Jumat, 04 November 2011



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Watershed Management Training Partner? Bondowoso, 18 - October 20, 2011


Watershed Management (DAS) as part of part of the development areas in its implementation involves many stakeholders, inter-regional and multi-disciplinary science still face many problems in complex and interrelated. In efforts to resolve the stretcher on Tuesday s / d Thursday, 18 s / d October 20, 2011 held a training partner in the Center of Watershed Management Watershed Management (BPDAS) Sampean.Participants consisted of 28 institutions or agencies, and consists of 30 participants from various regions of the working area BPDAS Sampean (Bondowoso, Situbondo, Jember, Lumajang, Banyuwangi, Probolinggo, Pasuruan). The twenty-eight institutions or agencies of the Department of Health was Muhammadiyyah Elements, UPT PSAWS New Sampean, GKJW (Jawi Christian Greja Wetan Bondowoso), NGOs LP2SM Bondowoso, Branch Nahdlatul 'Ulama, taps, Irrigation Department, District Environment Office. Jember. We included representatives from GKJW (GKJW Church Bondowoso).

Why do we dare to publish some or all of the material Watershed Management Training Partner in the region BPDAS Sampean because we have got permission from the Head of BPDAS Sampean (Ir. Herudojo Tjiptono, MP) to publish it. On this occasion we also thank the Head of Watershed Management Sampean who have given permission to publish training materials; Besides, we also consider it necessary to publish training materials as we see how important the content of the material in order to save the earth and ensure continuity and grandchildren live kenyamaan We later. Not just for us alone but for the survival of all creatures on this earth. Prolong this old earth is the duty of all creatures living on earth. Who else can save the earth apart from God? not sentient creatures who live inside the earth itself should try to save their home (in a broad idea of ​​the real - the earth) as the representative of God to create and maintain the continuity of the earth.

In this post we explain that the content of this material is the result of our evaluation of the implementation of Training Partners in Watershed Management Area BPDAS Sampean. There was no intimidation from any party but we are free to express whatever view we need to be submitted. For that we apologize to BPDAS Sampean if there is anything thing (criticism - advice) which is less pleasing, but we are confident and believe all of it to improve and move forward again.

We assess that watershed management training activities should have follow-up (action) is revealed from several parties to maintain the Watershed (Watershed). As already explained that the watershed is a vast area that is not constrained by administrative region. Watershed areas is not only the right and left bank (feet rivers) but menjakup expanse of water capacity from upstream to downstream which includes the absorption of water that serves as a container - storage and transfer water from rainfall.

Watershed Indicators in an area is good or not then we can observe the level of clarity of the river water, if water is crystal clear rivers in the watershed area is still well preserved, and vice versa. Also that the indicator is the dry season and rainy season does have a significant impact. The point is that if during the dry season and the difficulty of obtaining water during the rainy season floods then it is also a poor indicator of watershed in the area. If either the DAS in the dry season there is still water in the rainy season and flooding did not occur. If the watershed well and maintained the water from rainfall can be accommodated - stored and flowed well.

The impact of global warming are already being felt in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Based on reports in the Sun newspaper, on October 21, 2011 that the temperature in Bojonegoro as measured by the Environmental officer Bojonegoro Government on October 20, 2011 at 12.00 pm reached 110.1 oF or by 43.8 ° C. Temperatures are extremely hot with temperatures in Mecca comparison on the same day at 40 oC. Although on the day the next day to obtain denials from certain parties because there is a political factor. But the measurement is most likely true because in October 2011 we also place a hot temperatures. Indonesia is already approaching the temperature of the temperature in the desert should be sought and mitigation efforts. Not only the government that attempts but all parties must work together and work together to reduce global warming.

In an effort to maintain and preserve the watershed is the only way is to plant as many trees. There are many benefits of planting trees are:

Remained subdued supply oxygen (O2) is free in nature so that the creatures did not have to scramble to get the oxygen (O2).
Can neutralize the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) free in nature. Leaf leaves is one natural resource that can absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) free in nature and produce oxygen in the process of photosynthesis to produce energy for the plant.
Lowering the temperature of the earth. Actually, to prove that opinion then please you to the field area during the day and then if there are trees in the area you move toward the bottom of the tree then you will feel changes in temperature. One fruit tree diameter of 50 cm (with full leaves) can reduce the air in sekirnya a few degrees. When compared to a tree diameter of 50 cm with full leaf with 2-3 pieces of electronic AC.
Can accommodate - save and protect the soil surface from rainfall.
Has economic value of the results of the tree.
and many other benefits benefits
This requires awareness and concern of all parties that involve multi-sector, multi-party (government - private and public) as well as multi-disciplinary. For that we support to plant one (1) billion trees (One Billion Trees Indonesian / OBIT). To support these activities will be planned with both good and sustainable.

In this post we will highlight a few things:

In forestry there are institutional ministry rooms room at the agency. For example, BPDAS - Perhutani - Department of Plantation - the other rooms and rooms. Oddly enough room between the bedroom door tersbut there are no doors so that each room directly overlooking the courtyard. As a result of good coordination does not occur and if there is only limited coordination personal personal personal moves so that when there is no relationship anymore. Overlapping responsibilities and authorities as well as the region so many similar programs that work with arbitrary origin. Impressed department or agency conducting so that the funds be disbursed. And when the liquid funds then the funds should be completely exhausted in these activities. That is the impression of spending money the state burst. This case does not only happen in the ministry of forestry institutions but also can be seen from other government agencies.
Programs are implemented by BPDAS reforestation programs civic dinamana dicipatakan forest forest is forest while. The point is within a certain time (5-10 years) why because they can not control because the face is the community. Within these forests made it was time to harvest. Forests results are utilized by civic society, then it will happen when the mass deforestation. To that end the parties concerned should make steps to continue to make the program sustainable. Technical crop rotation need not be applied so that the forest is harvested simultaneously, but incrementally.
Difficult problem of capital this is a classic problem and since thousands and thousands of years. Actually, if managed well the difficulties of capital is not a major constraint. Actually, if people are given the opportunity and given the business opportunities and market opportunities are obvious then people will spontaneously berswadana berswadaya and personally to break through the market opportunities being created. Actual institutions of government agencies and the market just simply find that opportunity to inform the community then the capital constraint is not the main thing anymore. Creating market opportunities do not require large capital, but it takes skill to open the road between consumers and producers.
People's Garden Seeds (KBR). People's Garden Seeds highlights program that outlines the terms requirement that only certain people who have aksess and proximity pribadai can enjoy the program. We highlight that one nursery people get a budget of 50 million to 25 thousand seedlings. Actually by KBR program is a program budget of why a waste because if the calculated price of seed perbibit Rp 2000, -. For people whose income is Rp 5 million will find it very very cheap prices. But you try to imagine the seller seedlings at a price of Rp 2,000, - it is a very expensive price, why? farmers to plant tree seedlings with a bunch of sea they sell at a price of Rp 500, - s / d Rp 1,000, - already make a profit. If the funds available to KBR activities utilized by the parties to the forestry ministry to buy the seeds into the community, the forestry ministry will get more seeds when compared with KBR program. On the other hand, the forestry ministry creates opportunities and business opportunities to the public by accepting and buy seeds directly from the community.With this method we are confident the community will race the race to develop a tree nursery business. We see the program People's Garden Seeds (KBR) is not appropriate and needs to change its format.


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