation, improvement in circulation and immune system as well as

natural blood sugar control.

Hemp HeartsTM are the most concentrated and best balanced Source of

Proteins, Essential Fats and Vitamins in Nature.

Of equal importance, these desirable nutrients are not accompanied in

Hemp HeartsTM (shelled hemp seeds) with an excess of carbohydrates,

sugars, and saturated fats - nutrients which are already eaten in

excess and which in the long term have proven to be challenging to

human health.

HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) Contains All the Required Proteins

in the best proportions for Human Nutrition:

More digestible protein than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk,

cows milk or any other high protein food.

Better spectrum of available proteins than soybeans--without the

soybean anti-nutritional factors.

Contains several times more Omega 3 Essential Fats than any fish.

More energy than energy bars but with no sugar and less saturated fat.

An excellent protein product for everyone - mothers, babies, body

builders, convalescents, the elderly.

Perfect for those with constipation and those avoiding carbohydrates.

Can be eaten by those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose or

sugar; there are no known allergies to hemp foods.

Two ounces of hemp seed without the shell contain 314 calories of

energy from 20 grams of protein, 23 grams of unsaturated fats

consisting of Omegas 3, 6 & 9, 3 grams saturated fat, 6 grams

carbohydrate and 3.3 grams of fiber. There is also 2.6 mg iron, 40 mg

calcium, 5 mg sodium, 5 mg vitamin E, .5 mg vitamin C and 1200 I.U.

vitamin D as well as B2, B6, B1, vitamin A, potassium and phosphorous.

This is a vegan source of omegas with more protein than meat or eggs.

Here are just few health and lifestyle benefits from HEMP HEARTS™

(shelled hemp seeds):

LIFESTYLE: HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) provides great energy,

permits weight control without hunger, reduces cravings for

inappropriate foods and promotes extensive health benefits, but HEMP

HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) also eliminates any need to be a "food

fanatic". Consume the essential nutrients each morning when your body

needs "fuel"; Reduce your daily consumption of non-essential sugars,

saturated fats and carbohydrates. Don't be confused by those who

market high priced products by creating fears about the conventional

food industry and who develop and perpetuate obsessions relative to

"natural" packaging, "organic" preparations and esoteric biochemistry.

Be adaptable: By adding sufficient HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds),

it is possible to make truly beneficial foods out of much less

nutritious food choices. HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) is a food

not a medicine but it may be important for certain individuals to have

dietary changes monitored by a doctor.

ENERGY: Expect sufficient energy to increase productivity and better

enjoy life. You will not need energy boosts from coffee and other

stimulants. You will naturally select less pastries, sweets, candy

bars and sugar-based drinks. Middle aged and older individuals who eat

four measuring tablespoons of HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) each

morning, usually raw on fruit or oat meal, notice increased and

long-lasting energy. One elderly lady reported that after her first

use of HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) she cleaned her entire

house--the first time she had experienced abundant energy in 20 years.

Another elderly lady who previously found little to value in her life

remarked that after HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) she often feels

like dancing. Because of their increased energy, individuals eating

HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) in quantity have less inclination

to "pep up" with sweet foods, sweet drinks and stimulants.

DIGESTION: Expect to be untroubled by constipation and less

susceptible to intestinal diseases. HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds)

is very easily digested by young and old. Important nutritional

benefits are readily transferred to those not yet born. Coarse fibers

and plant sterols found in HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) are

thought to reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer. HEMP HEARTS™

(shelled hemp seeds) has none of the anti-nutritional factors that

reduce the value of soybeans in many food items.

Customers report efficient digestive systems without sluggishness--

able to derive much more benefit from less food. Because they are so

easily digested, customers claim that HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp

seeds) have cured or reduced the effects of chronic problems of the

digestive system. There are no known allergies to HEMP HEARTS™

(shelled hemp seeds) . Because they are a well-balanced source of all

required proteins, all essential fats and most vitamins, HEMP HEARTS™

(shelled hemp seeds) are of special benefit to those who are unable

to eat gluten, lactose, sugar, fish, nuts, meat and other common


FOOD INTOLERANCE: Expect none of the symptoms of food allergies. HEMP

HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) is especially beneficial to those who are

unable for any reason to eat gluten, lactose, saturated fats, sugars,

meats, nuts, fish, beans, etc. Using HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds)

it is not difficult to achieve an exciting and nutritionally superior

diet without consuming foods associated with food allergies or

prohibitions. There is no THC in HEMP HEARTS™ (shelled hemp seeds) --

not even one part per million.

Heart Health and Lowered Blood Pressure: Premature health failure may

first appear as high blood pressure - a sign that the heart is over

worked, required to force blood through too many miles of sluggish

blood vessels.Clinical studies indicate that hemp products reduce

inflammation and improve circulation, factors of primary importance in

the cure and prevention of many diseases. A large percentage of our

elderly customers have selected Hemp HeartsTM (shelled hemp seeds) in

desperation because of failing health. Within three months they report

significant improvements in cholesterol and blood pressure.