Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

IMPACT soaring price of fuel

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IMPACT soaring price of fuel 



Fuel oil (BBM) has become the lifeblood of Indonesia's economy. When the government raised fuel then surely the whole economy and even the joints joints all aspects of life will rise as well. As a small example. Fuel transportation costs rise, costs will go up (this is the primary impact) and secondary and tertiary effects also follow. Rising fuel will follow up his basic needs / basic needs (basic needs). Naiknnya primary need will be followed by rising wage rates, rising prices of basic electricity tariff (due to electricity using fuel), basic telephone rates will also rise, prices of spare parts, increased need for office (regular budget increase for ATK also increased) then automatically increases the State Budget. Rising fuel prices followed by rising prices of production. The worst impact of the tariff to urinate in the terminal can be sure will go up anyway. 

Fuel price increases aim to reduce the budget deficit but would not go down but it adds up because it will increase the impact of indirect (tertiary effects). Presidential salary will go up, salaries will rise council members, state officials salaries will rise. Allowance allowance will rise, the government operating costs will also rise automatically. The cost of official visits to the area will also increase automatically. Government's intention to reduce the burden on the state budget with menikkan fuel prices will actually rise indirectly affect the state budget for the current year and next year even years. We think the government policy to increase fuel prices is not appropriate. General public should not be made in the scapegoat or the government should not be guinea pigs. 

With the rising price of fuel does the government ensure basic needs are not increased, if the government guarantees the basic electricity rate does not rise or if the government does not guarantee the price of fertilizer rose. Or does the government guarantee the burden the state budget will be reduced. Or is this just common trick the government for their own profit. Of course the government should think long not only limited to 6 months but 5 to 10 years. While Direct Aid Society (BLSM) given to about 18 million poor households with Rp 150.000, - per month for 6 months in compensation for the increase in fuel prices are very conservative. Policies that do not want to think long but only a policy to reduce the emotional and social rejection over rising fuel prices. BLSM not solve the solution but it makes the poor become lazy and unwilling to try. Direct assistance was the same as giving the fish to the hook side dishes instead. If the government just give the fish only, the society will rely; different if the public was given the hook if he lived on the water with a hook so that they can try to get the fish. Not only the fish but can be more than one fish. (This is only a metaphor only). Than to BLSM better yes for infra structure and ease of convenience to the public. As an example of poor families obtain additional Rp 150.000, - compensation increase of fuel prices but the impact of tertiary to secondary effects (indirect effects) of increases in fuel prices that poor families receive an additional Rp 150,000, - to spend such a large additional expenditure over Rp 180,000, - mean it's useless poor families obtain compensation in the form of increased fuel prices BLSM. That this sort of thing that should be in Think by the government. 

No doubt, the fuel price hike may trigger a number of negative impacts will be devastating to the people. Although the government is willing to provide compensation in the form of direct assistance while the community (BLSM). However, no guarantees BLSM economic turmoil Indonesia pascakenaikan fuel prices will stabilize.

A week before the 1 April 2012 alone, a number of basic commodities prices continue to soar. In addition, rising fuel prices will lead to higher transportation costs with a range high enough, the same height as what happens to fuel itself. 

The threat was haunting the workers laid off because of the strength of the industrialized world do not face high production cost increases. Based on these things, it all boils down to one core, poverty. Indonesia feared to be dropped and people's purchasing power decreases. 

BLSM just an effort to keep the image of the government that is increasingly falling due discretion. Raise fuel prices in the welfare of the people of Indonesia are low is a policy that was not popular. 

BLSM like candy given to children as a persuader as he prepared to cry. BLSM did not become an alternative solution. He was not educated and can trigger a number of other issues, such as corruption, poor data collection that is inaccurate, improper distribution of the target, who did not get to masarakat would feel discriminated against. 

Antaranews.com | | "The increase in prices of basic needs certainly is not comparable to what is provided by the government against the people, for example BLSM that is not how it is. Even the allocation is also very vulnerable or potentially not on target," The Government needs to be done if it will raise fuel prices that is to supervise the distribution of subsidized basic needs, so do not jump the price is too high. 

"This is the most important thing to do by the government so that people are not so burdened with soaring fuel prices," 

BLSM, he continued, quite helpful, but not fully able to reduce the economic burden of the people due to fuel price dinaikannya. In fact, it is feared will bring up a conflict in a society where its distribution is uneven. 

The increase in fuel prices not only affect the economic sector alone but will have an impact on the political, social and culture of Indonesia. Impact will be very large; is only one sector which increased the fuel but direct and indirect impacts of this are to be anticipated by the government. 
"Currently, the decentralization of power tend to focus on the area, so the best solution to overcome the impact of fuel price rises is to do that is strukturalisasi regionalism," which is a public facility that would reproduce more functional, add lighting, mempaiki infra structure, such as installing a pathway rail transport as a substitute for public transport wheels. By focusing on the mass transport fuel demand will be reduced. 
The government should run its authority in accordance with the Constitution and must be prudent in managing it. "The term, policy with wisdom, not the policy without wisdom. Government should be more extensive side to people, not the interests of a particular political party but must pay more attention to the wider community. Coalition government was not confined to any particular party but belongs to the whole nation Indonesia. So should the government as a provider of state and government must consider the interests of the people at large. 

The reason the government raised fuel prices because of state budget deficits will continue to subsidize it if it is justified and reflects the government's powerlessness against foreign domination, where 89 percent of oil is controlled by them (Din Syamsudin, Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive [Tribune Jabar, 24-03-2012]) . 

In addition, the increase in fuel prices represent the failure of government in managing the budget well. Ketidakkreatifan also in finding solutions to problems that occur in Indonesia. Rising fuel prices do not guarantee the burden the state budget will be reduced. It could even be a budget will swell due to the government operating costs will also rise as the indirect impact of rising fuel prices. 

A number of options that can be used as an alternative so as not to raise fuel prices, among other things, the government must make efficiencies in the various lines / users post budget. Also suppressed by the domination of foreign oil and put it into the management of the state. In accordance with what is mandated by the 1945 Constitution, namely Article 33, "Earth, water, and natural resources contained within it is controlled by the state to be used for the greater prosperity of the people." The other thing that needs to be done is to optimize the government's efforts to combat corruption. 

JAKARTA: (Bisnis.com) Index forecast Rp1.500 subsidized fuel prices per liter in April will have a systemic impact to the various sectors of the economy so that growth in 2011 will decline to around 5.8%. 

Yustika Erani Ahmad, Director of the Institute for Development Ekseskutif of Economic and Finance (INDEF), explaining the decline of economic growth this year, al caused by a fall in investment due to rising inflation expectations will be followed by a rise in lending rates. 

"Rising fuel prices will make inflation surged 3% -4% so that people's purchasing power falls, where the poor purchasing power decreased by 10% -15%," he said when discussing with reporters, Wednesday, March 28, 2012. 

As a result of declining purchasing power, said Erani, potentially increasing the number of poor population of 1.5 million people or about 1.1% -1.3%, although the compensation scheme was run. 

Overall, he added, national income or GDP will be reduced approximately Rp125 trillion compared to if fuel prices were not raised. The assumption, without any increase in fuel ahrga, national economic growth can still be 6.5% this year. "The impact can still be passed on the effect of rising unemployment, falling exports, and so forth," 

In the past 10 years, Indonesia has experienced three times the striking increase in world crude oil prices. The condition is urging the government raised fuel prices, which in 2005 and 2008. If we look at that Indonesia is the oil exporters and importers as well. As an exporter it is supposed to rise in crude oil prices would benefit Indonesia. But Indonesia is also the importer of oil as the oil consumers then Indonesia must spend more to buy oil. Indonesia on this matter is the producer and consumer of oil. A question arises why Indonesia export and import of crude oil to be? Indonesian people so lazy that we think are reluctant to cultivate our own crude oil and export it in the form of finished or semi-finished oil. Or so stupidly that the people of Indonesia can not process crude oil ready to be consumed. More than 100 million people of Indonesia's population does not have 1 or 100 people who want to learn to process crude oil into the oil is ready for consumption. Whose fault is that? government or the people of Indonesia. Or so the destruction of the Indonesian government? 66 years of independence have not been smart smart. There is really no reason for all parties to Indonesia to export crude oil, if it does Indonesia need the oil experts, the government could send 100 or 1000 Indonesian citizens abroad would cost the government so that it 100 or 1000 people pass (5-10 years ) they can be a powerful force personnel. So that Indonesia no longer exports of crude oil exports but could be ready to use. And of course the price will be more expensive, then the revenues will also increase. Hopefully this can be realized


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